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Rhizobium phaseoli symbiotic mutants with transposon Tn5 insertions.   总被引:15,自引:25,他引:15  
Rhizobium phaseoli CFN42 DNA was mutated by random insertion of Tn5 from suicide plasmid pJB4JI to obtain independently arising strains that were defective in symbiosis with Phaseolus vulgaris but grew normally outside the plant. When these mutants were incubated with the plant, one did not initiate visible nodule tissue (Nod-), seven led to slow nodule development (Ndv), and two led to superficially normal early nodule development but lacked symbiotic nitrogenase activity (Sna-). The Nod- mutant lacked the large transmissible indigenous plasmid pCFN42d that has homology to Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase (nif) genes. The other mutants had normal plasmid content. In the two Sna- mutants and one Ndv mutant, Tn5 had inserted into plasmid pCFN42d outside the region of nif homology. The insertions of the other Ndv mutants were apparently in the chromosome. They were not in plasmids detected on agarose gels, and, in contrast to insertions on indigenous plasmids, they were transmitted in crosses to wild-type strain CFN42 at the same frequency as auxotrophic markers and with the same enhancement of transmission by conjugation plasmid R68.45. In these Ndv mutants the Tn5 insertions were the same as or very closely linked to mutations causing the Ndv phenotype. However, in two mutants with Tn5 insertions on plasmid pCFN42d, an additional mutation on the same plasmid, rather than Tn5, was responsible for the Sna- or Ndv phenotype. When plasmid pJB4JI was transferred to two other R. phaseoli strains, analysis of symbiotic mutants was complicated by Tn5-containing deleted forms of pJB4JI that were stably maintained.  相似文献   

Seventeen arginine auxotrophic mutants of Sinorhizobium meliloti Rmd201 were isolated by random transposon Tn5 mutagenesis using Tn5 delivery vector pGS9. Based on intermediate feeding studies, these mutants were designated as argA/argB/argC/argD/argE (ornithine auxotrophs), argF/argI, argG and argH mutants. The ornithine auxotrophs induced ineffective nodules whereas all other arginine auxotrophs induced fully effective nodules on alfalfa plants. In comparison to the parental strain induced nodule, only a few nodule cells infected with rhizobia were seen in the nitrogen fixation zone of the nodule induced by the ornithine auxotroph. TEM studies showed that the bacteroids in the nitrogen fixation zone of ornithine auxotroph induced nodule were mostly spherical or oval unlike the elongated bacteroids in the nitrogen fixation zone of the parental strain induced nodule. These results indicate that ornithine or an intermediate of ornithine biosynthesis, or a chemical factor derived from one of these compounds is required for the normal development of nitrogen fixation zone and transformation of rhizobial bacteria into bacteroids during symbiosis of S. meliloti with alfalfa plants.  相似文献   

We have physically and genetically characterized 20 symbiotic and 20 auxotrophic mutants of Rhizobium meliloti, the nitrogen-fixing symbiont of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), isolated by transposon Tn5 mutagenesis. A "suicide plasmid" mutagenesis procedure was used to generate TN-5-induced mutants, and both auxotrophic and symbiotic mutants were found at a frequency of 0.3% among strains containing random TN5 insertions. Two classes of symbiotic mutants were isolated: 4 of the 20 formed no nodules at all (Nod-), and 16 formed nodules which failed to fix nitrogen (Fix-). We used a combination of physical and genetic criteria to determine that in most cases the auxotrophic and symbiotic phenotypes could be correlated with the insertion of a single Tn5 elements. Once the Tn5 element was inserted into the R. meliloti genome, the frequency of its transposition to a new site was approximately 10-8 and the frequency of precise excision was less than 10-9. In approximately 25% of the mutant strains, phage Mu DNA sequences, which originated from the suicide plasmid used to generate the Tn5 transpositions, were also found in the R. meliloti genome contiguous with Tn5. These later strains exhibited anomalous conjugation properties, and therefore we could not correlate the symbiotic phenotype with a Tn5 insertion. In general, we found that both physical and genetic tests were required to fully characterize transposon-induced mutations.  相似文献   

