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A square grid pattern, printed in hydrophobic material on conventional membrane filters, subdivided the surface into a plurality of areas. This separated colonies from one another and prevented lateral growth, spreading, and confluence. Very high colony-packing densities were achieved (2,500/in(2); ca. 1.61 x 10(5)/cm(2)) reducing the need to dilute samples. Recovery of organisms was better than on conventional filters, particularly at high inoculum levels. At the same time, visibility of normally pale or diffuse colonies was improved, since colonies grew upwards instead of sideways, and counting was facilitated because colonies grew in orderly arrays.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - The paper proposes a new variant for registering pathogens in the many-probes one-spot hybridization system. Using the example of Chlamydia trachomatis...  相似文献   

A variety of cellular pathways are regulated by protein modifications with ubiquitin-family proteins. SUMO, the Small Ubiquitin-like MOdifier, is covalently attached to lysine on target proteins via a cascade reaction catalyzed by E1, E2, and E3 enzymes. A major barrier to understanding the diverse regulatory roles of SUMO has been a lack of suitable methods to identify protein sumoylation sites. Here we developed a mass-spectrometry (MS) based approach combining chemical and enzymatic modifications to identify sumoylation sites. We applied this method to analyze the auto-sumoylation of the E1 enzyme in vitro and compared it to the GG-remnant method using Smt3-I96R as a substrate. We further examined the effect of smt3-I96R mutation in vivo and performed a proteome-wide analysis of protein sumoylation sites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To validate these findings, we confirmed several sumoylation sites of Aos1 and Uba2 in vivo. Together, these results demonstrate that our chemical and enzymatic method for identifying protein sumoylation sites provides a useful tool and that a combination of methods allows a detailed analysis of protein sumoylation sites.  相似文献   

In fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), the efficiency of hybridization between the DNA probe and the rRNA has been related to the accessibility of the rRNA when ribosome content and cell permeability are not limiting. Published rRNA accessibility maps show that probe brightness is sensitive to the organism being hybridized and the exact location of the target site and, hence, it is highly unpredictable based on accessibility only. In this study, a model of FISH based on the thermodynamics of nucleic acid hybridization was developed. The model provides a mechanistic approach to calculate the affinity of the probe to the target site, which is defined as the overall Gibbs free energy change (ΔG°overall) for a reaction scheme involving the DNA-rRNA and intramolecular DNA and rRNA interactions that take place during FISH. Probe data sets for the published accessibility maps and experiments targeting localized regions in the 16S rRNA of Escherichia coli were used to demonstrate that ΔG°overall is a strong predictor of hybridization efficiency and superior to conventional estimates based on the dissociation temperature of the DNA/rRNA duplex. The use of the proposed model also allowed the development of mechanistic approaches to increase probe brightness, even in seemingly inaccessible regions of the 16S rRNA. Finally, a threshold ΔG°overall of −13.0 kcal/mol was proposed as a goal in the design of FISH probes to maximize hybridization efficiency without compromising specificity.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated a simple yet direct method for determiningthe kinetic parameters in DNA-DNA interactions using biosensortechnology based on the surface plasmon resonance phenomenon;a technique that does not require complex DNA labeling. To determinethe effect of mismatches on the kinetics involved in DNA-DNAinteractions, DNA hybridization kinetics were monitored in realtime using synthetic oligonucleotides less than 20 bases inlength which contained either a complementary sequence or mismatchedbases. Upon analysis of the kinetic parameters obtained in oligonucleotidehybridization, we found that they were significantly affectedby the presence of mismatches as well as by their number andlocation in a DNA duplex. In addition, the presented biosensormethod is sensitive enough to detect kinetic effects causedby the presence of a single-mismatched base pair. Our findingsstrongly suggest that analysis of kinetic parameters involvedin DNA-DNA interactions is advantageous for detecting the presenceof mismatch base pairs in a DNA duplex.  相似文献   

Consideration of monitored natural attenuation (MNA) as a remedy component for metals-contaminated sites can be achieved using a site-specific screening approach, followed by application of one or a series of sequential extraction measurements. Hazardous waste sites contaminated with metals can be screened for the implementation of monitored natural attenuation on the basis of contaminant-specific soil chemical characteristics (i.e., Kd's, solubilities, and nonexchangeable sorbed fraction). Field cases are used to demonstrate the screening approach and to outline the primary considerations involved in accurately applying sequential extraction procedures to support the of MNA for site remediation. The results of these case studies provide strong evidence that site-specific screening and the use of sequential extraction procedures are effective methods for evaluating natural attenuation for metals impacted sites.  相似文献   

