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A long-standing question in developmental biology is how do growing and developing animals achieve form and then maintain it. We have revealed a critical transition in growth control during zebrafish caudal fin development, wherein a switch from allometric to isometric growth occurs. This morphological transition led us to hypothesize additional physiological changes in growth control pathways. To test this, we fasted juvenile and adult zebrafish. Juvenile fins continued allometric growth until development of the mature bi-lobed shape was completed. In contrast, the isometric growth of mature adult fins arrested within days of initiating a fast. We explored the biochemical basis of this difference in physiology between the two phases by assessing the sensitivity to rapamycin, a drug that blocks a nutrient-sensing pathway. We show that the nutrition-independent, allometric growth phase is resistant to rapamycin at 10-fold higher concentrations than are effective at arresting growth in the nutrition-dependent, isometric growth phase. We thus link a morphological transition in growth control between allometric and isometric growth mechanisms to different physiological responses to nutritional state of the animal and finally to different pharmacological responses to a drug (rapamycin) that affects the nutrition-sensing mechanism described from yeast to human.  相似文献   

Runx1 is highly expressed in chondroprogenitor and osteoprogenitor cells and in vitro experiments suggest that Runx1 is important in the early stages of osteoblast and chondrocyte differentiation. However, because Runx1 knockout mice are early embryonic lethal due to failure of hematopoiesis, the role of Runx1 in skeletogenesis remains unclear. We studied the role of Runx1 in skeletal development using a Runx1 reversible knockout mouse model. By crossing with Tie2-Cre deletor mice, Runx1 expression was selectively rescued in the endothelial and hematopoietic systems but not in the skeleton. Although Runx1Re/Re embryos survived until birth and had a generally normal skeleton, the development of mineralization in the sternum and some skull elements was significantly disrupted. In contrast to wild-type embryos, the sternum of E17.5 Runx1Re/Re embryos showed high levels of Sox-9 and collagen type II expression and lack of development of hypertrophic chondrocytes. In situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that, in contrast to the vertebrae and long bones, the sternum of wild-type embryos expresses high levels of Runx1, but not Runx2, the master regulator of skeletogenesis. Thus, although Runx1 is not essential for major skeletal development, it does play an essential role in the development of the sternum and some skull elements.  相似文献   

We employed genetically modified mice to examine the role of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] on skeletal and calcium homeostasis. In mice expressing the null mutation for 25-hydroxyvitamin D 1 hydroxylase (1OHase−/−), or the vitamin D receptor (VDR−/−), 1,25(OH)2D3 and calcium were both required for optimal epiphyseal growth plate development, serum calcium and phosphorus alone were sufficient to mineralize skeletal tissue independent of 1,25(OH)2D3 and the VDR, and endogenous 1,25(OH)2D3 and the VDR were essential for baseline bone formation. In 2-week-old 1OHase−/− mice and in 2-week-old mice homozygous for the PTH null mutation(PTH−/−), PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3 were each found to exert independent and complementary effects on skeletal anabolism, with PTH predominantly affecting appositional trabecular bone growth and 1,25(OH)2D3 influencing both endochondral bone formation and appositional bone growth. Endogenous 1,25(OH)2D3 maintained serum calcium homeostasis predominantly by modifying intestinal and renal calcium transporters but not by producing net bone resorption. Administration of exogenous 1,25(OH)2D3 to double mutant PTH−/−1OHase−/− mice produced skeletal effects consistent with the actions of endogenous 1,25(OH)2D3. These studies reveal an important skeletal anabolic role for both endogenous and exogenous 1,25(OH)2D3 and point to a potential role for 1,25(OH)2D3 analogs in the treatment of disorders of bone loss.  相似文献   

Mutation of the gene drop-dead (drd) causes adult Drosophila to die within 2 weeks of eclosion and is associated with reduced rates of defecation and increased volumes of crop contents. In the current study, we demonstrate that flies carrying the strong allele drdlwf display a reduction in the transfer of ingested food from the crop to the midgut, as measured both as a change in the steady-state distribution of food within the gut and also in the rates of crop emptying and midgut filling following a single meal. Mutant flies have abnormal triglyceride (TG) and glycogen stores over the first 4 days post-eclosion, consistent with their inability to move food into the midgut for digestion and nutrient absorption. However, the lifespan of mutants was dependent upon food presence and quality, suggesting that at least some individual flies were able to digest some food. Finally, spontaneous motility of the crop was abnormal in drdlwf flies, with the crops of mutant flies contracting significantly more rapidly than those of heterozygous controls. We therefore hypothesize that mutation of drd causes a structural or regulatory defect that inhibits the entry of food into the midgut.  相似文献   

