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We have cloned a full-length cDNA for a beta-galactoside-binding protein with a relative molecular mass of 32 kDa (32-kDa GBP), recently purified from a nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans (Hirabayashi, J., Satoh, M., Ohyama, Y., and Kasai, K. (1992) J. Biochem. 111, 553-555). The clone contained a single open reading frame encoding 279 amino acids, including the initiator methionine. Significant sequence homology to metal-independent beta-galactoside-binding lectins (25-30% identities), which had previously been found only in vertebrates, was observed. Moreover, the nematode 32-kDa GBP proved to have a unique polypeptide architecture; that is, it is composed of two tandemly repeated homologous domains, each consisting of about 140 amino acids. The internal homology was about 32%. Thus, this protein is constructed with a duplicated fundamental unit which is similar to the subunit of vertebrate 14-kDa lectins. In spite of the extreme phylogenic distance between nematodes and vertebrates (divergence greater than 6 x 10(8) years ago), both of the two repeated domains of the nematode 32-kDa GBP retained most of the amino acid residues conserved in vertebrate lectins. This means that members of the metal-independent animal lectin family are distributed much more widely than had been believed: from nematodes to vertebrates. The implication is that proteins belonging to this family have fundamental roles which are not restricted to vertebrates but are common to almost all animals.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of a pepper gene that is homologous to SELF-PRUNING   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We have used APT affinity purification to isolate tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins from MRL lpr/lpr (lpr) mouse T cells. One such protein is pp81 ezrin, previously identified as a tyrosine-phosphorylated protein in epidermal growth factor-stimulated A431 carcinoma cells. Biochemical analyses in A431 and gastric parietal cells have revealed ezrin to be a cytoskeleton-associated cytosolic protein. In Jurkat T cells, however, using similar methods we have shown ezrin to be a cytosolic protein with no measurable cytoskeletal association. We also observed no increases in ezrin tyrosine phosphorylation in TCR-stimulated Jurkat T cells, unless the cells were pretreated with protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors, suggesting that T cell ezrin tyrosine phosphorylation is tightly controlled by protein tyrosine phosphatases. The fraction of tyrosine phosphorylated ezrin in lpr T cells was 5 to 10 times that observed in Jurkat T cells, which along with constitutive TCR-zeta phosphorylation and pp60fyn overexpression, is a feature of the lpr defect.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate moieties present on laminin play a crucial role in the multiple biological activities of this basement membrane glycoprotein. We report the identification of a human laminin binding protein with an apparent molecular mass of 14 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels that was found, after purification and amino acid microsequencing, to be identical to the previously described 14-kDa galactoside binding soluble L-14 lectin. We have designated this human laminin binding protein as HLBP14. HLBP14 was purified from human melanoma cells in culture by laminin affinity chromatography and gel electroelution. We demonstrate that HLBP14 binds specifically to the poly-N-acetyllactosamine residues of murine laminin and does not bind to other glycoproteins that do not contain such structures, such as fibronectin. HLBP14 was eluted from a murine laminin column by lactose, N-acetyllactosamine, and galactose but not by other control saccharides, including glucose, fucose, mannose, and melibiose. It did not bind to laminin treated with endo-beta-galactosidase. Lactose also eluted HLBP14 off a human laminin affinity column, implying that human laminin also contains poly-N-acetyllactosamine residues. On immunoblots, polyclonal antibodies raised against HLBP14 recognized HLBP14 as well as 31- and 67-kDa molecules that are also laminin binding proteins, indicating that these proteins share common epitopes. L-14, a dimeric lactose binding lectin, is expressed in a wide variety of tissues. Although the expression of this molecule has been linked to a variety of biological events, the elucidation of its specific functions has been elusive. The observation that HLBP14, a human cancer cell laminin binding protein, is identical to L-14 strongly suggests that the functions attributed to this lectin could be mediated, at least in part, through its ability to interact with the poly-N-acetyllactosamine residues of laminin. HLBP14 could potentially play a role during tumor invasion and metastasis by modulating the interactions between cancer cells and laminin.  相似文献   

