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Neuropeptide content of the corpora cardiaca (CC) was studied in crowded (gregarious phase) and isolated (solitary phase) Locusta migratoria migratorioides adults, using electrophoretic, chromatographic, and immunological techniques. Quantitative differences were found in the three neuropeptides investigated (neuroparsins, Lom-OMP, and APRP). The amount of neuroparsin A was higher in the CC of crowded locusts. Neuroparsin B content of the CC was quite similar in isolated and crowded locusts, or in some cases slightly higher in the latter. The comparative amounts of the ovary maturating parsin, Lom-OMP, in the CC were dependent on the sexual maturation of the locusts, being nearly similar in maturing isolated locusts and immature crowded locusts, but higher in crowded locusts when both phases were completely mature. The amount of AKH-precursor related peptides (APRP) was markedly and consistently higher in the CC of isolated locusts. These findings are discussed in relation to other physiological and ecological phase-dependent differences in locusts. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. Flight fuel relations of crowded and isolated Locusta migratoria migratorioides were investigated in younger (12–16 days after fledging) and older (27–30 or 27–32 days after fledging) adult males.No phase polymorphism dependent differences were found in resting haemolymph carbohydrate levels of the younger locusts.In the older age group, resting haemolymph carbohydrate levels were slightly though significantly higher in the isolated than in the crowded locusts.Injection of various doses of synthetic adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) did not induce marked changes in haemolymph carbohydrate levels and no differences were found between crowded and isolated locusts.A 30 min flight led to the same decrease in haemolymph carbohydrate levels of isolated and crowded locusts, 43.3% and 44.6% of the resting levels, respectively.We concluded, therefore, that the results do not seem to indicate that isolated locusts rely more heavily on carbohydrates as flight fuel than crowded locusts.Hyperlipaemic responses to flight were less intense in isolated than in crowded locusts, but phase polymorphism dependent differences in flight-induced increase of haemolymph lipid levels were not parallel in 12–16-day-old and 27–32-day-old males.In the younger age group the difference was mainly in the duration of flight needed to induce full response which appeared already after 20 min of flight in the crowded locusts, but only after 45 or 60 min of flight in the isolated ones.In contrast, the older isolated locusts showed markedly lower haemolymph lipid elevations than the crowded locusts even after 30, 45 or 60 min of flight.The hypothesis is forwarded that isolated locusts have a rather coarse adipokinetic strategy focused on a single long-distance migratory flight, whereas gregarious locusts possess a fine adipokinetic balance for reiterative migratory flights and saving fuel reserves for unpredictable long-distance migrations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. An attempt was made to separate glycogen phosphorylase activating hormone (GPAH) and adipokinetic hormone (AKH) from the corpora cardiaca (CC) of the moth Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) by separating extracts of CC on various chromotographic media, but it was not possible to conclude whether GPAH and AKH are activities of one or of two different peptides. Both activities elute together from glass beads, from Sephadex G-25 and from Sephadex LH-20 columns. In the separation experiments with glass beads and G-25 the activities eluted as a single peak, but using LH-20 we found two peaks exhibiting both activities. The major peak eluted at 1.25 × Vt, which is very similar to locust AKH, while the smaller second peak eluted at O.74 × V t. Cross injections of CC extracts from M. sexta into Locusta migratoria and CC extracts from L. migratoria into M. sexta suggest that GPAH and the AKH from M. sexta are not identical with the decapeptide AKH from locusts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The rate of lipid synthesis from [14C]acetate in fat body from Schistocerca americana gregaria has been studied in vitro. Maximum incorporation is found on days 6–10 in adults and day 4 of the fifth stadium. The label appeared in the fatty acid components of triacyl-glycerol, diacylglycerol and phospholipid.
Lipid synthesis in vitro was inhibited by extracts of corpora cardiaca, and such inhibition was most marked (up to 85%) in fat bodies from insects at stages where fatty acid synthesis was greatest. HPLC separation of corpora cardiaca extracts gave several active fractions of which the most active was adipokinetic hormone 1 (AKH-1).  相似文献   