Outer membranes of Haemophilus influenzae type b were fractionated to yield Triton X-100-insoluble material and lipopolysaccharide and phospholipids. Liposomes reconstituted from lipopolysaccharide and phospholipids were impermeable to sucrose (Mr, 342) and to a high-molecular-weight dextran (average Mr, 6,600). When the Triton X-100-insoluble material was introduced into the reconstituted liposomes, the vesicles became permeable to sucrose, raffinose (Mr, 504), and stachyose (Mr, 666) and fully retained dextrans of Mr greater than 1,500. Inulin (average Mr, 1,400) was tested for its efflux from the reconstituted outer membrane vesicles; 62% of the added inulin was trapped. The molecular weight exclusion limit for the outer membrane of H. influenzae type b was therefore estimated at approximately 1,400. A protein responsible for the transmembrane diffusion of solutes was purified from H. influenzae type b by extraction of whole cells with cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide. When this extract was passed over DEAE-Sepharose, three protein-containing peaks (I, II, and III) were eluted. Peaks I and II contained mixtures of proteins as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; when tested for their pore-forming properties, these proteins were unable to render liposomes of lipopolysaccharide and phospholipid permeable to sucrose. Peak III contained only one molecular species of protein of molecular weight 40,000; this protein acted as a porin in reconstituted vesicles. The molecular weight exclusion limit for 40,000-molecular-weight protein matched the estimate of approximately 1,400 which was determined for outer membranes. A series of homologous saccharides of increasing degree of polymerization was prepared from agarose by hydrolysis with beta-agarase and fractionation on gel filtration chromatography. These oligosaccharides of Mr, 936, 1,242, 1,548, and 1,854 were assayed for retention by the complete vesicles containing 40-kilodalton protein and lipopolysaccharide and phospholipids. All of these oligosaccharides were lost by efflux through the porin. Since the molecular conformation of the largest oligosaccharide is an elongated semirigid helix, it is suggested that the pore formed by the 40-kilodalton protein does not act as a barrier to the diffusion of this compound.  相似文献   

When the "suicide" vector pSUP1011, which carries transposon Tn5 (Kmr), was introduced into Rhizobium japonicum USDA 110, kanamycin-resistant (Kmr) colonies were detected at a frequency (4.2 X 10-6) ca. 30 times greater than the spontaneous kanamycin resistance frequency (1.4 X 10-7). Ten thousand Kmr mutants were isolated and tested for nutritional auxotrophy. Auxotrophs were detected at a frequency of 0.5%. The following classes of auxotrophs were identified: adenine- (three), histidine- (three), glutamate- (five), adenine plus thiamine- (nine), uracil- (three), pantothenic acid- (one), tryptophan- (three), and methionine- (three). Mutants blocked in symbiotic nitrogen fixation (Fix-) were also identified at a frequency of 3%. The glutamate auxotrophs were studied in more detail, and all five showed an altered expression of nitrogenase activity in free-living cultures.  相似文献   

Two Rhizobium phaseoli mutants affected in cytochrome expression were obtained by Tn5-mob mutagenesis of the wild-type strain (CE3). Mutant strain CFN031 expressed sevenfold less cytochrome o in culture, expressed cytochrome aa3 under microaerophilic culture conditions, in contrast to strain CE3, and was affected in its vegetative growth properties and proliferation inside plant host cells. Mutant CFN037 expressed cytochrome aa3 under microaerophilic culture conditions, while bacteroid development and nitrogen fixation occurred earlier than in strain CE3.  相似文献   

Abstract The wild-type strain Rhodobacter sphaeroides DSM 158 is a nitrate-reducing bacterium with a periplasmic nitrate reductase. Addition of chlorate to the culture medium causes a stimulation of the phototrophic growth, indicating that this strain is able to use chlorate as an ancillary oxidant. Several mutant strains of R. sphaeroides deficient in nitrate reductase activity were obtained by transposon Tn5 mutagenesis. Mutant strain NR45 exhibited high constitutive nitrate and chlorate reductase activities and phototrophic growth was also increased by the presence of chlorate. In contrast, the stimulation of growth by chlorate was not observed in mutant strains NR8 and NR13, in which transposon Tn5 insertion causes the simultaneous loss of both nitrate and chlorate reductase activities. Tn5 insertion probably does not affect molybdenum metabolism since NR8 and NR13 mutants exhibit both xanthine dehydrogenase and nitrogenase activities. These results that a single enzyme could reduce both nitrate and chlorate in R. sphaeroides DSM 158.  相似文献   

