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Na+/H+ exchange activity in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
In plants, Na+/H+ exchangers in the plasma membrane are critical for growth in high levels of salt, removing toxic Na+ from the cytoplasm by transport out of the cell. The molecular identity of a plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger in Arabidopsis (SOS1) has recently been determined. In this study, immunological analysis provided evidence that SOS1 localizes to the plasma membrane of leaves and roots. To characterize the transport activity of this protein, purified plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from leaves of Arabidopsis. Na+/H+ exchange activity, monitored as the ability of Na to dissipate an established pH gradient, was absent in plants grown without salt. However, exchange activity was induced when plants were grown in 250 mm NaCl and increased with prolonged salt exposure up to 8 d. H+-coupled exchange was specific for Na, because chloride salts of other monovalent cations did not dissipate the pH gradient. Na+/H+ exchange activity was dependent on Na (substrate) concentration, and kinetic analysis indicated that the affinity (apparent Km) of the transporter for Na+ is 22.8 mm. Data from two experimental approaches supports electroneutral exchange (one Na+ exchanged for one proton): (a) no change in membrane potential was measured during the exchange reaction, and (b) Na+/H+ exchange was unaffected by the presence or absence of a membrane potential. Results from this research provide a framework for future studies into the regulation of the plant plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger and its relative contribution to the maintenance of cellular Na+ homeostasis during plant growth in salt.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of heparin, a glycosaminoglycan widely used in releasing tags from fusion proteins, on isoform 8 of Arabidopsis thaliana PM Ca(2+)-ATPase (ACA8) expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain K616. Heparin stimulates hydrolytic activity of ACA8 with an estimated K(0.5) value for the complex of 15 +/- 1 microg ml(-1), which is unaffected by free [Ca(2+)]. Heparin increases V(max) up to 3-fold while it does not significantly affect the apparent K(m) for free Ca(2+) and for the nucleoside triphosphate substrate. The heparin effect is not additive with that of exogenous calmodulin and heparin is ineffective on a mutant devoid of the N-terminal auto-inhibitory domain (Delta74-ACA8). Altogether, these results indicate that heparin activation is due to partial suppression of the auto-inhibitory function of ACA8 N-terminus. Pull-down assays using heparin-agarose gel show that heparin directly interacts with ACA8. Binding to the heparin-agarose gel occurs also with a peptide reproducing ACA8 sequence (1)M-I(116). Several single-point mutations within ACA8 sequence A56-T63 significantly alter the enzyme response to heparin, suggesting that heparin interaction with this site may be involved in ACA8 activation. These results highlight a new difference between the plant PM Ca(2+)-ATPase and its animal counterpart, which is inhibited by heparin.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide is an important regulatory agent in plants. This study demonstrates that exogenous H2O2 application to Arabidopsis thaliana root epidermis results in dose-dependent transient increases in net Ca2+ influx. The magnitude and duration of the transients were greater in the elongation zone than in the mature epidermis. In both regions, treatment with the cation channel blocker Gd3+ prevented H2O2-induced net Ca2+ influx, consistent with application of exogenous H2O2 resulting in the activation of plasma membrane Gd3+-sensitive Ca2+-influx pathways. Application of 10 mm H2O2 to the external plasma membrane face of elongation zone epidermal protoplasts resulted in the appearance of a hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable conductance. This conductance differed from that previously characterized as being responsive to extracellular hydroxyl radicals. In contrast, in mature epidermal protoplasts a plasma membrane hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable channel was activated only when H2O2 was present at the intracellular membrane face. Channel open probability increased with intracellular [H2O2] and at hyperpolarized voltages. Unitary conductance decreased thus: Ba2+ > Ca2+ (14.5 pS) > Mg2+ > Zn2+ (20 mM external cation, 1 mM H2O2). Lanthanides and Zn2+ (but not TEA+) suppressed the open probability without affecting current amplitude. The results suggest spatial heterogeneity and differential sensitivity of Ca2+ channel activation by reactive oxygen species in the root that could underpin signalling.