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The freeze-substitution method was applied toVicia hirsuta root hairs to test its effectiveness in improving preservation of the cell ultrastruture. Freeze-substitution almost certainly represents more faithfully the structure of the hair cell. A previously unreported ‘pyriformis’ vesicle is described. Also unique to freeze-substituted material are coated secretory vesicles; a smooth plasma membrane profile; mitochondrial ribosomes; long microfilament bundles which are associated with vesicles, mitochondria, coated pits and coated vesicles; microtubule-associated filaments; well-preserved coated vesicles and coated pits with enclosing rings; a pliciform nucleus. The results are discussed in context of previous reports using conventional fixation techniques.  相似文献   

A new method for the isolation of root hairs from the model legume, Medicago truncatula, was developed. The procedure involves the propagation of detached roots on agar plates and the collection of root hairs by immersion in liquid nitrogen. Yields of up to 40 micro g of root hair protein were obtained from 50-100 root tips grown for 3 weeks on a single plate. The high purity of the root hair fraction was monitored by western blot analysis using an antibody to the pea epidermis specific protein PsRH2. Sequence analyses revealed that the protein homologous to PsRH2 in M. truncatula, MtRH2, is identical to the root protein MtPR10-1. The MtRH2 protein proved to be a useful endogenous marker to monitor root hair isolation since it is also specifically expressed in the root epidermis.  相似文献   

Mercado-Blanco  Jesús  Prieto  Pilar 《Plant and Soil》2012,358(1-2):301-322


This study aimed to measure the effect of plant diversity on N uptake in grasslands and to assess the mechanisms contributing to diversity effects.


Annual N uptake into above- and belowground organs and soil nitrate pools were measured in the Jena experiment on a floodplain soil with mixtures of 2–16 species and 1–4 functional groups, and monocultures. In mixtures, the deviation of measured data from data expected from monoculture performance was calculated to assess the contribution of complementarity/facilitation and selection.


N uptake varied from <1 to 45 g?N m?2 yr?1, and was higher in grasslands with than without legumes. On average, N uptake was higher in mixtures (21?±?1 g?N m?2 yr?1) than monocultures (13?±?1 g?N m?2 yr?1), and increased with species richness in mixtures. However, compared to N uptake expected from biomass proportions of species in mixtures, N uptake of mixtures was only slightly higher and a significant surplus N uptake was confined to mixtures containing legumes and non-legumes.


In our study, high N uptake of species rich mixtures was mainly due to dominance of productive species and facilitation by legumes whereas complementarity among non-legumes was of minor relevance.  相似文献   

Root hairs play important roles in the interaction of plants with their environment. Root hairs anchor the plant in the soil, facilitate nutrient uptake from the rhizosphere, and participate in symbiotic plant-microbe interactions. These specialized cells grow in a polar fashion which gives rise to their elongated shape, a process mediated in part by a family of small GTPases known as Rops. RopGEFs (GEF, guanine nucleotide exchange factor) activate Rops to effect tip growth in Arabidopsis pollen and root hairs, but the genes mediating tip growth in legumes have not yet been characterized. In this report we describe the Rop and RopGEF gene families from the model legume Medicago truncatula and from the crop legume soybean. We find that one member of the M. truncatula gene family, MtRopGEF2, is required for root hair development because silencing this gene by RNA interference affects the cytosolic Ca2+ gradient and subcellular structure of root hairs, and reduces root hair growth. Consistent with its role in polar growth, we find that a GFP::MtRopGEF2 fusion protein localizes in the apex of emerging and actively growing root hairs. The amino terminus of MtRopGEF2 regulates its ability to interact with MtRops in yeast, and regulates its biological activity in vivo.  相似文献   

It is shown that root hairs of most aquatic plants have a helicoidal cell-wall texture. Cell walls of root hairs of the aquatic/marshland plant Ranunculus lingua, however, have an axial microfibril alignment. The occurrence of a helicoidal wall texture is not limited to root hairs of aquatic plants: the terrestrial plant Zebrina purpusii has a helicoidal root-hair wall texture, too. With the exception of the grasses, the occurrence of root hairs with helicoidal cell walls pertains to species with predetermined root-hair-forming cells, trichoblasts. The rotation mode of the helicoid is species-specific. The average angle between fibrils of adjacent lamellae varies from 23° to 40°. In Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, cortical microtubules have a net-axial orientation and thus do not parallel nascent microfibrils. The deposition of the helicoidal cell wall is discussed.In honour of Prof. Dr. H.F Linskens (Nijmegen) on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Allelopathic interaction between plants is thought to involve the release of phytotoxic allelochemicals by one species, thus inhibiting the growth of neighboring species in competition for limited resources. Sorgoleone represents one of the more potent allelochemicals characterized to date, and its prolific production in root hair cells of Sorghum spp. has made the investigation of its biosynthetic pathway ideally-suited for functional genomics investigations. Through the use of a recently-released EST data set generated from isolated Sorghum bicolor root hair cells, significant inroads have been made toward the identification of genes and the corresponding enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of this compound in root hairs. Here we provide additional information concerning our recent report on the identification of a 5-n-alk(en) ylresorcinol utilizing O-methyltransferase, as well as other key enzymes likely to participate in the biosynthesis of this important allelochemical.Key words: allelopathy, sorgoleone, root hair, EST, O-methyltransferase  相似文献   

