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DNA ploidy of human breast cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ploidy was determined on 663 resectable primary tumors from untreated patients. Nuclei obtained by mechanical disaggregation of frozen tissue were stained with propidium iodide and analysed in a FACS IV. Aneuploidy was detected in 73% of cases. It was not significantly related to nodal involvement or tumor size, although the highest frequencies were observed in large tumors (88%) or with more than 10 positive nodes (77%). Aneuploidy was more frequently observed in ductal infiltrating (81%) than in lobular histology and in tumors lacking both progesterone and estrogen receptors (85%). Analysis of ploidy in primary and synchronous lymph node metastases from the same patient showed a high agreement rate (90%) of DNA patterns simply defined as diploid or aneuploid. However, differences in DNA stemlines and DNA indices between the two synchronous lesions from the same patient were a rather frequent event.  相似文献   

DNA ploidy and survival in breast cancer patients   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Flow cytometric DNA ploidy measurements using frozen or deparaffinized tumor specimens were performed on 565 primary breast cancers from patients treated in the period 1975-1984. Twenty-nine percent of the cases were diploid, 61% had a single aneuploid stemline, and 10% were multiploid. Aneuploid tumors more often had negative estrogen receptor values than diploid tumors, but no significant correlation was found between ploidy class and TNM stage. Patients with more than ten positive axillary lymph nodes had predominantly aneuploid tumors. Overall and distant relapse-free survival were higher for patients with diploid tumors and low-aneuploid tumors. Stratification of the patients according to degree of lymph node involvement, TNM stage, and menopausal stage showed that the prognostic effect of aneuploidy was apparent predominantly in patients with locally advanced disease. Postmenopausal node-positive patients with diploid tumors had a significantly better prognosis than those with aneuploid tumors, but this difference was not found for the comparable premenopausal group. Multivariate analysis with the Cox proportional hazards model indicated that ploidy is an additional, independent prognostic factor in postmenopausal patients.  相似文献   

Developing a reliable and quantitative assessment of the potential virulence of a malignancy has been a long-standing goal in clinical cytometry. DNA histogram analysis provides valuable information on the cycling activity of a tumor population through S-phase estimates; it also identifies nondiploid populations, a possible indicator of genetic instability and subsequent predisposition to metastasis. Because of conflicting studies in the literature, the clinical relevance of both of these potential prognostic markers has been questioned for the management of breast cancer patients. The purposes of this study are to present a set of 10 adjustments derived from a single large study that optimizes the prognostic strength of both DNA ploidy and S-phase and to test the validity of this approach on two other large multicenter studies. Ten adjustments to both DNA ploidy and S-phase were developed from a single node-negative breast cancer database from Baylor College (n = 961 cases). Seven of the adjustments were used to reclassify histograms into low-risk and high-risk ploidy patterns based on aneuploid fraction and DNA index optimum thresholds resulting in prognostic P values changing from little (P < 0.02) or no significance to P < 0.000005. Other databases from Sweden (n = 210 cases) and France (n = 220 cases) demonstrated similar improvement of DNA ploidy prognostic significance, P < 0.02 to P < 0.0009 and P < 0.12 to P < 0.002, respectively. Three other adjustments were applied to diploid and aneuploid S-phases. These adjustments eliminated a spurious correlation between DNA ploidy and S-phase and enabled them to combine independently into a powerful prognostic model capable of stratifying patients into low, intermediate, and high-risk groups (P < 0.000005). When the Baylor prognostic model was applied to the Sweden and French databases, similar significant patient stratifications were observed (P < 0.0003 and P < 0.00001, respectively). The successful transference of the Baylor prognostic model to other studies suggests that the proposed adjustments may play an important role in standardizing this test and provide valuable prognostic information to those involved in the management of breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

DNA ploidy and vimentin expression in primary breast cancer
The DNA content of 50 breast cancers of varying tumour type, grade and stage was measured using static image cytometry, and correlated with vimentin expression in the tumour cells. A tendency to increased vimentin expression and aneuploidy was observed in high grade and late stage tumours1. A statistically significant difference was observed in DNA index and ploidy balance between grade 1 and grades 2 and 3 carcinomas ( P <0.05) and between stage I and stage II carcinomas ( P <0.05). There was a significant difference in the expression of vimentin between grades 1, 2, 3 ( P <0,001), and stages I, II and III ductal carcinomas ( P <0.05). No significant difference was observed in the proliferation index and the degree of hyperploidy ( P >0.05). Clonal heterogeneity was observed in 25% of breast carcinomas, and was associated with increased vimentin expression. These changes may be indicative of genomic alteration and tumour aggressiveness.  相似文献   