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane and the vacuolar membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana have been studied at the single-channel level using the patch-clamp technique. The Ca2+ channel in the plasma membrane opened for extracellular Ca2+ influx. The Ca2+ channel in the vacuolar membrane opened for cytoplasmic Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma membrane vesicles, which are mostly right side-out, were isolated from corn leaves by aqueous two-phase partitioning method. Characteristics of Ca2+ transport were investigated after preparing inside-out vesicles by Triton X-100 treatment.45Ca2+ transport was assayed by membrane filtration technique. Results showed that Ca2+ transport into the plasma membrane vesicles was Mg-ATP dependent. The active Ca2+ transport system had a high affinity for Ca2+(K m (Ca2+)=0.4 m) and ATP(K m (ATP)=3.9 m), and showed pH optimum at 7.5. ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake in the plasma membrane vesicles was stimulated in the presence of Cl or NO 3 . Quenching of quinacrine fluorescence showed that these anions also induced H+ transport into the vesicles. The Ca2+ uptake stimulated by Cl was dependent on the activity of H+ transport into the vesicles. However, carbonylcyanidem-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and VO 4 3– which is known to inhibit the H+ pump associated with the plasma membrane, canceled almost all of the Cl-stimulated Ca2+ uptake. Furthermore, artificially imposed pH gradient (acid inside) caused Ca2+ uptake into the vesicles. These results suggest that the Cl-stimulated Ca2+ uptake is caused by the efflux of H+ from the vesicles by the operation of Ca2+/H+ antiport system in the plasma membrane. In Cl-free medium, H+ transport into the vesicles scarcely occurred and the addition of CCCP caused only a slight inhibition of the active Ca2+ uptake into the vesicles. These results suggest that two Ca2+ transport systems are operating in the plasma membrane from corn leaves, i.e., one is an ATP-dependent active Ca2+ transport system (Ca2+ pump) and the other is a Ca2+/H+ antiport system. Little difference in characteristics of Ca2+ transport was observed between the plasma membranes isolated from etiolated and green corn leaves.  相似文献   

The survey is aimed to review the data from literature, concerning possible mechanisms of Ca2+ and H+ transport through the plasma membrane of a cells, and also possibility of existence of Ca2+/H(+)-exchange in the plasma membrane of the muscle cells. It is known that the modification of pHl (delta pH) also can influence the work of the contractile system of muscle cells, and the transition of Ca2+ through the plasma membrane of the cells. Thus, one can suppose a direct relation between Ca2+ and H+ transport, through Ca2+/H+ exchange, and indirect relation through connection with other systems of transport of both Ca2+ (Ca(2+)-ATPase, Na+/Ca2+ exchange), and H+ (Na+/H(+)-exchange, H(+)-ATPase). For example it is shown, that the activator (inhibitor) of the Na+/H(+)-exchange through the plasma membrane of muscle cells, influence the work of the retractive system. And as is known, Ca2+ takes main part in involvement in the system excitation--contraction, and, thus, influencing the work of the Na+/H(+)-exchange, it is possible to regulate transport of Ca2+ through the plasma membrane of a muscle cell. The problem about a possibility of existence of Ca2+/H+ exchange, or functioning of Ca2+/H(+)-exchanger, is still far from the solution. Therefore, in the given review the attempt is made to analyze available information about possible connection between Ca2+ and H+ transport through the plasma cell membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The relative contributions of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange and the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump to active Ca2+ efflux from stimulated rat pancreatic acini were studied. Na+ gradients across the plasma membrane were manipulated by loading the cells with Na+ or suspending the cells in Na+-free