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The immunodominant T-cell epitope that is involved in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) is the glycosylated type II collagen (CII) peptide 256-270. In CII transgenic mice, which express the immunodominant CII 256-270 epitope in cartilage, the CII-specific T cells are characterized by a partially tolerant state with low proliferative activity in vitro, but with maintained effector functions, such as IFN-γ secretion and ability to provide B cell help. These mice were still susceptible to CIA. The response was mainly directed to the glycosylated form of the CII 256-270 peptide, rather than to the nonglycosylated peptide. Tolerance induction was rapid; transferred T cells encountered CII within a few days. CII immunization several weeks after thymectomy of the mice did not change their susceptibility to arthritis or the induction of partial T-cell tolerance, excluding a role for recent thymic emigrants. Thus, partially tolerant CII autoreactive T cells are maintained and are crucial for the development of CIA.  相似文献   

T cell recognition of the type II collagen (CII) 260-270 peptide is a bottleneck for the development of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis. We have earlier made C3H.Q mice expressing CII with glutamic acid instead of aspartic acid at position 266 (the MMC-C3H.Q mouse), similar to the rat and human CII epitope, which increases binding to MHC class II and leads to effective presentation of the peptide in vivo. These mice show T cell tolerance to CII, but also develop severe arthritis. The present investigation shows that non-MHC genes play a decisive role in determining tolerance and arthritis susceptibility. We bred MMC into B10.Q mice, which display similar susceptibility to CIA induced with rat CII as the C3H.Q mice. In contrast to MMC-C3H.Q mice, MMC-B10.Q mice were completely resistant to arthritis. Nontransgenic (B10.Q x C3H.Q)F(1) mice were more susceptible to CIA than either of the parental strains, but introduction of the MMC transgene leads to CIA resistance, showing that the protection is dominantly inherited from B10.Q. In an attempt to break the B10-mediated CIA protection in MMC-transgenic mice, we introduced a transgenic, CII-specific, TCR beta-chain specific for the CII(260-270) glycopeptide, in the highly CIA-susceptible (B10.Q x DBA/1)F(1) mice. The magnification of the autoreactive CII-specific T cell repertoire led to increased CIA susceptibility, but the disease was less severe than in mice lacking the MMC transgene. This finding is important for understanding CIA and perhaps also rheumatoid arthritis, as in both diseases MHC class II-restricted T cell recognition of the glycosylated CII peptide occurs.  相似文献   



Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic disease manifested by chronic inflammation in multiple articular joints, including the knees and small joints of the hands and feet. We have developed a unique modification to a clinically accepted method for delivering therapies directly to the synovium. Our therapy is based on our previous discovery of an analog peptide (A9) with amino acid substitutions made at positions 260 (I to A), 261 (A to B), and 263 (F to N) that could profoundly suppress immunity to type II collagen (CII) and arthritis in the collagen-induced arthritis model (CIA).


We engineered an adenoviral vector to contain the CB11 portion of recombinant type II collagen and used PCR to introduce point mutations at three sites within (CII124-402, 260A, 261B, 263D), (rCB11-A9) so that the resulting molecule contained the A9 sequence at the exact site of the wild-type sequence.


We used this construct to target intra-articular tissues of mice and utilized the collagen-induced arthritis model to show that this treatment strategy provided a sustained, local therapy for individual arthritic joints, effective whether given to prevent arthritis or as a treatment. We also developed a novel system for in vivo bioimaging, using the firefly luciferase reporter gene to allow serial bioluminescence imaging to show that luciferase can be detected as late as 18 days post injection into the joint.


Our therapy is unique in that we target synovial cells to ultimately shut down T cell-mediated inflammation. Its effectiveness is based on its ability to transform potential inflammatory T cells and/or bystander T cells into therapeutic (regulatory-like) T cells which secrete interleukin (IL)-4. We believe this approach has potential to effectively suppress RA with minimal side effects.  相似文献   

Certain strains of mice develop a symmetrical polyarthritis after immunization with type II collagen. The incidence of arthritis after such immunization is variable. To study the arthritogenic potential of T cells reactive with type II collagen, we isolated draining lymph node cells from mice that had developed arthritis after immunization with bovine type II collagen. From these immune lymph node cells we were able to clone T cells reactive with type II collagen. Two separate sets of T cell clones were isolated. The first set reacted with either native bovine or native chick type II collagen, but did not react with type I collagen. The second set of T cell clones reacted with bovine type II collagen, but did not respond to either native chick type II collagen or type I collagen. These clones will be tested for their influence on the development of arthritis in vivo.  相似文献   

