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The ability to synthesize a 68,000- to 70,000-Da protein (hsp) in heat-shocked early Xenopus laevis embryos is dependent on the stage of development. Whereas late blastula and later stage embryos synthesize hsp68-70 after heat shock, cleavage stages are incompetent with respect to hsp synthesis. In vitro translation experiments and RNA blot analyses demonstrate that enhanced synthesis of hsp68-70 is associated with an accumulation of hsp68-70 mRNA. Examination of the effect of heat shock on preexisting actin mRNA reveals that heat shock promotes a reduction in the levels of actin mRNA in cleavage embryos but has no discernible effect on actin mRNA levels in neurula embryos. Finally, the acquisition of the heat-shock response (i.e., synthesis of hsp68-70 and accumulation of hsp70 mRNA) during early Xenopus development is correlated with the acquisition of thermotolerance.  相似文献   

Mammalian and Drosophila homologues of Baf57 have been previously isolated as being a subunit of SWI/SNF-like chromatin remodeling complexes. Here, we report the cloning and developmental expression of Xenopus Baf57. We isolated XBaf57 by using an expression cloning approach to identify novel modulators of Xenopus Smad7. XBaf57 co-operates with XSmad7 by increasing the expression of neural markers in ectodermal explants. XBaf57 is expressed in the ectoderm and pre-involuting mesoderm during gastrula stages and in the central nervous system during neurula and tailbud stages. These results raise the possibility that XBaf57 (or XBaf57-containing chromatin remodelling complexes) may be involved in the process of neural induction during Xenopus embryonic development.  相似文献   

The gene WSTF is deleted in the autosomal dominant hereditary disorder Williams-Beuren syndrome. This disorder is caused by a 1.3 megabase deletion in human chromosome 7, encompassing at least 17 genes. The WSTF protein contains a bromodomain, found predominantly in chromatin-associated proteins. Reported association of WSTF with chromatin remodeling factors and functional data support a role for WSTF during chromatin remodeling. Here, we report the cloning and developmental expression pattern of Xenopus laevis WSTF. Xenopus laevis WSTF is a protein with a predicted amino acid sequence of 1441 amino acids. Three discrete domains can be identified in the Xenopus laevis WSTF protein, a PHD finger, a DDT domain and a bromodomain. Alignment of Xenopus WSTF with the corresponding orthologues from Homo sapiens, Gallus gallus, Mus musculus and Danio rerio demonstrates an evolutionary conservation of WSTF amino acid sequence and domain organization. In situ hybridization reveals a dynamic expression profile during embryonic development. WSTF is expressed differentially in neural tissue, especially during neurulae stages in the eye, in neural crest cells and the brain.  相似文献   

The tyrosinase family of genes in vertebrates consists of three related members encoding melanogenic enzymes, tyrosinase (Tyr), tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TRP-1, Tyrp1) and tyrosinase-related protein-2 (Dct, TRP-2, Tyrp2). These proteins catalyze melanin production in pigment cells and play important roles in determining vertebrate coloration. This is the first report examining melanogenic gene expression in pigment cells during embryonic development of amphibians. Xenopus provides a useful experimental system for analyzing molecular mechanisms of pigment cells. However, in this animal little information is available not only about the developmental expression but also about the isolation of pigmentation genes. In this study, we isolated homologues of Tyr, Tyrp1 and Dct in Xenopus laevis (XlTyr, XlTyrp1, and XlDct). We studied their expression during development using in situ hybridization and found that all of them are expressed in neural crest-derived melanophores, most of which migrate through the medial pathway, and in the developing diencephalon-derived retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Further, XlDct was expressed earlier than XlTyr and XlTyrp1, which suggests that XlDct is the most suitable marker gene for melanin-producing cells among them. XlDct expression was detected in migratory melanoblasts and in the unpigmented RPE. In addition, the expression of XlDct was detected in the pineal organ. The sum of these studies suggests that expression of the tyrosinase family of genes is conserved in pigment cells of amphibians and that using XlDct as a marker gene for pigment cells will allow further study of the developmental mechanisms of pigment cell differentiation using Xenopus.  相似文献   

