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Light harvesting complexes 2 (LH2) are the peripheral antenna proteins in the bacterial photosynthetic apparatus and are built of alpha/beta-heterodimers containing three bacteriochlorophylls and two carotenoids each. Previously, we have found in 2D-crystals that the complexes could be inserted within the membrane with a tilt with respect to the membrane plane (Rhodobacter sphaeroides) or without tilt (Rubrivivax gelatinosus). To investigate whether the tilted insertion represents the native state or if it is due to specific 2D-crystal contacts, we have used atomic force microscopy to investigate LH2 from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila reconstituted at different lipid to protein ratios. High-resolution topographs could be acquired of two types of 2D-crystals or of densely packed membranes. Interestingly, in type 2 2D-crystals and in non-crystalline densely packed membranes, cylinders are integrated with their symmetry axis normal to the membrane plane, while in type 1 2D-crystals LH2 cylinders are integrated with a tilt of approximately 4 degrees with respect to the membrane plane. Therefore, we present strong evidence that the tilt of LH2 does not represent the native membrane state and is due to protein-protein contacts in specific 2D-crystals.  相似文献   

In this paper the fluorescence-excitation spectra of individual LH1-RC complexes (Rhodopseudomonas acidophila) at 1.2 K are presented. All spectra show a limited number of broad bands with a characteristic polarization behavior, indicating that the excitations are delocalized over a large number of pigments. A significant variation in the number of bands, their bandwidths, and polarization behavior is observed. Only 30% of the spectra carry a clear signature of delocalized excited states of a circular structure of the pigments. The large spectral variety suggests that besides site heterogeneity also structural heterogeneity determines the optical spectrum of the individual LH1-RC complexes. Further research should reveal if such heterogeneity is a native property of the complex or induced during the experimental procedures.  相似文献   

Marquardt and Powell optimization methods without constraintson the optimized spectral parameters were employed for decompositionof complex i.r., c.d. and absorption spectra into componentbands. The procedure resolved experimental spectra into eightcomponent bands and it can be easily adjusted for a larger setof component bands. The CPU time required for achievement ofsatisfactory convergence of parameters for eight component bandsis rather large even when using mainframe computers and thereforedivision of spectra into a few non-overlapped parts is advisable.The program also can be used for calculation of absorption,c.d. and difference spectra from formatted raw spectral data. Received on January 13, 1986; accepted on April 7, 1986  相似文献   

The isolation of two native light harvesting bacteriochlorophyl.protein complexes from Rhodopseudomonas capsulata is described. The light harvesting bacteriochlorophyll I (B 875) has been isolated from the blue-green mutant A1a+ lacking both carotenoids and light harvesting bacteriochlorophyll II. Light harvesting bacteriochlorophyll I is associated with a protein (light harvesting band 2) of 12 000 molecular weight. Light harvesting bacteriochlorophyll II complex has been isolated from the mutant Y5 lacking a reaction center and light harvesting bacteriochlorophyll I. Light harvesting bacteriochlorphyll II (B 800 + 850) together with carotenoids is associated with two polypeptides (light harvesting bands 3 and 4) having molecular weights of about 8000 and 10 000 (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). A third protein (light harvesting band 1) is in the purified light harvesting II fraction (mol. wt. approx. 14 000), but not associated with bacteriochlorophyll or carotenoids. The amino acid composition of the 3 antenna pigment II proteins is given. The polarity of these proteins was found to be 48%. From the amino acid composition the following molecular weights were calculated band 1: 17 350, band 3: 13 350 and band 4: 10 500.  相似文献   