Jones VA  Dolan L 《Annals of botany》2012,110(2):205-212


Almost all land plants develop tip-growing filamentous cells at the interface between the plant and substrate (the soil). Root hairs form on the surface of roots of sporophytes (the multicellular diploid phase of the life cycle) in vascular plants. Rhizoids develop on the free-living gametophytes of vascular and non-vascular plants and on both gametophytes and sporophytes of the extinct rhyniophytes. Extant lycophytes (clubmosses and quillworts) and monilophytes (ferns and horsetails) develop both free-living gametophytes and free-living sporophytes. These gametophytes and sporophytes grow in close contact with the soil and develop rhizoids and root hairs, respectively.


Here we review the development and function of rhizoids and root hairs in extant groups of land plants. Root hairs are important for the uptake of nutrients with limited mobility in the soil such as phosphate. Rhizoids have a variety of functions including water transport and adhesion to surfaces in some mosses and liverworts.


A similar gene regulatory network controls the development of rhizoids in moss gametophytes and root hairs on the roots of vascular plant sporophytes. It is likely that this gene regulatory network first operated in the gametophyte of the earliest land plants. We propose that later it functioned in sporophytes as the diploid phase evolved a free-living habit and developed an interface with the soil. This transference of gene function from gametophyte to sporophyte could provide a mechanism that, at least in part, explains the increase in morphological diversity of sporophytes that occurred during the radiation of land plants in the Devonian Period.  相似文献   

The literature concerning the metabolism of carbon compounds during the reduction, assimilation and translocation of nitrogen in root nodules of leguminous plants is reviewed. The reduction of dinitrogen requires an energy source (ATP) and a reluctant which are both supplied by respiratory catabolism of carbohydrates produced by the host plant. Photosynthates are also required to generate the carbon skeletons for amino acid or urcide synthesis during the assimilation of ammonia produced by the bacteria within the nodule tissue. Competition for photosynthates occurs between the bacteroids, nodule tissue and the various vegetative and reproductive sinks in the host plant. The nature of carbon compounds involved in these processes, their routes of metabolism, the mechanisms of control and the partitioning of metabolises between the various sites of utilization are only poorly understood. It is apparent that dinitrogen is reduced to ammonia in the bacteroids. Both fast- and slow-growing strains of Rhizobium possess the Entner-Doudoroff pathway of glucose catabolism, and some, if not all, enzymes of the Emden-Meyerhof pathway. Some bacterial cultures also metabolize carbon through the ketogluconate pathway but only the fast-growing strains of cultured rhizobia possess the key enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway (6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase). The host cells are thought to contain the complete Emden-Meyerhof pathway and tricarboxylic acid cycle, which provides the carbon skeletons for assimilation of the ammonia, formed by the bacteroids, into α-amino acids. A pathway of anapleurotic carbon conservation, operative in the host cells, synthesizes oxaloacetic acid through β-carboxylation of phosphoenol pyruvate. This process could be important in the recapture and assimilation of respired CO2 in the rhizosphere. The main route of assimilation of ammonia produced by the bacteroids would appear to be via the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway in the host cells. However, glutamate dehydrogenase may also be involved in ammonia assimilation. These enzymes also occur in in vitro cultures of Rhizobium and in bacteroids where they presumably participate in the synthesis of amino acids for growth of the bacteria or bacteroids. Nitrogen assimilated into glutamine or glutamate is exported from the nodules in a variety of forms, which include asparagine, glutamine, aspartate, homoserine and allantoates, in proportions which depend on the legume species. Studies on regulation of the overall process have focussed on expression of bacteroid genes and on the control of enzyme activity, at the level of nitrogenase and enzymes of nitrogen assimilation in particular. However, due to the wide range of experimental techniques, environmental conditions and plant species which have been used, no clear conclusions can yet be drawn. The pathways of carbon flow in nitrogen metabolism, particularly in relation to the synthesis of ureides and the regulation of carbon metabolism, remain key areas for future research in symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection was used to study thiol metabolism in legume nodules. Glutathione (GSH) was the major non-protein thiol in all indeterminate nodules examined, as well as in the determinate nodules of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), whereas homoglutathione (hGSH) predominated in soybean (Glycine max), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and mungbean (Vigna radiata) nodules. All nodules had greater thiol concentrations than the leaves and roots of the same plants because of active thiol synthesis in nodule tissue. The correlation between thiol tripeptides and the activities of glutathione synthetase (GSHS) and homoglutathione synthetase (hGSHS) in the nodules of eight legumes, and the contrasting thiol contents and activities in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) leaves (98% hGSH, 100% hGSHS) and nodules (72% GSH, 80% GSHS) indicated that the distribution of GSH and hGSH is determined by specific synthetases. Thiol contents and synthesis decreased with both natural and induced nodule senescence, and were also reduced in the senescent zone of indeterminate nodules. Thiols and GSHS were especially abundant in the meristematic and infected zones of pea (Pisum sativum) nodules. Thiols and gamma-glutamylcysteinyl synthetase were also more abundant in the infected zone of bean nodules, but hGSHS was predominant in the cortex. Isolation of full-length cDNA sequences coding for gamma-glutamylcysteinyl synthetase from legume nodules revealed that they are highly homologous to those from other higher plants.  相似文献   

