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COLIN NI. MISKELLY 《Ibis》1990,132(3):366-379
New Zealand Snipe Coenocorypha aucklandica were studied over six breeding seasons on the Snares Islands. The study area (7.5 ha) held about 20 pairs at a density of 3.2 ± O.5 pairs/ha, plus 5 to 25 nonterritorial birds. Most matings were monogamous but simultaneous polygyny was recorded in one territory (by two different males) in four consecutive seasons. Males courtship fed females before egg-laying. The typical clutch was two eggs, laid three days apart. Incubation was shared equally by the sexes in monogamous pairs and took 22 days. Some females with polygynous mates attempted to incubate unaided, which took about 38 days. Broods were split at hatching, with the male caring for the first chick to leave the nest. Chicks were fed by adults for at least 41 days, and did not become independent until about 65 days old. Growth rates were slow compared to Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago and full plumage took about 54 days to attain. No pairs were double-brooded but 43% of pairs that failed during incubation or early chick-rearing renested together. Some breeders of both sexes who had lost their dependent chick bred a second time with a new mate while their first mate continued rearing the surviving chick (sequential polygyny and polyandry). Hatching success was 80%, and fledging success was 48%. Each pair produced, on average, O.6 fledglings per year. Chatham Island Snipe C. pusilla were studied on Rangatira Island during the 1983–84 breeding season. Breeding density was about 5.6 pairs/ha. The breeding system was very similar to that for C. aucklandica but chicks became independent at about 41 days old. Hatching success was 89%. Compared to Common Snipe, Coenocorypha snipes occurred at high densities, had courtship feeding, large eggs, a long interegy interval, a small clutch, shared incubation and a long incubation period. Nest desertion rates were high, but overall hatching success was also high, chick growth rates were slow, there was a long period of chick dependence and a long relaying interval following nest failure or chick loss. Survival rates of both adults and chicks were high. These differences are attributed to the absence of predation, and to intense intraspecific competition for food in a stable environment.  相似文献   

Pygoscelis penguins are experiencing general population declines in their northernmost range whereas there are reported increases in their southernmost range. These changes are coincident with decadal‐scale trends in remote sensed observations of sea ice concentrations (SIC) and sea surface temperatures (SST) during the chick‐rearing season (austral summer). Using SIC, SST, and bathymetry, we identified separate chick‐rearing niche spaces for the three Pygoscelis penguin species and used a maximum entropy approach (MaxEnt) to spatially and temporally model suitable chick‐rearing habitats in the Southern Ocean. For all Pygoscelis penguin species, the MaxEnt models predict significant changes in the locations of suitable chick‐rearing habitats over the period of 1982–2010. In general, chick‐rearing habitat suitability at specific colony locations agreed with the corresponding increases or decreases in documented population trends over the same time period. These changes were the most pronounced along the West Antarctic Peninsula where there has been a rapid warming event during at least the last 50 years.  相似文献   

Using interspecific grafting of neural crest between quail and chick embryos, it was determined that the cardiac ganglia originate from the cranial region (somites 1–2) of the vagal neural crest (somites 1–7). Neuronal uptake of [3H]choline was used as an index of neuronal development in the chick atrium. Normal uptake was found to be quite high between Days 8 and 14 of incubation. Following extirpation of neural crest over somites 1 to 3 at stages 8 to 10, neuronal uptake in 8-day chick atrium was decreased by 25–60% depending on the stage at which the lesion was performed. It is thought that the residual uptake represents preganglionic terminals from the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Embryos with extirpations of neural crest over somites 1–3 performed at stage 9 showed the greatest decrease of neuronal choline uptake and did not live beyond 11 days of incubation. However, hearts from embryos with partial lesions (performed at stage 10) were treated on incubation Days 12 and 15 for demonstration of acetylcholinesterase in the subepicardial plexus. These hearts showed much less extensive neural plexus with sparse, small cardiac ganglia.  相似文献   

