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Discovering that a shrimp can flick its eyes over to a fish and follow up by tracking it or flicking back to observe something else implies a ‘primate-like’ awareness of the immediate environment that we do not normally associate with crustaceans. For several reasons, stomatopods (mantis shrimp) do not fit the general mould of their subphylum, and here we add saccadic, acquisitional eye movements to their repertoire of unusual visual capabilities. Optically, their apposition compound eyes contain an area of heightened acuity, in some ways similar to the fovea of vertebrate eyes. Using rapid eye movements of up to several hundred degrees per second, objects of interest are placed under the scrutiny of this area. While other arthropod species, including insects and spiders, are known to possess and use acute zones in similar saccadic gaze relocations, stomatopods are the only crustacean known with such abilities. Differences among species exist, generally reflecting both the eye size and lifestyle of the animal, with the larger-eyed more sedentary species producing slower saccades than the smaller-eyed, more active species. Possessing the ability to rapidly look at and assess objects is ecologically important for mantis shrimps, as their lifestyle is, by any standards, fast, furious and deadly.  相似文献   

The ability to detect an incoming visual stimulus is enhanced by knowledge of stimulus location (orienting of visuospatial attention). Although the brain mechanisms at the basis of this enhancement are not yet fully clarified, there is evidence that orienting of attention is accompanied by the activation of oculomotor circuits. It remains unclear, however, whether this oculomotor activity is an epiphenomenon or is functionally related to the attentional process. Attentional benefits are usually measured by the classical Posner paradigm. When subjects fixate centrally and are requested to detect a visual stimulus that could appear in an attended or unattended location, they react faster to stimuli appearing in the attended one. Here, we demonstrate that in monocular vision visuospatial attention was significantly modulated by the position of the eye in the orbit. When the screen was placed 40 degrees to the right or to the left of subjects' sagittal plane, attentional benefits for stimuli appearing in subjects' temporal spatial hemifield dramatically decayed, even if the retinal stimulation was exactly the same as in the classical paradigm. The finding that eyes and attention show a common limit stop point supports their close functional coupling.  相似文献   

Konjac glucomannan (GM) is a well-known dietary fiber with various beneficial functions, which the higher viscous GM is proposed to have the stronger potencies. Application of highly viscous GM to various food industries is limited for the sake of long elapsed time required to solubilize the GM. Thus, the exploration into any physiological function of low-viscous GM remained undone for a long time. Male 4-week-old NC/Nga mice, a model of atopic dermatitis (AD), were fed for 8 weeks on diets containing 5% each of a high-viscous GM powder, ordinary konjac or highly purified GM, and a low-viscous GM powder, pulverized GM or re-granulated fine GM. Striking suppression to the aggravation of dermatitis and the increases in scratching behaviors and IgE levels was significantly observed only in mice fed on the pulverized GM diet, but not in mice fed on the other GM diets or a control diet. We concluded that the low-viscous GM possesses a novel immunoregulatory function and the intensity of the function depends upon the particle size rather than the viscosity.  相似文献   

Ozaki TJ 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20079
Previous effective connectivity analyses of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have revealed dynamic causal streams along the dorsal attention network (DAN) during voluntary attentional control in the human brain. During resting state, however, fMRI has shown that the DAN is also intrinsically configured by functional connectivity, even in the absence of explicit task demands, and that may conflict with effective connectivity studies. To resolve this contradiction, we performed an effective connectivity analysis based on partial Granger causality (pGC) on event-related fMRI data during Posner's cueing paradigm while optimizing experimental and imaging parameters for pGC analysis. Analysis by pGC can factor out exogenous or latent influences due to unmeasured variables. Typical regions along the DAN with greater activation during orienting than withholding of attention were selected as regions of interest (ROIs). pGC analysis on fMRI data from the ROIs showed that frontal-to-parietal top-down causal streams along the DAN appeared during (voluntary) orienting, but not during other, less-attentive and/or resting-like conditions. These results demonstrate that these causal streams along the DAN exclusively mediate voluntary covert orienting. These findings suggest that neural representations of attention in frontal regions are at the top of the hierarchy of the DAN for embodying voluntary attentional control.  相似文献   

