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The effect of different habitats on insect communities associated with Rumex obtusifolius was studied in detail. Study sites were selected for their variety of environmental characteristics (vegetation and habitat): shaded woodland, disturbed wasteland and pasture. The results of this study were that insect populations associated with R. obtusifolius responded differently to the different habitats. The observed differences in population dynamics among the insects showed quite clearly their responses to different habitats. There was also a pattern of time partitioning in the exploitation of the host‐plant among the insect species observed. Philaenus spumarius at nymphal stage had a peak density on approximately 20 June, Apion frumentarium and Apion spp. (Apion species other than A. frumentarium) had a peak density on approximately 30 June and Aphis rumicis had a peak density on approximately 28 July. This pattern of shift in time for peak population density (time‐shift) among the insects sharing a common host‐plant may guarantee each insect the opportunity to exploit the plant to a maximum.  相似文献   

The effects of cutting frequency and cutting height on broad‐leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius) in Lolium perenne‐based agricultural grassland at two levels of fertiliser input were investigated at North Wyke, Devon, UK. Two micro‐plot field experiments, containing immature dock plants at uniform densities, with a factorial design, were used to compare: (a) ‘organic’ and ‘low‐input’ fertilisation, i.e. cattle slurry only vs slurry plus mineral fertiliser (NPK at 100‐0‐64 kg ha?1 yr?1), (b) cutting heights of 5–6 cm vs 10–12 cm, and (c) four harvesting frequencies representative of different grassland management practices (regular 4‐weekly cutting, a ‘hay‐stage’ cutting, and two treatments with ‘silage‐stage’ cutting). Expt 1 was established in 1995 with 13 dock plants m?2 (from excised dock‐root sections) and Expt 2 established in 1996 with 25 plants m?2 (as seed‐grown plug plants). Treatments were assessed over the 2 subsequent years to determine treatment effects on total herbage dry matter (DM) yield and dock DM yield, and on in‐situ measures of dock ramets. In both experiments, total DM yield was increased by 1.0–2.01 ha?1 yr?1 for treatments receiving NK fertiliser; the proportion of dock was also higher than from slurry‐only treatments. In Expt 1, the dock ramet density, mean dock ramet height, mean leaf length and numbers of dock leaves per m2 were also greater on NK fertilised treatments in autumn of yr 1. Height of cut had no consistent effect on dock yield, but dock ramet density and leaf density in autumn were greater on the 5–6 cm than the 10–12 cm cutting treatment, Expt 2 only. In yr 2 of both experiments cutting at 4‐weekly intervals resulted in less dock in the herbage than hay‐stage cutting and, particularly in Expt 1, there were associated differences in leaf density and ramet height in autumn; silage‐stage treatments were intermediate. Results are discussed in relation to requirements for management options where there is a need to avoid or reduce herbicides.  相似文献   

Abstract After the onset of imbibition, the dormant seeds of Rumex obtusifolius and R. crispus are stimulated to germinate by a change from an initial low temperature to a warmer temperature for a relatively brief period: the warmer that temperature the shorter is the optimum period spent at it, and this optimum value is unaffected by the initial temperature. The optimum period is more critical in R. crispus than in R. obtusifolius (about 1 h and 2.5 to 4 h, respectively, for a warmer temperature of 35°C in the dark); in the light the length of the period at the warmer temperature is less critical in both species. The sensitivity of the seeds to the change to the warmer temperature increases with time from the start of imbibition at a rate which is positively related to the initial temperature. In R. obtusifolius maximum sensitivity was typically reached after 3 to 5 d when the initial temperature was 20°C and then remained constant, or declined only slightly, over the period investigated (10 d). At the same initial temperature, however, R. crispus showed a cyclical pattern of sensitivity with peaks occurring at 3–4 d intervals from the start of imbibition.  相似文献   

In previously reported laboratory experiments, infection of Rumex obtusifolius by the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis was decreased on leaves which had prior herbivory by the beetle Gastrophysa viridula . In this paper we investigate whether this interaction is robust for natural infection by a variety of fungi in field experiments carried out in spring and autumn with plants given different levels of nitrogen fertilization. Grazing by G. viridula led to a decrease in lesion density of Ramularia rubella and Venturia rumicis in the spring and V. rumicis and U. rumicis in the autumn experiment. For V. rumicis and U. rumicis significant reductions in lesion density occurred on the undamaged leaves of damaged plants, compared with similar leaves on undamaged plants, suggesting systemic induced resistance. This induced resistance was usually independent of the amount of nitrogen fertilization, although the inhibitory effect of grazing on R. rubella in the spring and V. rumicis in the autumn experiment was enhanced by increasing nitrogen fertilization and was inhibited by increasing nitrogen fertilization for V. rumicis in the spring. In both experiments, the lesion density of V. rumicis was greater on leaves on which R. rubella was also present, and the presence of U. rumicis in the autumn experiment was linked to a similar but greater effect on V. rumicis lesion density. We found no evidence of induced resistance by fungi against fungi in these experiments. We highlight the complex interactions between inhibitory and facilitatory processes acting on leaf fungal infection. These results are compared with the proposed molecular mechanisms of induced resistance(s) and we consider the benefits of closer integration between molecular and ecological investigations of induced resistances that occur in the field.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was designed to study the effects of changes in leaf nitrogen (N) concentration on population dynamics of a range of insects associated with Rumex obtusifolius. During the study period, the N concentration in leaves fluctuated between 2 and 6% dry weight. The insects at both study sites showed a pattern of shift in time for peak population density (time‐shift). This suggests that the insect community dynamics might be closely related to the allocation and distribution of resources by the host‐plant. The elevated N concentration in the host‐plant did not change the temporal order of the peak population densities of the insects, although it may determine the time for the optimal exploitation of resources by each insect species.  相似文献   

