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火炬树为我国于1959年引进的速生绿化观赏性植物,其生长快,长势旺盛,抗病虫害和抗螨能力强,但还未见到其抗螨性和抗螨机理的研究报道.测定了火炬树叶挥发性成分及其对二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch和山楂叶螨Tetranychus viennensis Zacher选择行为的影响,利用固相微萃取(Solid phase microextraction, SPME)采集、GC-MS测定火炬树叶挥发物,"Y"型嗅觉仪分别测定挥发物对两种叶螨选择行为的影响.结果表明,火炬树叶挥发性成分含量由高至低依次为4,6-二特丁基-2-甲基苯酚、4-庚醇、3,7,11-三甲基-2,6,10-二十二三烯-1-醇、丁基化羟基甲苯、α-法呢烯、十八烯、4-甲基-1-丙烯-3-醇、水杨酸甲酯和苯甲酸乙酯等;在两组气味源(火炬树叶与苹果树叶、火炬树叶与空气)中,二斑叶螨对火炬树叶的选择率分别为9.3%和28.9%,山楂叶螨则分别为5.6%和28%,与对照差异显著,但种间差异不显著.因此可以看出,火炬树叶挥发物对叶螨的选择行为具有一定的影响.  相似文献   

4种蔬菜对朱砂叶螨的抗性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
4种供试蔬菜品种以对朱砂叶螨Tetranychuscinnabarinus(Boisduval)种群生长发育,繁殖及种群密度有明显增加,品种间存在的抗螨性差异,其中苦瓜抗螨性能,丝瓜,茄子,豇豆则表现在不同程度度的感螨性,朱砂叶螨能够取食苦瓜叶片,但发育历期延长,雌成螨寿命缩短,死亡率较高,而且在高苦瓜上不产卵,朱砂叶螨在豇豆,茄子,丝瓜上,发育历期短,雌成螨寿命长,产卵量大,死亡率低,R0,γm  相似文献   

棉花品系川98抗螨性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高宗仁 《昆虫知识》1991,28(1):17-18
<正> 棉花品系川98是四川省棉花研究所用海陆杂交方法选育而成,在当地具有高产和病虫兼抗的性能。笔者于1988年引入郑州,采用生命表的方法研究了其抗螨性能。  相似文献   

采用海绵水盘法研究了苹果Malus pumila Mill.、接骨木Sambucus illiamsii Hance、苦楝Melia azedarach L.、火炬树Rhus typhina L.对二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch生长发育和繁殖的影响,并分别采用凯氏定氮法、索氏提取法、蒽酮比色法、Folin-Denis比色法测定了植物叶片全氮含量、粗脂肪含量、可溶性糖含量、单宁含量。结果发现:苹果和接骨木叶片的全氮(分别为2.98%和4.00%)和可溶性糖(分别为19.92%和12.81%)含量较高,有利于二斑叶螨生长发育和繁殖。而火炬树叶片的全氮量(2.60%)、可溶性糖含量(4.98%)最低,单宁含量(11.45%)最高,对二斑叶螨具有较强的抗性。单宁可能是植物抗螨性形成过程中起主要作用的次生物质。  相似文献   

对3个不同类型番茄品系理化性状与番茄刺皮瘿螨Aculops lycopersici(Massee)的关系进行研究。结果表明,番茄刺皮瘿螨在多茸毛性状品系YZ618上种群数量最低,显著低于少茸毛性状品系YZ504和常规品系YZ413。螨在3品系植株分布不同,抗螨品系YZ618上部螨量几乎灭绝,感螨品系YZ504上部螨量显著多于中下部,常规品系YZ413上中部螨量多于下部。3品系叶组织内多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO),过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD),抗坏血酸过氧化酶(ascorbate peroxidase,ASP)的活性受该螨为害后均提高,但抗螨品系YZ618反应更灵敏。相关分析表明,PPO是螨害诱导产生的抗螨生化因子,ASP是植物本身具有的抗螨生化因子,POD与抗螨性的关系不大。  相似文献   

