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Résumé On peut envisager de protéger les produits emmagasinés tels que pistaches, noix, amandes, noisettes décortiquées, contre les détériorations dûes aux pullulations des larves et adultes de Plodia interpunctella (Lépidopt. Phycitidae), en irradiant ces produits avec des doses appropriées de rayons gamma. Nos expériences montrent que des doses de 10 Krads appliquées à des larves du dernier stade, prolongent la durée de la vie nymphale, réduisent le pourcentage d'émergence des imagos et provoquent chez les femelles une régression des ovaires. Ces effets sont encore plus marqués avec des doses de 12 et 14 Krads. Cette dernière dose pourrait être la dose optimum à envisager.
Summary Protection of stored products such as pistachio nuts, walnuts, almonds and shelled hazel nuts against damage from infestation by larvae and adults of Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Phycitidae) by radiating these products with appropriate doses of gamma rays, can now be considered. Our tests show that doses of 10 krad applied to last-stage larvae prolong the length of pupal life, reduce the percentage of imaginal emergence and cause regression of the female ovaries. These effects are even more pronounced with doses of 12 and 14 krad. This last dose may well deserve the most attention.

One of the most striking features of cave fishes is their pronounced ocular regression. They are, however, perfectly adapted since they multiply and display the behaviour patterns which are biologically important in their surroundings. It is therefore of interest to study the relative role of visual factors in the corresponding behaviour patterns in related epigean species.Other authors have previously demonstrated the dominant role of chemical stimuli in the releasing of sexual behaviour patterns in M. sphenops, of which some forms are cavernicolous. In M. velifera and M. latipinna, on the contrary, visual factors seem more important. The releasers of the aggressive behaviour patterns of these three species seem to be predominantly visual. In the present study, the importance of visual factors has been verified experimentally in M. velifera by comparing the observed behavioural differences in experimentally blinded individuals and normal controls.The results of the pre-experimental phase show that there is no difference between these two groups before blinding, neither in the frequency of the patterns, nor in their numerical values.The results of the first experimental phase confirm the importance of visual releasers in the sexual behaviour patterns of M. velifera. Thus, sexual approaches, mouth—abdomen contacts and copulation attempts are totally absent in blinded pairs. Sexual motivation however is still present since the gonopodal flexions are equally frequent in both groups. On the other hand, it seems that aggressive behaviour patterns are maintained in blinded individuals but only when the partners are very close to each other or when an actual contact has taken place.The comparison of pairs in which only one of the partners is blinded (second experimental phase), as well as results of the first phase, suggest that experimental blinding does not cause hormonal changes liable to influence the observed patterns. In addition to this, the role of the ♀ in courtship has been specified. When a ♀ individual is intact and receptive, it will initiate courtship when it is placed in the company of an inactive blinded partner.  相似文献   

New outcrops in the Rambervillers and Mirecourt area (Vosges) have provided a fine Estherian fauna in Lettenkohle horizons. Euestheria minuta and E. laxitexta lived together, E. minuta being the most numerous species, thoughout the Middle Lettenkohle, when the environment was favorable.  相似文献   

