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This paper considers two kinds of model of the spatial pattern of egg distribution of the Ranunculus leaf mining fly, Phytomyza ranunculiSchrank , as a step to determining the effect of the distribution upon the parasitism of this species by the eulophid parasite, Kratochviliana sp.. Each model incorporates submodels in several important stages of both the processes of visiting and subsequent oviposition by the fly. Model 2 is more general than model 1, because the former also includes the effect of oviposition restraint. Both models fitted well the egg distribution on fresh plants and on exploited plants. The fitting similarity on exploited plants is due to the fact that there were not so many heavily exploited leaves which lead to oviposition restraint, owing to the low density of mature larvae contained in the leaves. These models will be applicable to the distribution of larvae as well as eggs, because most larvae remain in the leaf where they occurred as eggs, until emerging just before pupation. This paper also discusses by use of these models the fact that this fly tends to effectively avoid excessive oviposition in leaves by laying fewer eggs per visit and visiting leaves more sparsely and also by refraining from further oviposition on leaves exploited heavily by mature larvae.  相似文献   

Taylor's (1984) view that his power law is better measurement of the distribution pattern of animals than 1/k, Iρ and relation because almost all the data on means and variances of given species could be fitted by the power low, was critisized. Changes in values of 1/k, Iρ and suggest the change of distribution pattern of the species, but the data can still be fitted by the power law because of the great linearizing power of log-log plots, and, using the power law only, we shall overlook the information on the meaningful changes in the distribution pattern.  相似文献   

This study analyzes results of interspecies competition between the azuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis and the southern cowpea weevil, C. maculatus using the four geographical strains of each species.
  1. Fifteen combinations of one strain from each species were set up to compete. The strains of C. chinensis, rather than of C. maculatus, characteristically determine the eventual outcomes of competition. Some strains of C. chinensis (jC and kC) invariably won every encounter with C. maculatus. Another strain (nC) always lost its encounters, while one other strain (iC) won some encounters (:cQ and :cQ) and lost others (:tQ and :bQ). For any combination the competition results were deterministic and no reversal in outcome was observed among the replicates.
  2. The weakness of strain nC in competition is explained by its characteristics in single species populations, different greatly from other strains of C. chinensis, although it had the similar primary (individual) characteristics as other strains of C. chinensis. Strain iC had the shortest adult longevity in the four strains of C. chinensis although it behaved similar to strain jC at the single species population level. Especially under the food supply schedule of the present experiment the shortness of adult longevity might be the important factor determining the outcome.
  3. The relationship of the eight strains based on the individual and single species population characteristics, and that based on the competition results were very similar. Even when the competition results could not be explained by any one or two of these characteristics alone, the outcome would be largely decided by the overall biotic profile made by several characteristics.

Sibling (cannibalism among siblings) and non-sibling cannibalism (cannibalism among non-siblings) were studied in a natural population of a lady beetle, Harmonia axyridisPallas . Of all the eggs laid (n=2269), 24.76% (n=562) were killed by sibling cannibalism and 36.10% (n=819) were killed by non-sibling cannibalism. Sibling cannibalism occurred constantly and intensively in most egg batches throughout the entire oviposition period. On the other hand, non-sibling cannibalism was more intense in the middle and late oviposition periods, and when the egg batches were close to an aphid colony. This may be due to the high density of H. axyridis larvae relative to aphid density in the middle and late oviposition periods and also the larvae searching intensively near an aphid colony.  相似文献   

1. Adapting to a low‐quality plant may require modification of an insect's digestive physiology, oviposition behaviour, or other host‐use traits. If colonising a marginal host entails a cost, a decay in adaptation would be expected after selection is relaxed, i.e. if populations on a novel host are reverted to their high‐quality ancestral host. 2. Replicate lines of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) rapidly adapted to lentil seeds; larval survival rose from approximately 1 to ≥ 90%, and oviposition on lentil increased more than two‐fold. This study compared egg‐laying behaviour in lines that either remained on lentil or were reverted to the ancestral host, mung bean, for 22–62 generations. 3. Consistent with the trade‐off hypothesis, females from two reverted sublines showed decreased oviposition on lentil (estimated as lifetime fecundity), but host acceptance in a third subline was unchanged. In a short‐term assay, acceptance of lentil by newly emerged females was lower in each reverted subline than in the corresponding non‐reverted one. Because effective population sizes (determined from genome resequencing) were large throughout the experiment, this decline in host acceptance is unlikely to be explained solely by genetic drift. 4. Variation among replicates in the magnitude of the reversion effect was also observed in a previous study of larval survival. However, the pattern of variation for survival was not congruent with the pattern of variation for host acceptance in this study. Thus, genes mediating improved performance on lentil appear to be largely independent of those responsible for increased oviposition.  相似文献   