Light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll-protein complexes from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides 2.4.1 and R-26 mutant are solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulfate and imbedded in polyvinyl alcohol. Stretching induces orientation, and the linear dichroism of visible and near infrared absorption is analyzed. Based on a simple model, angles between the particle axis and the transition dipole moments are found. In the near infrared absorption band of the R-26 light-harvesting protein the dichroic ratio varies from 1.30 to 1.57. Using the absorption curves the band is resolved into two exciton components. In the visible absorption band the dichroic ratio has a constant value of 0.43 for the R-26 protein but varies with wavelength for the wild type light-harvesting protein. This variation is attributed to an additional bacteriochlorophyll not present in the R-26 protein.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of photosystem I (PSI) complexes of the cyanobacteria Thermosynechococcus elongatus, Arthrospira platensis and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 were studied. CD spectra of dark-adapted PSI trimers and monomers, measured at 77 K, show common bands at 669–670(+), 673(+), 680(−), 683–685(−), 696–697(−), 702(−) and 711(−) nm. The intensities of these bands are species specific. In addition, bands at 683–685(−) and 673(+) nm differ in intensity for trimeric and monomeric PSI complexes. CD difference spectra (P700+–P700) of PSI complexes at 283 K exhibit conservative bands at 701(−) and 691(+) nm due to changes in resonance interaction of chlorophylls in the reaction center upon oxidation of P700. Additional bands are observed at 671(−), 678(+), 685(−), 693(−) nm and in the region 720–725 nm those intensities correlate with intensities of analogous bands of antenna chlorophylls in dark-adapted CD spectra. It is suggested that the variability of CD difference spectra of PSI complexes is determined by changes in resonance interaction of reaction center chlorophylls with closely located antenna chlorophylls.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic unit of Rhodopseudomonas viridis contains a reaction centre (P960) and a light harvesting complex (B1015). Immune electron microscopy combined with image processing has allowed the central core of the photosynthetic unit to be identified as the reaction centre and the surrounding protein ring as the light harvesting complex. This light harvesting complex, subdivided into twelve subunits was shown to contain 24 bacteriochlorophyll b molecules. A model is presented which may account for the far red shift of the Qy absorption of the bacteriochlorophyll b molecules in vivo.  相似文献   

As an approach to elucidate the mechanism of the protein structure change in the cooperative ligand binding, the UV difference and CD spectra of aromatic residues in Panulirus japonicus (spiny lobster) hemocyanin were examined. The native hemocyanin showed an O2-induced narrow-banded change in the absorption spectrum around 290 nm, which was not affected by pH in the range of 7.5 to 9.5. When the native hexameric protein was stripped of divalent cations with EDTA (at pH 7.5), the magnitude of the narrow-banded difference was reduced to about half, whereas it was almost completely abolished on dissociation into subunits (stripped at pH 9.5). The magnitude of the absorption change was found to be proportional to the degree of O2 saturation in the native and stripped hemocyanins. It was inferred that the spectral difference reflects a tertiary structure change directly linked to the oxygenation, though it depends greatly on the subunit association. Panulirus hemocyanin showed negative CD bands in the region of 260 to 300 nm, the intensities of which were considerably reduced by oxygenation and also by dissociation into subunits.  相似文献   