A new approach was proposed for detecting amplified DNA fragments by hybridization with a highly selective oligonucleotide probe obtained by ligation of a tandem of three short oligonucleotides (pN8 + pN4 + pN8 "(Bio)) in solution, with subsequent UV-immobilization of the hybridization product on a nylon membrane and its colorimetric detection with the streptavidin–alkaline phosphatase technique. Owing to the high selectivity of ligation, the 20-mer ligation product was detected on a membrane only when it was fully complementary to a template fragment. The results showed that any single-nucleotide substitution in the tetramer-binding site can be localized and identified with the use of all 12 possible tetramers.  相似文献   

The use of a common pathogenic vegetable soft-rot bacterium Erwinia carotovora is recommended for school student investigations. Suggestions are made about simple ways in which quantitative data can be collected, as well as some suitable investigations that could be carried out by school pupils at Key Stage 4(15–16 years old) or Advanced level.  相似文献   

L. Greenberg 《CMAJ》1963,89(9):396-402
Immunizing antigens against only 10 bacterial diseases—cholera, diphtheria, paratyphoid, pertussis, plague, scarlet fever, staphylococcal disease, tetanus, tuberculosis and typhoid—have been licensed for sale in Canada and the United States. Convincing evidence of efficacy is available for only four of these—diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, and pertussis and typhoid vaccines.The principles which determine the efficacy of different immunizing antigens are not always the same. Toxoids, for example, stimulate the formation of antitoxin-producing mechanisms which can neutralize toxins produced by invading organisms, thereby rendering them harmless. Conversely, vaccines stimulate the formation of antibacterial mechanisms which stop the growth of organisms before they can produce disease.Use of enzyme-lysed vaccines for prevention of staphylococcal disease represents a new approach in vaccine research. Animal tests have shown lysed vaccines to be 10 to 100 times less toxic, and about eight times more effective, than whole bacterial vaccines. Studies with lysed vaccines for other diseases are now in progress.  相似文献   


We present a new algorithm for characterization of protein spatial structure basing on the molecular hydrophobicity potential approach. The method is illustrated by the analysis of three-dimensional structure of barnase and barnase-barstar complex. Current approach enables identification of amino acid residues situated in unfavorable environment (these residues may be “active” for binding), and to map quantitatively hydrophobic, hydrophilic and unfavorable hydrophobic-hydrophilic intra-and inter-molecular contacts involving backbone and side-chain segments of amino acid residues. Calculation of individual contributions of amino acid residues to such contacts permits identification of structurally-important residues. The contact plots obtained with molecular hydrophobicity potential calculations, provide easy rules to choose sites for mutations, which can increase a strength of intra- or inter-molecular hydrophobic interactions. The unfavorable hydrophobic-hydrophilic contact can be mutated to favorable hydrophobic, and already existing weak hydrophobic contact can be strengthen by increasing hydrophobicity of residues in contact. Basing on the analysis of the contact plots, we suggest several mutations of barnase which are supposed to increase intramolecular hydrophobic interactions, and thus might lead to increased stability of the protein. Part of these mutations was studied previously experimentally, and indeed stabilized barnase. The other of predicted mutations were not studied experimentally yet. Several new mutations of barnase and barstar are also proposed to enhance the hydrophobic interactions on their binding interface.  相似文献   


Hexadeoxyribonucleotides (6-mers) having a 5′-TGGGAG-3′ sequence bearing hydrophobic substituents at their 5′-ends via phosphodiester linkages were prepared and evaluated for anti-HIV-1 activity in vitro. Some of these modified 6-mers showed weak anti-HIV-1 activities and they were less potent than the 6-mer having a DMTr group directly attached at its 5′-terminus.


The over-damped relaxation of elastic networks constructed by contact maps of hierarchically folded fractal (crumpled) polymer globules was investigated in detail. It was found that the relaxation dynamics of an anisotropic fractal globule is very similar to the behavior of biological molecular machines like motor proteins. When it is perturbed, the system quickly relaxes to a low-dimensional manifold, M, with a large basin of attraction and then slowly approaches equilibrium, not escaping M. Taking these properties into account, it is suggested that fractal globules, even those made by synthetic polymers, are artificial molecular machines that can transform perturbations into directed quasimechanical motion along a defined path.  相似文献   