media. The rates of Ca2+ efflux were estimated from measurements of [Ca2+] i using the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye Fura 2 and45Ca efflux. During the first 3 min of cell stimulation, the pattern of Ca2+ efflux is described by a single exponential function under control, Na+-loaded, and Na+-depleted conditions. Manipulation of Na+ gradients had no effect on the hormone-induced increase in [Ca2+] i . The results indicate that Ca2+ efflux from stimulated pancreatic acinar cells is mediated by the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. The effects of several cations, which were used to substitute for Na+, on cellular activity were also studied. Choline+ and tetramethylammonium+ (TMA+) released Ca2+ from intracellular stores of pancreatic acinar, gastric parietal and peptic cells. These cations also stimulated enzyme and acid secretion from the cells. All effects of these cations were blocked by atropine. Measurements of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-OP)-stimulated amylase release from pancreatic acini, suspended in Na+, TMA+, choline+, or N-methyl-d-glucamine+ (NMG+) media containing atropine, were used to evaluate the effect of the cations on cellular function. NMG+, choline+, and TMA+ inhibited amylase release by 55, 40 and 14%, respectively. NMG+ also increased the Ca2+ permeability of the plasma membrane. Thus, to study Na+ dependency of cellular function, TMA+ is the preferred cation to substitute for Na+. The stimulatory effect of TMA+ can be blocked by atropine.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles from a glucose-responsive insulinoma exhibited properties consistent with the presence of a membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchange. The exchange was rapid, reversible, and was dependent on the external Ca2+ concentration (Km = 4.1 +/- 1.1 microM). External Na+ inhibited the uptake in a dose-dependent manner (IC50 = 15 mM). Dissipation of the Na+ gradient by 10 microM monensin decreased Na+/Ca2+ exchange from 0.74 +/- 0.17 nmoles/mg protein/s to 0.11 +/- 0.05 nmoles/mg protein/s. Exchange was not influenced by veratridine, tetrodotoxin and ouabain, or by modifiers of cAMP. No effect was seen using the calcium channel blockers, nitrendipine or nifedipine. Glucose had no direct effect on Na+/Ca2+ exchange, while glyceraldehyde, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone inhibited the exchange. Na+ induced efflux of calcium was seen in Ca2+ loaded vesicles and was half maximal at [Na+] of 11.1 +/- 0.75 mM. Ca2+ efflux was dependent on [Na+], with a Hill coefficient of 2.7 +/- 0.07 indicating that activation of Ca2+ release involves a minimum of three sites. The electrogenicity of this exchange was demonstrated using the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium [( 3H]-TPP), a membrane potential sensitive probe. [3H]-TPP uptake increased transiently during Na+/Ca2+ exchange indicating that the exchange generated a membrane potential. These results show that Na+/Ca2+ exchange operates in the beta cell and may be an important regulator of intracellular free Ca2+ concentrations.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase was purified from Arabidopsis thaliana cultured cells by calmodulin (CaM)-affinity chromatography and reconstituted in proteoliposomes by the freeze-thaw sonication procedure. The reconstituted enzyme catalyzed CaM-stimulated 45Ca(2+) accumulation and H(+) ejection, monitored by the increase of fluorescence of the pH probe pyranine entrapped in the liposomal lumen during reconstitution. Proton ejection was immediately reversed by the protonophore FCCP, indicating that it is not electrically coupled to Ca(2+) uptake, but it is a primary event linked to Ca(2+) uptake in the form of countertransport.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) levels in plants, fungi, and bacteria are controlled in part by H(+)/Ca(2+) exchangers; however, the relationship between primary sequence and biological activity of these transporters has not been reported. The Arabidopsis H(+)/cation exchangers, CAX1 and CAX2, were identified by their ability to suppress yeast mutants defective in vacuolar Ca(2+) transport. CAX1 has a much higher capacity for Ca(2+) transport than CAX2. An Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of CAX1, CAX3, is 77% identical (93% similar) and, when expressed in yeast, localized to the vacuole but did not suppress yeast mutants