1. The chrysomelid beetle Gastrophysa viridula occurs on Rumex obtusifolius growing in a range of nutrient conditions and also on plants infected with the foliar fungus Uromyces rumicis . In a controlled environment, we investigated the effect of fertilizing plants with eight nitrate and four ammonium concentrations, with or without infection, on leaf nutritional quality.
2. Increasing nitrate fertilization increased leaf oxalate, total nitrogen and nitrate concentrations and water content, and decreased total non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations. Increasing ammonium fertilization increased leaf nitrogen concentration and water content, decreased nitrate and NSC concentrations, and had no effect on oxalate concentrations.
3. Infection produced a mainly additive effect to fertilization, increasing NSC and oxalate, and decreasing nitrate and nitrogen concentration in whole plants fed nitrate, and increasing nitrate and NSC in whole plants fed ammonium.
4. Young leaves on infected plants remained uninfected and had greater nitrogen and NSC concentrations, and lower oxalate and nitrate concentrations, than infected leaves on the same plant.
5. These results are discussed in relation to changes in C:N and NSC:organic nitrogen ratios, the effect of nitrate and oxalate, and the known feeding and oviposition preferences of the beetle. The results suggest that there is an optimum nitrogen fertilization level for G. viridula development.  相似文献   

We aimed to demonstrate an indirect relationship between a mammalian herbivore (sika deer) and herbivorous insects on the induced responses of a shared host plant, Viburnum dilatatum. Field studies were conducted at three sites (i.e. two islands and one mainland) and within a deer exclusion area. One island, Kinkazan (Kz) Island, harbored a high density of deer while the other sites (controls) had no deer or very low densities of deer. The deer exclusion area had been established approximately 10years earlier on Kz. We collected leaves above the browsing line of the deer and measured leaf hardness and tannin concentration. Leaf damage by insects was used as a measure of insect abundance. Leaves collected at Kz were harder than those from one of the control sites and from inside the deer exclusion area, while no difference was detected among the other controls and inside the exclusion area. In contrast, the tannin concentration of leaves from Kz was lower than in leaves from the control site. Leaf damage by herbivorous insects was lower in Kz than the other study sites. In addition, hole-type leaf damage tended to be higher inside, rather than outside, the exclusion area. These results suggest the possibility that deer browsing increased leaf hardness, which exerted an indirect negative effect on the herbivorous insects utilizing the common host plant. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence of indirect negative effects between mammalian herbivores and herbivorous insects sharing a host plant.  相似文献   

This study assessed the role of leaf trichome density as a component of resistance to herbivores, in six populations of Datura stramonium. Phenotypic selection on plant resistance was estimated for each population. A common garden experiment was carried out to determine if population differences in leaf trichome density are genetically based. Among population differences in leaf trichome density, relative resistance and fitness were found. Leaf trichome density was strongly positively correlated to resistance across populations. In 5 out of 6 populations, trichome density was related to resistance, and positive directional selection on resistance to herbivores was detected in three populations. Differences among populations in mean leaf trichome density in the common garden suggest genetic differentiation for this character in Datura stramonium. The results are considered in the light of the adaptive role of leaf trichomes as a component of defence to herbivores, and variable selection among populations.  相似文献   


Azoxystrobin at three different concentrations, namely, 31.25, 62.50 and 125 g a.i. ha?1 mancozeb (1 kg ha?1) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (10 kg ha?1) were evaluated for their efficacy in inducing defense enzymes in tomato against Alternaria solani and Septoria lycopersici. The activity of defense enzymes peroxidase (PO), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), β-1, 3 glucanase, chitinase, catalase and defense-inducing chemicals (total phenols) was found to be increased in azoxystrobin and P. fluorescens-treated tomato plants. The activity of these defense enzymes and chemicals was higher in azoxystrobin (125 g a.i. ha?1) and P. fluorescens-treated tomato plants challenge inoculated with the pathogens compared to other treatments. Increased expression of specific isoforms of PO and PPO was also observed due to ISR induction.  相似文献   