1) Rhodobacter capsulatus (formerly Rhodopseudomonas capsulata) strain 37b4 was subjected to transposon Tn5 mutagenesis. 2) Kanamycin-resistant transconjugants were screened for their inability to reduce trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) as judged by the lack of alkali production during anaerobic growth on plates containing glucose as carbon source and cresol red as pH indicator. 3) Of 6 mutants examined, all were found to have considerably decreased levels of methylviologen-dependent TMAO reductase activity and dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) reductase activity. 4) Periplasmic fractions of one of these mutants (DK9) and of the parent strain were subjected to sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The gels were stained for TMAO-reductase and DMSO-reductase. With the wild-type strain, only a single polypeptide band, Mr=46,000, stained for TMAO and DMSO reductase activity. In mutant DK9 this band was not detectable. 5) In contrast to the parent strain, harvested washed cells of mutant DK9 were unable to generate a cytoplasmic membrane potential in the presence of TMAO or DMSO under dark anaerobic conditions. 6) In contrast to the parent strain, DK9 was unable to grow in dark anaerobic culture with fructose as the carbon source and TMAO as oxidant.Abbreviations TMAO trimethylamine-N-oxide - DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - PMS phenazine methosulphate - cytoplasmic membrane potential  相似文献   

Four Tn5-induced mutants of Rhizobium meliloti WSM419 were unable to grow or maintain intracellular pH at an external pH of 5.6. Restriction analysis of DNA fragments carrying Tn5 and flanking sequences cloned from these mutants indicated that all four cloned mutations are unique and that the two strains (TG1-6 and TG1-11) carry Tn5 insertions which are within 4.4 kilobases of each other on a single EcoRI fragment. Southern analysis of total mutant DNA indicated a single copy of Tn5 in each mutant. A limited cosmid gene bank of wild-type WSM419 DNA was probed for homology to mutant DNA cloned from the acid-sensitive mutants. Dot hybridization experiments identified one cosmid element within this bank carrying wild-type DNA sequences corresponding to DNA implicated in acid tolerance. This cosmid was able to complement defects in growth and intracellular pH maintenance in TG1-11 but not TG1-6.  相似文献   

Mutants with defective respiratory nitrite utilization (Nir- phenotype) were obtained by transposon Tn5 insertion into genomic DNA of the ZoBell strain of Pseudomonas stutzeri. Three representative mutants were characterized with respect to their activities of nitrite and nitric oxide reduction, cytochrome cd 1 content, and pattern of soluble c-type cytochromes. Mutant strain MK201 over-produced cytochrome c 552 about fourfold by comparison with the wild type, but possessed an in vitro functional cytochrome cd 1. Mutant strain MK202 lacked cytochrome cd 1 and, simultaneously, had low amounts of cytochrome c 552 and the split -peak c-type cytochrome. Strain MK203 synthesized nitrite reductase defective in the heme d 1 prosthetic group. Irrespective of these biochemically distinct Nir- phenotypes, all mutants preserved the nitric oxidereducing capability of the wild type. The mutant characteristics demonstrate that cytochrome cd 1 is essential for nitrite respiration of P. stutzeri and establish the presence of a nitric oxide-reducing system distinct from cytochrome cd 1. They also indicate the functional or regulatory interdependence of c-type cytochromes.  相似文献   

The relationship between whole-cell redox potential, cytochrome composition in free-living culture and symbiotic activity of Sinorhizobium meliloti was studied. Three Tn5-induced mutants with increased cellular redox potential were generated. Stationary cultures of mutants Tb9 and Tb16 in contrast to the parental strain produced the b-type terminal oxidase that may be similar to the symbiotically essential cytochrome oxidase cbb3 of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Increase in the symbiotic effectiveness of all three mutants and in O2 consumption rate in free-living cultures was observed. Mutants Tb1 and Tb16 were also characterized by an increase in fixNOQP gene expression. Consequently, the mutations probably affect at least two different steps of rhizobial respiratory metabolism operating both in free-living cells and endosymbiotic forms.  相似文献   