山楂叶螨,苹果全爪螨及其捕食性天敌生态位的研究...:...   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
秦玉川  蔡宁华 《生态学报》1991,11(4):331-337

应用离体叶片法,对9个棉花种质进行了鉴定,试验结果表明;种质间抗生性和忌避性差异显著;同株棉花不同部位的叶片对朱砂叶螨的抗生性无显著性差异。通过对叶螨在不同棉花种质上种群增长动态进行系统聚类,可将9个棉花种质划分为3类:斯字棉825-91、杞县86789、鄂棉314、苏联8911为1类,中棉164、潼南接龙棉、新库861517-2、南农NAC90-2为1类,美棉7-15独立为1类。依据朱砂叶螨在不同种质上的种群增长曲线和高峰期螨量增长倍数,可将9个种质划分为3个类型;斯字棉825-91、新库861517-2为抗性类型,潼南接龙棉、美棉7-15、南农NAC90-2为感性类型,其余为中抗类型。从忌避性看:斯字棉825-91、美棉7-15表现出较高的忌避性。  相似文献   

马恩沛  高建荣 《昆虫学报》1989,32(1):122-126
在鉴定云南叶螨标本时,发现叶螨属二新种,兹记述如下。模式标本保存于上海农学院。(文内量度单位均为微米)。 野葵叶螨Tetranychus malvae新种(图1—7) 雌螨 体长(包括喙)556,体宽344。体椭圆形,红色。 须肢端感器圆柱形,长6.2,宽4.2。背感器棒形,长6.7。两刺状毛长度约等,为8.5。口针鞘前端圆钝。气门沟U形弯曲。 背表皮纹纤细,在第三对背中毛间和内骶毛间为纵向,形成菱形纹。背毛12对(缺臀毛),刚毛状,具细茸毛,不着生在结节上。背毛长于横列间距。背毛长度如下:第1—3  相似文献   

潘娇  李志国  吴俪楠  苏松坤 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1360-1365
狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor已蔓延至世界各地,给养蜂生产带来巨大挑战,被认为是世界养蜂业的主要威胁。因此,抗螨机制的研究和抗螨蜂种的培育显得尤为重要,而掌握蜜蜂的抗螨机制则是成功培育抗螨蜂种的前提条件。本文从行为、生理及分子机制等多个不同角度对国内外蜜蜂抗狄斯瓦螨机制研究的最新进展进行了详细的阐述。尤其是从分子水平研究蜜蜂的抗螨机制对选育抗螨蜂种具有重要意义,将为利用分子遗传辅助标记筛选方法和先进的生物工程技术并结合传统的育种手段成功培育出具有抗螨性能的优良蜜蜂品系奠定基础。  相似文献   

王冬生  马恩沛 《昆虫学报》1993,36(3):379-381
作者在研究园林叶螨时,发现叶螨一新种及三个中国新记录,兹记述如下。 朴始叶螨 Eotetranychus celtis Ehara,中国新记录Eotetranychus celtis Ehara,1965:620 标本记录:16 59若螨,1987.Ⅵ.6,安徽省黄山,王冬生采自构树  相似文献   