defective in vacuolar Ca(2+) transport. Chimeric constructs and site-directed mutagenesis showed that CAX3 could suppress yeast vacuolar Ca(2+) transport mutants if a nine-amino acid region of CAX1 was inserted into CAX3 (CAX3-9). Biochemical analysis in yeast showed CAX3-9 had 36% of the H(+)/Ca(2+) exchange activity as compared with CAX1; however, CAX3-9 and CAX1 appear to differ in their transport of other ions. Exchanging the nine-amino acid region of CAX1 into CAX2 doubled yeast vacuolar Ca(2+) transport but did not appear to alter the transport of other ions. This nine-amino acid region is highly variable among the plant CAX-like transporters. These findings suggest that this region is involved in CAX-mediated Ca(2+) specificity.  相似文献   

The effect of membrane potential, acetylcholine, carbachol and atropine on the myometrium plasmatic membrane Ca2+/H+ exchange was estimated. The change of artificially directed membrane potential from -40 to +20 mV was defined to provide for increasing the input of Ca2+ into vesicules and output of H+ from them in their concentration gradients. The similar changes of cations in membranes were registered under acetylcholine (10(-8)-10(-4) M) and carbachol (0.1 mM) action. Atropine displayed itself as decreasing the cholinomimetics effect to the tested ions transport. The exogenous 0.5 mM Ca2+ free of directed membrane potential as well stimulated the output of protons from vesicles. The supposition was made regarding H output strengthening and pH possible local increase of cytoplasm under the smooth cells activation by the membrane potential and acetylcholine.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the effect of second messengers on ATP-driven H+ transport in an H+ ATPase-bearing endosomal fraction isolated from rabbit renal cortex. cAMP (0.1mm) had no effect on H+ transport. Acridine orange fluorescence in the presence of 0.5mm Ca2+ (+1mm EGTA) was 19±6% of control. Inhibition of ATP-driven H+ transport by Ca2+ was concentration dependent; 0.25 and 0.5mm Ca2+ (+1mm EGTA) inhibited acridine orange fluorescence by 50 and 80%, respectively. Ca2+ also produced a concentration-dependent increase in the rate of pH-gradient dissipation. Ca2+ did not affect ATP hydrolysis. ATP-dependent Br uptake was virtually unchanged in the presence of 0.5mm Ca2+ (+1mm EGTA). These vesicles were also shown to transport Ca2+ in an ATP-dependent mode. Inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate had no effect on ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake. These results are consistent with the co-existence of an H+ ATPase and an H+/Ca2+ exchanger on these endosomes, the latter transport system using the H+ gradient to energize Ca2+ uptake. Attempts to demonstrate an H+/Ca2+ antiporter in the absence of ATP have been unsuccessful. Yet, when a pH gradient was established by preincubation with ATP and residual ATP was subsequently removed by hexokinase + glucose, stimulation of Ca2+ uptake could be demonstrated. A Ca2+-dependent increase in H+ permeability and an ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake might have important implications for the regulation of vacuolar H+ ATPase activity as well as the homeostasis of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

Plant calcium (Ca(2+)) gradients, millimolar levels in the vacuole and micromolar levels in the cytoplasm, are regulated in part by high-capacity vacuolar cation/H(+) exchangers (CAXs). Several CAX transporters, including CAX1, appear to contain an approximately 40-amino acid N-terminal regulatory region (NRR) that modulates transport through N-terminal autoinhibition. Deletion of the NRR from several CAXs (sCAX) enhances function in plant and yeast expression assays; however, to date, there are no functional assays for CAX3 (or sCAX3), which is 77% identical and 91% similar in sequence to CAX1. In this report, we create a series of truncations in the CAX3 NRR and demonstrate activation of CAX3 in both yeast and plants by truncating a large portion (up to 90 amino acids) of the NRR. Experiments with endomembrane-enriched vesicles isolated from yeast expressing activated CAX3 demonstrate that the gene encodes Ca(2+)/H(+) exchange with properties distinct from those of CAX1. The phenotypes produced by activated CAX3-expressing in transgenic tobacco lines are also distinct from those produced by sCAX1-expressing plants. These studies demonstrate shared and unique aspects of CAX1 and CAX3 transport and regulation.  相似文献   