Homing of recirculating lymphocytes from the blood into the lymphoid tissues is mediated by 90-kDa homing receptors on the lymphocyte cell surface, allowing selective binding to specialized endothelium lining high endothelial venules. This study describes two novel mAb, NKI-P1 and NKI-P2, directed against functional epitopes of a human lymphocyte homing receptor, gp90. Biochemical studies demonstrated that these antibodies recognize a 90-kDa glycoprotein which is similar to the Ag recognized by the mAb Hermes-1. This notion was confirmed by immunohistochemical studies showing identical reaction patterns. Furthermore, it was observed that NKI-P1 and NKI-P2 blocked adhesion of lymphocytes to high endothelial venules. Immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence, and immunoprecipitation studies revealed that gp90 is widely expressed on hemopoietic cells including lymphocytes, macrophages/dendritic cells, myeloid cells, and erythrocytes. The gp90 is also expressed on a number of nonhemopoietic cells such as endothelial cells, certain epithelial cells, and fibroblasts. In addition to its expression on normal cells, gp90 is present on a spectrum of tumor cell lines of lymphoid, monocytic, epithelial, glial, and melanocytic origin. In addition to the 90-kDa product, the antibodies immunoprecipitate several polypeptides in the range of 120 to 200 kDa. Interestingly, it was observed that certain mamma tumor cell-line cells lack the 90-kDa polypeptide indicating the heterogeneous expression of the molecules recognized by the antibodies. These results indicate that the 90-kDa glycoprotein homologues of the Hermes-1 human lymphocyte homing receptor are expressed on hemopoietic tissues as well as on a number of nonhemopoietic tissues and tumor cell lines. Although the function of these molecules in nonlymphoid cells is presently unknown, they might play a role in cell-cell or cell-matrix adhesion.  相似文献   

To identify and characterize endothelial cell surface components that bind plasminogen, we used ligand-blotting to study binding of plasminogen to sodium dodecyl sulphate solubilized extracts of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. It was observed that glu-plasminogen bound predominantly to a 45 kDa endothelial cell polypeptide. The interaction of labelled glu-plasminogen with this polypeptide was reversible and specific as the binding could be inhibited by both excess cold lysine and unlabelled glu-plasminogen but not by unrelated proteins. Binding of glu-plasminogen to cell extracts prepared from endothelial cells that had been pretreated with proteinase K was significantly reduced indicating that the 45 kDa polypeptide is a cell-surface protein. The cell-surface localization of the 45 kDa polypeptide was also indicated by the positive interaction of glu-plasminogen with membrane fractions of endothelial cells. Lys-plasminogen also interacted with the 45 kDa polypeptide in a specific manner and reversibility experiments indicated that lysplasminogen could also displace the bound glu-plasminogen. Since binding of plasminogen to the 45 kDa endothelial cell surface polypeptide was very similar to plasminogen binding to intact endothelial cells, we propose that the 45 kDa protein represents one of the major receptors for plasminogen on human endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The localization of opsonic and tissue-cross-reactive epitopes within the amino terminus of type 1 streptococcal M protein was investigated by using murine mAb raised against synthetic peptides of type 1 M protein. Two mAb (IIIA2 and IIIB8) reacted with epitopes located within amino acid residues 1-12 of type 1 M protein. These antibodies opsonized type 1 streptococci and did not cross-react with human kidney and heart tissue. Another mAb (IC7) reacted with mesangial cells of renal glomeruli and human myocardium. The cross-reactive epitope of mAb IC7 was localized to position 13-19, indicating that it is not the same epitope as the previously described vimentin-cross-reactive epitope at position 23-26 of type 1 M protein. In Western blots of mesangial cell and myocardial proteins, mAb IC7 cross-reacted with a 43-kDa protein. Neither vimentin nor actin inhibited the binding of mAb IC7 to the cross-reactive protein, as determined by Western blot or immunofluorescence inhibition tests. These results provide evidence that type 1 M protein contains at least one autoimmune epitope shared with both human glomeruli and myocardium.  相似文献   

By taking advantage of the extensive homology found in the cytoplasmic domains of several cloned cadherin molecules, we were able to identify two species of cadherins in bovine aortic endothelial cells using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The two species of PCR products were subsequently used as DNA probes to isolate the corresponding cDNA clones from bovine adrenal microvascular endothelial cells. Sequence comparison with other characterized cadherin molecules indicates that the major cDNA species encodes a cadherin molecule highly homologous to chicken and mouse N-cadherins, while the minor species is most homologous to mouse and human P-cadherins. Northern blot analysis with the corresponding cDNA probe showed a wide distribution of bovine N-cadherin among non-neuronal, as well as neuronal tissues, while P-cadherin was most abundant in kidney among all the bovine tissues tested, but was undetectable in placenta.  相似文献   

