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兼长角纹石蛾的生物学特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
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多突石蛾属Ceraclea Stephens世界已知96种,我国原记载13种。近年来作者在整理陕西、江西、浙江、福建和江苏等省的毛翅目昆虫标本中共发现有7新种、2新记录种。本文记述从安徽、贵州、四川及江西等地采得的4新种和2新记录种,模式标本保存在南京农业大学植保系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

H.H.Ross和John D.Unzicker于1977年将纹石蛾属Branta组的种类建立一个新亚属——侧枝纹石蛾亚属Ceratopsyche,并移入Symphitopsyche属。A.Nielsen(1981)进一步将其提升为属。而P.W.Schefter等(1986)认为仍作为纹石蛾属的亚属较为适当。此亚属均分布于北半球,其中新北区30种,印度——马来区3种,古北区35种。中国目前已知9种,本文又发现9新种和3新记录种。中国种类的雄成虫检索表和新种、新记录种的描述如后。新种模式标本保存于南京农业大学植保系。  相似文献   

记述了角石蛾科角石蛾属4新种,分别为采自广西的田林角石蛾Stenopsyche tianlinensis sp.nov.,叠尾角石蛾Stenopsyche bistratosa sp.nov.,贵州的鹿肢角石蛾Stenopsyche cervaria sp.nov.和采自陕西的细弯角石蛾Stenopsyche sinuolata sp.nov..模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

记述了弓石蛾属2新种,分别是采自云南的三突茎弓石蛾Arctopsyche triacanthophora sp.nov.及采自四川的黄氏弓石蛾Arctopsyche huangi sp.nov..模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

龙建国  黄五龙  张建云  龙泽权 《生态科学》2004,23(3):236-239,243
针对生活在水流速度较快的湖南省柘溪水电站一带河床大量发生的原双栖纹石蛾(Amphipsyche proluta)来说采用一般的防治措施都很难付诸实施,或者只能是治标,不能治本。经1997年至2000年的调查研究和试验分析得知人为去掉河底大型石块,加深河水深度,减缓流速,以破坏适宜于该石蛾幼虫生存的生态环境,引进生态致死因子,是从根本上杜绝该石蛾发生的较为理想的办法。  相似文献   

研究了中国毛翅目石蛾科种类,并报道2新种,即莫氏褐纹石蛾Eubasisissa morsei sp.nov.和丽褐纹石蛾Eubasilissa splendida sp.nov..新种模式标本保存在南京农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

中国裸齿角石蛾属三新种(毛翅目,齿角石蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
描述了裸齿角石蛾属3新种,即脊状裸齿角石蛾Psilotreta vertebrata sp.nov.(广东)、方背裸齿角石蛾Psilotreta cuboides sp.nov.(云南)和凹入裸齿角石蛾Psilotreta excavata sp.nov.(江西)。模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

描述了裸齿角石蛾属3新种:细尖裸齿角石蛾Psilotreta apiculata sp.nov.,叠肢裸齿角石蛾Psilotreta superposita sp.nov.和单刺裸齿角石蛾Psilotreta monacantha sp.nov.,并提供了中国及邻近地区该属种类的种组检索表.模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

D. N. Alstad 《Oecologia》1987,71(4):525-531
Summary The dimensions of net meshes constructed by hydropsychid Trichoptera vary both within and between species. Despite these catchnet differences, the diets of most Hydropsychidae studied in Utah streams were statistically indistinguishable. There was no relationship between the size of available resources and catchnet construction among species assemblages inhabiting 10 different localities. A particle-size model of caddis communities, suggesting that taxa feed selectively on particle sizes corresponding to the dimension of catchnet meshes, is not supported by these data.Diatom concentration increased regularly with downstream passage in two different drainages. The identity and number of coexisting hydropsychid species and the size of their catchnets were strongly correlated with diatom concentration. Taxa with large catchnet mesh were the only residents at sites where diatom concentration was very low; as resource concentration increased downstream, species with successively smaller mesh joined the coexisting guild. Together, the broad dietary similarities and distributional pattern from Utah streams suggest that resource concentration, rather than particle size, is the basis of community organization among the hydropsychid Trichoptera.  相似文献   

黄土高原区景观生态特征与景观生态建设   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
黄土高原是黄河中游的黄土分布区 ,人类开发历史悠久 ,自然环境变化显著。长期以来 ,由于土地的不合理利用 ,水土流失严重 ,资源被破坏 ,生态环境日益恶化 ,属于生态脆弱区。人类活动强烈干扰 ,超过了生态系统的稳定极限而使之退化是该区的显著特征之一。景观生态学理论体系中的景观动态与演进、景观规划与建设以及景观保护等都是黄土高原生态环境所面临的主要问题。所以 ,强调人类活动对景观结构与生态过程影响 ,可为黄土高原地区生态环境建设提供理论依据。1 黄土高原区景观生态特征黄土高原位于我国西北荒漠区的前沿 ,北与毛乌素沙漠相…  相似文献   

D. N. Alstad 《Hydrobiologia》1981,79(2):137-140
Sampling and statistical techniques are presented to identify nonrandom distributional patterns resulting from microhabitat selection by stream insects. The method is based on the frequency of conspecific combinations in a series of nearest-neighbor pairs. Its use is demonstrated with data from a Rocky Mountain caddisfly community.  相似文献   