Brains of young (newly emerged) adult female locusts (Locusta migratoria migratorioides) and of mature (> 9 days old) locusts contain an extractable allatotropic factor, soluble in 100% methanol and in distilled water. This factor stimulates juvenile hormone III (JH III) synthesis and release from corpora allata (CA) that have been excised from donor locusts and then incubated with (radiolabeled methyl)-methionine in vitro in its presence. In addition to JH III, which is the major product synthesized by the CA, other hexanesoluble, radiolabeled compounds–-more polar than JH III–-are also released when CA are incubated in vitro. The activation of CA by the allatotropic factor is rapid and quickly declines when the factor is removed from the medium. Corpora allata excised from young females are marginally active and can be activated by brain allatotropic factor to less of an extent than CA of mature locusts. The content of allatotropic factor in brains of mature locusts is higher than that ascertained in brains of young females. Allatotropic factor is also present in the corpora cardiaca.  相似文献   

Abstract.The intracisternal (= ergastoplasmic) granules in the adipokinetic hormone-secreting cells of the glandular lobes of the corpora cardiaca in Locusta migratoria migratorioides represent accumulations of adipokinetic prohormones within cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Solitary locusts have more and larger intracisternal granules than gregarious locusts. This coincides with the general locomotor activity and thus the energy metabolism in solitary locusts being quite different from that of gregarious locusts, which apparently has consequences for the amounts of adipokinetic hormones synthesized and/or released and, consequently, for the storage of these hormones in the intracisternal granules. These granules apparently function as supplementary stores of secretory material.  相似文献   

Abstract. A simple, single-step aqueous extraction method has been developed to study the neuropeptide content of small neuroendocrine organs. Perifusion of these tissues with deionized water causes osmotic bursting of the cells and release of their content into the surrounding fluid. The neuropeptides are immediately retained from the perifusion fluid using disposable C18 cartridges. After one separation step and mass spectrometry, it was possible to identify a large number of known neuropeptides from the corpora cardiaca of Locusta migratoria (L). Also present in the extract were a number of neuropeptide fragments and two incompletely processed peptides. Using this method, a 959Da peptide present in the corpora cardiaca was sequenced de novo . The full sequence, deduced using Collision Induced Dissociation Tandem Mass Spectrometry (CID MS/MS), is Ser-Pro-Leu-Asp-Ala-His-His-Leu-Ala. This nonapeptide is predicted from the gene encoding the ion transport peptide precursor and from the gene encoding the ion transport-like peptide precursor. In both cases, this nonapeptide, which was named ion transport peptide-copeptide, is flanked by the signal sequence at the N -terminus and a dibasic cleavage site (Lys-Arg) at the C -terminus. This structural feature is common to many physiologically important locust preproneuropeptides and indicates that this copeptide might have a physiological function, but this is not yet known.  相似文献   

The effects of neuroparsins on hemolymph trehalose and lipid levels and on total glycogen content were analyzed in Locusta migratoria. Saline and methanol extracts of the two lobes of the corpora cardiaca were assayed. Neuroparsins (A and B) were demonstrated to be hypertrehalosemic and hyperlipemic proteins of the neural lobe. Both of these metabolic activities of neuroparsins were somewhat less potent than those of adipokinetic hormone (AKH). Neuroparsin activity could be distinguished from AKH by blockage with an antiserum specific to neuroparsin. The hypertrehalosemic response induced by neuroparsins, in contrast to that of AKH, appeared to occur without a decrease of total glycogen content. The differential modes of action of AKH and neuroparsins could contribute to the fine modulation of carbohydrate metabolism in Locusta migratoria.  相似文献   


Corpora cardiaca (CC) of the migratory locust contain two antidiuretic (AD) factors increasing the fluid reabsorption of isolated recta over a 5-h period.

They are contained in storage lobes (SL) and glandular lobes (GL) of the CC. They differ in size and can be separated from each other in different ways (extraction, dialysis, electrophoresis).

