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Calpains are cytoplasmic proteases activated by calcium, implicated in cell differentiation and apoptosis. The best characterized enzymes are calpains 1-3. The aim of this work was to localize calpains 1-3 during the development of Xenopus laevis in order to clarify the function of these three proteases. For the first time, we detected the localization of the three proteases at the protein level between one-cell stage and adult age. Their expression was weak at early stages, then increased at tadpole stage and decreased through metamorphosis and adult life. The calpain's expression was maximal during the period characterized by the appearance of organs and modelling process. These observations suggest that calpains play a crucial role during development.  相似文献   

During the climax of amphibian metamorphosis many tadpole organs remodel. The different remodeling strategies are controlled by thyroid hormone (TH). The liver, skin, and tail fibroblasts shut off tadpole genes and activate frog genes in the same cell without DNA replication. We refer to this as “gene switching”. In contrast, the exocrine pancreas and the intestinal epithelium dedifferentiate to a progenitor state and then redifferentiate to the adult cell type. Tadpole and adult globin are not present in the same cell. Switching from red cells containing tadpole-specific globin to those with frog globin in the liver occurs at a progenitor cell stage of development and is preceded by DNA replication. Red cell switching is the only one of these remodeling strategies that resembles a stem cell mechanism.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the induction of the three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm) has been extensively studied, but less is known about how they segregate. Here, we investigated whether Delta-Notch signaling is involved in this process. Activating the pathway in the marginal zone with NotchICD resulted in an expansion of endodermal and neural ectoderm precursors, leaving a thinner mesodermal ring around the blastopore at gastrula stage, when germ layers are segregated. On the other hand, when the pathway was blocked with Delta-1STU or with an antisense morpholino oligonucleotide against Notch, the pan-mesodermal brachyury (bra) domain was expanded and the neural border was moved animalwards. Strikingly, the suprablastoporal endoderm was either expanded when Delta-1 signaling was blocked, or reduced after the general knock-down of Notch. In addition, either activating or blocking the pathway delays the blastopore closure. We conclude that the process of delimiting the three germ layers requires Notch signaling, which may be finely regulated by ligands and/or involve non-canonical components of the pathway. Moreover, Notch activity must be modulated at appropriate levels during this process in order to keep normal morphogenetic movements during gastrulation.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of testicular sperm in the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was tested using three penetrating cryoprotectants (DMSO, methanol, and glycerol) and three semen diluents (300 mmol/L glucose, 300 mmol/L sucrose, and a motility inhibiting saline [MIS] solution [150 mmol/L NaCl, 3 mmol/L KCL, 1 mmol/L Mg2SO4, 1 mmol/L CaCl2, and 20 mmol/L Tris, pH 8.0]). Three freezing rates and four thawing rates were also tested, and the best freezing/thawing conditions have been determined. The responses of sperm motility, viability, and fertility were assessed. Incubation of the sperm macerates with penetrating cryoprotectants showed that DMSO was the least toxic and methanol the most toxic. Semen in cryodiluents frozen 10 cm above the surface of liquid nitrogen (freezing rate of 20 to 25 °C/min) and thawed at room temperature for 40 sec had significantly higher percentages of motile and viable sperm than that of semen frozen 5 cm or 8 cm above the surface of liquid nitrogen and thawed at 5, 25, or 30 °C for 10, 15, or 60 sec, respectively. Sperm frozen in MIS containing 5% DMSO had a higher hatching rate than that of sperm frozen in sucrose and glucose diluents containing 5% or 10% DMSO and in MIS containing 10% DMSO. Addition of 73 mmol/L sucrose to the sperm extender MIS + 5% DMSO could improve the postthaw sperm motility and fertility. In conclusion, dilution of collected sperm in MIS solution (to have a final concentration of 6.5 × 106 to 8 × 106/mL) containing 5% DMSO and 73 mmol/L sucrose, freezing in a vapor of liquid nitrogen at 10 cm above the surface, and thawing at room temperature for 40 sec was the best cryopreservation protocol. This protocol gave 70% hatching rate, 80% motility rate, and 75% viability rate of fresh hormonally induced sperm.  相似文献   

Vinclozolin (VIN) is an antiandrogenic model substance as well as a common fungicide that can affect the endocrine system of vertebrates. The objective of this study was to investigate how VIN affects mate calling behavior of South African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) and whether it is effective at environmentally relevant concentrations. Male X. laevis were injected with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to stimulate their androgen-controlled mate calling behavior and were treated with VIN at concentrations of 106, 108 and 1010 M. VIN at 106 M reduced calling activity. Furthermore, the vocalization composition of VIN-treated X. laevis was altered. The call types advertisement calls and chirping are uttered by reproductively active males, whereas the call types growling, ticking, and rasping indicate a sexually unaroused state of a male. VIN at any of the tested concentrations led to a decrease in utterance of calls, which indicate a sexually aroused state of the males, and an increase in relative proportions of calls, indicating a sexually unaroused state of the males. Additionally, the mean duration of clicks and the number of accentuated clicks during the advertisement calls decreased at all concentrations of VIN. No significant differences were observed in any other temporal or spectral calling parameters between the treatments. This study illustrates that exposure to the antiandrogen VIN might result in a reduced reproductive success by altering mate calling behavior of X. laevis. Moreover, it suggests that the behavioral parameters examined in this study can be used as sensitive biomarkers for detecting antiandrogenic endocrine disrupting compounds in amphibians.  相似文献   