Intracellular signaling pathways between the mitochondria and the nucleus are important in both normal and abnormal development in plants. The homeotic transformation of stamens into pistil-like structures (a phenomenon termed pistillody) in cytoplasmic substitution (alloplasmic) lines of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) has been suggested to be induced by mitochondrial retrograde signaling, one of the forms of intracellular communication. We showed previously that the mitochondrial gene orf260 could alter the expression of nuclear class B MADS-box genes to induce pistillody. To elucidate the interactions between orf260 and nuclear homeotic genes, we performed a microarray analysis to compare gene expression patterns in the young spikes of a pistillody line and a normal line. We identified five genes that showed higher expression levels in the pistillody line. Quantitative expression analysis using real-time PCR indicated that among these five genes, Wheat Calmodulin-Binding Protein 1 (WCBP1) was significantly upregulated in young spikes of the pistillody line. The amino acid sequence of WCBP1 was predicted from the full-length cDNA sequence and found to encode a novel plant calmodulin-binding protein. RT-PCR analysis indicated that WCBP1 was preferentially expressed in young spikes at an early stage and decreased during spike maturation, indicating that it was associated with spikelet/floret development. Furthermore, in situ hybridization analysis suggested that WCBP1 was highly expressed in the pistil-like stamens at early to late developmental stages. These results indicate that WCBP1 plays a role in formation and development of pistil-like stamens induced by mitochondrial retrograde signaling.  相似文献   

Normal and transformed human cells when stained for ezrin, an F-actin-binding ERM (ezrin/radixin/moesin) family protein, revealed a faint and intense immunofluorescence, respectively. Surprisingly, nuclear staining that was assigned to the nucleolus by confocal laser and immunoelectron microscopy was detected in both cell types and was more prominent in normal cells due to the absence of glistering cytoplasmic fluorescence. By Western analysis the nuclear fraction was seen to have a 55-kDa ezrin-reactive protein that did not react to the antibodies raised against the C-terminus of the protein, suggesting that it may correspond to an endogenously cleaved N-terminus of the protein. Transfections of cells with a cDNA encoding full-length ezrin tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) at its N-terminus indeed resulted in two GFP-tagged products corresponding to full-length and 55-kDa endogenously cleaved forms. Transfection with a cDNA encoding approximately 55 kDa of the ezrin N-terminus (N-ezrin) showed that it can translocate to the nucleus. N-ezrin transfected cells exhibited irregular cell edges and collapse of actin fibers. Similar changes were seen following microinjection of anti-p81/ezrin antibody, suggesting that N-ezrin may function as a dominant negative competitor of ezrin. These data demonstrate the existence of an N-terminal cleavage form of ezrin that localizes to the nucleolus and that its overexpression induces cytoskeletal changes.  相似文献   