Bacteria divert resources from growth for magellanic penguin chicks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The influence of bacteria on the growth of their wild avian hosts is unknown. We tested experimentally whether administration of a wide‐spectrum antibiotic (cephalosporine) during early development of magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) chicks had any effect on their growth rates in the wild. Chicks that were injected in two occasions with cephalosporine grew faster than control untreated chicks. The positive effect of medication on nestling growth disappeared after the treatment ceased, did not alter haematological indices indicative of health status, had no influence on chick survival until near independence and was related to a changed bacterial composition of the faecal microbiota of treated chicks when compared with that from control chicks. These results were similar to those obtained for poultry with antimicrobials promoting growth and chick nutrient assimilation rates. Gram‐positive bacilli in the diphtheroid genus Corynebacterium are likely candidates to cause decreased growth rates in magellanic penguin chicks.  相似文献   

We quantified the trophic niche of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) breeding and moulting in Golfo San Jorge, Argentina, through conventional stomach content and stable isotope analysis. A total of 112 adults were flushed during the early and late chick stages of 2011 and 2012 at Isla Vernacci Norte, and at least 15 prey taxa were found, including fishes, cephalopods, crustaceans and polychaetes. Overall, Argentine anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) showed the highest contribution in terms of importance by mass (68.1–85.3%, depending on chick stage and year), except for the old chick stage in 2011 when the shortfin squid (Illex argentinus) was the main prey consumed (56.0%). Based on carbon and nitrogen isotopic values from a total of 256 blood samples, corresponding to young and old chicks and to adults of both sexes sampled throughout the incubation, chick and moult stages at the above mentioned colony and years, Bayesian mixing model outputs showed that Argentine anchovy was always the main prey (48–86%). Bayesian mixing model outputs obtained from adults of both sexes and their chicks during the late chick stage of 2013 at Isla Vernacci Norte, Isla Tova and Isla Leones also showed that Argentine anchovy was the main prey consumed. This is the first comprehensive assessment of Magellanic penguin diet composition in northern Patagonia, quantifying the relative contribution of prey in the diet of adults and chicks at different stages of the annual cycle and years, and confirms the relevance of a forage fish such as the Argentine anchovy in its trophic ecology.  相似文献   


Daily nest checks were used to determine the yellow-eyed penguin’s pattern of nest relief during incubation, and to examine the inter-pair variability in incubation period. Nests at two breeding areas on the Otago Peninsula were visited between September and December in 1985 and 1986. At each visit, status of the nest and the identity and behaviour of the sitting bird was recorded. Incubation is shared between the sexes, with males tending to sit longer than females. Incubation spells ranged from 1–7 days with a mode of 1–2 days. Records of lone incubation following mate death show the yelloweyed penguin to be capable of 15 day unrelieved spells at the nest The incubation period of the yellow-eyed penguin ranges from 39–51 days and is the most variable of all penguins. This variability is because of the failure of some individuals to adequately cover the clutch until up to 5 days after the laying of the second egg.  相似文献   

The breeding biology of the macaroni penguin, Eudyptes chrysolophus , was studied over four years, 1976 and 1986–88, at Bird Island, South Georgia. Birds were migratory, being absent during winter (May to September). Arrival at the colony was highly synchronous between years: 14–23 October, over a 7-year period. The pre-breeding, incubation and chick-brooding period was characterized by long fasts ashore, for 36 and 39 days in males and 41 days in females, alternating with long periods at sea. Within years egg-laying was highly synchronous: 95% of clutches initiated within 4–6 days. Arrival date and mean egg-laying date were later (by 3 days), and breeding population size lower (by 20%) in 1987, compared to other years. The incubation period was 35 days and comprised three long shifts, the first shared by the male and female, the second by the female and the third by the male. In 1986 and 1988 these were of 12, 12 and 9 days' duration, but in 1987 the first shift was significantly shorter: 9 days. Chicks creched at 23–25 days of age and fledged at 60 days of age. Neither chick age nor weight at creching or fledging varied between the years 1986–88. The breeding biology of macaroni penguins at Bird Island is compared with that of other Eudyptes penguins, and with the sympatric gentoo penguin, Pygoscelispupuu. There is little variation in breeding biology within the genus Eudyptes , except in the length of time spent at sea prior to the annual moult. This is much shorter at Bird Island, probably reflecting a greater food availability compared to other localities. Inter-annual variation in certain breeding parameters, e.g. laying date, breeding population size, is much greater in the gentoo penguin than in the macaroni penguin. The shorter breeding season, rearing of only one chick and proportionately lower chick fledging weight in macaroni penguins, may be linked to this species' migratory strategy.  相似文献   

