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U3 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) is one of the members of the box C/D class of snoRNA and is essential for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) processing to generate 18S rRNA in the nucleolus. Although U3 snoRNA is abundant, and is well conserved from yeast to mammals, the genes encoding U3 snoRNA in C. elegans have long remained unidentified. A recent RNomics study in C. elegans predicted five distinct U3 snoRNA genes. However, characterization of these candidates for U3 snoRNA has yet to be performed. In this study, we isolated and characterized four candidate RNAs for U3 snoRNA from the immunoprecipitated RNAs of C. elegans using an antibody against the 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap. The sequences were identical to the predicted U3 sequences in the RNomics study. Here, we show the several lines of evidence that the isolated RNAs are the true U3 snoRNAs of C. elegans. Moreover, we report the novel expression pattern of U3 snoRNA and fibrillarin, which is an essential component of U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex, during early embryo development of C. elegans. To our knowledge, this is the first observation of the inconsistent localization U3 snoRNA and fibrillarin during early embryogenesis, providing novel insight into the mechanisms of nucleologenesis and ribosome production during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) is an ideal model organism to study the cell fate specification mechanisms during embryogenesis. It is generally believed that cell fate specification in C. elegans is mainly mediated by lineage-based mechanisms, where the specification paths are driven forward by a succession of asymmetric cell divisions. However, little is known about how each binary decision is made by gene regulatory programs. In this study, we endeavor to obtain a global understanding of cell lineage/fate divergence processes during the early embryogenesis of C. elegans. We reanalyzed the EPIC data set, which traced the expression level of reporter genes at single-cell resolution on a nearly continuous time scale up to the 350-cell stage in C. elegans embryos. We examined the expression patterns for a total of 131 genes from 287 embryos with high quality image recordings, among which 86 genes have replicate embryos. Our results reveal that during early embryogenesis, divergence between sister lineages could be largely explained by a few genes. We predicted genes driving lineage divergence and explored their expression patterns in sister lineages. Moreover, we found that divisions leading to fate divergence are associated with a large number of genes being differentially expressed between sister lineages. Interestingly, we found that the developmental paths of lineages could be differentiated by a small set of genes. Therefore, our results support the notion that the cell fate patterns in C. elegans are achieved through stepwise binary decisions punctuated by cell divisions. Our predicted genes driving lineage divergence provide good starting points for future detailed characterization of their roles in the embryogenesis in this important model organism.  相似文献   

Mutations in tcl-2 cause defects in the specification of the fates of the descendants of the TL and TR blast cells, whose polarity is regulated by lin-44/Wnt and lin-17/frizzled, during Caenorhabditis elegans development. In wild-type animals, POP-1/TCF/LEF, is asymmetrically distributed to the T cell daughters, resulting in a higher level of POP-1 in the nucleus of the anterior daughter. The POP-1 asymmetric distribution is controlled by lin-44 and lin-17. However, in tcl-2 mutants, POP-1 is equally distributed to T cell daughters as is observed in lin-17 mutants, indicating that, like lin-17, tcl-2 functions upstream of pop-1. In addition, tcl-2 mutations cause defects in the development of the gonad and the specification of fate of the posterior daughter of the P12 cell, both of which are controlled by the Wnt pathway. Double mutant analyses indicate that tcl-2 can act synergistically with the Wnt pathway to control gonad development as well as P12 descendant cell fate specification. tcl-2 encodes a novel protein. A functional tcl-2::gfp construct was weakly expressed in the nuclei of the T cell and its descendants. Our results suggest that tcl-2 functions with Wnt pathways to control T cell fate specification, gonad development, and P12 cell fate specification.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans LIM homeobox gene lin-11 plays crucial roles in the morphogenesis of the reproductive system and differentiation of several neurons. The expression of lin-11 in different tissues is regulated by enhancer regions located upstream as well as within lin-11 introns. These regions are functionally separable suggesting that multiple regulatory inputs operate to control the spatiotemporal pattern of lin-11 expression. To further dissect apart the nature of lin-11 regulation we focused on three Caenorhabditis species C. briggsae, C. remanei, and C. brenneri that are substantially diverged from C. elegans but share almost identical vulval morphology. We show that, in these species, the 5′ region of lin-11 possesses conserved sequences to activate lin-11 expression in the reproductive system. Analysis of the in vivo role of these sequences in C. elegans has led to the identification of three functionally distinct enhancers for the vulva, VC neurons, and uterine π lineage cells. We found that the π enhancer is regulated by FOS homolog FOS-1 and LIN-12/Notch pathway effectors, LAG-1 (Su(H)/CBF1 family) and EGL-43 (EVI1 family). These results indicate that multiple factors cooperate to regulate π-specific expression of lin-11 and together with other findings suggest that the mechanism of lin-11 regulation by LIN-12/Notch signaling is evolutionarily conserved in Caenorhabditis species. Our work demonstrates that 4-way comparison is a powerful tool to study conserved mechanisms of gene regulation in C. elegans and other nematodes.  相似文献   