The AD factor contained in GL of the CC is stable at 4°C and quickly destroyed at 100°C. It stimulates the fluid reabsorption in a dose-dependent manner. Its release into the haemolymph seems to be controlled by octopamine, which is probably synthesized in the lateral neurosecretory areas of the brain.  相似文献   

This report examines three aspects of adipokinetic hormone (AKH) involvement in migratory flight behavior in the grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes. The titer of hemolymph AKH I during long-duration tethered flight was examined using radioimmunoassay (RIA) after narrow bore RP-HPLC. The hemolymph fraction containing AKH I was assayed using commercially available anti-Tyr1-AKH I serum. Titer determinations of hemolymph AKH were done at rest and after various periods of flight. The amount of AKH I released from the corpora cardiaca during flight was estimated. When resting levels of AKH I and II in corpora cardiaca (CC) of migrants and non-migrants were examined with HPLC, no significant differences in AKH levels were detected between non-migrants, animals that had flown for 1 h to identify them as migrants, and animals that had flown to exhaustion (i.e., voluntary cessation). CC levels of both AKH I and II were less in this species than in locusts. When the lipid mobilization in response to AKH I and II was compared in migrants (animals that had self-identified as migrants in a 1-h tethered flight test) and non-migrants (animals that would not perform a 1-h flight in a tethered flight test), the adipokinetic response to AKH I was greater in migrants than in non-migrants, possibly indicating differences in level of sensitivity or number of receptors in the target tissues. AKH II had little effect on hemolymph lipid levels in either flight group, and may not play a significant role in lipid mobilization in this species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Extracts of corpora cardiaca from two cockroaches, Nauphoeta cinerea Olivier and Leucophaea maderae F., from a cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer, from the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, and from the sphinx moth, Sphinx ligustri L. were assayed for adipokinetic and hypertrehalosaemic activity, in acceptor locusts ( Locusta migratoria L.) and cockroaches ( Periplaneta americana L.) respectively. Both bioassays give positive results with all corpus cardiacum material tested except that from the sphinx moth; in this insect haemolymph lipid concentrations (but not those of the total carbohydrate) are, however, increased after injection of an extract of corpora cardiaca from the same species. A similar result is obtained when specimens of G. bimaculatus are injected with an extract of corpora cardiaca from G. bimaculatus. Biological activities of corpus cardiacum extracts from all species investigated can be resolved on reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Gland extracts from the two cockroach species each show a single absorbance peak which has hypertrehalosaemic activity, but with a (common) retention time distinct from all previously described arthropod neuropeptides. The corpora cardiaca of G. bimaculatus contain also a novel adipokinetic factor with a retention time distinct from previously characterized arthropod hormones, as well as from the new cockroach factor described in this study. The two hypertrehalosaemic factors from the corpora cardiaca of the potato beetle coelute with the hypertrehalosaemic hormones I and II of the American cockroach. The active (adipokinetic) compound from glands of S. ligustri appears to coelute with locust adipokinetic hormone I.  相似文献   

Abstract A post-feeding diuretic response has been observed in adult Heliothis zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). 2-day-old starved adults which were allowed to feed to repletion on a 10% (w/v) sucrose solution lost 49.1% (females) and 85.8% (males) of the weight of the ingested meal during the first hour following feeding. Ligation between head and thorax or frontal ganglionectomy, when performed immediately following feeding, each resulted in a significant and permanent reduction in this normal weight-loss. Injection of homogenates of the corpora cardiaca/corpora allata (CC/CA) complex into non-ligated insects immediately after feeding also reduced significantly the post-feeding weight-loss, but this inhibition was transient and disappeared after 1 h. Dissection and weighing of the crop from either ligated, frontal ganglionectomized, or CC/CA-injected insects confirmed the crop as the predominant site of fluid retention in each case. We suggest that a soluble antidiuretic factor from the CC/CA acts in conjunction with the frontal ganglion to control the rate of crop emptying and subsequent diuresis by regulating the volume of ingested fluid that is passed into the haemolymph from the crop/midgut.  相似文献   