The microtubular cytoskeleton plays an important role in the development of tip-growing plant cells, but knowledge about its dynamics is incomplete. In this study, root hairs of the legume Medicago truncatula have been chosen for a detailed analysis of microtubular cytoskeleton dynamics using GFP-MBD and EB1-YFP as markers and 4D imaging. The microtubular cytoskeleton appears mainly to be composed of bundles which form tracks along which new microtubules polymerise. Polymerisation rates of microtubules are highest in the tip of growing root hairs. Treatment of root hairs with Nod factor and latrunculin B result in a twofold decrease in polymerisation rate. Nonetheless, no direct, physical interaction between the actin filament cytoskeleton and microtubules could be observed. A new picture of how the plant cytoskeleton is organised in apically growing root hairs emerges from these observations, revealing similarities with the organisation in other, non-plant, tip-growing cells.  相似文献   

Root nodule morphogenesis involves the induction of mitotic activity in otherwise quiescent root cortical cells, giving rise to the nodule primordium. One gene expressed during nodule initiation, ENOD40, has been implicated in nodule growth and/or differentiation(1,2). Interestingly, although the nucleotide sequence of ENOD40 genes from soybean(3,4) and Medicago(1,2) are highly homologous, they are unlikely to encode a similar protein product. In fact, a remarkable feature of these genes is their apparent lack of protein coding potential. Thus, ENOD40 is a member of the growing list of eukaryotic genes whose RNA product is implicated in control of cell growth and differentiation, the so called riboregulators(5).  相似文献   

Anne Mie C. Emons 《Planta》1985,163(3):350-359
Particle arrangement in the plasma membrane during cell wall formation was investigated by means of the double-replica technique in root hairs of Equisetum hyemale. Particle density in the protoplasmic fracture face of the plasma membrane was higher than in the extraplasmic fracture face. Apart from randomly distributed particles, particle rosettes were visible in the PF face of the plasma membrane. The rosettes consisted of six particles arranged in a circle and had an outer diameter of approx. 26 nm. No gradient in the number of rosettes was found, which agrees with micrifibril deposition taking place over the whole hair. The particle rosettes were found individually, which might indicate that they spin out thin microfibrils as found in higher-plant cell walls. Indeed microfibril width in these walls, measured in shadowed preparations, is 8.5±1.5 nm. It is suggested that the rosettes are involved in microfibril synthesis. Non-turgid cells lacked microfibril imprints in the plasma membrane and no particle rosettes were present on their PF face. Fixation with glutaraldehyde caused, probably as a result of plasmolysis, the microfibril imprints to disappear together with the particle rosettes. The PF face of the plasma membrane of non-turgid hairs sometimes showed domains in which the intramembrane particles were aggregated in a hexagonal pattern. Microfibril orientation during deposition will be discussed.Abbreviations EF extraplasmic fracture face - PF protoplasmic fracture face  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a major antioxidant and redox buffer, but is also involved in other critical processes of plants. Recently, the hypothesis has been proposed that legume nodules are unable to synthesize ascorbate and have to import it from the shoot or root, thus providing a means by which the plant regulates nodule senescence. The last step of ascorbate biosynthesis in plants is catalyzed by L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GalLDH). The mRNAs encoding GalLDH and three other enzymes involved in ascorbate biosynthesis are clearly detectable in nodules. Furthermore, an active membrane-bound GalLDH enzyme is present in nodule mitochondria. Biochemical assays on dissected nodules reveal that GalLDH activity and ascorbate are correlated in nodule tissues and predominantly localized in the infected zone, with lower levels of both parameters (relative to the infected tissues) in the apex (87%) and senescent region (43%) of indeterminate nodules and in the peripheral tissues (65%) of determinate nodules. In situ RNA hybridization showed that the GalLDH mRNA is particularly abundant in the infected zone of indeterminate and determinate nodules. Thus, our results refute the hypothesis that ascorbate is not synthesized in nodules and lend support to a previous conclusion that ascorbate in the infected zone is primarily involved in the protection of host cells against peroxide damage. Likewise, the high ascorbate and GalLDH activity levels found in the apex of indeterminate nodules strongly suggest a participation of ascorbate in additional functions during symbiosis, possibly related to cell growth and division and to molecular signaling.  相似文献   

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