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We report nearly complete assignment for all 1H, 13C, 31P, and 15N resonances in the 30-nucleotide stem-loop HIV-2 TAR RNA located at the 5′ end of all viral mRNAs.  相似文献   

Natural aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as neomycin, target bacterial ribosomal RNA. Neomycin also binds strongly to HIV TAR and RRE RNA through the predominant interactions of its neamine core. In the search for antiviral agents targeting multiple binding sites for aminoglycosides in RNA, we report here the synthesis of new neamine dimers and a trimer in which the neamine cores are connected by different linking chains attached at the 4'- and/or 5-positions. Inhibition of TAR-Tat complexation by these oligomers was studied via fluorimetric binding assays performed under two ionic strengths. All dimers strongly inhibit TAR-Tat association, with IC50 values 17-85 times better than the value obtained with neomycin. These results demonstrate that modifying neamine at the 4'- or the 5-position is a promising strategy in the search for antiviral agents.  相似文献   

Evolution of a disrupted TAR RNA hairpin structure in the HIV-1 virus.   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
B Klaver  B Berkhout 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(11):2650-2659

反式激活应答(transactivation response,TAR)元件RNA作为HIV-1中的一种非编码RNA,从转录与翻译水平负调控HIV-1的基因表达.同时HIV-1采取了相应的策略拮抗TAR RNA的负调控作用:病毒蛋白Tat或细胞蛋白TAR RNA结合蛋白(TRBP)结合TAR RNA后,分别在转录与翻译水平促进HIV-1的基因表达.此外,TAR编码的miRNA有助于保持HIV的潜伏感染及阻止细胞凋亡.TAR与其它蛋白间相互作用及其功能的研究对于深入了解HIV-1感染细胞后的调控机制,寻求新的抗HIV治疗靶点具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The two identical genomic RNA strands inside each HIV-1 viral particle are linked through homodimerization of an RNA stem-loop, termed SL1, near their 5' ends. SL1 first dimerizes through a palindromic sequence in its loop, forming a transient kissing-loop complex which then refolds to a mature, linear duplex. We previously reported the NMR structure of a 23-base truncate of SLI in kissing-dimer form, and here report the high-resolution structure of its linear isoform. This structure comprises three short duplex regions--derived from the central palindrome and two stem regions of each strand, respectively--separated by two bulges that each encompass three unpaired adenines flanking the palindromes. The stacking pattern of these adenines differs from that seen in the kissing-loop complex, and leads to greater colinear base stacking overall. Moreover, the mechanical distortion of the palindrome helix is reduced, and base pairs ruptured during formation of the kissing-loop complex are re-established, so that all potential Watson-Crick pairs are intact. These features together likely account for the greater thermodynamic stability of the mature dimer as compared to its kissing-loop precursor.  相似文献   

Song R  Kafaie J  Laughrea M 《Biochemistry》2008,47(10):3283-3293
The HIV-1 genome consists of two identical RNAs that are linked together through noncovalent interactions involving nucleotides from the 5' untranslated region (5' UTR) of each RNA strand. The 5' UTR is the most conserved part of the HIV-1 RNA genome, and its 335 nucleotide residues form regulatory motifs that mediate multiple essential steps in the viral replication cycle. Here, studying the effect of selected mutations both singly and together with mutations disabling SL1 (SL1 is a 5' UTR stem-loop containing a palindrome called the dimerization initiation site), we have done a rather systematic survey of the 5' UTR requirements for full genomic RNA dimerization in grown-up (i.e., predominantly >/=10 h old) HIV-1 viruses produced by transfected human and simian cells. We have identified a role for the 5' transactivation response element (5' TAR) and a contribution of a long-distance base pairing between a sequence located at the beginning of the U5 region and nucleotides surrounding the AUG Gag initiation codon. The resulting intra- or intermolecular duplex is called the U5-AUG duplex. The other regions of the 5' UTR have been shown to play no systematic role in genomic RNA dimerization, except for a sequence located around the 3' end of a large stem-loop enclosing the primer binding site, and the well-documented SL1. Our data are consistent with a direct role for the 5' TAR in genomic RNA dimerization (possibly via a palindrome encompassing the apical loop of the 5' TAR).  相似文献   