Epicutaneous immunization is a potential non-invasive technique for antigen-specific immune-modulation. Topical application of protein antigens to barrier-disrupted skin induces potent antigen-specific immunity with a strong Th2-bias. In this study, we investigate whether the autoimmune inflammatory response of chronic collagen-induced arthritis (CCIA) in DBA/1-TCR-beta Tg mice can be modified by epicutaneous immunization. We show that epicutaneous immunization with type II collagen (CII) inhibited development and progression of CCIA and, importantly, also ameliorated ongoing disease as indicated by clinical scores of disease severity, paw swelling and joints histology. Treated mice show reduced CII-driven T cell proliferation and IFN-gamma production, as well as significantly lower levels of CII-specific IgG2a serum antibodies. In contrast, CII-driven IL-4 production and IgE antibody levels were increased consistent with skewing of the CII response from Th1 to Th2 in treated mice. IL-4 production in treated mice was inversely correlated with disease severity. Moreover, T cells from treated mice inhibited proliferation and IFN-gamma production by T cells from CCIA mice, suggesting induction of regulatory T cells that actively inhibit effector responses in arthritic mice. The levels of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells were however not increased following epicutaneous CII treatment. Together, these results suggest that epicutaneous immunization may be used as an immune-modulating procedure to actively re-programme pathogenic Th1 responses, and could have potential as a novel specific and simple treatment for chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Collagen type II (CII)-induced arthritis (CIA) can be induced in 78% of B10.RIII mice (H2r) by intradermal (id) immunization with CII of bovine origin in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA), whereas immunization with CII of chick origin induces arthritis in less than 5% of these mice. Nevertheless, tolerization of B10.RIII mice with intravenously injected chick CII renders the animals resistant to induction of CIA by immunization with bovine CII. Such tolerization can be achieved either by intravenous injection of 500 micrograms chick CII 1 week prior to immunization with bovine CII in CFA or by such an intravenous injection of chick CII 2 weeks after immunization with bovine CII in CFA. Postimmunization treatment results in a significant decrease in the concentration of antibody to bovine CII. Preimmunization administration of chick CII causes a marked decrease in the antibody reactive with chick CII without a significant effect on the anti-bovine CII antibody concentration. In DBA/1 mice, a strain in which both bovine CII and chick CII can induce a high incidence of the disease, intravenous injection of bovine CII can also prevent arthritis induced by chick CII, even when given 7 or 14 days after immunization. The fact that chick CII as tolerogen is quite effective in preventing arthritis in B10.RIII mice, while as immunogen it is very ineffective in inducing arthritis in this strain, may be interpreted as evidence for interaction between different epitopes on CII in the pathogenesis of CIA.  相似文献   

Down-regulation of murine collagen-induced arthritis by a T cell hybridoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T cell hybridoma cell lines were generated by somatic cell fusion of BW 5147 myeloma cells and splenic cells from mice suppressed for collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). Two cell lines were characterized for their cell surface phenotype, antigen recognition and capacity to down-regulate the erythema and edema associated with CIA. Cell line T101N was determined to portray the cell surface phenotype Ly1+2- L3T4- Thy1+ by a direct binding assay. Cell line T104B1 was determined to express only the Thy1+ alloantigen. Panning studies, measurement of IL-2 production in vitro and the suppression of antibodies to type I and type II collagen in vivo indicate that the hybridoma cells are not isotype specific in their recognition of the polymorphic interstitial collagens. Down-regulation of the erythema and edema of CIA occurred on injection of 1 X 10(5) T101N cells but not T104B1 cells. Histology of the tarsus region of the hind paw of CIA mice 33 days after the administration of T101N cells showed contrasting histopathology compared to that of CIA mice. The joints of CIA mice given T101N cells showed aligned articular surfaces resembling normal joint structure and only residual pannus. The data indicate that collagen-specific cloned T cell lines can modulate the gross pathology and joint architecture of joints exhibiting CIA.  相似文献   