Putidaredoxin (Pdx) is an 11,400-Da iron-sulfur protein that sequentially transfers two electrons to the cytochrome P450cam during the enzymatic cycle of the stereospecific camphor hydroxylation. We report two transitions in the Pdx UV-VIS absorption and circular dichroism (CD) temperature dependencies, occurring at 16.3+/-0.5 degrees C and 28.4+/-0.5 degrees C. The 16.3 degrees C transition is attributed to the disruption of the hydrogen bonding of the active center bridging sulfur atom with cysteine 45 and alanine 46. The transition at 28.4 degrees C occurs exclusively in the Pdx(ox) at very nearly the same temperature as the earlier reported biphasicity in the redox potential. The formal potential temperature slope constancy reflects the relative stability of the concentration ratio of both oxidation states. The lower temperature transition affects both Pdx(red) and Pdx(ox) to a comparable extent, and their concentration ratio remains constant. In contrast, the 28.4 degrees C transition preferentially destabilizes Pdx(ox) thereby accelerating the formal potential negative shift and lower redox reaction entropy. There is evidence to suggest that disrupting hydrogen bonding of the iron ligating cysteines 45, 39 with residues threonine 47, serine 44, glycine 41, and serine 42 causes the 28.4 degrees C transition. The sensitivity of the UV-VIS absorption and CD spectroscopy to subtle structural protein backbone transitions is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Absorption and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra are reported for chlorophyll (Chl) a and Chl b dissolved in nematic liquid crystal solvents. The spectra were measured with the dye molecules oriented uniaxially along the direction of. the magnetic field and measuring light beam. It is significant that under such conditions the MCD spectra recorded in the wavelength region of the Q and Soret bands of the chlorophyll are essentially unchanged with respect to rotation of the sample cell around this axis, even though there is almost complete orientation of the chlorophyll molecules by the liquid crystals. The MCD spectra of Chl a and b in the nematic liquid crystal solvents used in this study are surprisingly similar to the spectra obtained under isotropic conditions. These results illustrate an important technique with which to examine the optical spectra of dyes oriented in liquid crystal matrices in which the anisotropic effects can be reduced the negligible proportions by the application of a strong magnetic field parallel to the direction of the measuring light beam. The first deconvolution calculations are reported that describe the deconvolution of pairs of absorption and MCD spectra, in the Q and B band regions, for both Chl a and b. The spectral analysis to obtain quantitative estimates of transition energies was accomplished by carrying out detailed deconvolution calculations in which the both the absorption and MCD spectral envelopes were fitted with the same number of components; each pair of components had the same hand centres and bandwidth values. This procedure resulted in an assignment of each of the main transitions in the absorption spectra of both Chl a and b. Chl a is clearly monomeric, with Qy, Qx, By and Bx located at 671, 582, 439 and 431 nm, respectively. Analysis of the spectral data for Chl b located Qy, By and Bx, at 662, 476 and 464 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy and simultaneous IR absorption measurements are applied to study the interaction of natural calf thymus DNA with Cu2+ ions at room temperature in a Cu2+ concentration range of 0-0.4M (a Cu2+/phosphate molar ratio [Cu]/[P] of 0-0.7). In some important instances, VCD provides more detailed insights than previous IR investigations whereas in several others it leads to the same interpretations. The Cu2+ ions bind to phosphate groups at a low metal concentration. Upon increasing the ion concentration, chelates are formed in which Cu2+ binds to the N7 of guanine (G) and a phosphate group. Detectable only by VCD, significant distortion of most guanine-cytosine (GC) base pairs occurs at a [Cu]/[P] ratio of 0.5 with only a minor affect on adenine-thymine (AT) base pairs, which favors a "sandwich" complex in which a Cu2+ ion is inserted between two adjacent guanines in a GpG sequence. The AT base pairs become significantly distorted when the metal concentration is increased to 0.7 [Cu]/[P]. A number of GC base pairs, which are possibly involved in sandwich complexes, remain stacked and paired even at 0.7 [Cu]/[P], preventing complete strand separation. The DNA secondary structure changes considerably from the standard B-form geometry at a [Cu]/[P] ratio of 0.4 and higher. A further transition to some intermediate conformation that is inconsistent with either the A- or Z-form or a completely denatured state is suggested in agreement with other works. In general, VCD proves to be a reliable indicator of the 3-dimensional structure of the DNA-metal ion complexes, which reveals structural details that cannot be deduced from the IR absorption spectra alone.  相似文献   

Low-temperature absorption and circular dichroism studies of phytochrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M J Burke  D C Pratt  A Moscowitz 《Biochemistry》1972,11(22):4025-4031

The DeVoe polarizability theory is used to calculate vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) and infrared (IR) absorption spectra of four polyribonucleotides: poly(rA) x poly(rU), poly(rU) x poly(rA) x poly(rU), poly(rG) x poly(rC), and poly(rC+) x poly(rI) x poly(rC). This is the first report on the use of the DeVoe theory to calculate VCD, oriented VCD, IR absorption, and IR linear dichroism (LD) spectra of double- and triple-stranded polyribonucleotides. Results are reported for DeVoe theory calculations--within the base-stretching 1750-1550 cm(-1) spectral region--on several proposed multistranded polyribonucleotide geometries. The calculated spectra obtained from these proposed geometries are compared with previously reported measured and calculated VCD and IR spectral results. Base-base hydrogen-bonding effects on the frequencies and magnitudes of the base carbonyl stretching modes are explicitly considered. The good agreements found between calculated and measured spectra are proposed to be further evidence of the usefulness of the DeVoe theory in drawing three-dimensional structural conclusions from measured polyribonucleotide VCD and IR spectra.  相似文献   

Strong contribution of the aromatic amino acid side chain chromophores to the far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectra substantially distorts a relatively weak CD signal originating from beta sheet, the main type of immunoglobulin secondary structure. In this study we compared the secondary structure calculated from the far-UV CD spectra with the X-ray data for three antibody Fab fragments. Calculations were performed with three different algorithms, using two sets of reference proteins. Low standard deviations between all six estimates indicate stable mathematical solutions. Despite pronounced differences in the shape and amplitude of the CD spectra, we found a strong correlation between CD and X-ray data in the secondary structure for every protein studied. The number and average length of the secondary structure elements estimated from the CD spectra closely resemble those of the X-ray data. Agreement between spectroscopic and crystallographic results demonstrates that modern methods of secondary structure calculation are resilient to distortions of the far-UV CD spectra of immunoglobulins caused by aromatic side chain chromophores.  相似文献   

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