RNA structures contain many bulges and loops that are expected to be sites for inter- and intra-molecular interactions. Nucleotides in the bulge are expected to influence the structure and recognition of RNA. The same stability is assigned to all trinucleotide bulged RNA in the current secondary structure prediction models. In this study thermal denaturation experiments were performed on four trinucleotide bulged RNA, in the context of HIV-1 TAR RNA, to determine whether the bulge sequence affects RNA stability and its divalent ion interactions. Cytosine-rich bulged RNA were more stable than uracil-rich bulged RNA in 1 M KCl. Interactions of divalent ions were more favorable with uracil-rich bulged RNA by ~2 kcal/mol over cytosine-rich bulged RNA. The UCU-TAR RNA (wild type) is stabilized by 1.7 kcal/mol in 9.5 mM Ca2+ as compared with 1 M KCl, whereas no additional gain in stability is measured for CCC-TAR RNA. These results have implications for base substitution experiments traditionally employed to identify metal ion binding sites. To our knowledge, this is the first systematic study to quantify the effect of small sequence changes on RNA stability upon interactions with divalent ions.  相似文献   

TAR RNA-binding protein, TRBP, was recently discovered to be an essential partner for Dicer and a crucial component of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), a critical element of the RNA interference (RNAi) of the cell apparatus. Human TRBP was originally characterized and cloned 15 years ago based on its high affinity for binding the HIV-1 encoded leader RNA, TAR. RNAi is used, in part, by cells to defend against infection by viruses. Here, we report that transfected TAR RNA can attenuate the RNAi machinery in human cells. Our data suggest that TAR RNA sequesters TRBP rendering it unavailable for downstream Dicer-RISC complexes. TAR-induced inhibition of Dicer-RISC activity in transfected cells was partially relieved by exogenous expression of TRBP.  相似文献   

TARRNA结合蛋白是细胞中双链RNA结合蛋白家族成员之一.它可以结合HIV-1TARRNA,并与Tat协同作用激活LTR表达,进而促进病毒的转录与翻译.TRBP也是将干扰素抗病毒通路与RNA干扰免疫通路相连的一种细胞蛋白.在干扰素诱生的PKR反应中,TRBP通过直接抑制PKR的自磷酸化、与PKR竞争通用的RNA底物或与PACT形成异源二聚体等机制抑制细胞内的PKR反应,从而降低了PKR介导的对病毒表达的抑制作用.TRBP与Dicer和Ago2等组成的RNA诱导沉默复合体,在RNA干扰中发挥着关键作用并调控随后的序列特异性降解.在HIV-1感染中,TRBP更倾向于促进病毒的表达与复制,因此TRBP也成为控制HIV-1感染的新靶点.  相似文献   

Evidence for a base triple in the free HIV-1 TAR RNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We propose the existence of a novel base triple in the HIV-1 TAR hairpin. This triple is supported by covariation of loop residue 31 with residue 22, which is part of an unusual base pair with U40 below the 3-nucleotide bulge. A set of mutants was constructed to test the involvement of bases A22, U31, and U40 in a triple interaction. RNA structure probing, trans-activation assays, and structure modeling are consistent with the existence of this base triple in a bent conformation of the free TAR element. However, disruption of the base triple does not affect binding of a Tat-derived peptide. We therefore compared the structure of free and Tat-bound TAR RNA by footprinting and site-specific cross-linking analyses. These studies indicate that the Tat arginine-rich motif, in addition to its known binding site at the bulge, is in close contact with U31 in the TAR loop. Because binding of Tat to TAR is known to coincide with the formation of a base triple with residues U23, A27, and U38, we hypothesize that Tat binding and the associated straightening of TAR triggers the disruption of the (A22-U40)U31 triple.  相似文献   