Over 50% of drugs fail in stage 3 clinical trials, many because of a poor understanding of the drug’s mechanisms of action (MoA). A better comprehension of drug MoA will significantly improve research and development (R&D). Current proposed algorithms, such as ProTINA and DeMAND, can be overly complex. Additionally, they are unable to predict whether the drug-induced gene expression or the topology of the networks used to model gene regulation primarily impacts accurate drug target inference. In this work, we evaluate how network and gene expression data affect ProTINA’s accuracy. We find that network topology predominantly determines the accuracy of ProTINA’s predictions. We further show that the size of an interaction network and/or selecting cell-specific networks has a limited effect on accuracy. We then demonstrate that a specific network topology measure, betweenness, can be used to improve drug target prediction. Based on these results, we create a new algorithm, TREAP, that combines betweenness values and adjusted p-values for target inference. TREAP offers an alternative approach to drug target inference and is advantageous because it is not computationally demanding, provides easy-to-interpret results, and is often more accurate at predicting drug targets than current state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

A new approach to enhanced specificity and product yield of polymerase chain reaction is proposed. It is based on control of DNA polymerase activity during PCR by changing the magnesium ion concentration, which depends on the temperature of the reaction mixture. A slightly soluble magnesium salt, magnesium oxalate, whose solubility depends on temperature, was used as a source of magnesium ions. During PCR, magnesium oxalate was maintained at saturating concentration by the presence of an insoluble excess of this salt, and the concentration of magnesium ions depended on the salt solubility: binding of magnesium ions at lower temperatures and their release at higher temperatures was shown to affect the DNA polymerase activity and to favor the specific PCR amplification of the target DNA fragment.  相似文献   

Animal models of human diseases are widely used to address questions of tumor development. Selection of a particular animal model depends upon a variety of factors, among them: animal cost, species lifespan, and hardiness; availability of biomolecular and genetic tools for that species; and evolutionary distance from humans. In spite of the growth in genomic data in the past several years, many animal models cannot yet be studied extensively due to gaps in genetic mapping, sequencing and functional analyses. Thus, alternative molecular genetic approaches are needed. We have designed an interspecies comparative genomic hybridization approach to analyze genetic changes in radiation-induced brain tumors in the non-human primate, Macaca mulatta. Using homologies between the primate and human genomes, we adapted widely-available CGH techniques to generate cytogenetic profiles of malignant gliomas in 4 monkey tumors. Losses and gains were projected onto the corresponding homologous chromosomal regions in the human genome, thus directly translating the status of the monkey gliomas into human gene content. This represents a novel method of comparative interspecies cytogenetic mapping that permits simultaneous analysis of genomic imbalance of unknown sequences in disparate species and correlation with potential or known human disease-related genes.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate capability of site-specific delivery of a transdermal patch through determination of letrozole in local tissues disposition in female mice. After transdermal administration, the letrozole levels in skin, muscle, and plasma were 10.4–49.3 μg/g, 1.64–6.89 μg/g, and 0.35–1.64 μg/mL, respectively. However, after the mice received letrozole suspension, the drug concentration of plasma and muscle were 0.20–4.80 μg/mL and 0.15–2.38 μg/g. There was even no drug determined in skin through all experiments. Compared with oral administration, the transdermal patch for site-specific delivery of letrozole could produce high drug concentrations in skin and muscle and meanwhile obtain low drug level in plasma. These findings show that letrozole transdermal patch is an appropriate delivery system for application to the breast tumor region for site-specific drug delivery to obtain a high local drug concentration and low circulating drug concentrations avoiding the risk of systemic side effects.  相似文献   

A method which will reduce significantly the viscosity of epithelial mucus is essential to the physiological mechanisms involved in the mobilization and removal of such secretions. The life expectancy of patients with chronic pulmonary conditions and cystic fibrosis has been considerably increased and consequently the problem of liquefying mucin acquires new importance. In view of these considerations, as well as to facilitate research into the structural relationship of the glycoprotein macromolecule, a systematic investigation of mucolysis was undertaken using gastric mucin. Three amides, carbamide, acetamide and formamide, were found to dissolve gastric gel mucin with minimal degradation, and rapidly disperse the viscous secretions produced in pathological conditions of the tracheobronchial tree. Their effect on secretions from patients with cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis is dramatic, and within five minutes of adding the reagent the flow time was reduced by at least 95%. Clinical studies were carried out with carbamide (urea in anhydrous, lyophilized, sterile powder form) in 32 patients with a variety of bronchial conditions, including chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, bronchiectasis and emphysema. With the concentrations used, no irritant, bronchospastic or other reactions were observed.It is concluded that amides of this type have at least two actions on the epithelial mucous secretion: (1) breakage of the three-dimensional gel structure and (2) a slower reduction in viscosity followed by solution of the solid material.  相似文献   

A new approach to induction cardiac pacing using a “skin tunnel” transformer has been developed and used in a patient. Initial results are encouraging. If the system proves reliable in the long term it may have important applications in the delivery of power to implanted artificial organs.  相似文献   

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