Nardo D  Santangelo V  Macaluso E 《Neuron》2011,69(5):1015-1028
In everyday life attention operates within complex and dynamic environments, while laboratory paradigms typically employ simple and stereotyped stimuli. This fMRI study investigated stimulus-driven spatial attention using a virtual-environment video. We explored the influence of bottom-up signals by computing saliency maps of the environment and by introducing attention-grabbing events in the video. We parameterized the efficacy of these signals for the orienting of spatial attention by measuring eye movements and used these parameters to analyze the imaging data. The efficacy of bottom-up signals modulated ongoing activity in dorsal fronto-parietal regions and transient activation of the ventral attention system. Our results demonstrate that the combination of computational, behavioral, and imaging techniques enables studying cognitive functions in ecologically valid contexts. We highlight the central role of the efficacy of stimulus-driven signals in both dorsal and ventral attention systems, with a dissociation of the efficacy of background salience versus distinctive events in the two systems.  相似文献   

Eye movements were monitored in 16 women and 20 men during completion of a standard diagram-based test of mental rotation ability to provide measures of cognitive function not requiring conscious, decisional processes. Overall, women and men allocated visual attention during task performance in very similar, systematic ways. However, consistent with previous suggestions that sex differences in attentional processes during completion of the mental rotation task may exist, eye movements in men compared to women indicated greater discrimination and longer processing of correct alternatives during task performance. Other findings suggested that androgens may enhance cognitive processes that are recruited differentially by women and men as a function of the task. Specifically, smaller (i.e., more masculine) digit ratios were associated with men's shorter fixations on distracters, suggesting that perinatal androgen action may influence brain systems that facilitate the identification of relevant task stimuli. In women, higher circulating testosterone levels appeared to contribute to more general processes engaged during task performance, for example higher levels of visual persistence. It is possible that variability in the relative contribution of such hormone sensitive cognitive processes to accuracy scores as a function of different sample characteristics or assessment methods may partially account for the inconsistent findings of previous research on hormonal factors in mental rotation ability.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the current study we compared the effects of temporal orienting of attention based on predictions carried by the intrinsic temporal structure of events (rhythm) and by instructive symbolic cues; and tested the degree of cognitive, strategic control that could be exerted over each type of temporal expectation. The experiments tested whether the distinction between exogenous and endogenous orienting made in spatial attention may extend to the temporal domain. TASK DESIGN AND MAIN RESULTS: In this task, a ball moved across the screen in discrete steps and disappeared temporarily under an occluding band. Participants were required to make a perceptual discrimination on the target upon its reappearance. The regularity of the speed (rhythmic cue) or colour (symbolic cue) of the moving stimulus could predict the exact time at which a target would reappear after a brief occlusion (valid trials) or provide no temporal information (neutral trials). The predictive nature of rhythmic and symbolic cues was manipulated factorially in a symmetrical and orthogonal fashion. To test for the effects of strategic control over temporal orienting based on rhythmic or symbolic cues, participants were instructed either to "attend-to-speed" (rhythm) or "attend-to-colour". Our results indicated that both rhythmic and symbolic (colour) cues speeded reaction times in an independent fashion. However, whilst the rhythmic cueing effects were impervious to instruction, the effects of symbolic cues were contingent on the instruction to attend to colour. FINAL CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our results provide evidence for the existence of qualitatively separable types of temporal orienting of attention, akin to exogenous and endogenous mechanisms.  相似文献   

Dynactin is a multiprotein complex that works with cytoplasmic dynein and other motors to support a wide range of cell functions. It serves as an adaptor that binds both dynein and cargoes and enhances single-motor processivity. The dynactin subunit dynamitin (also known as p50) is believed to be integral to dynactin structure because free dynamitin displaces the dynein-binding p150Glued subunit from the cargo-binding Arp1 filament. We show here that the intrinsically disordered dynamitin N-terminus binds to Arp1 directly. When expressed in cells, dynamitin amino acids (AA) 1–87 causes complete release of endogenous dynamitin, p150, and p24 from dynactin, leaving behind Arp1 filaments carrying the remaining dynactin subunits (CapZ, p62, Arp11, p27, and p25). Tandem-affinity purification–tagged dynamitin AA 1–87 binds the Arp filament specifically, and binding studies with purified native Arp1 reveal that this fragment binds Arp1 directly. Neither CapZ nor the p27/p25 dimer contributes to interactions between dynamitin and the Arp filament. This work demonstrates for the first time that Arp1 can directly bind any protein besides another Arp and provides important new insight into the underpinnings of dynactin structure.  相似文献   