We cloned cDNAs for Xenopus aldolases A, B and C. These three aldolase genes are localized on different chromosomes as a single copy gene. In the adult, the aldolase A gene is expressed extensively in muscle tissues, whereas the aldolase B gene is expressed strongly in kidney, liver, stomach and intestine, while the aldolase C gene is expressed in brain, heart and ovary. In oocytes aldolase A and C mRNAs, but not aldolase B mRNA, are extensively transcribed. Thus, aldolase A and C mRNAs, but not B mRNA, occur abundantly in eggs as maternal mRNAs, and strong expression of aldolase B mRNA is seen only after the late neurula stage. We conclude that aldolase A and C mRNAs are major aldolase mRNAs in early stages of Xenopus embryogenesis which proceeds utilizing yolk as the only energy source, aldolase B mRNA, on the other hand, is expressed only later in development in tissues which are required for dietary fructose metabolism. We also isolated the Xenopus aldolase C genomic gene (ca. 12 kb) and found that i  相似文献   

The cortical response in Xenopus laevis ova   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A dependence on extracellular calcium has been demonstrated for fertilization and the cortical response to pricking in Xenopus ova. Neither event occurred in calcium-free solutions or in the presence of divalent cation chelating agents. The calcium-sensitive phase of the cortical response to pricking in dejellied eggs was restricted to the 5–10 sec immediately following the activation stimulus; the initial phase of activation was not calcium dependent. In contrast, the cortical response in dejellied Xenopus ova exposed to the chemical activating agents, urethan or methyl urethan, was independent of extracellular calcium. Experimental evidence was presented for the involvement of a direct, nonpropagated cortical reaction in response to urethan stimulation as opposed to a propagated reaction in response to pricking. A cortical response in dejellied eggs was not induced spontaneously by high concentrations of potassium, and the prick response was unaffected by inhibitors of energy transfer processes. Molecular mechanisms operative in the initiation and propagation of the cortical response in animal eggs have been discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of epidermal antigens in Xenopus laevis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Five kinds of monoclonal antibodies that are specific for the epidermis of Xenopus embryos were produced. Epidermis-specific antibodies were used to investigate the spatial and temporal expressions of epidermal antigens during embryonic and larval development. The cells that were recognized by the antibodies at the larval stage are as follows: all of the outer epidermal cells and cement gland cells were recognized by the antibody termed XEPI-1, all of the outer and inner epidermal cells, except the cement gland cells, were recognized by XEPI-2 antibody, the large mucus granules and the apical side of the outer epidermal cells, except for the ciliated epidermal cells, were recognized by XEPI-3 antibody, the large mucus granules and basement membrane were recognized by XEPI-4 antibody, and the small mucus granules contained in the outer epidermal cells as well as extracellular matrices were recognized by the antibody termed XEPI-5. All of the epidermal antigens, except XEPI-4, were first detected in the epidermal region of the late gastrula or early neurula. The XEPI-4 antigen was first detected in stage-26 tail-bud embryos. None of these antigens were expressed by the neural tissues at any time during embryonic development. Only the XEPI-2 antigen continued to be expressed after metamorphosis, while the expression of the other antigens disappeared during or before metamorphosis. The specificity of the antibodies allowed us to classify the epidermal cells into four types in early epidermal development. The four types of epidermal cells are (1) the outer epidermal cells that contain small mucus granules, (2) the ciliated epidermal cells, (3) the outer epidermal cells that contain large mucus granules and (4) the inner sensorial cells.  相似文献   