Wang G  Jiang G  Yu S  Li Y  Liu H 《植物学报(英文版)》2008,50(5):522-530
Rhus typhina, an alien species introduced from North America, was identified as a main afforestation species in Beijing municipality. However, its invasiveness is still at odds. To clariflj this problem, we applied the North American Screening System and the Australian Screening System to preliminarily predict its invasion possibility. Both screening systems gave the same recommendation to "reject". The geographical distribution was surveyed, with the population features of R.typhina against the native plant communities being assessed. With anthropogenic assistance, R. typhina has been scattered on almost all habitats from downtown to mountains, including roadsides, farmlands and protected areas. As a clonal shrub,R. typhina possessed a high spreading rate, varying from 6.3 m13 years at sterile habitats to 6.7m/3 years at fertile ones.Significantly lower species richness, individual density and diversity were observed in the R. typhina community than those of the native Vitex negundo Linn.var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehd. community at both sterile and fertile habitats. Continual wide plantation of R. typhina may further foster its population expansion, which helps the species to overcome spatial isolation. The fact that each root fragment can develop into a new individual makes R. typhina very difficult to be eradicated once established. From a biological point of view, we believe that R. typhina is a plant invader in Beijing. We therefore suggest the government should remove the name of R. typhina from the main tree species list in afforesting Beijing.  相似文献   

China has conducted many ecological restoration projects to alleviate environmental degradation, with numerous alien species having good adaptability widely used for fast effect. However, unsuitable plant selection may bring negative impacts and even cause biological invasion. Weed risk assessment (WRA) is therefore indispensable, yet it is often contentious especially concerning those species that has been widely utilized before weedy attributes were noted. In this paper, we take Rhus typhina L. as an example to illustrate how scientific researches and social factors can influence the evaluation of alien species and cause challenge to WRA. The evaluation of this species is not only a pure scientific issue but also influenced by many factors such as the introduction history, current utilization status in afforestation, and divergent underlying values varying through persons and sectors. These factors determined the kind of data to be assessed, which lead to different evaluations, therefore, causing challenge to its WRA. We further examined newly officially released WRA system in China from the invasion biology viewpoint, arguing that it had some major flaws in design and validation and need much improvement. Considering the human dimension and biological characters together, we suggest that the “black list” and “green list” approaches with rigorous expert assessment should be adopted simultaneously in alien species management in China.  相似文献   

R. Karban 《Oecologia》1987,73(3):414-419
Summary Spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) were raised on cotton plants that had been damaged by a previous bout of mite feeding (T. turkestani) and on control plants that were previously not exposed to mites. The effect of induced plant responses upon mite populations was variable ranging from a 4-fold reduction in population growth to no difference at all. The strength of induced resistance was greatest when the population growth of mites was low for other, unknown, reasons. When mite population growth on control plants was great, the effects of induced resistance were diminished.Mite population growth was inversely related to levels of initial damage caused by previous feeding. There was no evidence of a damage threshold that needed to be exceeded before induced resistance became effective. Increased levels of initial damage were not associated with morphological changes in the plants.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. This study examines the shape of the population response curve of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, feeding on bean plants, Phaseolus vulgaris L., which have been subjected to one of a range of drought stresses.
2. Abundance of spider mites declined at slight drought stress, increased at intermediate intensities of stress, and declined again at severe stress.
3. Fecundity showed the same pattern found for total abundance. Developmental rates of immatures, on the other hand, generally increased with stress intensity. Survivorship of immatures and adult females appeared unrelated to stress intensity.
4. These results indicate that responses of mites to drought-stressed beans are nonlinear. Such a pattern helps explain contradictory results obtained for spider mites and other arthropod herbivores.  相似文献   

Cotton plants that had been damaged by spider mites (Tetranychus spp.) or by mechanical abrasion at the cotyledon stage were less likely to develop infestations of spider mites compared to controls early in the season. These are the first field results to demonstrate that induced resistance can reduce pest populations in an agricultural system. Differences in mite populations early in the season caused by induced resistance did not translate into differences in plant growth or cotton yield at harvest.
Vérification au champ de la résistance du coton induite par les acariens
Résumé Les plants de coton qui ont été endommagées, au stade cotylédons, par des acariens ou par une abrasion mécanique, ont moins de chance que les témoins, de présenter ultérieurement des dégats dus aux acariens. C'est la première fois que des résultats montrent qu'une résistance induite peut réduire les populations dans un agrosystème. Les différences ultérieures dans les populations d'acariens, ne transparaissent pas au niveau de la croissance du coton ou de la production au moment de la récolte.