Regulated movements of the nucleus are essential during zygote formation, cell migrations, and differentiation of neurons. The nucleus moves along microtubules (MTs) and is repositioned on F-actin at the cellular cortex. Two families of nuclear envelope proteins, SUN and KASH, link the nucleus to the actin and MT cytoskeletons during nuclear movements. However, the role of actin nucleators in nuclear migration and positioning is poorly understood. We show that the branched actin nucleator, Arp2/3, affects nuclear movements throughout embryonic and larval development in C. elegans, including nuclear migrations in epidermal cells and neuronal precursors. In one-cell embryos the migration of the male pronucleus to meet the female pronucleus after fertilization requires Arp2/3. Loss of Arp2/3 or its activators changes the dynamics of non-muscle myosin, NMY-2, and alters the cortical accumulation of posterior PAR proteins. Reduced establishment of the posterior microtubule cytoskeleton in Arp2/3 mutants correlates with reduced male pronuclear migration. The UNC-84/SUN nuclear envelope protein that links the nucleus to the MT and actin cytoskeleton is known to regulate later nuclear migrations. We show here it also positions the male pronucleus. These studies demonstrate a global role for Arp2/3 in nuclear migrations. In the C. elegans one-cell embryo Arp2/3 promotes the establishment of anterior/posterior polarity and promotes MT growth that propels the anterior migration of the male pronucleus. In contrast with previous studies emphasizing pulling forces on the male pronucleus, we propose that robust MT nucleation pushes the male pronucleus anteriorly to join the female pronucleus.  相似文献   

Vulval epithelial tubes invaginate through concerted cell migration, ring formation, stacking of rings and intra-ring cell fusion in the nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans, Oscheius tipulae and Pristionchus pacificus. The number of rings forming the invaginations is invariantly seven, six, and eight, respectively. We hypothesize that each ring is formed from pairs of symmetrically positioned primordial vulval cells following three premises: If the final cell division is left-right, the daughters will fuse, migrate and form only one ring. If these cells do not divide, one ring will form. If the final division is anterior-posterior, two rings will form. We test the ring hypothesis and found coincidence between the patterns of vulva cell divisions and the number of rings for 12 species. We find heterochronic variations in the timing of division, migration and fusion of the vulval cells between species. We report a unique ring-independent pathway of vulva formation in Panagrellus redivivus. C. elegans lin-11(n389) mutation results in cell fate transformations including changes in the orientation of vulval cell division. lin-11 animals have an additional ring, as predicted by the ring hypothesis. We propose that the genetic pathway determining how vulval cells invaginate evolves through ring-dependent and ring-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Ena/VASP proteins mediate the effects of guidance cues on the actin cytoskeleton. The single C. elegans homolog of the Ena/VASP family of proteins, UNC-34, is required for the migrations of cells and growth cones. Here we show that unc-34 mutant alleles also interact genetically with Wnt mutants to reveal a role for unc-34 in the establishment of neuronal polarity along the C. elegans anterior-posterior axis. Our mutant analysis shows that eliminating UNC-34 function results in neuronal migration and polarity phenotypes that are enhanced at higher temperatures, revealing a heat-sensitive process that is normally masked by the presence of UNC-34. Finally, we show that the UNC-34 protein is expressed broadly and accumulates in axons and at the apical junctions of epithelial cells. While most mutants lacked detectable UNC-34, three unc-34 mutants that contained missense mutations in the EVH1 domain produced full-length UNC-34 that failed to localize to apical junctions and axons, supporting the role for the EVH1 domain in localizing Ena/VASP family members.  相似文献   

A comparative embryological study on two Spanish cultivars and one growing in Bulgaria of Olea europaea was carried out. The embryo sac develops according to Allium (bisporic)-type. The critical phases during the development of male and female gametophyte that lead to sterility and abortiveness of the embryo sacs and ovules are reported. The embryogenesis follows the Asterad-type. The endosperm passes a free nuclear stage and later on becomes cellular.  相似文献   