In shallow environments, under certain conditions of fetch, wind velocity, bathymetry and bottom characteristics, resuspension can be generated by wind induced waves. In the tropical Ebrié lagoon, austral trade winds are dominant almost all year long, and their velocity shows a marked diel pattern with maximum speed between noon and midnight. Only austral trade winds with a speed >3 m s−1 allow particle resuspension which is effective for depths<1.5 m. In these areas, significantly higher values of chlorophyll biomass and mineral seston are noted during the windy sequences. Granulometric and mineralogical analyses showed that only the surficial sediment (0–3 cm) was involved in resuspension. This process induces several effects: 1) an increase of the suspended matter concentration in the water and thus a light attenuation due to a higher turbidity, 2) a redistribution in the whole water column of nutrients from the pore water and 3) a removal of the finer fractions from the superficial sediment. On the contrary, for depths>1.5 m, particle sinking is permanent in depressions which are spontaneously transformed into anoxic systems. At the lagoon scale, sedimentation is significantly modified by wind induced resuspension. According to the bathymetry and the distance from a river, three sedimentary facies are recognized. Their grain size distributions are parabolic in areas where resuspension occurs, logarithmic in areas where no resuspension is possible and hyperbolic in the hollows and the main channels. Finally, a large part of the allochthonous inputs (from drainage and rivers) and autochthonous pelagic production is trapped into the Ebrié lagoon and less than 10% of the particles entering the lagoon are exported toward the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Relative influence of BAP and IBA on the induction of adventitious buds and roots on plantelts of Biota orientalis (Cupressaceae)
Both cytokinin (BAP) and auxin (IBA) have an influence upon the intensity of adventitious bud induction in vitro on hypocotyls of Biota orientalis .
Increase in either the concentration or the length of contact with cytokinin enhances the mean number of neoformed buds per explant, while that of auxin results in an increase of the mean number of reactive explants as well as in the nature of neoformations. Auxin contributes to a restoration of the induction when the length of contact with cytokinin is too short. However, this synergism is only observed when the contract with IBA is simultaneous or follows that with contract with BAP.
Rhizogenesis is also influenced by the auxin-cytokinin balance. An increase in the duration of contact with IBA is always followed by an increased in the mean number of explants forming roots. This organogenesis may be partially or completely inhibited if the duration of contact with cytokinin – before, simultaneously or after that with auxin- exceeds two weeks.  相似文献   

Circadian variations in gut repletion were observed in adults of Acartia clausi, based on fluorescent pigments measurements. Maximum values lies between 2.00 and 8.00 p.m. and minimum values between 2.00 and 8.00 a.m. This variation which is associated with a less important variation of the concentration of organic particles in water, is assumed to result from a circadian variation in filtration rate. This assumption is discussed on the basis of a rough simulation of the variation of gut repletion. Daily ration estimated according to the observed gut repletion values lies between 35 and 86% of the body organic dry weight.

Oyster-pond sea-waters with natural populations were experimentally enriched to determine the nutrient limiting algal growth and the resulting effect on species composition. Results show that nitrogen is the limiting factor of growth-potential. N-NO3 alone is exhausted, while other ion concentrations remain always measurable. Addition of N-NO3 is needed to increase algal biomass. Favoured species differ when nitrogen is added alone or added with phosphorus.

The discovery of rodents in the lacustrine and brackish deposits of the Narbonne-Leucate area classicaly dated as Oligocene, indicate that they are Oligocene and lower Miocene (Aquitanian) in the Narbonne-Sigean basin, and that the marls and limestones of the Leucate plateau and cliff are Pliocene.  相似文献   

New electrophoretic analysis allowed us to show that the two fastest esterases of T. brassicae are derived from the Est 5′ locus and not from the Est 5 and Est 6 locus. This result changes only slightly the evanescens group place in the phylogenetic tree previously suggested. Esterases have been studied in several other species. Those of T. lacustre and T. piceum are not against the classification of these species in the perkinsi and fasciatum groups, respectively. Those of T. leptoparameron lead us to place this species in the pretiosum group, near T. daumalae. Those of a population of T. dendrolimi reveal a polymorphism clearly higher than what was known in bisexual forms of this species. Lastly, esterases analysed by other authors tend to show that T. chilonis and T. closterae belong to the nubilale group (the appellation of which has to be changed) and that T. ostriniae belongs to the minutum group.  相似文献   