DBA/1 mice immunized with native chick type II collagen (NcII) emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant develop arthritis, whose underlying mechanisms are still undefined. As an initial step to studying the role of T cells in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), we have established T cell lines specific to type II collagen. Characterizations of the antigen-induced proliferative responses mediated by these T cells have been reported. In essence, two major populations of collagen-reactive T cells were isolated: those that responded mainly to denatured type II collagen (DcII) and another group that reacted with both DcII and NcII. As shown in the present study, all of the collagen-reactive T cell lines isolated were found to be functional, although they differed in their capacity to mediate helper activities assessed by different assays. Hence, both populations of T cells exhibited the ability to trigger B cell proliferation, whereas only the population that recognized both DcII and NcII was capable of activating the synthesis of immunoglobulins by B cells. T cells from this latter group also provided specific help for the generation of a secondary anti-DNP antibody response. In addition, these T cells were capable of activating NcII-specific B cells to produce anti-collagen antibodies. By contrast, the T cell lines that reacted exclusively to DcII failed to mediate such specific helper functions. The inability of such T cells to activate DNP-primed B cells upon challenge with DNP-DcII did not appear to be due to a modification of antigenic sites on DcII by haptenation. Inasmuch as the DcII-specific T cell lines also proliferate less well in response to DcII than the T cell lines that recognize both DcII and NcII, a difference in the nature of the antigen receptors expressed by the two populations of collagen-specific T cells may partly explain the above observations. However, the inability to generate appropriate factors required for further differentiation of B cells to produce antibodies may also account for the failure of DcII-specific T cells to activate DNP-primed B cells. Finally, both populations of T cells were capable of mediating specific delayed-type hypersensitivity response.  相似文献   

After immunization with native type II collagen (CII), susceptible strains of mice (H-2q) develop a polyarthritis that mimics rheumatoid arthritis. Although the underlying mechanisms are still undefined, T cells and particularly CD4+ lymphocytes seem to play a crucial role in the initiation of collagen-induced arthritis. To investigate whether CD8+ cells may participate in the pathogenesis of the disease, we have generated lines and clones of cytotoxic T cell hybridomas reactive to CII by fusion of lymph node and spleen cells from bovine native CII-primed C3H.Q (H-2q) mice and the AKR-derived thymoma cell line BW 5147. Clones were selected for their ability to lyse syngeneic macrophages pulsed with bovine native CII in an Ag-dependent manner. The two hybrid clones that were characterized, exhibited cell surface phenotypes of cytotoxic cells and reacted with CII purified from various species. However, each of them recognized different determinants on the CII molecule. P3G8 clone was specific for an epitope shared by CII and type XI collagen, whereas P2D9 clone reacted with CII and type IX collagen. Both hybridomas recognized CII-pulsed targets in association with H-2Kq molecules. These data indicate that the two CII-specific cytotoxic clones recognize different epitopes that are shared by other articular collagens and will allow us to test their influence on the development of arthritis in vivo.  相似文献   

The view on reactive oxygen species (ROS) in inflammation is currently shifting from being considered damaging toward having a more complex role in regulating inflammatory reactions. We recently demonstrated a role of ROS in regulation of animal models for the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis. Low levels of ROS production, due to a mutation in the Ncf1 gene coding for the Ncf1 (alias p47(phox)) subunit of the NADPH oxidase complex, was shown to be associated with increased autoimmunity and arthritis severity in both rats and mice. To further investigate the role of ROS in autoimmunity, we studied transgenic mice expressing collagen type II (CII) with a mutation (D266E) in the immunodominant epitope that mimics the rat and human CII (i.e., mutated mouse collagen or MMC). This mutation results in a stronger binding of the epitope to the MHC class II molecule and leads to more pronounced tolerance and resistance to arthritis induced with rat CII. When the Ncf1 mutation was bred into these mice, tolerance was broken, resulting in enhanced T cell autoreactivity, high titers of anti-CII Abs, and development of severe arthritis. These findings highlight the importance of a sufficient ROS production in maintenance of tolerance to self-Ags, a central mechanism in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. This is important as we, for the first time, can follow the effect of ROS on molecular mechanisms where T cells are responsible for either protection or promotion of arthritis depending on the level of oxygen species produced.  相似文献   

Antibodies against type II collagen (CII) are important in the development of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) and possibly also in rheumatoid arthritis. We have determined the fine specificity and arthritogenicity of the antibody response to CII in chronic relapsing variants of CIA. Immunization with rat CII in B10.Q or B10.Q(BALB/c×B10.Q)F2 mice induces a chronic relapsing CIA. The antibody response to CII was determined by using triple-helical peptides of the major B cell epitopes. Each individual mouse had a unique epitope-specific response and this epitope predominance shifted distinctly during the course of the disease. In the B10.Q mice the antibodies specific for C1 and U1, and in the B10.Q(BALB/c×B10.Q)F2 mice the antibodies specific for C1, U1 and J1, correlated with the development of chronic arthritis. Injection of monoclonal antibodies against these epitopes induced relapses in chronic arthritic mice. The development of chronic relapsing arthritis, initially induced by CII immunization, is associated with an arthritogenic antibody response to certain CII epitopes.  相似文献   