Correlated flow-cytometric (FCM) and microspectrophotometric (MSP) techniques were applied to investigating whether intratumoral variations in the DNA distribution patterns of 21 primary mammary adenocarcinomas can occur. Although neoplastic cell populations with both diploid and tetraploid (i.e., euploid) distribution patterns could be found in varying proportions in some of the tumors, there was no evidence in any tumor nodule for the presence of euploid populations in one part and aneuploid populations in another. This statement was based on the results of the MSP technique, where the assessments were made on cytodiagnostically identified neoplastic cells. Also, when applying the FCM technique the statement was found to be essentially valid; only one of the tumor nodules showed a DNA distribution pattern that, by means of the criteria used in this procedure, was defined as being both euploid and aneuploid. Here, however, the technique consists of assessments made on a great number of microscopically non-identified cells. It was concluded that when conflicting reports are given from different laboratories on the prognostic value of the cytochemically assessed DNA distribution patterns in breast carcinomas, they are not likely to be attributed to intratumoral DNA heterogeneity but, rather, to differences in the methods used and in the criteria applied for the so-called ploidy assessments.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of DNA content was analyzed in 389 samples from 65 resected gastric cancers. Analysis of the samples revealed that there were 14 homogeneously diploid tumours. Six tumours were uniformly DNA aneuploid, each tissue block containing the same DNA index. The other 45 tumours (69%) varied in DNA content heterogeneity. In 39 of 45 tumours, there was a mixture of diploid and aneuploid samples, and 25 of the 39 tumours had a single aneuploid stemline. In 14 out of 39 tumours, there was also a mixture of diploid and aneuploid samples having two or more DNA aneuploid stemlines. In the remaining six tumours, different DNA aneuploid stemlines were contained in different samples without evidence of diploidy. When four or fewer samples were analyzed, only 50% of the tumours were diagnosed as having DNA content heterogeneity. On the other hand, 78% of the tumours showed DNA heterogeneity when 5 or more samples were analyzed. If the tumours had not been widely sampled, about a quarter of the tumours would have been mislabeled as diploid. The patients with tumours showing homogeneous diploidy survived longer than those with tumours showing a mixture of diploid and aneuploid stemlines. The survival rate was lowest for the patients with tumours having a mixture of diploid and multiple aneuploid stemlines, compared with those showing homogeneous diploid or a mixture of diploid and single aneuploid stemlines. The data from the current study clearly demonstrate the importance of adequate sampling in assessing the ploidy status of gastric cancers to identify groups of patients running different clinical course and prognosis.  相似文献   

Intratumoral levels of estrogens in breast cancer   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Breast cancer tissue is an endocrine organ and particularly the estrogen biosynthetic properties of this tissue have been well studied. The concentration of estradiol in breast cancer tissue from postmenopausal patients is considerably higher than that in the circulation and appears to depend largely on local production. Androgenic precursor steroids are abundantly present, but estrogen storage pools like fatty acid derivatives appear to be less important than initially thought. New, potent and highly specific aromatase inhibitors effectively inhibit peripheral conversion of androgens to estrogens (Cancer Res. 53: 4563, 1993) as well as intratumour aromatase, median aromatase activity being 89% lower in the tissue from patients pretreated with aromatase inhibitor 7 days prior to surgery (P<0.001). Also the intratissue concentrations of estrogens were decreased (64% and 80% reduction, respectively for estrone and estradiol; P=0.001 and <0.05; Cancer Res. 57: 2109, 1997). These results illustrate that intratissue estrogen biosynthesis is effectively inhibited by the new generation of aromatase inhibitors. The pathophysiological consequences of this finding are currently under study.  相似文献   

HER-2/neu gene expression, DNA ploidy and proliferation index were studied in 250 cases of breast cancer. Expression of HER-2/neu was determined by using an antibody to the HER-2/neu receptor. Ki-67 antibody was used to determine the proliferation index of the breast cancers, and the Feulgen method was used to assess DNA amounts in the tumor cells. Histochemical staining was quantitated by image analysis. Of the cancers studied, 72 were positive for overexpression of HER-2/neu protein; of these, 62 (86%) possessed near-tetraploid DNA content, and 47 (65%) had more than one G0G1 stem line (polyploid) of DNA distribution. Cells from the cases negative for HER/2-neu overexpression contained DNA amounts that ranged from diploid to varying degrees of aneuploid. A significant difference in the amounts of cellular proliferation in HER-2/neu overexpressing cancers was found between those that expressed the HER-2/neu receptor on their membranes and those that exhibited mainly cytoplasmic receptors.  相似文献   