The long-term study of animal populations facilitates detailed analysis of processes otherwise difficult to measure, and whose significance may appear only when a large sample size from many years is available for analysis. For example, inbreeding is a rare event in most natural populations, and therefore many years of data are needed to estimate its effect on fitness. A key behaviour hypothesized to play an important role in avoiding inbreeding is natal dispersal. However, the functional significance of natal dispersal with respect to inbreeding has been much debated but subject to very few empirical tests. We analysed 44 years of data from a wild great tit Parus major population involving over 5000 natal dispersal events within Wytham Woods, UK. Individuals breeding with a relative dispersed over several-fold shorter distances than those outbreeding; within the class of inbreeding birds, increased inbreeding was associated with reduced dispersal distance, for both males and females. This led to a 3.4-fold increase (2.3-5, 95% CI) in the likelihood of close (f=0.25) inbreeding relative to the population average when individuals dispersed less than 200m. In the light of our results, and published evidence showing little support for active inbreeding avoidance in vertebrates, we suggest that dispersal should be considered as a mechanism of prime importance for inbreeding avoidance in wild populations.  相似文献   

Diglyphus begini (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is a larval ectoparasitoid of the leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Female wasps oviposit on larvae which are significantly larger than larvae utilized for host feeding or hosts rejected for oviposition or feeding. Host size is evaluated on a relative rather than absolute basis. Individual female reproductive success increases with host size because of accompanying increases in offspring survivorship and adult body size. The number and duration of parasitoid stings is significantly greater when host feeding compared to oviposition and host rejection due to extensive probing of the internal viscera of larvae with the female ovipositor when host feeding. Upon host paralysis, 47.5% of parasitoid eggs become displaced from their host. However, eggs experimentally placed a mean distance of 0.8 mm away from a host do not result in a reduction in offspring survivorship compared to eggs attached to a host.
Résumé La mineuse L. trifolii Burgess attaque de nombreuses cultures à travers le monde. L'eulophide, D. begini Ashmead, est un parasitoïde fréquent du diptère. L'objectif de nombreux praticiens de la lutte biologique est de pouvoir prédire le résultat de lâchers d'ennemis naturels. Cette étude a été entreprise en estimant que la connaissance du comportement de prospection aide á comprendre la dynamique des interactions des populations hôtes et parasites. Une attaque de D. begini se concrétisant par une ponte, est généralement caractérisée par deux piqûres de durée limitée avec émission de l'uf normalement au cours de la seconde piqûre.L'alimentation aux dépens de l'hôte est caractérisée par des piqûres prolongées et répétées. Les hôtes refusés pour la ponte ou l'alimentation sont piqués une fois ou deux, les deux piqûres étant très brèves.L'aptitude de D. begini à percevoir les différences de tailles des larves de L. trifolii augmente la valeur adaptative individuelle des parasites. Les femelles ne pondent que dans les hôtes les plus grands, ce qui augmente le taux de survie des descendants et la taille des adultes. Puisque la taille des hôtes est évaluée sur une base relative, la valeur adaptative du parasite est indépendante des changements de distribution des tailles des hôtes rencontrés. Les larves de L. trifolii utilisées comme hôtes ne deviennent pas immédiatement immobiles après avoir été attaquées. Ceci fait que de nombreux ufs peuvent être délogés de leur hôte. Nous avons été incapables de déceler quelque effet nocif de ces mouvements de l'hôte après la ponte sur la survie des ufs de D. begini.

Summary When host quality varies, parasitoid wasps are expected to oviposit selectively in high-quality hosts. We tested the assumption underlying host-size models that, for solitary species of wasps, quality is based on host size. Using Ephedrus californicus, a solitary endoparasitoid of the pea aphid, we evaluated the influence of aphid size (= mass), age and defensive behaviours on host selection. Experienced parasitoid females were given a choice among three classes of 5-day-old apterous nymphs: small aphids that had been starved daily for 4 h (S4) and 6 h (S6) respectively, and large aphids permitted to feed (F) normally. Wasps attacked more, and laid more eggs in, small than large aphids (S6>S4>F). This rank-order for attack did not change when females could choose among aphids of the same size that differed in age; however, wasps oviposited in all attacked aphids with equal probability. Host size did not influence parasitoid attack rates when aphids were anaesthetized so that they could not escape or defend themselves. As predicted by host-size models, wasp size increased with host size (F>S4; S6), but large wasps required longer to complete development than their smaller counterparts (S4E. californicus reflects a trade-off between maximization of fitness gains per egg and the economics of search-time allocation. Because large aphids are more likely to escape parasitization, a wasp must balance her potential gain in fitness by ovipositinng in a high-quality (large) aphid against her potential cost in terms of lost opportunity time if the attack fails.  相似文献   