Siah proteins are vertebrate homologs of the Drosophila ‘seven in absentia’ gene. In this study, we characterized two splicing forms, Siah1a and Siah1b, of the Xenopus seven in absentia homolog 1 gene (Siah1). Overexpression of xSiah1a led to severe suppression of embryo cleavage, while that of xSiah1b was not effective even at a high dose. Competition analysis demonstrated that co-expression of xSiah1a and 1b generated the same phenotype as overexpression of xSiah1a alone, suggesting that xSiah1b does not interfere with the function of xSiah1a. Since xSiah1b has an additional 31 amino acids in the N-terminus compared to xSiah1a, progressive truncation of xSiah1b from the N-terminus showed that inability of xSiah1b to affect embryo cleavage was associated with the length of the N-terminal extension of extra amino acids. The possible implication of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

Mechanisms coupling heart function and cardiac morphogenesis can be accessed in lower vertebrate embryos that can survive to swimming tadpole stages on diffused oxygen. Forward genetic screens in Xenopus tropicalis have identified more than 80 mutations affecting diverse developmental processes, including cardiac morphogenesis and function. In the first positional cloning of a mutation in X. tropicalis, we show that non-contractile hearts in muzak (muz) embryos are caused by a premature stop codon in the cardiac myosin heavy chain gene myh6. The mutation deletes the coiled-coil domain responsible for polymerization into thick filaments, severely disrupting the cardiomyocyte cytoskeleton. Despite the lack of contractile activity and absence of a major structural protein, early stages of cardiac morphogenesis including looping and chamber formation are grossly normal. Muz hearts subsequently develop dilated chambers with compressed endocardium and fail to form identifiable cardiac valves and trabeculae.  相似文献   

Vertebrate heart development requires specification of cardiac precursor cells, migration of cardiac progenitors as well as coordinated cell movements during looping and septation. DM-GRASP/ALCAM/CD166 is a member of the neuronal immunoglobulin domain superfamily of cell adhesion molecules and was recently suggested to be a target gene of non-canonical Wnt signalling. Loss of DM-GRASP function did not affect specification of cardiac progenitor cells. Later during development, expression of cardiac marker genes in the first heart field of Xenopus laevis such as Tbx20 and TnIc was reduced, whereas expression of the second heart field marker genes Isl-1 and BMP-4 was unaffected. Furthermore, loss of DM-GRASP function resulted in defective cell adhesion and cardiac morphogenesis. Additionally, expression of DM-GRASP can rescue the phenotype that results from the loss of non-canonical Wnt11-R signalling suggesting that DM-GRASP and non-canonical Wnt signalling are functionally coupled during cardiac development.  相似文献   

Peptidomic analysis of norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions of the tetraploid clawed frog Xenopus laevis (Pipidae) led to the identification of 10 peptides with the ability to stimulate the release of insulin from the rat BRIN-BD11 clonal β cell line. These peptides were purified to near homogeneity and structural characterization showed that they belong to the magainin (2 peptides), peptide glycine-leucine-amide (PGLa) (1 peptide), xenopsin precursor fragment (1 peptide), and caerulein precursor fragment (CPF) (6 peptides) families. CPF-1, CPF-3, CPF-5 and CPF-6 were the most potent producing a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the rate of insulin release at concentration of 0.03 nM. CPF-7 (GFGSFLGKALKAALKIGANALGGAPQQ) produced the maximum stimulation of insulin release (571 ± 30% of basal rate at 3 μM). In addition, CPF-SE1 (GFLGPLLKLGLKGVAKVIPHLIPSRQQ), previously isolated from skin secretions of the tetraploid frog Silurana epitropicalis, produced a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the rate of insulin release at 0.03 nM with a 514 ± 13% increase over basal rate at 3 μM. No CPF peptide stimulated release of the cytosolic enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase from BRIN-BD11 cells at concentrations up to 3 μM indicating that the integrity of the plasma membrane had been preserved. The mechanism of action of the CPF peptides involves, at least in part, membrane depolarization and an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration. The CPF peptides show potential for development into agents for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes, an important food-borne pathogen, causes high mortality rate of listeriosis. Pan-genomic comparisons revealed the species genome of L. monocytogenes is highly stable but not completely clonal. The population structure of this species displays at least four evolutionary lineages (I–IV). Isolates of different lineages displayed distinct genetic, phenotypic and ecologic characteristics, which appear to affect their ability to be transmitted through foods and to cause human disease, as well as their ability to thrive in markedly phage-rich environments. CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindrome repeats), a recently described adaptive immunity system, not only confers defense against invading elements derived from bacteriophages or plasmids in many bacteria and archaeal, but also displays strains-level variations in almost any given endowed species. This work was aimed to investigate CRISPR diversity in L. monocytogenes strains of different lineages and estimated the potential practicability of the CRISPR-based approach to resolve this species’ biodiversity. Only a third of strains contained all three CRISPR loci (here defined as LMa, LMb and LMc) at same time. Combined the strain-level variations in presence/absence of each CRISPR locus and its relative size and spacer arrangements, a total of 29 CRISPR genotypes and 11 groups were defined within a collection of 128 strains covering all serotypes. The CRISPR-based approach showed powerful ability to subtype the more commonly food-borne isolates of serotype 1/2a (lineage II) and serotypes 1/2b (lineage I), but limited by the absence of typical CRISPR structure in many lineage I isolates. Strikingly, we found a long associated cas1 gene as well as two self-targeting LMb spacers accidently homologous with endogenous genes in a fraction of serotype 1/2a isolations, demonstrated that CRISPR I B system might involve in bacterial physiology besides antiviral immunity.  相似文献   

Soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) contributes to cell growth, but the contribution of sEH to embryonic development is not well understood. In this study, Xenopus sEH cDNA was isolated from embryos of Xenopus laevis. The Xenopus sEH was expressed in Escherichia coli and was purified. The epoxide hydrolase and phosphatase activities of purified sEH were investigated. The Xenopus sEH did not show phosphatase activity toward 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate or several lysophosphatidic acids although it had EH activity. The amino acid sequence of Xenopus sEH was compared with that reported previously. We found amino acid substitutions of the 29th Thr to Asn and the 146th Arg to His and prepared a sEH mutant (N29T/H146R), designed as mutant 1. Neither wild-type sEH nor mutant 1 had phosphatase activity. Additional substitution of the 11th Gly with Asp was found by comparison with human sEH which has phosphatase activity, but the Xenopus sEH mutant G11D prepared as mutant 2 did not have phosphatase activity. The epoxide hydrolase activity of sEH seemed to be similar to that of human sEH, while Xenopus sEH did not have phosphatase activity toward several substrates that human sEH metabolizes.  相似文献   

Tail regression in tadpoles is one of the most spectacular events in anuran metamorphosis. Reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress play an important role during this process. Presently, the cell- and tissue-specific localization of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase as well as neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase isoforms (nNOS and iNOS) responsible for production of nitric oxide (NO) were carried out during different stages of metamorphosis in tail of tadpole Xenopus laevis. NO also has profound effect on the mitochondrial function having its own nitric oxide NOS enzyme. Hence, in situ staining for NO and mitochondria also was investigated. The distribution of nNOS and iNOS was found to be stage specific, and the gene expression of nNOS was up-regulated by thyroxin treatment. In situ staining for NO and mitochondria shows co-localization, suggesting mitochondria being one of the sources of NO. SOD and catalase showed significant co-localization during earlier stages of metamorphosis, but before the tail regression begins, there was a significant decrease in activity as well as co-localization suggesting increased ROS accumulation. These findings are discussed in terms of putative functional importance of ROS and cytoplasmic as well as mitochondrial derived NO in programmed cell death in tail tissue.  相似文献   

To clarify the molecular mechanisms of neural development in vertebrates, we analyzed a novel gene, termed nemp1 (nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 1), which is expressed in the Xenopus anterior neuroectoderm at the neurula stage. Nemp1 has a putative signal peptide and five transmembrane domains, but does not have any other known domains. We show that Nemp1 is localized to the inner nuclear membrane (INM) with its evolutionarily conserved C-terminal region facing the nucleoplasm. Both overexpression and knockdown of Nemp1 in Xenopus embryos reduced the expression of early eye marker genes, rax, tbx3, and pax6, and later resulted mainly in severe eye defects at the tailbud stage. In contrast, the expression of a forebrain/midbrain marker, otx2, and a pan-neural marker, sox2, was largely unaffected. Deletion analysis of Nemp1 showed that nuclear envelope-localization of the C-terminal region is necessary for its eye-reducing activity. Furthermore, nemp1 is coexpressed with baf (barrier-to-autointegration factor) in the eye anlagen, and that Nemp1 interacts with BAF through the BAF-binding site in the C-terminal region and this site is required for Nemp1 activity. These data suggest that Nemp1 is involved in the expression of eye marker genes by functioning at the INM at least partly through BAF.  相似文献   

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