Wiggins P 《PloS one》2008,3(1):e1406


Many well-documented biochemical processes lack a molecular mechanism. Examples are: how ATP hydrolysis and an enzyme contrive to perform work, such as active transport; how peptides are formed from amino acids and DNA from nucleotides; how proteases cleave peptide bonds, how bone mineralises; how enzymes distinguish between sodium and potassium; how chirality of biopolymers was established prebiotically.

Methodology/Principal Findings

It is shown that involvement of water in all these processes is mandatory, but the water must be of the simplified configuration in which there are only two strengths of water-water hydrogen bonds, and in which these two types of water coexist as microdomains throughout the liquid temperature range. Since they have different strengths of hydrogen bonds, the microdomains differ in all their physical and chemical properties. Solutes partition asymmetrically, generating osmotic pressure gradients which must be compensated for or abolished. Displacement of the equilibrium between high and low density waters incurs a thermodynamic cost which limits solubility, depresses ionisation of water, drives protein folding and prevents high density water from boiling at its intrinsic boiling point which appears to be below 0°C. Active processes in biochemistry take place in sequential partial reactions, most of which release small amounts of free energy as heat. This ensures that the system is never far from equilibrium so that efficiency is extremely high. Energy transduction is neither possible and nor necessary. Chirality was probably established in prebiotic clays which must have carried stable populations of high density and low density water domains. Bioactive enantiomorphs partition into low density water in which they polymerise spontaneously.


The simplified model of water has great explanatory power.  相似文献   

Simulation of the saccadic eye movement mechanism and, more recently, diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders associated with saccades rely on accurate recording and analysis of saccade characteristics. Traditionally, eye movements are monitored objectively by registering a transduced voltage correlate of eye position on a pen or cathode ray oscillograph. Analysis of the record obtained is tedious and often inaccurate. The advent of small digital computers with analog-to-digital capability permits more efficient recording. However, computer programs reviewed are limited to the analysis of specific saccade parameters or partly depend on manual operations. The computer program described stores the entire saccadic event of each eye between pre-defined limits including the pre- and post-saccade intervals. Preliminary operations including artifact identification, location of onset, elimination of RC decay, DC offset and amplitude scaling prepare the data for display and subsequent analysis. The program also includes a subroutine to derive the mean and standard deviation of successive saccades.  相似文献   

Saccade and smooth pursuit are the eye movements used by primates to shift gaze. In this article we review evidence for the effects of reinforcement on several dimensions of these responses such as their latencies, velocities or amplitudes. We propose that these responses are operant behaviours controlled by their consequences on performance of visually guided tasks. Studying the conditions under which particular eye movement patterns might emerge from the cumulative effects of reinforcement provides critical insights about how motor responses are attuned to environmental exigencies.  相似文献   

Functional anatomical studies indicate that a set of neural signals in parietal and frontal cortex mediates the covert allocation of attention to visual locations across a wide variety of visual tasks. This frontoparietal network includes areas, such as the frontal eye field and supplementary eye field. This anatomical overlap suggests that shifts of attention to visual locations of objects recruit areas involved in oculomotor programming and execution. Finally, the fronto-parietal network may be the source of spatial attentional modulations in the ventral visual system during object recognition or discrimination.  相似文献   

Whether evolution will be rapid enough to rescue declining populations will depend upon population size, the supply of genetic variation, the degree of maladaptation and the historical direction of selection. We examined whether the level of environmental stress experienced by a population prior to abrupt environmental change affects the probability of evolutionary rescue (ER). Hundreds of populations of two species of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus were exposed to a range of sublethal concentrations of salt for approximately a hundred generations before transfer to a concentration of salt lethal to the ancestor (150 g l–1 NaCl). The fitness of surviving populations of both species was a quadratic function of yield: fitness was greatest for large populations that had been selected on low salt concentrations (less than 20 g l−1 NaCl) and small populations that had adapted to high salt (more than 80 g l−1 NaCl). However, differences occurred between species in the probability of ER. The frequency of ER was positively correlated with salt concentration for S. cerevisiae, but negatively correlated with salt concentration in S. paradoxus. These results not only demonstrate that past environmental conditions can determine the probability of ER after abrupt environmental change, but also suggest that there may even be differences between closely related species that are worth further exploration.  相似文献   