c-erbB-2/neu protein expression, DNA ploidy and S phase in breast cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. DNA content and c-erbB2/neu protein (p185) expression were evaluated by flow-cytometry and ELISA, respectively, in 166 specimens of primary breast cancer. A non-diploid DNA content was found in 88 tumours (53%), with the DNA index ranging from 0.7-2.7. S phase fraction (SPF) evaluation, performed in 130 cases, showed significantly higher values in aneuploid than in diploid tumours (median values, 17.3% and 5.8%, respectively). Thirty-six tumours (21.6%) showed p185 overexpression, while 45 (27.1%) and 85 (51.3%) showed intermediate and low expression, respectively. A good correlation ( P =0.0023) was found between DNA content and p185 positivity. Tumours with high p185 values were mainly aneuploid, while tumours with intermediate or low expression had variable degrees of DNA content. Furthermore, p185 concentration was significantly higher in aneuploid than in diploid tumours ( P =0.009). The highest rate of p185 (+) cases and the highest p185 concentrations occurred in triploid (1.3相似文献   

The DNA content of ductal breast carcinomas of varying histological grade was measured using static image cytometry and correlated with pS2 expression in the tumour cells. Our study was performed on imprint of surgical biopsies of 60 women with ductal breast cancer. A statistically significant difference was observed between pS2+ expression and grade of malignancy ( P <0.001). The percentage of euploid tumours significantly decreased from grade I to grade II to grade III ( P =0.01). The percentage of aneuploid tumours increased from pS2+ to pS2 breast tumours ( P <0.001). These findings may be indicative of pS2 and DNA ploidy alterations and tumour aggressiveness.  相似文献   

Two different flow cytometric procedures were applied on cell samples from human breast tumors. One procedure involved DNA ploidy analysis on suspensions of isolated nuclei. The mean ploidy ratios of 27 benign breast lesions to chicken erythrocytes and rainbow trout erythrocytes were found to be 2.66 +/- 0.03 and 1.25 +/- 0.02, respectively. From the 45 stemlines found in a series of 43 carcinomas, 12 were diploid, 13 hyperdiploid and 20 near-tetraploid. No association was found between the lymph node status and the DNA ploidy level. The second procedure involved sorting fixed cells from DNA "windows" for the preparation of permanent cytologic specimens. The sorted cells appeared to be shrunken, but the morphologic quality was similar to that of imprint specimens from the same tumors, permitting discrimination between various types of normal cells and tumor cells. The combined use of both flow cytometric procedures may lead to greater insight into the relationship between the cytologic and cytogenetic heterogeneity of breast carcinomas.  相似文献   

Computer-assisted analysis of DNA ploidy and nuclear morphology were used to elucidate changes in the cell nucleus that occur during the development of experimental pancreatic cancer. Ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma was induced in 49 Syrian hamsters by SC injection of N-nitrosobis (2-oxopropyl) amine; twenty hamsters served as controls. Groups of animals were sacrificed every 4 weeks for 20 weeks and adjacent sections of pancreatic tissue were H&E and Feulgen-stained for light microscopy and computer assisted cytometry. Pancreatic ductal cells were classified as normal, atypical, or malignant; tissue inflammation (pancreatitis) was also noted when present. DNA ploidy and nuclear morphology evaluation (Markovian analysis) identified an atypical cell stage clearly distinguishable from either normal or malignant cells; pancreatitis preceded this atypia. The DNA ploidy histogram of these atypical cells revealed a major diploid peak and a minor aneuploid peak. The receiver operator characteristic curve areas for a logistic regression model of normal vs atypical cells was 0.94 and for atypical vs malignant was 0.98, numbers indicative of near-perfect discrimination among these three cell types. The ability to identify an atypical cell population should be useful in establishing the role of these cells in the progression of human pancreatic adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

Detection of c-erbB-2 oncogene product expression by monoclonal antibody staining (avidin-biotin technique) in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded atypical hyperplasias (AH, n = 20), intraductal carcinomas (IDCA, n = 27) and invasive carcinomas (INVCA, n = 48) was compared to ploidy determinations obtained by flow cytometry (INVCA) or image analysis (AH, IDCA). Cytoplasmic membrane staining was present in 11/48 (23%) INVCA and 8/27 (30%) IDCA but none of the AH. Tumors with abnormal DNA content expressed c-erbB-2 more frequently: INVCA, 2/19 (11%) diploid range versus 9/29 (31%) aneuploid; IDCA, 1/7 (14%) diploid range versus 7/20 (35%) aneuploid. Poorly differentiated (nuclear grade) IDCA or INVCA were also more frequently stained (14/35, 40%) than were well or moderately differentiated cases (5/40, 12.5%). Oncogene product expression and DNA content derangements may be related biologic parameters in breast neoplasia, and both are highly associated with cytologic nuclear abnormalities.  相似文献   