Energy and time allocation differs between incubation and chick‐rearing periods, which may lead to an adjustment in the foraging behaviour of parent birds. Here, we investigated the foraging behaviour of a small alcid, the little auk Alle alle during incubation and compared it with the chick‐rearing period in West Spitsbergen, using the miniature GPS (in Hornsund) and temperature loggers (in Magdalenefjorden). GPS‐tracking of 11 individuals revealed that during incubation little auks foraged 8–55 (median 46) km from the colony covering 19–239 (median 120) km during one foraging trip. Distance from the colony to foraging areas was similar during incubation and chick‐rearing period. During incubation 89% of foraging positions were located in the zone over shallower parts of the shelf (isobaths up to 200–300 m) with sea surface temperature below 2.5°C. Those environmental conditions are preferred by Arctic zooplankton community. Thus, little auks in the Hornsund area restrict their foraging (both during the incubation and chick‐rearing period) to the area under influence of cold, Arctic‐origin water masses where its most preferred prey, copepod Calanus glacialis is most abundant. The temperature logger data (from 4 individuals) indicate that in contrast to the chick‐rearing period, when parent birds alternated short and long trips, during the incubation they performed only long trips. Adopting such a flexible foraging strategy allows little auks to alter their foraging strategy to meet different energy and time demands during the two main stages of the breeding.  相似文献   

The rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome have recently been split into the northern E. moseleyi and the southern E. chrysocome rockhopper penguin. It is therefore crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the biology of each species in order to develop appropriate conservation measures. We investigated the breeding biology of the southern rockhopper on New Island, in the western part of the Falklands Islands, by following the breeding attempt of 160 pairs during the 2006/2007 season and examining the effect of lay time and colony habitat on breeding success. Specifically, we compared survival and growth parameters between A- and B-eggs and chicks from non-manipulated and artificially manipulated nests to investigate why southern rockhopper penguins in the Falkland Islands are more able to fledge an A-egg (first laid) than conspecifics elsewhere. Breeding was highly synchronous, with no significant difference in the breeding success between early and late breeders or between pairs breeding in different habitats. We demonstrate for the first time that the A-egg produced by the southern rockhopper penguin has, when alone, the same theoretical intrinsic potential to lead to a fledged chick as the B-egg. In contrast, the hatching success and survival of the B-chick was similar when alone or in a two-egg clutch.  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase N during the ontogeny of the chick   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little is known about the production and function of metallopeptidases in embryonic development. One such enzyme, aminopeptidase N (APN), is present in several epithelia, the brain and angiogenic vessels in adults. APN promotes vascular growth and endothelial cell proliferation in physiological and pathological models of angiogenesis. However, its possible role in embryonic angiogenesis or other developmental processes is unknown. Its expression profile in the early phase of embryonic development has not been reported. We report here the expression of this enzyme during the early development of the chick embryo, using complementary techniques for monitoring APN mRNA, protein, and enzymatic activity. We detected APN in the embryo as early as gastrulation. In addition to the known sites of APN production identified in both adults and rat fetuses toward the end of gestation, APN was found in unexpected sites, such as the primitive streak, the dorsal folds of the neural tube, the somites, and the primordia of several organs. APN was present mostly in the cardiovascular compartment during the first 13 days of incubation, and in the hematopoietic compartment (yolk sac and aorta-gonad-mesonephros region) early in development. This study provides clues as to the possible role of APN in embryonic development.  相似文献   

Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH, cytochrome P1-450) is induced in chick liver very early during embryonic development if embryos are treated with 3-methylcholanthrene–type compounds such as 3,4,3′4′-tetrachlorobiphenyl. In mammals, AHH induction is known to be mediated by the Ah receptor. Liver from embryonic and newly hatched chicks was found to contain a cytosolic receptor for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) which has properties that are very similar to properties of the Ah receptor previously characterized in mammalian tissues. In chick embryo liver, cytosolic binding sites for TCDD were of high affinity (Kd for [3-H]-TCDD = 0.2 nM) and were specific for 3-methylcholanthrene–type inducers. The specific binding component sedimented at about 9S on sucrose density gradients prepared at low ionic strength. A high level of Ah receptor was detected in chick embryo liver by the fifth day of incubation (5 DI); this is at least 24 hours prior to the onset of AHH inducibility. The Ah receptor concentration increased from 5 DI to 8 DI, the period when chick liver is undergoing early morphological differentiation. After 8 DI, Ah receptor levels dropped substantially and remained low into the posthatching period. In contrast, AHH inducibility was high by 7 DI and remained high throughout embryonic development and into the posthatching period. The discrepancy between Ah receptor levels and the degree of AHH inducibility suggests that only a small fraction of the Ah receptor population is required for maximal AHH induction.  相似文献   