Efforts to characterize the mechanisms underlying early lung development have been confounded by the absence of a model that permits study of lung development prior to the onset of endodermal differentiation. Since Xenopus laevis development occurs in an extrauterine environment, we sought to determine whether the classical molecular markers of lung development and function, surfactant protein genes, are expressed in X. laevis. Surfactant protein C (SP-C) is a specific marker for lung development, expressed early in development and exclusively in the lung. Surfactant protein B (SP-B) expression is essential for life, as its absence results in neonatal death in mice and gene mutations have been associated with neonatal respiratory failure in humans. Here, we report the cloning of the first non-mammalian SP-C and SP-B genes (termed xSP-C and xSP-B) using the Xenopus model. The processed mature translated regions of both xSP-C and xSP-B have high homology with both human and mouse genes. xSP-C and xSP-B are both expressed throughout the lung of the X. laevis swimming tadpoles soon after the initiation of lung development as assessed by RT-PCR and whole mount in situ hybridization. The temporal expression patterns of xSP-C and xSP-B are consistent with the expression patterns in mammalian models of lung development. In both the tadpole and the adult X. laevis, xSP-C and xSP-B are expressed only in lung. Knowledge of the sequence and expression pattern of these two surfactant proteins in Xenopus might allow for use of this organism to study early lung development.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis of creatine kinase (CK) isozymes of Xenopus tropicalis shows that at least two different genes code for CK in this diploid (2n=20) species. These genes seem to be orthologous to the CK-A and CK-C genes of extant crossopterygian fish. Additional isozymes may be interpreted either as products of duplicate genes or, more probably, as epigenetically modified forms of the homodimers AtAt and CtCt, respectively. The originally tetraploid species X. laevis laevis (2n=36), which may have arisen by hybridization of diploid ancestors some 30–40 million years ago, has retained expression of all duplicate CK-A and CK-C genes. Differential expression during ontogenesis (CK-A genes) and in different adult tissues (CK-C genes) indicates that divergence occurred not only with respect to the primary sequence of these duplicate genes, but also with respect to the regulation of their expression. In the interspecific hybrid X. 1. laevis × X. tropicalis, all parental CK genes appear to be expressed simultaneously in the heart. However, several subunit combinations cannot be detected on the zymograms.This work was supported by Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research Grant 3.775.0.80.  相似文献   

The heparin-binding growth factors constitute a family of homologous polypeptides including basic and acidic fibroblast growth factors (FGFs). These factors participate in a variety of processes, including wound healing, angiogenesis, neuronal survival, and inductive events in the early amphibian embryo. We have isolated three closely related species of cDNA clones for Xenopus FGF receptors. One of these, designated XFGFR-A1, encodes an open reading frame of 814 amino acids. A second class encodes an identical amino acid sequence with the exception of an 88-amino-acid deletion near the 5' end. This species probably arises through alternative splicing. A third class of cDNA corresponding to the shorter form of XFGFR-A1 was isolated and shown to be 95% homologous and is designated XFGFR-A2. Xenopus FGF receptors are similar to FGF receptors from other species in that they contain a transmembrane domain, a tyrosine kinase domain split by a 14-amino-acid insertion, and a unique conserved stretch of eight acidic residues in the extracellular domain. Overexpression of Xenopus FGF receptor protein by transfection of COS1 cells with the corresponding cDNA in a transient expression vector leads to the appearance of new FGF binding sites on transfected cells, consistent with these cDNAs encoding for FGF receptors. RNA gel blot analysis demonstrates that Xenopus FGF receptor mRNA is a maternal message and is expressed throughout early development. When blastula-stage ectoderm is cultured in control amphibian salt solutions, Xenopus FGF receptor mRNA declines to undetectable levels by late neurula stages. However, when cultured in the presence of FGF of XTC mesoderm-inducing factor, Xenopus FGF receptor RNA expression is maintained.  相似文献   

Xenopus is a well-characterized model system for the investigation of biological processes at the molecular, cellular, and developmental level. The successful application of a rapid and reliable method for transgenic approaches in Xenopus has led to renewed interest in this system. We have explored the applicability of tetracycline-regulated gene expression, first described by Gossen and Bujard in 1992, to the Xenopus system. By optimizing conditions, tetracycline repressor induced expression of a luciferase reporter gene was readily and reproducibly achieved in both the Xenopus oocyte and developing embryo. This high level of expression was effectively abrogated by addition of low levels of tetracycline. The significance of this newly defined system for studies of chromatin dynamics and developmental processes is discussed.  相似文献   

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