Plant auto-inhibited Ca2+-ATPases (ACA) are crucial in defining the shape of calcium transients and therefore in eliciting plant responses to various stimuli. Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes ten ACA isoforms that can be divided into four clusters based on gene structure and sequence homology. While isoforms from clusters 1, 2 and 4 have been characterized, virtually nothing is known about members of cluster 3 (ACA12 and ACA13). Here we show that a GFP-tagged ACA12 localizes at the plasma membrane and that expression of ACA12 rescues the phenotype of partial male sterility of a null mutant of the plasma membrane isoform ACA9, thus providing genetic evidence that ACA12 is a functional plasma membrane-resident Ca2+-ATPase. By ACA12 expression in yeast and purification by CaM-affinity chromatography, we show that, unlike other ACAs, the activity of ACA12 is not stimulated by CaM. Moreover, full length ACA12 is able to rescue a yeast mutant deficient in calcium pumps. Analysis of single point ACA12 mutants suggests that ACA12 loss of auto-inhibition can be ascribed to the lack of two acidic residues—highly conserved in other ACA isoforms—localized at the cytoplasmic edge of the second and third transmembrane segments. Together, these results support a model in which the calcium pump activity of ACA12 is primarily regulated by increasing or decreasing mRNA expression and/or protein translation and degradation.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ transport ATPase (SERCA) of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) plays an important role in muscle cytosolic signaling, as it stores Ca2+ in intracellular membrane bound compartments, thereby lowering cytosolic Ca2+ to induce relaxation. The stored Ca2+ is in turn released upon membrane excitation to trigger muscle contraction. SERCA is activated by high affinity binding of cytosolic Ca2+, whereupon ATP is utilized by formation of a phosphoenzyme intermediate, which undergoes protein conformational transitions yielding reduced affinity and vectorial translocation of bound Ca2+. We review here biochemical and biophysical evidence demonstrating that release of bound Ca2+ into the lumen of SR requires Ca2+/H+ exchange at the low affinity Ca2+ sites. Rise of lumenal Ca2+ above its dissociation constant from low affinity sites, or reduction of the H+ concentration by high pH, prevent Ca2+/H+ exchange. Under these conditions Ca2+ release into the lumen of SR is bypassed, and hydrolytic cleavage of phosphoenzyme may yield uncoupled ATPase cycles. We clarify how such Ca2+pump slippage does not occur within the time length of muscle twitches, but under special conditions and in special cells may contribute to thermogenesis.  相似文献   

In plants, high capacity tonoplast cation/H+ antiport is mediated in part by a family of cation exchanger (CAX) transporters. Functional association between CAX1 and CAX3 has previously been shown. In this study we further examine the interactions between CAX protein domains through the use of nonfunctional halves of CAX transporters. We demonstrate that a protein coding for an N-terminal half of an activated variant of CAX1 (sCAX1) can associate with the C-terminal half of either CAX1 or CAX3 to form a functional transporter that may exhibit unique transport properties. Using yeast split ubiquitin, in planta bimolecular fluorescence complementation, and gel shift experiments, we demonstrate a physical interaction among the half proteins. Moreover, the half-proteins both independently localized to the same yeast endomembrane. Co-expressing variants of N- and C-terminal halves of CAX1 and CAX3 in yeast suggested that the N-terminal region mediates Ca2+ transport, whereas the C-terminal half defines salt tolerance phenotypes. Furthermore, in yeast assays, auto-inhibited CAX1 could be differentially activated by CAX split proteins. The N-terminal half of CAX1 when co-expressed with CAX1 activated Ca2+ transport, whereas co-expressing C-terminal halves of CAX variants with CAX1 conferred salt tolerance but no apparent Ca2+ transport. These findings demonstrate plasticity through hetero-CAX complex formation as well as a novel means to engineer CAX transport.  相似文献   