When an extract of the corpora cardiaca/corpora allata from two species of wingless stick insects, Carausius morosus and Cuniculina impigra, which cause no adipokinetic or hyperglycaemic effect when injected into the donor insects themselves, is injected into adult Locusta migratoria it resulted in an increase in the haemolymph lipid concentration. The lipid elevation was time dependent, with a maximum effect about 90–180 min after injection, and was also dose-dependent. About 0.001–0.002 (C. morosus) and 0.01 (C. impigra) gland equivalents were needed to produce a significant increase; a maximal effect was reached with approx. 0.075 (C. morosus) and 0.25 (C. impigra) gland equivalents. Carausius extract was also able to elevate carbohydrate concentration in the haemolymph of Periplaneta americana. However, the effect was weak and no maximal response was reached even with a dose of 0.5 gland equivalents. Adipokinetic hormone activity was present in CC/CA extracts of larval Carausius; the activity was about 30 times lower in 1-day-old 2nd instar individuals, and approx. 5 times less at the beginning of the 6th instar than that found in adults. In both stages the hormone levels increased gradually from the beginning to the end of the instar. No age-related changes were observed during the adult stage. Further studies on the lipid-mobilising factor of C. morosus revealed that it was stored entirely in the CC and not in other nervous tissue, e.g. brain, CA, suboesophageal ganglion, thoracic and abdominal cord. The factor was heat stable for at least 1 hr at 100°C and retained its adipokinetic activity after incubation with trypsin and the exopeptidases such as carboxypeptidase A and leucine aminopeptidase. However, activity was abolished when incubated with thermolysin and α-chymotrypsin. From these experiments a close resemblance to the locust AKH, a blocked decapeptide, is suggested.  相似文献   

During the development of the mealworm Tenebrio molitor, the effects of corpora cardiaca (CC) extracts on glucose catabolism were tested. In control insects and in insects receiving CC extracts, the activity of the pentose cycle and the glycolytic-citric acid cycle, were evaluated in vivo by a radiorespirometric method using [1-14C] glucose and [6-14C] glucose as substrates. The CC extracts strongly divert glucose from the pentose phosphate pathway, which is very active in Tenebrio molitor. Glucose oxidation is reduced by the CC extracts in pupae and adults but is increased in last instar larvae. It seems that the effects of CC extracts vary depending upon the state of carbohydrate reserves.  相似文献   

对中国飞蝗种下阶元划分和历史演化过程的几点看法   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
前人把我国飞蝗划分为东亚飞蝗、亚洲飞蝗和西藏飞蝗三个亚种,并推测我国最原始的飞蝗发生地可能是郑州-开封东北至临清-禹南以南的古黄河冲积扇地带。由于飞蝗的形态、生理、生态等性状受气候与生态条件影响,从而在地区间变化很大,而且过去关于我国飞蝗发生动态和演化的分析均忽视了地史中重大气候事件的影响,因此有关结论的可靠性值得质疑并有待深入验证。根据分子群体遗传学的最新研究结果,我们认为:(1)我国飞蝗应被重新划分为青藏种群、海南种群和北方种群3大类群;(2)我国东部地区(辽宁、黄淮平原、陕西和山西)的飞蝗与海南的飞蝗之间的遗传差别已达亚种水平,因此不是东亚飞蝗,而是亚洲飞蝗经过适应性演化在我国华北地区形成的特异地理宗——华北地理宗;(3)华北地理宗的形成应是末次冰期后种群大规模扩张的结果,推测是由蒙新高原的飞蝗沿黄河流域逐步扩散而来;(4)结合历史上飞蝗发生的情况可以推断,在中国,至少在北至北纬46℃的地区,光周期不会成为飞蝗发育的限制性因素,有效积温可能是惟一限制性气候因子。因此,在气候逐渐变暖的趋势下,飞蝗有逐渐向北扩散的可能,东北地区将会逐步具有飞蝗大发生所需要的必要气候条。  相似文献   

Summary The Falck-Hillarp method reveals yellow and green fluorescent areas in the neurohemal part of the corpora cardiaca. Some neurons and the neuropile of the hypocerebral ganglion appear green. The localization of tritiated serotonin taken up and stored in the corpora cardiaca was studied radioautographically in vivo and in vitro with the use of low concentrations of tritiated serotonin. In the neural part of the corpora cardiaca, fibers with 100 nm dense granules were shown to be indolaminergic. Fibers containing 200 nm dense granules and 250 nm clear vesicles are thought to be catecholaminergic.  相似文献   