Development of villi in the duodenum of the chick was studied in stages ranging from 11 days of incubation to one week after hatching. Formation of definitive villi is preceded by development of a set of previllous ridges that run lengthwise along the duodenum. The first set of 16 previllous ridges (Set I) is complete by about 13 days of incubation; all ridges in the set are fairly uniform and proceed through their subsequent development in synchrony. Previllous ridges in Set I fold into a highly regular zigzag pattern between 14 and 16 days of incubation. Definitive villi develop from Set I ridges beginning at about 17 days when populations of distinct cells appear on the crests of the ridges between angles in the zigzag folds. Cells in these populations lack the rounded appearance of cells seen in earlier stages; their apical surfaces are densely covered with microvilli. A second set of villi (Set II) develops at about 16 days of incubation when about 16 rows of tongue-like flaps erupt between the previllous ridges of Set I. At hatching, Set II villi are still smaller than villi of Set I; this distinction disappears by about the fourth day after hatching. The significance of the morphological changes in epithelial cells is discussed in terms of several hypotheses bearing on the mechanisms of villus formation.  相似文献   

E. H. Penry 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):229-235
Penry, E. H. 1985. Notes on breeding of Cisticola brunnescens and C. juncidis in Zambia. Ostrich 56: 229–235.

Details are given of breeding data from Cisticola juncidis and C. brunnescens in Kitwe. Zambia in December 1979 and January 1980. Composition, structure and dimensions of nests, incubation periods, nestling periods, chick development and breeding success are presented and comparisons are made between the two species for each of these factors. The previously unrecorded incubation period for C. brunnescens is 11–13 days. All published breeding records for the two species in Zambia between 1970 and 1980 have been collated.  相似文献   

Marijuana is the most commonly abused illicit drug by pregnant women. Its major psychoactive constituent, Δ9‐THC (Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabinol), crosses the placenta and accumulates in the f?tus, potentially harming its development. In humans, marijuana use in early pregnancy is associated with miscarriage, a fetal alcohol‐like syndrome, as well as learning disabilities, memory impairment, and ADHD in the offspring. Classical studies in the 1970 s have reached disparate conclusions as to the teratogenic effects of cannabinoids in animal models. Further, there is very little known about the immediate effects of Δ9‐THC on early embryogenesis. We have used the chick embryo as a model in order to characterize the effects of a water‐soluble Δ9‐THC analogue, O‐2545, on early development. Embryos were exposed to the drug (0.035 to 0.35 mg/ml) at gastrulation and assessed for morphological defects at stages equivalent to 9–14 somites. We report that O‐2545 impairs the formation of brain, heart, somite, and spinal cord primordia. Shorter incubation times following exposure to the drug show that O‐2545 interferes with the initial steps of head process and neural plate formation. Our results indicate that the administration of the cannabinoid O‐2545 during early embryogenesis results in embryotoxic effects and serves to illuminate the risks of marijuana exposure during the second week of pregnancy, a time point at which most women are unaware of their pregnancies. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 83:477–488, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The foraging range and principal feeding areas of White‐chinned Petrels breeding at South Georgia were determined using satellite telemetry. Foraging trips during incubation lasted 12–15 days and covered 3000–8000 km and 2–11 days and 1100–5900 km during chick‐rearing. Adults covered less distance per day during chick‐rearing (71 km) than during incubation (91 km) but the proportion covered at night (47%) was the same. Mean (31–34 km/h) and maximum (80 km/h) flight velocities were similar during both periods of the breeding season and during day and night. Between incubation shifts, White‐chinned Petrels travelled to the Patagonian shelf; during chick‐rearing they foraged more extensively. Most locations were between 30° to 55°W and 52° to 60°W around South Georgia/Shag Rocks and south to the South Orkney Islands. Diet samples from known foraging locations suggested birds fed mainly on krill and squid. They caught the squid Brachioteuthis? picta and Galiteuthis glacialis around Shag Rocks/South Georgia and also at sites close to the South Orkney Islands; Illex argentinus on the Patagonian shelf. Dispersal of adults after breeding failure was south to the South Orkney Islands then west to the Falkland Islands. This study confirms that breeding White‐chinned Petrels are amongst the widest‐ranging of seabirds; they may minimise competition with other Procellariiformes in the South Atlantic by their more extensive foraging range. The nature and extent of their range also brings substantial risk of high mortality rate in South Atlantic long‐line fisheries.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the cranial morphology of early penguins remains poor, particularly for Paleogene taxa. This paper describes a partial penguin skull and additional isolated cranial elements from the Eocene La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island, Antarctica. These specimens cannot be assigned to named taxa at present, but there is a strong possibility they belong to La Meseta penguins known only from postcranial elements. The skull shares extensive dorsal development of the temporal fossae with extant and fossil Spheniscus and the fossil penguins Paraptenodytes and Marplesornis, indicating the adductor complex was powerful in early penguins. Partial mandibles belonging to a much larger penguin are similar to Paraptenodytes and differ from all living penguins in the lack of a hooked medial process of the articular and the presence of a foramen anterior to the mandibular cotyles. Given the rarity of penguin cranial remains, these specimens provide important new insight into early penguin evolution.  相似文献   

Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) males and females, nesting in Antarctica, alternate attendance at the nest with absences of many days to forage at sea. We investigated the importance of tactile input from egg and chicks on prolactin levels by observing nest attendance patterns and obtaining blood samples (1) during the first nest exchange of the incubation stage, (2) from birds whose incubation period was artificially increased or decreased by about 10 days, and (3) from birds whose nests had failed. Prolactin levels in females after 8 to 11 days of absence from the breeding colony did not differ from those in incubating males and did not change after females resumed incubation. Moving eggs between nests resulted in nests in which chicks hatched after about 26, 36 (normal), or 46 days. Duration of incubation did not affect prolactin levels in the parents measured during incubation, at the pip stage, hatch stage, or early brood stage. Adults first left their chicks unguarded on about the same calendar date, regardless of chick age. However, chicks from long incubation nests averaged 8 days younger when they were left unguarded than chicks from control or short-incubation nests. In females, there was no effect of nest failure on prolactin levels. In males, prolactin levels were slightly lower after nest failure than in males tending nests. Testosterone was significantly higher in males after nest failure than in males still tending nests. Prolactin is elevated in Adélie penguins as part of the program of cyclical hormonal changes that accompany the lengthy reproductive season and is relatively independent of tactile input. Sustained prolactin secretion is probably required for the maintenance of parental behavior in offshore feeding species that must be absent from the nest for many days at a time.  相似文献   

We examined the relative contributions of egg size and parental quality to hatching success, fledging success, and chick growth in the Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) be exchanging clutches between nests to reduce the covariation between egg and parental factors. Among control nests, fledging success increased slightly with egg size. However, the effect of egg size independently of parental quality was limited to an influence on chick mass and size for the first 10 days post-hatching. In contrast, attributes of the parents influenced nesting success and chick size at fledging, independently of the egg size actually raised. We suggest that the common occurrence of a positive phenotypic correlation between egg size and fledging success is due to two factors: (1) adults laying large eggs tend to be of higher quality; and (2) to the extent that egg size does influence early survival independently of parental quality, the effect on survival is due to a maternal effect on egg composition rather than an inherent effect of egg size.  相似文献   

Boris Culik 《Polar Biology》1994,14(3):205-210
Energy requirements of resting Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae), Gentoo (P. papua) and Chinstrap (P. antarcticd) penguin chicks were determined with respect to body mass via respirometry in Antarctica. Resting metabolic rates of all Pygoscelid penguin chicks were similar (ANOVA p=0.91) and best described by E=0.0096 M0.98 (n=24, r2=0.97), where E is power (W) and M is mass (g). Using the results obtained here and data published in the literature, I determined a) the amount of food needed from hatching to fledging as 29.8, 31.7 and 56.4 kg per chick for Adélie, Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins, respectively and b) the average amount of food left daily to the parent after feeding the brood throughout the breeding period. Parents keep only a minimum of food for themselves just prior to the time when chicks begin forming crèches. Thereafter, nest relief intervals are increased, and the amount of food parents can keep for themselves rises. The results of both models are discussed with respect to available data on Pygoscelid penguin food requirements.  相似文献   

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