Experiments are presented in which the effect of saccadic eye movements on the visibility of sinusoidal gratings drifting with velocities between 2 deg/s and 400 deg/s is investigated. The results demonstrate that saccades are highly useful for detecting this class of stimuli. Due to a saccade, otherwise subthreshold stimuli become visible as short, distinct flashes of the seemingly statinoary pattern. The paper analyzes in detail the dependence of the amount of facilitation on saccade size and relative direction and isolates the additional effect of saccadic suppression. A simple model is proposed which predicts the experimental findings.  相似文献   

van Beers RJ 《PloS one》2008,3(4):e2070
The durations and trajectories of our saccadic eye movements are remarkably stereotyped. We have no voluntary control over these properties but they are determined by the movement amplitude and, to a smaller extent, also by the movement direction and initial eye orientation. Here we show that the stereotyped durations and trajectories are optimal for minimizing the variability in saccade endpoints that is caused by motor noise. The optimal duration can be understood from the nature of the motor noise, which is a combination of signal-dependent noise favoring long durations, and constant noise, which prefers short durations. The different durations of horizontal vs. vertical and of centripetal vs. centrifugal saccades, and the somewhat surprising properties of saccades in oblique directions are also accurately predicted by the principle of minimizing movement variability. The simple and sensible principle of minimizing the consequences of motor noise thus explains the full stereotypy of saccadic eye movements. This suggests that saccades are so stereotyped because that is the best strategy to minimize movement errors for an open-loop motor system.  相似文献   

Latency of visually evoked saccadic eye movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The validness of a model describing the relation between mean saccadic latency and stimulus asynchrony based on facilitation instead of suppression was tested experimentally. As a result, suppression of signals generated by the onset of a peripheral stimulus due to fixation of another target, giving rise to an increase of mean saccadic latency, does not seem very likely. The influence of the intensity of the fixation target on the latency of visually evoked saccades was studied. According to the facilitation model, the offset of the fixation target induces after an afferent delay, a transition of the state of the facilitation mechanism from the unfacilitated condition into a mode of maximal facilitation. The time-period during which this change is accomplished is called Facilitation-Rise-Time (FRT). An interpretation within the context of the facilitation model of gap-overlap latency data for different values of the intensity of the fixation stimulus suggests, in combination with computer-computations of the model, that lowering of this intensity causes an increase in FRT. The results in normal subjects of step stimulus experiments with a dim fixation point substantiate the hypothesis of a facilitation mechanism, which is triggerable not only by an external signal such as the offset of the fixation point, but also by some internal stimulus independent signal. Moreover, data for tracking by an amblyopic eye seem to support this conclusion. The findings of increased saccadic latencies in amblyopic and Optic Neuritis (ON) eyes suggest a slowing of processing of visual information in the sensory pathways from the central retina, subsequently utilized by the oculomotor system in the generation of saccades.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Smooth-pursuit eye movements are used to stabilize the image of a moving object of interest on the fovea, thus guaranteeing its high-acuity scrutiny. Such movements are based on a phylogenetically recent cerebro-ponto-cerebellar pathway that has evolved in parallel with foveal vision. Recent work has shown that a network of several cerebrocortical areas directs attention to objects of interest moving in three dimensions and reconstructs the trajectory of the target in extrapersonal space, thereby integrating various sources of multimodal sensory and efference copy information, as well as cognitive influences such as prediction. This cortical network is the starting point of a set of parallel cerebrofugal projections that use different parts of the dorsal pontine nuclei and the neighboring rostral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis as intermediate stations to feed two areas of the cerebellum, the flocculus-paraflocculus and the posterior vermis, which make mainly complementary contributions to the control of smooth pursuit.  相似文献   

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