Hyaluronic acid (HA) was extracted from the cell layer of cultured mouse dermal fibroblasts with 6 M guanidine HCl in the presence of 8% (w/v) Zwittergent. HA could be separated from the bulk of extracted proteins by consecutive isopycnic centrifugation and gel and ion-exchange chromatography under dissociative conditions. The final preparation was the complex of HA (viscosity average molecular weight approximately 2 x 10(6)) and a protein of Mr approximately 85,000 in a molar ratio of 1:1. Since the extraction procedure employed has been shown to break most noncovalent bonds between HA and proteins, they would appear to be covalently linked. However, the HA-binding protein remained unlabeled even after long incubation of the cells in the presence of a highly radioactive amino acid mixture, suggesting that it is an exogenous protein derived from the fetal calf serum added to culture medium. The presence of a HA-binding 85-kDa protein could in fact be demonstrated in fetal calf serum as well as sera from various other sources. This protein cross-reacted with antibodies raised against the HA-protein complex purified from cultured mouse dermal cells and was retained on octyl-Sepharose. Like the cell-derived 85-kDa protein, the serum 85-kDa protein, once bound to HA, could not be released from the complex by various dissociative procedures. These results, taken together, suggest that the hydrophobic serum protein can be intercalated into cell surface membranes, thereby mediating the binding of HA to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Dynamin-related proteins are high molecular weight GTPase proteins found in a variety of eukaryotic cells from yeast to human. They are involved in diverse biological processes that include endocytosis in animal cells and vacuolar protein sorting in yeast. We isolated a new gene, ADL2, that encodes a dynamin-like protein in Arabidopsis. The ADL2 cDNA is 2.68 kb in size and has an open reading frame for 809 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 90 kDa. Sequence analysis of ADL2 revealed a high degree of amino acid sequence similarity to other members of the dynamin superfamily. Among those members ADL2 was most closely related to Dnm1p of yeast and thus appears to be a member of the Vps1p subfamily. Expression studies showed that the ADL2 gene is widely expressed in various tissues with highest expression in flower tissues. In vivo targeting experiments showed that ADL2:smGFP fusion protein is localized to chloroplasts in soybean photoautroph cells. In addition experiments with deletion constructs revealed that the N-terminal 35 amino acid residues were sufficient to direct the smGFP into chloroplasts in tobacco protoplasts when expressed as a fusion protein.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharyltransferase has been purified from canine microsomal membranes as a protein complex with three nonidentical subunits of 66, 63/64, and 48 kDa. The 66- and 63/64-kDa subunits were found to be identical to ribophorins I and II, respectively. The ribophorins are integral membrane glycoproteins that were previously shown to be localized exclusively to the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The 48-kDa subunit (OST48) of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex is not a glycoprotein and is not recognized by antibodies to either ribophorin. Here, we describe the characterization of a cDNA clone that encodes OST48. Like ribophorins I and II, OST48 was found to be an integral membrane protein, with the majority of the polypeptide located within the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. OST48 does not show significant amino acid sequence homology to either ribophorin I or II. A 45-kDa integral membrane protein, designated WBP1, from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was found to be 25% identical in sequence to OST48. Recently, WBP1 was shown to be essential for in vivo and in vitro expression of oligosaccharyltransferase activity in yeast. We conclude that OST48 and WBP1 are homologous gene products.  相似文献   

A Ca2+-binding protein was purified from mouse Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells. The protein forms monomers and disulphide-linked dimers, which can be separated by reverse-phase h.p.l.c. A partial amino acid sequence analysis demonstrated that the protein has an EF-hand structure. A striking homology was found to rat and human calcyclin (a member of the S-100 protein family), which is possibly involved in cell-cycle regulation.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the mechanical forces acting on endothelial cells may be sensed in part by cell-matrix connections. We therefore studied the role of different matrix proteins, in particular laminin I, on a shear stress-dependent endothelial response, namely nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS) expression. Primary porcine aortic endothelial cells were seeded onto glass plates either noncoated (NC cells) or precoated with fibronectin (FN cells), laminin (LN cells), or collagen I (CN cells). Western blots were used to detect differences in the final matrix composition of these cells. A shear stress of 16 dyn/cm2 was applied for 6 h. Only LN cells showed detectable amounts of laminin I in their underlying matrix when they reached confluence. They reacted with a 2-fold increase of eNOS expression (n = 16, p < 0.001) to the exposure of shear stress, which went along with enhanced eNOS protein and NO release. In contrast, neither FN cells (n = 9) nor NC cells (n = 13) showed a significant increase of eNOS expression under shear stress. The increase in CN cells was borderline (1.4-fold; n = 9, p < 0.05) and was not associated with an increase of eNOS protein. The shear-induced increase in eNOS expression of LN cells was abolished by the peptide YIGSR, which blocks the cellular binding to laminin I via a 67-kDa laminin-binding protein, whereas a control peptide (YIGSK) had no effect. The induction of eNOS expression by shear stress is stimulated by an interaction of endothelial cells with laminin which is, at least in part, mediated by a 67-kDa laminin-binding protein.  相似文献   

Using immobilized PDGF receptor as an affinity reagent, we purified an 85 kd protein (p85) from cell lysates and we cloned its cDNA. The protein contains an SH3 domain and two SH2 domains that are homologous to domains found in several receptor-associated enzymes. Recombinant p85 overexpressed in mammalian cells inhibited the binding of endogenous p85 and a 110 kd protein to the receptor and also blocked the association of PI3-kinase activity with the receptor. Experiments with receptor mutants and with short peptides derived from the kinase insert region of the PDGF receptor showed that the recombinant p85 binds to a well-defined phosphotyrosine-containing sequence of the receptor. p85 appears to be the subunit of PI3-kinase that links the enzyme to the ligand-activated receptor.  相似文献   

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