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Comment on: Anti-malaria drug blocks proteotoxic stress response: Anti-cancer implications. Neznanov N, et al. Cell Cycle 2009; 8:In press.  相似文献   

Rhythmically active neuronal networks give rise to rhythmic motor activities but also to seemingly non-rhythmic behaviors such as sleep, arousal, addiction, memory and cognition. Many of these networks contain pacemaker neurons. The ability of these neurons to generate bursts of activity intrinsically lies in voltage- and time-dependent ion fluxes resulting from a dynamic interplay among ion channels, second messenger pathways and intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, and is influenced by neuromodulators and synaptic inputs. This complex intrinsic and extrinsic modulation of pacemaker activity exerts a dynamic effect on network activity. The nonlinearity of bursting activity might enable pacemaker neurons to facilitate the onset of excitatory states or to synchronize neuronal ensembles--an interactive process that is intimately regulated by synaptic and modulatory processes.  相似文献   

The essence of a living cell is adaptation to a changing environment, and a central goal of modern cell biology is to understand adaptive change under normal and pathological conditions. Because the number of components is large, and processes and conditions are many, visual tools are useful in providing an overview of relations that would otherwise be far more difficult to assimilate. Historically, representations were static pictures, with genes and proteins represented as nodes, and known or inferred correlations between them (links) represented by various kinds of lines. The modern challenge is to capture functional hierarchies and adaptation to environmental change, and to discover pathways and processes embedded in known data, but not currently recognizable. Among the tools being developed to meet this challenge is VisANT (freely available at http://visant.bu.edu) which integrates, mines and displays hierarchical information. Challenges to integrating modeling (discrete or continuous) and simulation capabilities into such visual mining software are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

To take full advantage of high-throughput genetic and physical interaction mapping projects, the raw interactions must first be assembled into models of cell structure and function. PanGIA (for physical and genetic interaction alignment) is a plug-in for the bioinformatics platform Cytoscape, designed to integrate physical and genetic interactions into hierarchical module maps. PanGIA identifies 'modules' as sets of proteins whose physical and genetic interaction data matches that of known protein complexes. Higher-order functional cooperativity and redundancy is identified by enrichment for genetic interactions across modules. This protocol begins with importing interaction networks into Cytoscape, followed by filtering and basic network visualization. Next, PanGIA is used to infer a set of modules and their functional inter-relationships. This module map is visualized in a number of intuitive ways, and modules are tested for functional enrichment and overlap with known complexes. The full protocol can be completed between 10 and 30 min, depending on the size of the data set being analyzed.  相似文献   

Expression QTL mapping by integrating genome-wide gene expression and genotype data is a promising approach to identifying functional genetic variation, but is hampered by the large number of multiple comparisons inherent in such studies. A novel approach to addressing multiple testing problems in genome-wide family-based association studies is screening candidate markers using heritability or conditional power. We apply these methods in settings in which microarray gene expression data are used as phenotypes, screening for SNPs near the expressed genes. We perform association analyses for phenotypes using a univariate approach. We also perform simulations on trios with large numbers of causal SNPs to determine the optimal number of markers to use in a screen. We demonstrate that our family-based screening approach performs well in the analysis of integrative genomic datasets and that screening using either heritability or conditional power produces similar, though not identical, results.  相似文献   



Performance of externally paced rhythmic movements requires brain and behavioral integration of sensory stimuli with motor commands. The underlying brain mechanisms to elaborate beat-synchronized rhythm and polyrhythms that musicians readily perform may differ. Given known roles in perceiving time and repetitive movements, we hypothesized that basal ganglia and cerebellar structures would have greater activation for polyrhythms than for on-the-beat rhythms.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using functional MRI methods, we investigated brain networks for performing rhythmic movements paced by auditory cues. Musically trained participants performed rhythmic movements at 2 and 3 Hz either at a 1∶1 on-the-beat or with a 3∶2 or a 2∶3 stimulus-movement structure. Due to their prior musical experience, participants performed the 3∶2 or 2∶3 rhythmic movements automatically. Both the isorhythmic 1∶1 and the polyrhythmic 3∶2 or 2∶3 movements yielded the expected activation in contralateral primary motor cortex and related motor areas and ipsilateral cerebellum. Direct comparison of functional MRI signals obtained during 3∶2 or 2∶3 and on-the-beat rhythms indicated activation differences bilaterally in the supplementary motor area, ipsilaterally in the supramarginal gyrus and caudate-putamen and contralaterally in the cerebellum.