Seven inbred, RT1-congenic rat strains were immunized with native bovine (BII), porcine (PII), or chick (CII) type II collagen and observed for onset, incidence, and severity of arthritis. Clinical results were compared with IgG reactive with native rat type II collagen (RII) and the purified, renatured cyanogen-bromide peptides of BII, CII, or RII. Immunodominant responses to CB11, CB9,7, and CB12 of RII were identified. Secondary responses to CB8 and CB10 also occurred. Reproducible patterns of peptide reactivity were defined in each strain and reflected both RT1 and non-RT1 genotypes plus the species of immunizing collagen. BN non-RT1 gene products moderated clinical arthritis but increased the levels of reactivity to CB11 in three strains carrying RT1l,n,av1 haplotypes. WF (RT1u) rats were susceptible to collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) and developed very high levels of autoantibodies with dominant responses to rat CB11 after CII injections and to rat CB11 and CB9,7 after BII injections. DA (RT1av1) rats developed the most severe arthritis but had only moderate (total) levels of anti-RII IgG: a broad response to CB11, CB10, and CB9,7 after CII injections but predominantly to CB12 and CB9,7 after BII injections. Three RT1n strains--DA.1N(BN), WF.1N(MAXX), and BN--were resistant to BII-induced CIA but developed mild arthritis after immunization with CII. After BII: BN IgG reacted with CB9-7, CB11, and CB12; DA.1N and WF.1N IgG reacted with CB9,7 and CB12. After CII: BN IgG reacted broadly with CB11, CB9-7, CB12, and CB8; WF.1N IgG reacted to CB9-7, CB11, CB8, and CB12; DA.1N IgG reacted with CB8, CB11, and CB9-7. Thus, selective induction of CIA in BN, WF.1N, and DA.1N rats by CII correlated with serum IgG reactivity to rat CB11, but overall strain results identified no single cyanogen-bromide peptide as expressing the sole "arthritogenic" epitope in CIA.  相似文献   

Induction of oral tolerance has long been considered a promising approach to the treatment of chronic autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Oral administration of type II collagen (CII) has been proven to improve signs and symptoms in RA patients without troublesome toxicity. To investigate the mechanism of immune suppression mediated by orally administered antigen, we examined changes in serum IgG subtypes and T-cell proliferative responses to CII, and generation of IL-10-producing CD4+CD25+ T-cell subsets in an animal model of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). We found that joint inflammation in CIA mice peaked at 5 weeks after primary immunization with CII, which was significantly less in mice tolerized by repeated oral feeding of CII before CIA induction. Mice that had been fed with CII also exhibited increased serum IgG1 and decreased serum IgG2a as compared with nontolerized CIA animals. The T-cell proliferative response to CII was suppressed in lymph nodes of tolerized mice also. Production of IL-10 and of transforming growth factor-beta from mononuclear lymphocytes was increased in the tolerized animals, and CD4+ T cells isolated from tolerized mice did not respond with induction of IFN-gamma when stimulated in vitro with CII. We also observed greater induction of IL-10-producing CD4+CD25+ subsets among CII-stimulated splenic T cells from tolerized mice. These data suggest that when these IL-10-producing CD4+CD25+ T cells encounter CII antigen in affected joints they become activated to exert an anti-inflammatory effect.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide as well as prostaglandins has been reported to play an important role in inflammatory diseases including arthritis. In the present study, the effects of iNOS inhibition on development of disease were examined in type II collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in male DBA/1J mice. From 4 weeks after the first immunization with bovine type II collagen, 1400W (10 mg/kg/day, p.o.), a selective iNOS inhibitor, indomethacin (1 mg/kg/day, p.o.), a cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor, or 1400W + indomethacin was administered for 8 weeks. Immunization with type II collagen evoked arthritic inflammation of paws and bone destruction accompanied by increases in urinary nitrite/nitrate (NOx) excretion, plasma NOx and PGE2 levels. Administration of 1400W reduced urinary NOx excretion and increased plasma PGE2 levels, while it had no effect on arthritic inflammation or bone destruction. Indomethacin slightly reduced the inflammatory signs and bone destruction with marked reduction of plasma PGE2. Combination of 1400W and indomethacin reduced urinary NOx and PGE2 levels, and showed greater amelioration of inflammatory signs and bone destruction than either alone. In conclusion, 1400W, a selective iNOS inhibitor, failed to prevent CIA probably due to its increasing effect on PGE2 production, but showed a synergistic ameliorative effect in combination with indomethacin.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of neutral proteinases that are involved in tissue remodeling by mediating degradation of extracellular matrix components in both physiology and pathology. As MMPs appear to play a key role in the degradation of cartilage matrix in the progression of arthritic disease, MMPs are considered as potential therapeutic targets. The effect of chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) on MMPs in type II collagen-induced experimental arthritis was studied. The anti-arthritic effect of CSA was evidenced by a decrease in marker activities like lysosomal beta-hexosaminidase and beta-glucuronidase. Arthritic animals showed significantly higher activity of MMP2 and MMP9 and increased levels of other MMPs, including MMP3 and MT-1 MMP in cartilage and serum. Treatment with CSA significantly decreased the activity of MMPs, particularly MMP9 in serum and synovial effusate and cartilage. The effect of CSA was further studied by fragmenting CSA into low-molecular-weight oligosaccharides. The oligosaccharide-treated animals showed considerably lower MMP activity (particularly MMP9) compared with arthritic controls. The CSA (and the oligosaccharides derived from it) not only reduced the activity of MMPs but also decreased the protein level expression of MMPs, indicating that the production of MMPs is affected. These results indicate that the antiarthritic effect of CSA involves down-regulation of MMPs, which are critically involved in the progression of arthritic disease.  相似文献   