The effects of leaf wounding and the presence of a New Zealand carabid predator, Megadromus antarcticus, on the mortality of, and leaf damage caused by, Spodoptera litura on tomatoes were examined in glass houses. The presence of the non-climbing carabid increased S. litura mortality with a subsequent decrease in leaf damage. Leaf wounding produced a possible decrease in herbivory but did not affect S. litura mortality. Neither leaf wounding or the presence of carabids affected the vertical distribution of leaf damage on the tomato plants. The role of M. antarcticus as a biocontrol agent for tomato pests in New Zealand is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Herbivore damage induces the production of defensive chemicals in many plant species. However, defensive chemicals sometimes have functions other than protection from herbivores, and these chemicals may respond to hervibory differentialy than those which are primarily defensive. A well-studied group of leaf constituents with multiple functions is the phenolic leaf resins, which protect leaves from herbivores, UV radiation, and possibly excess water loss. The effects of herbivory on phenolic leaf resins were investigated in the chapparral shrub Eriodictyon californicum by artificially damaging leaves during the growing season and subsequently measuring resin content and composition. We found that (i) resin content declined in leaves damaged by artificial herbivory; (ii) resin declined (at the P < 0.1 level) in undamaged leaves present on the same plant as those heavily damaged; and (iii) resin composition, as measured by the ratio of the major components, was unaffected by artificial herbivory.  相似文献   

An F2 population from a cross between barley accession Q21861 and the Australian barley variety Galleon was used to develop RAPD markers for resistance to barley leaf rust (Puccinia hordei). Resistant and susceptible DNA bulks were constructed following the classification of F2 plants by leaf rust infection type. Bulked segregant analysis was then used to identify a 2.7-kb marker, designated OU022700 and located approximately 12cM from RphQ, a leaf rust resistance gene in Q21861. The marker was generated by PCR with the oligonucleotide primer OPU-02 (Operon). Infection types of F3 progeny were used to confirm assignment of F2 genotypes. OU022700 was shown, retrospectively, to be useful in the identification of individual F2 plants that had been originally misclassified as having susceptible infection types. Both the RAPD marker and RphQ will be potentially useful in the development of new barley cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Foliar pubescence in the mexican madrone (Arbutus xalapensis H.B.K.) is an extremely variable character. Leaf specimens of pilose and glabrous madrones showed a similar composition of major secondary compounds. On the other hand, sympatric pilose and glabrous individuals were found to support significantly different insect guilds. Insect preference was strongly associated to mouthpart anatomy. Chewing and gall-forming insects were significantly more abundant on glabrous trees while sucking insects were more common on pilose trees. Additionally, parasitation of sucking insects was lower on pilose trees, possibly because the plant trichomes provide protection against parasitoids.  相似文献   

  • 1 The elemental composition of 249 adult Brimstone butterflies (Gonepteryx rhamni L.) was studied by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, to determine whether site/population-specific differences could be detected. The chemical elements studied were K, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ti, P, CI and S.
  • 2 Marked differences were found in the chemical composition of the two sexes, and between individuals caught on different sites and in different years and seasons.
  • 3 Multivariate analyses of the data using principal component analysis and canonical variate analysis showed a clear separation of the butterflies by sex, and within each sex, by seasons. Of the elements studied, the main discriminating ones for this butterfly were K, Ca, P, Zn, CI and S.
  • 4 Whilst differences in chemical composition appear to result from variations in the composition of soil and food-plants in different localities, any site/population-specific differences are soon masked by the passage of time, as adults age and feed. This makes the technique of limited value in the study of dispersal in this species.

A fluorescent spray tracer was used to measure the profile of spray deposits through winter-wheat crop canopies and upon beneficial insects, placed in fixed positions which approximated to their natural distributions. Tracer deposition profiles were recorded on a series of occasions between G.S. 47 to G.S. 90. Deposition levels declined through the canopy on each occasion but the proportion of the spray reaching the ground varied between growth stages. Deposition rates upon insects followed the same trends but insects on the aerial parts of the plant received a higher volume of tracer per unit area than the part of the crop that they were placed upon. Insects placed on the ground received a dose equivalent to their ground area. For a given distribution of insects, these data permit direct spray exposure to be estimated. The general application of the method to a wide range of crops, to the calculation of risk indices, to the standardisation of field tests and to the development of selective spray placement methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Treatment of the first leaves of barley seedlings with either 5, 10, 15 or 20 mM salicylic acid, sodium salicylate or acetylsalicylic acid resulted in significant reductions in powdery mildew infection on the upper, second leaves. In general, the greatest reduction in mildew infection on the second leaves was obtained by spraying the first leaves with a 15 mM concentration of the compounds. Although the largest reduction in mildew infection of the upper leaves was obtained when the compounds were applied to the first leaves 1–2 days before inoculation, very substantial reductions in infection were still obtained if the first leaves were treated 12 days before inoculation. The three compounds had little direct effect on mildew infection. When 14C-salicylic acid was fed to first leaves of barley seedlings, uptake was rapid and increased with time. Within 6 h, 0.2% of the salicylic acid appeared in the second leaf and by 24 h after feeding, this had increased to 1.4% (1.1 μmol salicylic acid g-1 fresh wt). The application of various phenolic acids to first leaves also led to reductions in mildew infection on the second leaves. In particular, treatment of the first leaves with 1 mM vanillic acid, isovanillic acid or syringic acid, reduced mildew infection of the second leaves by 81–87%.  相似文献   

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