The Nuclear Factor I-X (NFIX) is a member of the nuclear factor I (NFI) family proteins, which are implicated as site-specific DNA-binding proteins and is deleted or mutated in a subset of patients with Sotos-like overgrowth syndrome and in patients with Marshall–Smith syndrome. We evaluated an additional patient with clinical features of Sotos-like syndrome by sequencing analysis of the NFIX gene and identified a 21 nucleotide in frame deletion predicting loss of 7 amino acids in the DNA-binding/dimerization domain of the NFIX protein. The deleted residues are all evolutionally conserved amino acids. The present report further confirms that mutations in DNA-binding/dimerization domain cause haploinsufficiency of the NFIX protein and strongly suggests that in individuals with Sotos-like features unrelated to NSD1 changes genetic testing of NFIX should be considered.  相似文献   

The strontium is an alkaline earth metal found in nature as trace element. Chemically similar to calcium, it is known to be involved in the human bone mineral metabolism. The strontium ranelate has been approved in therapy as drug with both anti-resorption and anabolic effects on bone tissues. Since few data in vivo are available, we used Danio rerio as animal model to evaluate the effects of strontium on skeletal development. First, toxicity assay performed on zebrafish embryos estimated the LC50 around 6 mM. Since several zebrafish bones are formed from cartilage mineralization, we evaluated whether strontium affects cartilage development during embryogenesis. Strontium does not perturb the development of the cartilage tissues before the endochondral osteogenesis takes place. About the mineralization process, we evidentiated an increase of vertebral mineralization respect to controls at lower strontium concentrations whereas higher concentration inhibited mineral deposition in dose dependent fashion. Our results evidentiated, in addition, that the calcium/strontium rate but not the absolute level of strontium modulates the mineralization process during embryonic osteogenesis.Zebrafish represents an excellent animal model to study the role of micronutrients in the development of the tissues/organs because the ions are not absorbed by intestine but assumed by skin diffusion.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential, melastatin-like 7 (Trpm7) is a combined ion channel and kinase implicated in the differentiation or function of many cell types. Early lethality in mice and frogs depleted of the corresponding gene impedes investigation of the functions of this protein particularly during later stages of development. By contrast, zebrafish trpm7 mutant larvae undergo early morphogenesis normally and thus do not have this limitation. The mutant larvae are characterized by multiple defects including melanocyte cell death, transient paralysis, and an ion imbalance that leads to the development of kidney stones. Here we report a requirement for Trpm7 in differentiation or function of dopaminergic neurons in vivo. First, trpm7 mutant larvae are hypomotile and fail to make a dopamine-dependent developmental transition in swim-bout length. Both of these deficits are partially rescued by the application of levodopa or dopamine. Second, histological analysis reveals that in trpm7 mutants a significant fraction of dopaminergic neurons lack expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in dopamine synthesis. Third, trpm7 mutants are unusually sensitive to the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, an oxidative stressor, and their motility is partially rescued by application of the iron chelator deferoxamine, an anti-oxidant. Finally, in SH-SY5Y cells, which model aspects of human dopaminergic neurons, forced expression of a channel-dead variant of TRPM7 causes cell death. In summary, a forward genetic screen in zebrafish has revealed that both melanocytes and dopaminergic neurons depend on the ion channel Trpm7. The mechanistic underpinning of this dependence requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The processes of myelination remain incompletely understood but are of profound biomedical importance owing to the several dysmyelinating and demyelinating disorders known in humans. Here, we analyze the zebrafish puma mutant, isolated originally for pigment pattern defects limited to the adult stage. We show that puma mutants also have late-arising defects in Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system, locomotor abnormalities, and sex-biased defects in adult craniofacial morphology. Using methods of positional cloning, we identify a critical genetic interval harboring two alpha tubulin loci, and we identify a chemically induced missense mutation in one of these, tubulin alpha 8-like 3a (tuba8l3a). We demonstrate tuba8l3a expression in the central nervous system (CNS), leading us to search for defects in the development of oligodendrocytes, the myelinating cells of the CNS. We find gross reductions in CNS myelin and oligodendrocyte numbers in adult puma mutants, and these deficits are apparent already during the larval-to-adult transformation. By contrast, analyses of embryos and early larvae reveal a normal complement of oligodendrocytes that nevertheless fail to localize normal amounts of myelin basic protein (mbp) mRNA in cellular processes, and fail to organize these processes as in the wild-type. This study identifies the puma mutant as a valuable model for studying microtubule-dependent events of myelination, as well as strategies for remyelination in the adult.  相似文献   