The ecological and evolutionary importance of fine-scale genetic structure within populations is increasingly appreciated. However, available data are largely restricted to wild vertebrates and eusocial insects. In addition, there is the expectation that most insects tend to have such large- and high-density populations and are so mobile that they are unlikely to face inbreeding risks through fine-scale population structuring. This has made the growing body of evidence for inbreeding avoidance in insects and its implication in mating systems evolution somewhat enigmatic. We present a 4-year study of a natural population of field crickets. Using detailed video monitoring combined with genotyping, we track the movement of all adults within the population and investigate genetic structure at a fine scale. We find some evidence for relatives being found in closer proximity, both across generations and within a single breeding season. Whilst incestuous matings are not avoided, population inbreeding is low, suggesting that mating is close to random and the limited fine-scale structure does not create significant inbreeding risk. Hence, there is little evidence for selective pressures associated with the evolution of inbreeding avoidance mechanisms in a closely related species.  相似文献   

Interfertile populations of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus differ genetically in several behavioral, morphological, and life-history traits, including traits that affect the intensity of larval competition within seeds. Previous studies have suggested that this variation depends on differences in host size. I performed a selection experiment in which replicate beetle lines were either maintained on a small, ancestral host (mung bean) or switched to a larger, novel host (cowpea). After 40 generations, I estimated survival, development time, and adult mass on each host, both in the presence and absence of larval competition. The shift to cowpea substantially reduced body size; irrespective of rearing host, adults from the cowpea lines were more than 10% lighter than those from the mung bean lines. Switching to cowpea also improved survival and reduced development time on this host, but without decreasing performance on the ancestral host. The most striking effect of the shift to a larger host was a reduction in larval competitiveness. When two even-aged larvae co-existed within a seed, the probability that both survived to adult emergence was > or = 65% if larvae were from the cowpea lines but < or = 12% if they were from the mung bean lines. The adverse effects of competition on development time and adult mass were also less severe in the cowpea lines than in the mung bean lines. By rapidly evolving smaller size and reduced competitiveness, the cowpea lines converged toward populations chronically associated with cowpea. These results suggest that evolutionary trajectories can be predictable, and that host-specific selection can play a major role in the diversification of insect life histories. Because host shifts by small, endophagous insects are comparable to the colonization of new habitats, adaptive responses may often include traits (such as larval competitiveness) that are not directly related to host use.  相似文献   

The effects of host age on parasitoid reproductive capacity are studied using the pteromalid parasitoid Lariophagus distinguendusFörster and its bruchid hosts, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) and C. maculatus (F.). A series of experiments were performed to investigate relationships between age and size of host parasitized and the developmental period of pre-imaginal progeny, sex ratio, female size, longevity, fecundity and oviposition rate. There was no effect of host size on preimaginal parasitoid developmental period. Sex ratio varied from less than 5% females from young (small) hosts to 60% females from mature (large) hosts. Adult size, female longevity, fecundity, and oviposition rate were also positively related to host age. Females provided mature hosts lived longer than those provided either young hosts or no hosts, possibly because of an increased ability to host-feed from the larger hosts. The implications of these findings to parasitoid population reproductive capacity and host-parasitoid synchrony are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical studies have suggested that host range in herbivorous insects may be more restricted by constraints on information processing on the ovipositing females than by trade-offs in larval feeding efficiency. We have investigated if females from polyphagous species have to pay for their ability to localize and evaluate plants from different species with a lower ability to discriminate between conspecific host plants with differences in quality. Females of the monophagous butterflies Polygonia satyrus, Vanessa indica and Inachis io and the polyphagous P. c-album and Cynthia cardui (all in Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) were given a simultaneous choice of stinging nettles (Urtica dioica) of different quality. In addition, the same choice trial was given to females from two populations of P. c-album with different degrees of specificity. As predicted from the information processing hypothesis, all specialists discriminated significantly against the bad quality nettle, whereas the generalists laid an equal amount of eggs on both types of nettle. There were no corresponding differences between specialist and generalist larvae in their ability to utilize poor quality leaves. Our study therefore suggests that female host-searching behaviour plays an important role in determining host plant range.  相似文献   