Chromosomal imbalances were analyzed in 62 breast cancers with different DNA ploidy by CGH. The results of DNA image cytometry and CGH are consistent with peridiploid and aneuploid cases. The peritetraploid tumors harbored a high number of chromosomal imbalances, as a hint for an unfavorable prognosis. The quantitative analysis of imbalances highlighted the role of different physical constituents of the chromosome, and of chromosomal losses in different DNA ploidy groups. The peritetraploid and aneuploid tumors differed from the peridiploid tumors in losses at 8p and 18q. The peritetraploid cancers exhibited more gains at 8q, the aneuploid tumors more losses at 17p than their peridiploid counterparts. The aneuploid cases differed from the peritetraploid tumors in a higher number of losses at 11q and 14q. Combinations of imbalances provide further insights into the genetic background of DNA ploidy. Hypotheses for the progression from peridiploid to nondiploid breast cancers are given.  相似文献   

Quantification of c-erb B-2 and its relationship with other prognostic markers using flow cytometry has been examined. In this study a level for c-erb B-2 expression above which tumours are classified as positive by flow cytometry has been determined by employment of positive cut-off threshold levels. c-erb B-2 expression by both flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry was studied using the monoclonal antibody NCL-CBII. The relationship of c-erb B-2 quantification by flow cytometry was then compared with ploidy, axillary node status, tumour size and grade. Increased c-erb B-2 expression was seen using flow cytometry. Correlation between immunohistochemistry and flow-cytometry methods just failed to reach significance (P=0.06). Immunohistochemistry revealed a significant relationship between c-erb B-2 expression and aneuploidy (P=0.04). Cytokeratinpositive cells from 110 samples obtained from patients with breast cancer were assayed for DNA content and c-erb B-2 expression by flow cytometry. No correlation was seen between these parameters upon application of Mann Whitney analysis. However, examination of fluorescence thresholds showed a positive correlation between grade and c-erb B-2 expression at a level of more than 3200 molecules (P0.03). At the level of 3600 molecules significance was increased (P=0.004). These levels equated with between 15% and 19% of the samples being classified as c-erb B-2 positive. Application of these cut-off points showed no correlation between c-erb B-2 expression and ploidy, tumour size or axillary node status. Comparison of ploidy and grade showed a significant association (P=0.0015), increased grade correlating with aneuploidy.  相似文献   

R Sennerstam  G Auer 《Cytometry》1990,11(2):292-299
Three human breast cancer cell lines (HTB-126, MDA-231, and HTB-122) with DNA index (DI) values between 1.26 and 1.72 were analysed together with a diploid mouse embryonal carcinoma cell line (PCC3) by a TV-video time-lapse technique (pedigree analysis). Cytochemical parameters (DNA and proteins) were studied in individual cells in a rapid scanning microspectrophotometer. Post-mitotic sister cell pairs were analysed after Feulgen-naphthol-yellow staining. The DI values of the cell lines were selected to reflect various well-known clinical ploidy entities differing in malignancy potentials. A mitotic disturbance of the partition of DNA and protein to daughter cells was found in particular in MDA-231 closest to the triploid DNA modal value (DI = 1.37). Duration of mitosis was considerably longer in the near triploid line compared to the other lines. The MDA-231 line was also least sensitive to suboptimal growth conditions. This report calls attention to a possible causality between mitotic error and intraclonal genotype and cell mass heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Normal mammary gland cells are sensitive to a number of hormones, of which estrogen and prolactin exert the most obvious effects. Some breast cancer cells are also sensitive. Cytoplasmic receptor sites for each hormone are responsible for the interaction between the hormone and the cell. The presence of estrogen receptor has been especially studied in humans. Data collected from several sources are reviewed. The prese nce of estrogen receptors has been assayed in 154 primary breast tumors and 72 metastatic breast tumors for correlation with response to endocri ne therapy. Positive values were found in 70% of primary and 58% of metastatic specimens. Of 211 treatment trials, ablative therapy produced objective tumor regressions in 33%. Of the 94 trials with negative receptor values, only 8 were successful while 59 of the 107 trials in patients with positive receptor values succeeded. In those with borderline tumor receptor, values had a 30% response. With additive therapy, 34% of 170 trials showed tumor regression. Of these, 82 had negat ive receptor values but 8% were successful, whereas of 85 with positive receptor values, 60% were favorable. With miscellaneous therapy, 27% of 55 trials gave responses to a variety of endocrine therapies, including antiestrogens. The 32 with negative receptor values gave 16% of favorable responses whereas 43% of 23 trials in those with positive receptor values succeeded. Estrogen receptor assays performed routinely would spare patients with negative results from unnecessary major ablative therapy. Of those with positive findings, 55-60% might be benefited. The fact that all with positive receptor values do not respond is attributed to the fact that this is only part of the hormonal control system. Other biochemical lesions are assumed to have occurred in patients when endocrine therapy fails despite positive estrogen receptor levels as measured.  相似文献   