The activated brain areas suggest the existence of an interconnected brain network specific for complex sensory-motor rhythmic integration that might have specificity for elaboration of musical abilities.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Spontaneous male sterility is an advantageous trait for both constructing efficient pollination control systems and for understanding the developmental process of the male reproductive unit in many crops. A triallelic genetic male-sterile locus (BnMs5) has been identified in Brassica napus; however, its complicated genome structure has greatly hampered the isolation of this locus. The aim of this study was to physically map BnMs5 through an integrated map-based cloning strategy and analyse the local chromosomal evolution around BnMs5.


A large F2 population was used to integrate the existing genetic maps around BnMs5. A map-based cloning strategy in combination with comparative mapping among B. napus, Arabidopsis, Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea was employed to facilitate the identification of a target bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone covering the BnMs5 locus. The genomic sequences from the Brassica species were analysed to reveal the regional chromosomal evolution around BnMs5.

Key Results

BnMs5 was finally delimited to a 0·3-cM genetic fragment from an integrated local genetic map, and was anchored on the B. napus A8 chromosome. Screening of a B. napus BAC clone library and identification of the positive clones validated that JBnB034L06 was the target BAC clone. The closest flanking markers restrict BnMs5 to a 21-kb region on JBnB034L06 containing six predicted functional genes. Good collinearity relationship around BnMs5 between several Brassica species was observed, while violent chromosomal evolutionary events including insertions/deletions, duplications and single nucleotide mutations were also found to have extensively occurred during their divergence.


This work represents major progress towards the molecular cloning of BnMs5, as well as presenting a powerful, integrative method to mapping loci in plants with complex genomic architecture, such as the amphidiploid B. napus.  相似文献   

We present MAGIC, an integrative and accurate method for comparative genome mapping. Our method consists of two phases: preprocessing for identifying "maximal similar segments," and mapping for clustering and classifying these segments. MAGIC's main novelty lies in its biologically intuitive clustering approach, which aims towards both calculating reorder-free segments and identifying orthologous segments. In the process, MAGIC efficiently handles ambiguities resulting from duplications that occurred before the speciation of the considered organisms from their most recent common ancestor. We demonstrate both MAGIC's robustness and scalability: the former is asserted with respect to its initial input and with respect to its parameters' values. The latter is asserted by applying MAGIC to distantly related organisms and to large genomes. We compare MAGIC to other comparative mapping methods and provide detailed analysis of the differences between them. Our improvements allow a comprehensive study of the diversity of genetic repertoires resulting from large-scale mutations, such as indels and duplications, including explicitly transposable and phagic elements. The strength of our method is demonstrated by detailed statistics computed for each type of these large-scale mutations. MAGIC enabled us to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the different forces shaping prokaryotic genomes from different clades, and to quantify the importance of novel gene content introduced by horizontal gene transfer relative to gene duplication in bacterial genome evolution. We use these results to investigate the breakpoint distribution in several prokaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