Gastric mills of final instar larval Hydropsychidae (21 genera: 59 species) observed by scanning electron microscopy, revealed dramatic structural variation. There was no dental development in Diplectrona (S. F. Diplectroninae ), minute spines in Aphropsyche, Austropsyche, Homoplectra (S. F. Diplectroninae ), Arctopsyche and Parapsyche (S. F. Arclopsychinae ), and well-developed sclerotized teeth in most genera of Hydropsychinae and Macronematinae. Hydropsyche and Ceratopsyche were characterized by 30–50 triangular tooth-plates. Only two genera in the Hydropsychinae possessed a constant number of teeth in the proventriculus - Synaptopsyche with 36 and Potamyia with 18. Gastric mills of Cheumatopsyche contained larger numbers of smaller, spine-covered teeth whereas in Smicridea teeth were absent. Within the Macronematinae, species of Macrostemum, Blepharopus, Protomacronema, Amphipsyche and Aethaloptera invariably had 18 tooth-plates while Polymorphanisus possessed 12 smaller, sharply triangular teeth. Leptonema, Macronema and Plectromacronema all had spinate proventriculi. In general the degree of dental development within subfamilies supports currently held views on hydropsychid phylogeny. I suggest that the development of large tooth-plates for food processing has contributed significantly to the adaptive radiation of the more highly evolved Hydropsychinae and Macronematinae. Examination of gut contents from Amphipsyche meridiana indicated differential crushing efficiency of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Further studies are required to determine the functional role of the dentition in each type of mill.  相似文献   

秦岭落叶松林土壤真菌种群及其生态特性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
森林枯落物及土壤有机质分解主要靠微生物(尤其是真菌)来完成。微生物分布和活动是森林生产环境综合评价的主要依据之一[1]。开展森林土壤(包括枯落层)微生物生态研究对于森林保护,食品化工和医药工业产品的生产、开发提供新信息和菌种资源等有重要现实意义。本研...  相似文献   

Harding  Jon S. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,350(1-3):25-33
Strategies for the coexistence of two caddisflies,Aoteapsyche raruraru and A. colonica(Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) were considered in aSouth Island lake outlet, New Zealand. Three mainstrategies were assessed, firstly that competitionbetween species may be reduced by the presence ofselective predators, secondly, that coexistence ismaintained by periodic disturbance which reducescompetition effects, and thirdly that interspecificcompetition is negated by segregation of either lifehistories or feeding strategies, and diet ormicrohabitat preferences. The first strategy wasrejected, as gut analyses of common fish andmacroinvertebrate predators showed that both speciesof Aoteapsyche were taken in approximately equalproportions to their benthic densities (i.e. 10:1 A. raruraru to A. colonica), indicating thatpredation was unlikely to influence coexistence.Similarly the second strategy was not supported byobservations of flow conditions during the study whichwere insufficient to move the substrata extensivelycolonised by both species of Aoteapsyche.Finally, temporal segregation of life histories wasnot observed, but analyses of larval guts indicatedthat diet was affected by shelter location on thesubstrate. Sampling of substrate microhabitats showedthat A. raruraru larvae occurred on the uppersurfaces, sides and under surfaces of large cobbles,although significantly higher densities were collectedfrom the upper surfaces and sides. In contrast, A. colonica aggregated on the sides and undersurfacesof cobbles. In other streams A. colonica showsa similar microdistribution but in a silted streamlacking seston, and in the absence of A. colonica, A. raruraru larvae occurred mainly onthe under surfaces of stones. Co-existence of thesetwo congeners would seem to be possible bymicrohabitat segregation where food availability ishigh, however in the absence of a plentiful foodsupply and A. colonica the microdistribution ofA. raruraru may differ.  相似文献   

Development of assessment endpoints and conceptual models aids ecological risk assessors in identifying measurable attributes that will allow quantification and prediction of risk. Measures of exposure and effect are explicitly considered, usually quantitatively, in nearly every ecological risk assessment, while measures of ecosystem characteristics are generally addressed only implicitly, if at all. Yet these characteristics influence both the behavior and location of assessment endpoint entities and the spatial and temporal distribution of stressors. This case study illustrates use of a regression partitioning model to quantify the influence of ecosystem characteristics (e.g., land use patterns, nutrient concentrations) on the concentration of a chemical stressor (atrazine) in surface waters of a large river basin. The model partitioned the basin into five land use groups ranging from High Forested to Very High Agriculture. Literature-derived chronic effects data were used with a joint-probability model to characterize atrazine risk to an aquatic assessment entity in each of these land use subgroups. Atrazine concentrations and risk directly correlated with the intensity of agricultural land use. This permits risk management to focus on agricultural areas within the basin; a focus that would not have been possible without explicitly considering ecosystem characteristics.  相似文献   

Larvae of the stream-dwelling, filter-feeding caddisfly Macrostemum carolina construct silken catchnets within protective retreats. In the Savannah River, M. carolina individuals make three different retreats, each with a distinct water entrance hole: (i) at the end of a silken tube; (ii) with a approximately 180 degrees silken backstop; and (iii) flush with the top of the retreat. To resolve whether these different retreats represent alternative behavioural phenotypes within a single panmictic population or fixed phenotypes within three genetically distinct populations or species, we compared the allele frequencies at three polymorphic nuclear loci (allozyme electrophoresis for Gpi, Mpi and Pgm) and the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype frequencies among individuals displaying the three retreat morphs. We also calculated pairwise exact tests of population differentiation using the allozyme and mtDNA allele frequencies. No significant genetic differentiation was detected among caddisflies exhibiting the different retreat morphs. Therefore, these morphs apparently represent a single panmictic population in the Savannah River. Consequently, additional study is required to assess whether this retreat polymorphism is a phenotypically plastic trait under conditional control, or is mediated by alternative alleles at a Mendelian gene or genes (or a combination of the two).  相似文献   

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