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Fen Yao  Delin You 《FEBS letters》2009,583(4):729-2968
DNA phosphorothioation is widespread in many bacterial species. By homology analysis of the dnd gene cluster in Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1, a spfBCDE gene cluster involved in DNA phosphorothioation was localized. Disruption of the spfD gene, a dndD homolog, caused the loss of the Dnd phenotype and demonstrated the involvement of spfD in DNA phosphorothioation in P. fluorescens Pf0-1. The ATPase activity of SpfD suggests that SpfD could hydrolyze ATP to provide the energy required in the DNA phosphorothioate modification process.  相似文献   

In this study we identified a potential pro-apoptotic caspase gene, Bombyx mori(B. mori)ICE-2 (BmICE-2) which encoded a polypeptide of 284 amino acid residues, including a 169QACRG173 sequence which surrounded the catalytic site and contained a p20 and a p10 domain. BmICE-2 expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli) exhibited high proteolytic activity for the synthetic human initiator caspase-9 substrates Ac-LEHD-pNA, but little activity towards the effector caspase-3 substrates Ac-DEVD-pNA. When BmICE-2 was transiently expressed in BmN-SWU1 silkworm B. mori cells, we found that the high proteolytic activity for Ac-LEHD-pNA triggered caspase-3-like protease activity resulting in spontaneous cleavage and apoptosis in these cells. This effect was not replicated in Spodoptera frugiperda 9 cells. In addition, spontaneous cleavage of endogenous BmICE-2 in BmN-SWU1 cells could be induced by actinomycin D. These results suggest that BmICE-2 may be a novel pro-apoptotic gene with caspase-9 activity which is involved apoptotic processes in BmN-SWU1 silkworm B. mori cells.  相似文献   

Loss of Hoxa1 function results in severe defects of the brainstem, inner ear, and cranial ganglia in humans and mice as well as cardiovascular abnormalities in humans. Because Hoxa1 is expressed very transiently during an early embryonic stage, it has been difficult to determine whether Hoxa1 plays a direct role in the precursors of the affected organs or if all defects result from indirect effects due to mispatterning of the hindbrain. In this study we use a Hoxa1-IRES-Cre mouse to genetically label the early Hoxa1-expressing cells and determine their contribution to each of the affected organs, allowing us to conclude in which precursor tissue Hoxa1 is expressed. We found Hoxa1 lineage-labeled cells in all tissues expected to be derived from the Hoxa1 domain, such as the facial and abducens nuclei and nerves as well as r4 neural crest cells. In addition, we detected the lineage in derivatives that were not thought to have expressed Hoxa1 during development. In the brainstem, the anterior border of the lineage was found to be in r3, which is more anterior than previously reported. We also observed an interesting pattern of the lineage in the inner ear, namely a strong contribution to the otic epithelium with the exception of sensory patches. Moreover, lineage-labeled cells were detected in the atria and outflow tract of the developing heart. In conclusion, Hoxa1 lineage tracing uncovered new domains of Hoxa1 expression in rhombomere 3, the otic epithelium, and cardiac precursors, suggesting a more direct role for Hoxa1 in development of these tissues than previously believed.  相似文献   

WNT signaling is critical in most aspects of skeletal development and homeostasis, and antagonists of WNT signaling are emerging as key regulatory proteins with great promise as therapeutic agents for bone disorders. Here we show that Sost and its paralog Sostdc1 emerged through ancestral genome duplication and their expression patterns have diverged to delineate non-overlapping domains in most organ systems including musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, reproductive and respiratory. In the developing limb, Sost and Sostdc1 display dynamic expression patterns with Sost being restricted to the distal ectoderm and Sostdc1 to the proximal ectoderm and the mesenchyme. While Sostdc1−/− mice lack any obvious limb or skeletal defects, Sost−/− mice recapitulate the hand defects described for Sclerosteosis patients. However, elevated WNT signaling in Sost−/−; Sostdc1−/− mice causes misregulation of SHH signaling, ectopic activation of Sox9 in the digit 1 field and preaxial polydactyly in a Gli1- and Gli3-dependent manner. In addition, we show that the syndactyly documented in Sclerosteosis is present in both Sost−/− and Sost−/−; Sostdc1−/− mice, and is driven by misregulation of Fgf8 in the AER, a region lacking Sost and Sostdc1 expression. This study highlights the complexity of WNT signaling in skeletal biology and disease and emphasizes how redundant mechanism and non-cell autonomous effects can synergize to unveil new intricate phenotypes caused by elevated WNT signaling.  相似文献   

Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) and isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) are enzymes which convert isocitrate to α-ketoglutarate while reducing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP + to NADPH). IDH1/2 were recently identified as mutated in a large percentage of progressive gliomas. These mutations occur at IDH1R132 or the homologous IDH2R172. Melanomas share some genetic features with IDH1/2-mutated gliomas, such as frequent TP53 mutation. We sought to test whether melanoma is associated with IDH1/2 mutations. Seventy-eight human melanoma samples were analyzed for IDH1R132 and IDH2R172 mutation status. A somatic, heterozygous IDH1 c.C394T (p.R132C) mutation was identified in one human melanoma metastasis to the lung. Having identified this mutation in one metastasis, we sought to test the hypothesis that certain selective pressures in the brain environment may specifically favor the cell growth or survival of tumor cells with mutations in IDH1/2, regardless of primary tumor site. To address this, we analyzed IDH1R132 and IDH2R172 mutation status 53 metastatic brain tumors, including nine melanoma metastases. Results revealed no mutations in any samples. This lack of mutations would suggest that mutations in IDH1R132 or IDH2R172 may be necessary for the formation of tumors in a cell-lineage dependent manner, with a particularly strong selective pressure for mutations in progressive gliomas; this also suggests the lack of a particular selective pressure for growth in brain tissue in general. Studies on the cell-lineages of tumors with IDH1/2 mutations may help clarify the role of these mutations in the development of brain tumors.  相似文献   

Alternative oxidase (AOX) is the central component of the non-phosphorylating alternative respiratory pathway in plants and may be important for mitochondrial function during environmental stresses. Recently it has been proposed that Aox can be used as a functional marker for breeding stress tolerant plant varieties. This requires characterization of Aox alleles in plants with different degree of tolerance in a certain stress, affecting plant phenotype in a recognizable way. In this study we examined Aox1 gene expression levels in Medicago truncatula genotypes differing in salt stress tolerance, in order to uncover any correlation between Aox expression and tolerance to salt stress. Results demonstrated a specific induction of Aox1 gene expression in roots of the tolerant genotype that presented the lowest modulation in phenotypic and biochemical stress indices such as morphologic changes, protein level, lipid peroxidation and ROS generation. Similarly, in a previous study we reported that induction of antioxidant gene expression in the tolerant genotype contributed to the support of the antioxidant cellular machinery and stress tolerance. Correlation between expression patterns of the two groups of genes was revealed mainly in 48 h treated roots. Taken together, results from both experiments suggest that M. truncatula tolerance to salt stress may in part due to an efficient control of oxidative balance thanks to (i) induction of antioxidant systems and (ii) involvement of the AOX pathway. This reinforces the conclusion that differences in antioxidant mechanisms can be essential for salt stress tolerance in M. truncatula and possibly the corresponding genes, especially Aox, could be utilized as functional marker.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana APETALA3 (AP3) and Antirrhinum majus DEFICIENS (DEF) MADS box genes are required to specify petal and stamen identity. AP3 and DEF are members of the euAP3 lineage, which arose by gene duplication coincident with radiation of the core eudicots. In order to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying organ development in early diverging clades of core eudicots, we isolated and identified an AP3 homolog, FaesAP3, from Fagopyrum esculentum (buckwheat, Polygonaceae), a multi-food-use pseudocereal with healing benefits. Protein sequence alignment and phylogenetic analyses revealed that FaesAP3 grouped into the euAP3 lineage. Expression analysis showed that FaesAP3 was transcribed only in developing stamens, and differed from AP3 and DEF, which expressed in developing petals and stamens. Moreover, ectopic expression of FaesAP3 rescued stamen development without complementation of petal development in an Arabidopsis ap3 mutant. Our results suggest that FaesAP3 is involved in the development of stamens in buckwheat. These results also suggest that FaesAP3 holds some potential for biotechnical engineering to create a male sterile line of F. esculentum.  相似文献   

SNAREs are membrane-associated proteins that play a central role in vesicle targeting and intra-cellular membrane fusion reactions in eukaryotic cells. Here we describe the identification of AtBS14a and AtBS14b, putative SNAREs from Arabidopsis thaliana that share 60% amino acid sequence identity. Both AtBS14a and BS14b are dosage suppressors of the temperature-sensitive growth defect in sft1-1 cells and over-expression of either AtBS14a or AtBS14b can support the growth of sft1Δ cells but not bet1Δ cells. These data together with structure–function and biochemical studies presented herein suggest that AtBS14a and AtBS14b share properties that are consistent with them being members of the Bet1/Sft1 SNARE protein family.  相似文献   

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