The success of a biological invasion is context dependent, and yet two key concepts—the invasiveness of species and the invasibility of recipient ecosystems—are often defined and considered separately. We propose a framework that can elucidate the complex relationship between invasibility and invasiveness. It is based on trait-mediated interactions between species and depicts the response of an ecological network to the intrusion of an alien species, drawing on the concept of community saturation. Here, invasiveness of an introduced species with a particular trait is measured by its per capita population growth rate when the initial propagule pressure of the introduced species is very low. The invasibility of the recipient habitat or ecosystem is dependent on the structure of the resident ecological network and is defined as the total width of an opportunity niche in the trait space susceptible to invasion. Invasibility is thus a measure of network instability. We also correlate invasibility with the asymptotic stability of resident ecological network, measured by the leading eigenvalue of the interaction matrix that depicts trait-based interaction intensity multiplied by encounter rate (a pairwise product of propagule pressure of all members in a community). We further examine the relationship between invasibility and network architecture, including network connectance, nestedness and modularity. We exemplify this framework with a trait-based assembly model under perturbations in ways to emulate fluctuating resources and random trait composition in ecological networks. The maximum invasiveness of a potential invader (greatest intrinsic population growth rate) was found to be positively correlated with invasibility of the recipient ecological network. Additionally, ecosystems with high network modularity and high ecological stability tend to exhibit high invasibility. Where quantitative data are lacking we propose using a qualitative interaction matrix of the ecological network perceived by a potential invader so that the structural network stability and invasibility can be estimated from the literature or from expert opinion. This approach links network structure, invasiveness and invasibility in the context of trait-mediated interactions, such as the invasion of insects into mutualistic and antagonistic networks.  相似文献   

An AFLP-based genome-wide mapping strategy   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To efficiently determine the chromosomal location of phenotypic mutants, we designed a genome-wide mapping strategy that can be used in any crop for which a dense AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) map is available or can be made. The AFLP technique is particularly suitable to initiate map-based cloning projects because it detects many markers per reaction. First a standard set of AFLP primer combinations that results in a framework of AFLP markers well dispersed over the genome is selected. These primer combinations are applied to a limited number of mutant individuals from a segregating population to register linkage and non-linkage of the AFLP markers to the gene-of-interest. Further delineation of the area of interest is accomplished by analyzing the remaining recombinants and additional mutant individuals with AFLP markers that lie within the identified region. We illustrate the usefulness of the method by mapping three rotunda (ron) leaf-form mutant loci of Arabidopsis thaliana and show that in the initial phase of map-based cloning projects a 400–600 kb interval can be identified for the average mutant locus within a few weeks. Once such an area is identified and before initiating the more time-consuming fine-mapping procedure, it is essential to examine publicly available databases for candidate genes and known mutants in the identified region. The 390-kb interval on chromosome 4 that harbors the ron2 mutation, also carries a known flower mutant, leunig (lug); upon crossing, the two mutants appeared to be allelic. When no such candidates are found, the mapping procedure should be continued. We present a strategy to efficiently select recombinants that can be used for fine mapping.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at .Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

Defining an epigenetic code   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nucleosome surface is decorated with an array of enzyme-catalysed modifications on histone tails. These modifications have well-defined roles in a variety of ongoing chromatin functions, often by acting as receptors for non-histone proteins, but their longer-term effects are less clear. Here, an attempt is made to define how histone modifications operate as part of a predictive and heritable epigenetic code that specifies patterns of gene expression through differentiation and development.  相似文献   

Vegetation canopy structure is a fundamental characteristic of terrestrial ecosystems that defines vegetation types and drives ecosystem functioning. We use the multivariate structural trait composition of vegetation canopies to classify ecosystems within a global canopy structure spectrum. Across the temperate forest sub‐set of this spectrum, we assess gradients in canopy structural traits, characterise canopy structural types (CST) and evaluate drivers and functional consequences of canopy structural variation. We derive CSTs from multivariate canopy structure data, illustrating variation along three primary structural axes and resolution into six largely distinct and functionally relevant CSTs. Our results illustrate that within‐ecosystem successional processes and disturbance legacies can produce variation in canopy structure similar to that associated with sub‐continental variation in forest types and eco‐climatic zones. The potential to classify ecosystems into CSTs based on suites of structural traits represents an important advance in understanding and modelling structure–function relationships in vegetated ecosystems.  相似文献   

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