Sox B1 group genes, Sox1, Sox2, and Sox3 (Sox1-3), are involved in neurogenesis in various species. Here, we identified the Xenopus homolog of Sox1, and investigated its expression patterns and neural inducing activity. Sox1 was initially expressed in the anterior neural plate of Xenopus embryos, with expression restricted to the brain and optic vesicle by the tailbud stage. Expression subsequently decreased in the eye region by the tadpole stage. Sox1 expression in animal cap explants was induced by inhibition of BMP signaling in the same manner as Sox2, Sox3, and SoxD. In addition, overexpression of Sox1 induced neural markers in ventral ectoderm and in animal caps. These results implicate Xenopus Sox1 in neurogenesis, especially brain and eye development.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans reticulon interacts with RME-1 during embryogenesis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Reticulon (RTN) family proteins are localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). At least four different RTN genes have been identified in mammals, but in most cases, the functions of the encoded proteins except mammalian RTN4-A and RTN4-B are unknown. Each RTN gene produces 1-3 proteins by different promoters and alternative splicing. In Caenorhabditis elegans, there is a single gene (rtn gene) encoding three reticulon proteins, nRTN-A, B, and C. mRNA of nRTN-C is expressed in germ cells and embryos. However, nRTN-C protein is only expressed during embryogenesis and rapidly disappears after hatch. By yeast two-hybrid screening, two clones encoding the same C-terminal region of RME-1, a protein functioning in the endocytic recycling, were isolated. These findings suggest that nRTN-C functions in the endocytic pathway during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Comparative genomic analysis of important signaling pathways in Caenorhabditis briggsae and Caenorhabditis elegans reveals both conserved features and also differences. To build a framework to address the significance of these features we determined the C. briggsae embryonic cell lineage, using the tools StarryNite and AceTree. We traced both cell divisions and cell positions for all cells through all but the last round of cell division and for selected cells through the final round. We found the lineage to be remarkably similar to that of C. elegans. Not only did the founder cells give rise to similar numbers of progeny, the relative cell division timing and positions were largely maintained. These lineage similarities appear to give rise to similar cell fates as judged both by the positions of lineally equivalent cells and by the patterns of cell deaths in both species. However, some reproducible differences were seen, e.g., the P4 cell cycle length is more than 40% longer in C. briggsae than that in C. elegans (p < 0.01). The extensive conservation of embryonic development between such divergent species suggests that substantial evolutionary distance between these two species has not altered these early developmental cellular events, although the developmental defects of transpecies hybrids suggest that the details of the underlying molecular pathways have diverged sufficiently so as to not be interchangeable.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp-90) is a highly conserved essential protein in eukaryotes. Here we describe the molecular characterisation of hsp-90 from three nematodes, the free-living Caenorhabditis elegans (Ce) and the parasitic worms Brugia pahangi (Bp) and Haemonchus contortus (Hc). These molecules were functionally characterised by rescue of a Ce-daf-21 (hsp-90) null mutant. Our results show a gradient of rescue: the C. elegans endogenous gene provided full rescue of the daf-21 mutant, while Hc-hsp-90 provided partial rescue. In contrast, no rescue could be obtained using a variety of Bp-hsp-90 constructs, despite the fact that Bp-hsp-90 was transcribed and translated in the mutant worms. daf-21 RNA interference (RNAi) experiments were carried out to determine whether knock-down of the endogenous daf-21 mRNA in N2 worms could be complemented by expression of either parasite gene. However neither parasite gene could rescue the daf-21 (RNAi) phenotypes. These results indicate that factors other than the level of sequence identity are important for determining whether parasite genes can functionally complement in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Like other organs, the C. elegans gonad develops from a simple primordium that must undergo axial patterning to generate correct adult morphology. Proximal/distal (PD) polarity in the C. elegans gonad is established early during gonadogenesis by the somatic gonad precursor cells, Z1 and Z4. Z1 and Z4 each divide asymmetrically to generate one daughter with a proximal fate and one with a distal fate. PD polarity of the Z1/Z4 lineages requires the activity of a Wnt pathway that activates the TCF/LEF homolog pop-1. How the gonadal pathway controlling pop-1 is regulated by upstream factors has been unclear, as neither Wnt nor Dishevelled (Dsh) proteins have been shown to be required. Here we show that the C. elegansdsh homolog dsh-2 controls gonadal polarity. As in pop-1 mutants, dsh-2 hermaphrodites have Z1 and Z4 lineage defects indicative of defective PD polarity and are missing gonadal arms. Males have an elongated but disorganized gonad, also with lineage defects. DSH-2 protein is expressed in the Z1/Z4 gonadal precursor cells. Asymmetric distribution of nuclear GFP::POP-1 in Z1 and Z4 daughter cells is reversed in dsh-2 mutants, with higher levels in distal than proximal daughters. dsh-2 and the frizzled receptor homolog lin-17 have a strong genetic interaction, suggesting that they act in a common pathway. We suggest that DSH-2 functions as an upstream regulator of POP-1 in the somatic gonad to control asymmetric cell division, thereby establishing proximal-distal polarity of the developing organ.  相似文献   

NLP-12a and b have been identified as cholecystokinin/sulfakinin-like neuropeptides in the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. They are suggested to play an important role in the regulation of digestive enzyme secretion and fat storage. This study reports on the identification and characterization of an NLP-12-like peptide precursor gene in the rat parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. The S. ratti NLP-12 peptides are able to activate both C. elegans CKR-2 receptor isoforms in a dose-dependent way with affinities in the same nanomolar range as the native C. elegans NLP-12 peptides. The C-terminal RPLQFamide sequence motif of the NLP-12 peptides is perfectly conserved between free-living and parasitic nematodes. Based on systemic amino acid replacements the Arg-, Leu- and Phe- residues appear to be critical for high-affinity receptor binding. Finally, a SAR analysis revealed the essential pharmacophore in C. elegans NLP-12b to be the pentapeptide RPLQFamide.  相似文献   

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