Capillary plexuses form during both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis and are remodeled into mature vessel types and patterns which are delicately orchestrated with the sizes and shapes of other tissues and organs. We isolated a zebrafish mutation named prp (for persistent plexus) that causes persistent formation of vascular plexuses in the caudal fins and consequent mispatterning of bony fin rays and the fin shape. Detailed analyses revealed that the prp mutation causes a significant reduction in the size and dramatic structural defects in collagen II-rich extracellular matrices called actinotrichia of both embryonic finfolds and adult fins. prp was mapped to chromosome 19 and found to encode the zebrafish collagen9α1 (col9α1) gene which is abundantly expressed in developing finfolds. A point mutation resulting in a leucine-to-histidine change was detected in the thrombospondin domain of the col9α1 gene in prp. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of col9α1 phenocopied the prp small-finfold phenotype in wild-type embryos, and an injection of plasmids containing the col9α1 cDNA into prp embryos locally restored the finfold size. Furthermore, we found that osteoblasts in prp mutants were mispatterned apparently following the abnormal vascular plexus pattern, demonstrating that blood vessels play an important role in the patterning of bony rays in zebrafish caudal fins.  相似文献   

Cebus albifrons and Cebus apella, partially sympatric capuchin monkeys from South America, are known to differ substantially in adult body mass and bodily proportions. C. apella possesses a robust, stocky build in contrast to the more gracile, relatively longer limbed body design of C. albifrons. Average birth weights and adult body lengths of these two congeners, however, are remarkably similar and do not serve to distinguish them. This study examines longitudinal growth rates and patterns of ontogenetic scaling in the extremities (humerus, radius, hand, femur, tibia, foot) in order to document the nature and magnitude of skeletal changes associated with increasing age and body mass. Our data indicate that the growth rates of the six skeletal components of the limbs differ only slightly and somewhat inconsistently between the two species. Body mass, however, increases at a consistently faster rate in C. apella. Relative to body mass, therefore, the extremities of C. albifrons scale much faster than those of C. apella. This implies that at any given postnatal body mass, C. albifrons is longer limbed than C. apella. Conversely, C. apella is heavier than C. albifrons at any given limb length or age. We suggest that such differences in body mass distribution are causally related to differences in locomotor behavior and foraging strategies. Specifically, the relatively long-limbed C. albifrons is probably more cursorial and tends to travel longer distances each day than C. apella. C. apella is a much more deliberate quadruped and is also characterized by especially vigorous and powerful foraging and feeding behaviors. We also compare our results to other (mostly cross-sectional) studies of skeletal growth allometry in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

The pelvic fin position among teleost fishes has shifted rostrally during evolution, resulting in diversification of both behavior and habitat. We explored the developmental basis for the rostral shift in pelvic fin position in teleost fishes using zebrafish (abdominal pelvic fins) and Nile tilapia (thoracic pelvic fins). Cell fate mapping experiments revealed that changes in the distribution of lateral plate mesodermal cells accompany the trunk-tail protrusion. Presumptive pelvic fin cells are originally located at the body wall adjacent to the anterior limit of hoxc10a expression in the spinal cord, and their position shifts rostrally as the trunk grows. We then showed that the differences in pelvic fin position between zebrafish and Nile tilapia were not due to changes in expression or function of gdf11. We also found that hox-independent motoneurons located above the pelvic fins innervate into the pelvic musculature. Our results suggest that there is a common mechanism among teleosts and tetrapods that controls paired appendage positioning via gdf11, but in teleost fishes the position of prospective pelvic fin cells on the yolk surface shifts as the trunk grows. In addition, teleost motoneurons, which lack lateral motor columns, innervate the pelvic fins in a manner independent of the rostral-caudal patterns of hox expression in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

By the use of appropriate light intensities the expression of the transient nature of the receptor potential observed in the trp mutant of Drosophila melanogaster can be confined to the peripheral retinula cells in which the visual pigment can also be manipulated predictably, affording an experimental means to probe in these receptors the relationship of the visual pigment to the “electrogenic membrane”. Repeated blue light exposures cause w;trp flies to respond in a manner like cn;bw flies in which the dark-adapted rhodopsin fraction is reduced to 0.5% of the normal level by vitamin A deprivation: this comparable response behaviour, since the amount of visual pigment in w;trp flies is normal, implies that only some subfraction of the photoequilibrium value of rhodopsin may be available. Recovery of the peripheral receptors' sensitivity in ambient light conditions which would render them insensitive by expression of the phenotype is paradoxical and allows a “wavelength effectivity” curve to be constructed which identifies the involvement of the rhodopsin. Resolution of the paradox is discussed.  相似文献   