Oncogenes and human breast cancer.   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The role of oncogenes in breast tumorigenesis is unclear. Alterations and/or amplification of several oncogene sequences have been observed in primary human breast tumors, in breast tumor cell lines, and in mammary tumors in model systems. In principle, such alterations could be sites of primary lesions for human breast cancer, causes of tumor progression or metastasis, or simply secondary lesions of highly aberrant tumor genomes. The present study tested genetic linkage of breast cancer susceptibility to nine oncogenes in 12 extended families including 87 affected individuals. Lod scores for close linkage of each candidate sequence to breast cancer were -19.6 for HRAS, -12.3 for KRAS2, -1.0 for NRAS, -6.0 for MYC, -6.1 for MYB, -8.2 for ERBA2, -7.9 for INT2, and -5.1 for RAF1. Regions of chromosome 11p associated with tumor homozygosity and the region of 3p carrying the gene for Von Hippel-Lindau disease could also be excluded from linkage to human breast cancer. The 5-kb allele of the MOS oncogene, previously proposed to be associated with breast cancer, was absent in these families, suggesting that polymorphism at this locus is not associated with inherited susceptibility. These results strongly suggest that oncogenes are not the sites of primary alterations leading to breast cancer. On the other hand, alterations in one or more of these sequences may be associated with tumor progression.  相似文献   

This methodologic study was performed on a single-cell-cycle breast carcinoma to evaluate the feasibility of computer-aided S-phase fraction determination in DNA static cytometry. The investigation was performed on Feulgen-stained cytologic material in which the total optical density values of 1,000 consecutive, randomly selected nuclei were analyzed (MultiCycle software). A good correlation in the S-phase fraction value with flow cytometry was obtained when the G2/G1 ratio was fixed at 1.95, when the histogram data points were smoothed at least once and the coefficient of variation of the G2 peak was the same as that of G0-G1 or when a first-order S-phase polynomial model was used. The percentages of nuclei in G0-G1 and G2 were somewhat similar to those obtained with flow cytometry. The greatest discrepancy with flow cytometry was observed in the value of the coefficient of variation of the G0-G1 peak of the static cytometric data: it was at least twice as great. It always remained high despite the software options used. As for the influence of the sample size in the S-phase calculation, the software was also run on samples of 600 and 200 nuclei. When the G2/G1 ratio was fixed at 1.95, the data obtained from 600 nuclei did not differ from those obtained with 1,000 nuclei, whereas an analysis on 200 nuclei showed a substantial variation. The software also allowed calculation of the ratio of the G0-G1 peak of the neoplastic population against that of the diploid reference (DNA index), the value of which in flow cytometry was 1.0.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

DNA ploidy and distribution has been determined in normal and abnormal bronchial, bronchiolar and alveolar epithelium from 22 patients, aged between 0 and 85 years, 9 of whom had received chemotherapy for malignant disease. The DNA ploidy was diploid in all the specimens examined. The S + G2/M fraction was significantly greater in diseased than normal bronchial trees. In the bronchial epithelium, mean values ± the standard deviation (SD) were 5.5 + 2.2% vs 1.1±0.6%, in bronchiolar epithelium 4.6 ± 1.6% vs 1.0 ± 0.9% and in alveolar epithelium 4.6 ± 1.6% vs 0.8 ± 0.5%. The highest S + G2/M value of 8.9% was obtained from inflamed bronchial epithelium. Polyploid cells up to the octaploid range occurred infrequently but their incidence was slightly increased to between 0.16% and 0.9% in diseased lungs and in patients who had received chemotherapeutic drugs. It was concluded that (1) non-cancerous pulmonary epithelium is diploid, that (2) pulmonary epithelium shows steady-state renewal at all ages and polyploid cells are rare under normal conditions and that (3) the S + G2/M fraction increases up to approximately 10% in reactive proliferative states.  相似文献   

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