Group size is expected to be an important factor to predicthome-range (HR) size in social animals. In chimpanzees adultmales play an important role in defending the HR against neighbors,and therefore it has been suggested that HR size depends onthe number of adult males. In this long-term study on wild WestAfrican chimpanzees, we analyzed the relative importance ofcommunity size and composition on ranging patterns over a 10-yearperiod, using multivariate statistics. Because community sizedecreased from 51 individuals with 6 adult males in 1992 to22 individuals with only 1 adult male in 2001, we expected adecrease in HR size, which should be better predicted by thenumber of males than by community size. We further investigatedthe effect of fruit availability on monthly HRs over a 4-yearperiod. As predicted, HR size decreased during the first 7 yearsof our study but increased during the last 3 years. Overall,the number of adult males was the best predictor of HR size,whereas fruit availability did not correlate with HR size. HRuse remained stable over the entire study period, with a constantproportion of about 35% of the HR used as core area. High HRand core-area overlap values between different years indicatedstrong site-fidelity. Although the number of males within thecommunity explained the decrease in HR size, the recent increasein size remains unexplained. This finding suggests that otherfactors such as relative fighting power of males affect HR size.  相似文献   

The detailed study of the Miocene strata of Bonifacio has revealed an atypical Miogypsinid assemblage. In addition to the three already cited genera, Miogypsinoides, Miogypsina and Miolepidocyclina from this region, Miogypsinodella is for the first time represented by two new species (Mdella corsicana nov. sp. et Mdella pillaria nov.sp.). The stratigraphical ranges of each genus in the Miogypsinidae are not verified here. However, Mdes bantamensis is still present in the Upper Burdigalian and the genus Miogypsinoides is also present in the Lower Langhian. Six species of Miogypsina coexist in the Upper Burdigalian (M. tani, M. globulina, M. intermedia, M. cf. sabahensis, M. cushmani, M. mediterranea) and two species are present in the Lower Langhian (M. antillea, M. digitata). This distribution is apparently an example of palaeoendemism resulting from the geographic isolation and the rotation of the Corso-Sardinian block and also from the palaeogeographical and palaeoecological favourable environment during that time.  相似文献   

Jean Gaudant 《Geobios》1984,17(6):659-666
The study of the Cyprinid fishes collected in the Oligocene of the Limagnes (Central France) leads one to recognize the occurrence of the genera VarhostichthysObrhelová and LeuciscusCuvier (subgenus PalaeoleuciscusObrhelová). These fishes are clearly indicative of lacustrine conditions which occurred in the Limagnes during Upper Oligocene times and even possibly as soon as Middle Oligocene (Upper Stampian) in the Limagne of Bourbonnais. They take place among the oldest known european fossil Cyprinids.  相似文献   

A section in the “Calcaires et Lignites de Sigonce” formation is described. Sedimentological study shows a swamp deposit. The collected Rodents and Insectivores teeth indicate a Middle Oligocene age (Antoingt level). Consequently, the Sigonce lignite and the basis of the Viens (Apt basin) and Bois d'Asson (Manosque trench) formations are correlated.  相似文献   

Chantal Ipert 《Geobios》1976,9(1):97-100
The continental lignitic strata overlying the Coniacian in Nyons, Dieulefit and Saou basins have yieldedrich sporological assemblages with a lower Santonian age in Dieulefit and Nyons and an Upper Campanian age in Saou. This result emphasizes the diachrony of similar continental lithological facies.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans les sociétés dePachycondyla caffraria les ouvrières nourrices regroupent les larves qui ont redressé leur région antérieure à la suite des palpations antennaires reçues, puis les nourrissent. Nous avons pu montrer expérimentalement que cette réaction de redressement de l'avant du corps est le seul indice qui permette aux ouvrières de reconnaître les larves affamées. Elles ne savent pas déceler les larves qu'elles n'ont pas sélectionnées à ce moment, si celles-ci ont expérimentalement été placées dans le groupe des larves qu'elles vont nourrir.
Observations on the signals preparing for larval feeding in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla caffraria (Smith)
Summary In colonies ofPachycondyla caffraria the nurse workers gather together the larvae which lift the anterior part of their body as a result of the antennal palpation they receive, and then feed them. We have shown experimentally that this response of raising the anterior part of the body is the only signal by which workers are able to recognize hungry larvae. They are not able to detect larvae they have not selected, as follows from experiments in which such larvae are placed in the group of larvae that they are about to feed.