In vitro selection was performed to identify DNA aptamers against the TAR RNA stem-loop structure of HIV-1. A counterselection step allowed the elimination of kissing complex-forming aptamers previously selected (Boiziau et al. J. Biol. Chem. 1999; 274:12730). This led to the emergence of oligonucleotides, most of which contained two consensus sequences, one targeted to the stem 3'-strand (5'-CCCTAGTTA) and the other complementary to the TAR apical loop (5'-CTCCC). The best aptamer could be shortened to a 19-mer oligonucleotide, characterized by a dissociation constant of 50 nM. A 16-mer oligonucleotide complementary to the TAR stem 3'-strand could also be derived from the identified aptamers, with an equal affinity (Kd = 50 nM). Experiments performed to elucidate the interaction between TAR and the aptamers (UV melting measures, enzymatic and chemical footprints) demonstrated that the TAR stem 5'-strand was not simply displaced as a result of the complex formation but unexpectedly remained associated on contact with the antisense oligonucleotide. We suggest that a multistranded structure could be formed.  相似文献   

Identification of a novel HIV-1 TAR RNA bulge binding protein.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The Tat protein binds to TAR RNA to stimulate the expression of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome. Tat is an 86 amino acid protein that contains a short region of basic residues (aa49-aa57) that are required for RNA binding and TAR is a 59 nucleotide stem-loop with a tripyrimidine bulge in the upper stem. TAR is located at the 5' end of all viral RNAs. In vitro, Tat specifically interacts with TAR by recognising the sequence of the bulge and upper stem, with no requirement for the loop. However, in vivo the loop sequence is critical for activation, implying a requirement for accessory cellular TAR RNA binding factors. A number of TAR binding cellular factors have been identified in cell extracts and various models for the function of these factors have been suggested, including roles as coactivators and inhibitors. We have now identified a novel 38 kD cellular factor that has little general, single-stranded or double-stranded RNA binding activity, but that specifically recognises the bulge and upper stem region of TAR. The protein, referred to as BBP (bulge binding protein), is conserved in mammalian and amphibian cells and in Schizosaccharomyces pombe but is not found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. BBP is an effective competitive inhibitor of Tat binding to TAR in vitro. Our data suggest that the bulge-stem recognition motif in TAR is used to mediate cellular factor/RNA interactions and indicates that Tat action might be inhibited by such competing reactions in vivo.  相似文献   

Retroviruses encapsidate their genome as a dimer of homologous RNA molecules noncovalently linked close to their 5' ends. The dimerization initiation site (DIS) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA is a hairpin structure that contains in the loop a 6-nt self-complementary sequence flanked by two 5' and one 3' purines. The self-complementary sequence, as well as the flanking purines, are crucial for dimerization of HIV-1 RNA, which is mediated by formation of a "kissing-loop" complex between the DIS of each monomer. Here, we used chemical modification interference, lead-induced cleavage, and three-dimensional modeling to compare dimerization of subtype A and B HIV-1 RNAs. The DIS loop sequences of these RNAs are AGGUGCACA and AAGCGCGCA, respectively. In both RNAs, ethylation of most but not all phosphate groups in the loop and methylation of the N7 position of the G residues in the self-complementary sequence inhibited dimerization. These results demonstrate that small perturbations of the loop structure are detrimental to dimerization. Conversely, methylation of the N1 position of the first and last As in the loop were neutral or enhanced dimerization, a result consistent with these residues forming a noncanonical sheared base pair. Phosphorothioate interference, lead-induced cleavage, and Brownian-dynamics simulation revealed an unexpected difference in the dimerization mechanism of these RNAs. Unlike subtype B, subtype A requires binding of a divalent cation in the loop to promote RNA dimerization. This difference should be taken into consideration in the design of antidimerization molecules aimed at inhibiting HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

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