Zebrafish fins grow by sequentially adding new segments of bone to the distal end of each fin ray. In wild type zebrafish, segment addition is regulated such that an isometric relationship is maintained between fin length and body length over the lifespan of the growing fish. Using a novel, surrogate marker for fin growth in conjunction with cell proliferation assays, we demonstrate here that segment addition is not continuous, but rather proceeds by saltation. Saltation is a fundamental growth mechanism shared by disparate vertebrates, including humans. We further demonstrate that segment addition proceeds in conjunction with cyclic bursts of cell proliferation in the distal fin ray mesenchyme. In contrast, cells in the distal fin epidermis proliferate at a constant rate throughout the fin ray growth cycle. Finally, we show that two separate fin overgrowth mutants, long fin and rapunzel, bypass the stasis phase of the fin ray growth cycle to develop asymmetrical and symmetrical fin overgrowth, respectively.  相似文献   

Here, we used classical genetics in zebrafish to identify temperature-sensitive mutants in caudal fin regeneration. Gross morphological, histological, and molecular analyses revealed that one of these strains, emmental (emm), failed to form a functional regeneration blastema. Inhibition of emm function by heat treatment during regenerative outgrowth rapidly blocked regeneration. This block was associated with reduced proliferation in the proximal blastema and expansion of the nonproliferative distal blastemal zone. Positional cloning revealed that the emm phenotype is caused by a mutation in the orthologue of yeast sly1, a gene product involved in protein trafficking. sly1 is upregulated in the newly formed blastema as well as during regenerative outgrowth. Thus, sly1 is essential for blastemal organization and proliferation during two stages of fin regeneration.  相似文献   

We report a neonate who was diagnosed as a case of skeletal dysplasia during pregnancy, and was subsequently diagnosed as a case of MLII alpha/beta on the basis of clinical and radiological findings and molecular testing of the parents. A novel GNPTAB mutation c.1701delC [p.F566LfsX5] was identified in the father. The case reiterates the severe prenatal phenotype of MLII alpha/beta which mimics skeletal dysplasia and illustrates the utility of molecular genetic analysis in confirmation of diagnosis and subsequent genetic counselling.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation in Drosophila imaginal discs appears to be regulated by a disc-intrinsic mechanism involving local cell interactions that also control the formation of patterns of differentiation. This growth-control mechanism breaks down in animals homozygous for the mutation lethal (2) giant discs (l(2)gd) which remain as larvae for up to 9 days longer than normal. During this time cell proliferation continues in the imaginal discs as well as in the imaginal rings for the salivary glands, foregut, and hindgut, so that these tissues become greatly overgrown. When wild-type wing discs from mid-third instar larvae were removed and cultured for up to 28 days in wild-type female adult hosts, they grew and terminated growth at a cell number close to that which would be attained in situ by the time of pupariation. On the other hand, wing discs from l(2)gd homozygotes grew rapidly and continuously when cultivated in wild-type hosts, reached an enormous size, and acquired abnormal folding patterns. Overgrowth of mutant imaginal rings also continued during culture of these tissues in wild-type hosts. We conclude that overgrowth in this mutant is due to an autonomous defect in the imaginal primordia, which requires an extended larval period for its expression in situ.  相似文献   

Growth by bone remodeling is one of the key mechanisms responsible for skeletal morphology. This mechanism consists of the coordinated activity of two cellular groups: osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which are responsible for bone deposition and resorption, respectively. Information obtained from the study of these remodeling growth fields allows us to understand how species-specific craniofacial form is achieved. These data can help to explain the facial growth differences among Primates, both extinct and extant. The aim of this study was to obtain the distribution of growth remodeling fields of the Homo heidelbergensis mandible (Atapuerca-SH sample), and to infer the growth processes responsible for its specific morphology. A Reflected Light Microscope (RLM) was used to identify the microfeatures of the bone surface related to bone deposition and resorption. Results show that H. heidelbergensis presents a specific growth field distribution, which differs slightly between immature and adult individuals. Interpretation of these maps indicates that the mandible of H. heidelbergensis presents noteworthy variability in the symphyseal region. Two distinct patterns of growth are seen, one of those unique for this species and the other similar to that of Homo sapiens. The lingual side of the mandibular corpus has a resorption area found only in this species and one that includes a variable extension in immature and adult individuals. Finally, the mandibular ramus is characterized, among other aspects, by a large resorption field on its buccal surface. Considering the mandible as a whole, the bone remodeling pattern obtained in this work shows that lower facial growth in H. heidelbergensis is dominated mainly by forward growth, illustrated by the strong inward displacement of the ramus, which is in agreement with the Enlow's “V” growth principle.  相似文献   

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