Keeler MS  Chew FS 《Oecologia》2008,156(3):559-568
Exotic plants may act as population sinks or evolutionary traps for native herbivores. The native butterfly Pieris oleracea lays eggs on garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, but larvae develop very poorly on this exotic invasive plant. We examined oviposition preference of individual females and larval performance of their offspring for individuals from one area where garlic mustard is well established and one where it is absent. These data were used to assess whether garlic mustard is being incorporated into or excluded from the diet. Females from the area without garlic mustard showed a wide range of preference, families had low larval survival on garlic mustard, and larval survivorship showed no correlation with mothers’ preferences. Females from the area with garlic mustard preferred it to the native host, and larval survivorship on garlic mustard was positively correlated with the mother’s preference. Individuals surviving on garlic mustard took longer to pupate and weighed >30% less compared to pupae reared on normal hosts. Our results suggest that where garlic mustard is well established P. oleracea may be adapting to this plant by both improved larval performance and increased adult female oviposition preference for it.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction include the costs of mating and egg production. Specific techniques such as irradiation or genetic mutation have been used to divide the expense into costs of mating and egg production in previous studies. We tried to divide the costs in the adzuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), which needs some kinds of bean as an oviposition substrate. Mated females that were not allowed to lay eggs had a shorter life span than virgin females, but they had a longer life span than mated females that were allowed to lay eggs. The results showed two independent significant costs, mating and egg production, on the life span in C. chinensis. Costs of mating, however, include the costs of sexual harassment by males and copulation itself, and we need further studies to divide the costs. The present method for dividing the cost of reproduction into costs of mating and egg production can be applied to a broad taxonomic range of insect species, and thus it will be a useful model system for inter-specific comparisons of costs of mating and egg production.  相似文献   

Resource competition is frequently strong among parasites that feed within small discrete resource patches, such as seeds or fruits. The properties of a host can influence the behavioural, morphological and life‐history traits of associated parasites, including traits that mediate competition within the host. For seed parasites, host size may be an especially important determinant of competitive ability. Using the seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus, we performed replicated, reciprocal host shifts to examine the role of seed size in determining larval competitiveness and associated traits. Populations ancestrally associated with either a small host (mung bean) or a large one (cowpea) were switched to each other's host for 36 generations. Compared to control lines (those remaining on the ancestral host), lines switched from the small host to the large host evolved greater tolerance of co‐occurring larvae within seeds (indicated by an increase in the frequency of small seeds yielding two adults), smaller egg size and higher fecundity. Each change occurred in the direction predicted by the traits of populations already adapted to cowpea. However, we did not observe the expected decline in adult mass following the shift to the larger host. Moreover, lines switched from the large host (cowpea) to the small host (mung bean) did not evolve the predicted increase in larval competitiveness or egg size, but did exhibit the predicted increase in body mass. Our results thus provide mixed support for the hypothesis that host size determines the evolution of competition‐related traits of seed beetles. Evolutionary responses to the two host shifts were consistent among replicate lines, but the evolution of larval competition was asymmetric, with larval competitiveness evolving as predicted in one direction of host shift, but not the reverse. Nevertheless, our results indicate that switching hosts is sufficient to produce repeatable and rapid changes in the competition strategy and fitness‐related traits of insect populations.  相似文献   

The swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus L., feeds exclusively on members of the plant family, Rutaceae. Female butterflies lay eggs in response to specific chemicals contained in their host plants. They perceive a variety of polar compounds as oviposition stimulants through the tarsal chemosensilla of the foreleg by drumming upon the leaf surface. Some biogenic amine analogs have been characterized as oviposition stimulants. We have cloned three amine receptors, serotonin, tyramine, and dopamine, from cDNA derived from foreleg tarsus of P. xuthus, and determined structures of both cDNA and genomic genes. The phenylethylamine (tyramine and dopamine) receptors were expressed preferentially in brain and chemosensory organs. Moreover, we observed the localized expression of dopamine receptors at the base of tarsal chemosensilla by in situ hybridization. These results suggest that amine receptors in tarsal chemosensilla have a functional role in chemoreception for host plant recognition.  相似文献   

Zhang PJ  Shu JP  Fu CX  Zhou Y  Hu Y  Zalucki MP  Liu SS 《Oecologia》2008,157(1):83-92
Constitutive and induced plant resistance against herbivores occurs throughout the plant kingdom, but little is known about the evolutionary relationship between these two types of resistances. We examined the relationships between constitutive and induced resistance to the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, in 11 wild species of crucifers, and analyzed the changes in volatiles associated with their expression in two species. We used larvae of P. xylostella and jasmonic acid (JA) as elicitors of the induced response. The level of resistance was estimated as the relative number of eggs laid on the plants by P. xylostella. Substantial variation in constitutive resistance was observed among the 11 crucifer species. When the plants were damaged by larvae, a negative correlation was found between constitutive and induced resistance. However, a positive correlation was detected between constitutive and induced resistance when the plants were treated by JA. The shift in resistance was associated with changes in the emission of volatiles. These results strongly suggest that (1) a trade-off occurs between constitutive and induced resistance in wild crucifers, and that (2) such a trade-off can be observed by treating the plants with a natural, but not an artificial, elicitor.  相似文献   

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