Amiloride is a weak inhibitor of Na+/Ca2+ exchange in isolated plasma membrane vesicles prepared from GH3 rat anterior pituitary cells. However, substitution on either a terminal guanidino nitrogen atom or the 5-amino nitrogen atom can increase inhibitory potency ca. 100-fold (I50 approximately 10 microM). A structure-activity study indicates that defined structural modifications of guanidino substituents are associated with increases in inhibitory activity. In contrast, analogues bearing 5-amino substituents generally increase in potency with increasing hydrophobicity of the substitution. Specificity in action of either class is indicated by several criteria. These inhibitors do not disrupt the osmotic integrity of the membrane, nor do they significantly interfere with plasmalemmal Ca2+-ATPase-driven Ca2+ uptake, Na+,K+-ATPase enzymatic activity, or the function of Ca2+ or K+ channels. Inhibition is freely reversible, further indicating a lack of nonspecific membrane effects. The mechanism by which each inhibitor class blocks exchange was found to be identical. Protonation of the guanidino moiety (i.e., cationic charge) is essential for activity. Analysis of transport inhibition as a function of Ca2+ concentration indicates noncompetitive kinetics. However, inhibition was reversed by elevating intravesicular Na+, indicating a competitive interaction with this ion. These results suggest that the inhibitors function as Na+ analogues, interact at a Na+ binding site on the carrier (presumably the site at which the third Na+ binds), and reversibly tie up the transporter in an inactive complex. In addition to blocking pituitary exchange, these analogues are effective inhibitors of the bovine brain and porcine cardiac transport systems.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent Ca2+-uptake was investigated in sealed plasmamembrane vesicles isolated from corn roots (Zea mays L. cv.Hybrid-3352/Palma-Pioneer). In a chloride-containing medium,at high calcium concentrations, about 30% of the total Ca2+accumulation ({small tilde}4 nmol Ca2+ mg–1 protein) wasshown to be protonophore-sensitive and corresponded to the fractionof Ca2+ not accumulated in a sulphate-containing medium. Furthermore,vesicles in the presence of nitrate, which stimulates H+ transport,or vesicles preloaded with H+, take up Ca2+ more rapidly, suggestingthat, at high calcium concentrations, there is a mechanism forCa2+ transport which depends on the magnitude of the protongradient across the membrane. The fraction of Ca2+ uptake shownto be sensitive to the protonophore CCCP increased by about150–200% as the Ca2+ concentration in the medium increasedfrom 50µM to 250µM. Under the same conditions, theCCCP-insensitive fraction of Ca2+ accumulated was reduced byabout 25–30% suggesting that different Ca2+ affinitiesexist in the two Ca2+ uptake processes. Although calmodulinstimulation was not observed, the sensitivity to Ca2+ and externalpH indicates that H+ gradient-independent Ca2+ accumulationreflects activity of the Ca2+–pump. These results indicatethat the plasma membrane of corn roots contain two distinctmechanisms of Ca2+ transport: a high Ca2+ affinity, proton gradient-independentCa2+ pump and a low Ca2+ affinity, proton gradient-dependentCa2+/H+ antiport, which have greatest activity at concentrationsof Ca2+ below and above 50+M, respectively. Key words: Ca2+/H+ antiport, Ca2+ pump, plasmalemma, roots, Zea mays L.  相似文献   

Physiological and biochemical studies have suggested that the plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase controls many important aspects of plant physiology, including growth, development, nutrient transport, and stomata movements. We have started the genetic analysis of this enzyme by isolating both genomic and cDNA clones of an H+-ATPase gene from Arabidopsis thaliana. The cloned gene is interrupted by 15 introns, and there is partial conservation of exon boundaries with respect to animal (Na+/K+)- and Ca2+-ATPases. In general, the relationship between exons and the predicted secondary and transmembrane structure of different ATPases with phosphorylated intermediate support a somewhat degenerate correspondence between exons and structural modules. The predicted amino acid sequence of the plant H+-ATPase is more closely related to fungal and protozoan H+-ATPases than to bacterial K+-ATPases or to animal (Na+/K+)-, (H+/K+)-, and Ca2+-ATPases. There is evidence for the existence of at least three isoforms of the plant H+-ATPase gene. These results open the way for a molecular approach to the structure and function of the plant proton pump.  相似文献   

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