目的:探讨白花蛇舌草(HD)对Ⅱ型胶原蛋白诱导的大鼠类风湿性关节炎(CIA)的治疗作用。方法:取SD大鼠60只随机分为对照组10只、造模组50只,造模组于背部皮内注射Ⅱ型胶原乳剂建立CIA大鼠模型,采用大鼠关节炎评分法评价其模型是否复制成功。造模组再随机分为模型组、雷公藤多苷(GTW)6 mg/kg组、白花蛇舌草3、6、12 g/kg组,每组10只,每天灌胃给予相应的试剂。每周观察关节炎指数和痛阈,于连续干预28 d后,各组大鼠眼眶静脉取血,观察白细胞介素1β(IL-lβ)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、前列腺素E2(PGE2)、核因子κB受体活化因子配体(RANKL)及护骨素(OPG)水平。结果:与对照组比较,模型组大鼠关节炎指数,血清IL-lβ、TNF-α、PGE2、RANKL、OPG及RANKL/OPG水平均明显升高(P<0.05),光照阈值明显降低(P<0.05);与模型组比较,雷公藤多苷组、白花蛇舌草低、中、高剂量组关节炎指数,血清IL-lβ、TNF-α、PGE2、RANKL、OPG及RANKL/OPG水平均明显降低(P<0.05),光照阈值明显升高(P<0.05)。结论:白花蛇舌草可明显降低CIA模型大鼠关节炎指数,升高痛域阈值,下调IL-lβ、TNF-α、PGE2、RANKL、OPG水平,从而有效的防治CIA。  相似文献   

Attenuation of an adjuvant arthritis by type II collagen   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Subcutaneous injection of the nonimmunogenic synthetic alkyldiamine, N,N-diotadecyl-N',N'-bis(2-hydroxyethyl) propanediamine (CP-20961), which possesses potent adjuvant properties for cellular sensitization, can induce an inflammatory arthritis in rats. To study whether a host reaction to native type II collagen plays a role in the pathogenesis of the arthritis in this model, CP-20961-injected Lewis rats received i.v. on four occasions native type II collagen coupled to syngeneic spleen cells with ethylcarbodiimide (CDI), native type II collagen added to spleen cells without CDI, or native type II collagen coupled to rat red blood cells (RBC) with glutaraldehyde. There was a significant suppression of the severity of arthritis in all three groups compared with a control group injected with CP-20961 but not receiving cells. In addition, the prevalence of arthritis was decreased in the group receiving native type II collagen-coupled RBC. Injection of cells coupled to denatured type II collagen, native type I collagen, and ovalbumin did not affect significantly the morphologic aspects of this disease. These data provide evidence that material possessing the quaternary epitope(s) of type II collagen functions in an as yet unidentified effector pathway in this adjuvant arthritis.  相似文献   

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