Summary The intercellular junctions in the corpora cardiaca of the locusts Schistocerca gregaria and Locusta migratoria were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. In the glandular lobes, complexes consisting of scalariform junctions and associated mitochondria, comparable to those previously observed in ion transporting epithelia, are formed between gland cells, and more rarely between gland cells and the neurons innervating them. Their structure and abundance are apparently unaffected by the stage of development or by the various experimental conditions employed. In the neural lobe, scalariform junctions form between glial cells and show close association with the endoplasmic reticulum. Gap junctions are present among glandular, neural and glial elements, and are formed between cells of the same type and of different types. Contacts resembling punctate tight junctions are widely distributed in the gland, but would be unlikely to form a barrier to diffusion. Septate junctions are formed exclusively between glial cells.  相似文献   


Corpora allata from 8-day-old female Locusta migratoria, during the phase of yolk deposition, exhibit high rates of C-16 juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis. The effect of different potential factors which may be involved in the regulation of corpora allata activity is reported. The biosynthetic activity of corpora allata was determined by radiochemical assay.

In maturing females, no changes in corpora allata activity are detected during one daily cycle. Starvation reduces JH biosynthesis only 3 days after the beginning of the food deprivation. Suppression of the median neurosecretory material by electrocoagulation of the internal cardiaca tract (TCC-I) does not disturb JH biosynthesis whereas the transection of the allata I nerve fibres (NCA-I) or the electrocoagulation of the lateral neurosecretory pericarya results in a rapid decline of JH biosynthesis. These data indicate that the median and lateral allatotropins are different, and that only the lateral neurosecretory material exerts an allatostimulating action on corpora allata at the time of vitellogenesis. The corpora allata response to the median allatotropin changes during oocyte growth. C-16 JH and/or 20-hydroxyecdysone treatments in vitro (addition in the culture medium) and in vivo (injection in female) do not influence JH production in our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

群居型和散居型东亚飞蝗雌成虫飞行肌的超微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘辉  李克斌  尹姣  杜桂林  曹雅忠 《昆虫学报》2008,51(10):1033-1038
应用电子显微镜对群居型和散居型东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis(Meyen)雌成虫背纵肌进行了比较观察。结果表明:群居型和散居型成虫背纵肌具有类似的亚细胞结构,飞行肌的肌原纤维具有1∶3粗细丝比例,每根粗丝由6根细丝环绕排列成六角形结构。飞行肌的发育和线粒体的形成均是渐进的过程,在不同日龄成虫间存在差异。肌节长度为2.1~3.4 μm;7和10日龄时群居型成虫肌节长度小于散居型;7日龄群居型肌原纤维直径显著大于散居型。背纵肌内线粒体含量约占肌纤维的20%~43%,两型飞蝗之间存在着显著的差异,7日龄时群居型线粒体占肌原纤维的比例高达42.96%,而散居型的只有22.45%;10日龄群居型线粒体含量为41.32%,散居型线粒体29.98%。上述差异可能是东亚飞蝗群居型成虫飞行能力显著强于散居型成虫的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

In laboratory colonies of crowded migratory locusts Locusta migratoria (L.), homosexual behaviour (i.e. males mounting other males) is commonly observed. Female‐deprived males of Locusta migratoria migratorioides R. & F. mount each other in a characteristic mating position, often forming a group of several insects. When allatectomized males are placed together with intact, female‐deprived males, the former are usually mounted by the latter, demonstrating some degree of control involving the corpora allata over homosexual behaviour. This may be related to the positive effects of Juvenile Hormone (JH) or Juvenile Hormone analogues (JHAs) in enhancing male sexual behaviour, as is shown in some other insects. In the present study, a potent JHA (i.e. pyriproxyfen) is injected into a group of young, crowded L. m. migratorioides males, and an equivalent group of control males is maintained in a separate cage. Both groups are deprived of females. Three times a week, during 2‐h observation periods, JHA‐injected and control males are placed together in the absence of females, and homosexual mountings, per group and per individual, are recorded every 10 min. Observations are performed for 10 weeks. Analysis of these data, including the time spent in mounting behaviour, the percentage of individuals within a group involved in the behaviour during the observation periods and the identity of both partners, reveals that the JHA‐treated males show a more intense homosexual mating behaviour than control males in all quantified parameters. This is the first report of the enhancement of homosexual behaviour by an endocrine factor in insects.  相似文献   

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