Francisco Soto 《Geobios》1979,12(3):399-409
The study of numerous fossil solitary forms ofStreptelasmatina (Coelenterata, Rugosa) and some ones belonging to different suborders from the Devonian of the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain), shows the importance of such organisms concerning the relations among the major faunal provinces during the Devonian time.The analysis of the Devonian Rugose coral fauna(from Emsian to Frasnian) lets to establish the paleobiogeographical relations of the Cantabrian genera. Particularly, during the Lower Devonian (Emsian) the relationships between the Eastern of North America and Spain would be closer than it was supposed until now.The evidence on the world distribution of thestudied forms suggest possible migration roads.  相似文献   

Influence of host plant changing on the development of Tetranychus urticas Koch (Acari, Tetranychidae): consequence of mite infestation in Citrus fields. Changes of hosts in T. urticae is associated with notorious lost of reproduction potentialities. At 25°C, the fecundity of females which are always reared on Solanum nigram (75.7 eggs) fell to 1.07 eggs when they were reared on Citrus . It is the same for the longevity of females in this mite. The females permanently feeding on Citrus have a longevity of 16.9 days compared with only 9 days in females from Solanum nigrum that were transferred to Citrus . Similar changes operated at 20°C produce the same results. The practical consequences of these experiences on the swarming of mites in the field of Citrus were analysed.  相似文献   

Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) présente en zone sahélienne une diapause reproductrice durant la saison sèche et une partie de la saison des pluies. Les femelles diapausantes ne produisent pas de vitellogénine et le germarium des ovarioles est seul développé. Chez les mâles la spermatogenèse est très ralentie et les glandes annexes sont inactives. Lorsque les insectes diapausants sont placés en présence d'inflorescences de Vigna unguiculata Walp, leurs organes reproducteurs deviennent fonctionnels après un temps de latence de 15 à 20 jours. Il n'y a par contre aucune levée de la diapause chez des bruches placées en présence de gousses sèches de V. unguiculata dans une atmosphère saturée. Des informations sensorielles issues des pièces florales ou (et) des facteurs nutritionnels sans doute liés a la consommation de nectar semblent être à l'origine de cette levée de la diapause. Le pollen fort peu consommé n'a par contre aucun rôle. Cette régulation du cycle reproducteur de B. atrolineatus par les inflorescences de V. unguiculata permet l'émission des oeufs dès que les gousses commencent à se former à la fin de la saison des pluies.
Summary Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) is a widely distributed bruchid in the Sahelian zone which shows a reproductive diapause during the dry season and part of the rainy season. Diapausing females do not produce vitellogenin and their ovaries are reduced to the germarium. Spermatogenesis is very much reduced and male accessory glands are inactive. When these insects were placed in the presence of inflorescences of Vigna unguiculata which were renewed daily, the reproductive diapause of both males and females was interrupted after 15–20 days. Vitellogenesis occurred in the females and spermatogenesis increased in the males whilst their accessory glands became functional. When diapausing bruchids, found in stores of on V. unguiculata seeds during the dry season, were placed near the host plant's inflorescences, diapause was also terminated. In all cases, diapause was not interrupted when the insects were offered dry pods of V. unguiculata in a water-saturated atmosphere. The pollen, which is hardly eaten by this bruchid, did not seem to stimulate termination of diapause. Sensory stimulations derived from the flowers or/and nutritional factors may be the cause of the development of the reproductive organs. After termination of the diapause the males showed normal sexual activity whereas female fecundity was rather low, at least in our experimental conditions. This type of reproductive regulation allows this sahelian bruchid to resume its sexual activity when the host plant's flowers appear in the field at the end of the rainy season. Then the beetles lay their eggs on the pods as soon as the pods are developed.

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