侯玉平  柳林  初航  马淑杰  赵丹  梁荣荣 《生态学报》2015,35(16):5324-5330
生物入侵在世界范围内广泛发生,严重威胁当地生物多样性和生态系统稳定性。植物与土壤之间的相互作用在决定植物的竞争力以及分布格局中起着重要作用,是影响外来植物入侵力和生态系统可入侵性的一个重要方面。目前,有关研究已成为植被生态学与入侵生态学的研究热点。引自北美的外来植物火炬树(Rhus typhina L.)已成为我国北方主要的入侵木本植物之一。比较了火炬树单优林型、火炬树+刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)混交林、火炬树+麻栎(Quercus acutissima Carruth.)混交林、火炬树+银白杨(Populus alba L.)混交林4种不同林型的土壤微生物群落结构、土壤酶活性和土壤养分含量特征。结果表明:火炬树单优林土壤细菌、放线菌数量明显高于各混交林型,而真菌数量无显著差异;土壤酶活性方面,火炬树单优林脲酶、过氧化氢酶活性高,土壤磷酸酶活性低;火炬树的入侵显著提高了土壤全碳、全氮、全磷和硝态氮含量,同时明显降低了土壤铵态氮含量。硝态氮含量的增高可能与火炬树入侵造成土壤微生物群落组成变化、土壤硝化速率高有关;而火炬树入侵降低了土壤铵态氮含量,说明该物种可能更易于吸收利用铵态氮。以上研究结果表明,火炬树可以改变土壤生态系统的微生物群落组成和土壤酶活性并影响土壤相关营养元素循环,从而可能使其在与当地植物的竞争中获得优势,为自身的入侵创造有利条件。  相似文献   

Anti-predator defenses provided by complex webs of Tetranychus mites can severely impede the performance of generalist predatory mites, whereas this may not be true for specialist predatory mites. Although some specialist predatory mites have developed morphological protection to reduce the adverse effects of complex webs, little is known about their behavioral abilities to cope with the webs. In this study, we compared thread-cutting behavior of three specialist predatory mites, Phytoseiulus persimilis, Neoseiulus womersleyi and N. californicus, exhibited inside the complex web of T. urticae. No major difference was observed among them in the basic pattern of this behavior, using chelicerae and palps, and in the number of silken threads severed while moving inside the web. These results and observations suggest that each predator species cut many sticky silken threads to move inside the complex web without suffering from serious obstruction. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

对来自棉花远缘杂种后代的61份材料进行苗期和花铃期的抗红蜘蛛特性鉴定筛选出3401、3402、3406、3415和5112等5个苗期抗和花铃期中抗红蜘蛛的材料,它们的产量为鄂棉18(对照)的82.6%~102.4%,纤维品质优于或相当于对照,最后对有关抗性筛选问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Spider mites of the genus Stigmaeopsis (Acari: Tetranychidae) construct and live gregariously inside woven nests on the leaf surface of host plants. This genus shows waste-management behavior—they defecate at particular sites—but the rules for management differ between species. The utilization of chemical cues for waste management is known in two species, Stigmaeopsis miscanthi inhabiting Miscanthus sinensis and S. longus inhabiting Sasa senanensis, but not in any others. In this study, we first investigated the origin of the chemical compounds to understand how the behavior evolved, and then investigated the responses of each species to chemical compounds from different sources. The results show that the chemical compounds are commonly contained in the feces of several Stigmaeopsis species, as well as in their host plant juices, suggesting this behavior evolved using the chemical compounds originally contained in their feces. Our results also show that the chemical compounds used by S. miscanthi and S. longus are subtly different and involve host plant differences, and that S. miscanthi could respond to both compounds, but S. longus could not. Considering this in terms of their phylogenetic relationship, it is expected that these two species may have evolved from a common ancestor living on Sasa senanensis.  相似文献   

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