Summary Two derivatives of the prokaryotic transposon Tn5 were constructed in vitro. In Tn5-233, the central area of Tn5, which carries resistance to kanamycin/neomycin, bleomycin and streptomycin, is replaced by a fragment carrying resistance to the aminocyclitol antibiotics gentamycin/kanamycin and streptomycin/spectinomycin. In Tn5-235, the Escherichia coli -galactosidase gene is inserted within the streptomycin resistance gene of Tn5, and constitutively expressed from a Tn5 promoter. Both constructs transpose with about the same frequency as Tn5 in Escherichia coli and Rhizobium meliloti. When a Tn5-derivative is introduced into an R. meliloti strain which already contains a different Tn5-derivative, in situ transposon replacement is obtained at high frequency, presumably by a pair of crossovers between the IS50 sequences at the ends of the incoming and resident transposons. In this way we converted a previously isolated recA::Tn5 mutant into the corresponding recA::Tn5-233 strain, which can now be used as a genetic background in the study of complementation of other Tn5-induced mutations. We also replaced the drug markers of several Tn5-induced exo mutants, which we were then able to map relative to each other by transduction with phage M12. In a strain carrying Tn5-235 located near Tn5-233, we were able to isolate deletions of the intervening markers, presumably resulting from general recombination between the two transposons, by screening for loss of the Lac+ phenotype. Unlike Tn5 itself, resident Tn5-233 does not appear to suppress transposition of another incoming Tn5-derivative.Abbreviations bp base pairs - Nm neomycin - Km kanamycin - Sm streptomycin - Sp spectinomycin - Gm gentamycin - Tc tetracycline - Tp trimethoprim - Ot oxytetracycline - Rf rifampicin - Xgal 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--d-galactoside  相似文献   

We studied the symbiotic behaviour of 20 independent Tn5 mutants of Rhizobium tropici strain CIAT899 that were deficient in exopolysaccharide (EPS) production. The mutants produced non-mucoid colonies, were motile, grew in broth cultures at rates similar to those of the parent, and produced significantly less EPS than did CIAT899 in broth culture. A genomic library of strain CIAT899, constructed in pLA2917, was mobilized into all of the mutants, and cosmids that restored EPS production were identified. EcoRI restriction digests of the cosmids revealed nine unique inserts. Mutant complementation and hybridization analysis showed that the mutations affecting EPS production fell into six functional and physical linkage groups. On bean, the mutants were as efficient in nodulation and as effective in acetylene reduction as strain CIAT899, induced a severe interveinal chlorosis, and all but one were less competitive than CIAT899. On siratro, CIAT899 induced nodules that were ineffective in acetylene reduction, whereas the EPS-deficient mutants induced effective nodules. Microscopic examination of thin sections showed that nodules from both siratro and bean plants inoculated with either CIAT899 or an EPS-deficient mutant contained infected cells. These data indicate that EPS is not required for normal nodulation of bean by R. tropici, that it may contribute to competitiveness of R. tropici on bean, and that the loss of EPS production is accompanied by acquisition of the ability to reduce acetylene on siratro.  相似文献   

Symbiotically defective mutants of cowpea rhizobia strain IRC256 were isolated by random Tn5 mutagenesis and characterized. One auxotroph (MS1) requiring adenine and thiamine was a non-nodulating mutant (Nod) and three prototrophic mutants were Nod+ Fix which formed small and ineffective nodules on cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata). Acetylene reduction activity of the Nod+ Fix mutants was reduced to 80–94% of that of the wild-type strain. The non-nodulating mutant (MS1) induced root-hair curling but did not show any nodule initiation or nodule development. Ultrastructural examination of nodules formed by Fix mutants showed that these contained few bacteroids, indicating either early senescence or a reduction in bacterial release into the cytoplasm of the host cell. DNA hybridization of total DNAs from a representative number of Tn5 mutants showed that each of them had one copy of the transposon Tn5 which was randomly inserted into the genome of cowpea rhizobia.  相似文献   

Sharma  Shashi B.  Sakadevan  K.  Sharma  Sunila 《Plant and Soil》1997,189(2):221-229
Azide-resistant (AzR) mutants of Rhizobium loti strain NZP2037 were isolated. Mutations conferring azide resistance (azi) appeared at a frequency of 0.5 × 10-7. Nine AzR mutants of R. loti were characterised for their symbiotic behaviour with Lotus pedunculatus plants. In comparison to the wild type parent strain, AzR mutants exhibited either similar or higher symbiotic effectiveness. The azi mutations which enhanced nitrogen fixation as well as improving shoot dry weight of the inoculated plants also increased nodulation. Unlike several azi mutations in Escherichia coli, these azi mutations did not alter sensitivity of R. loti to phenethyl alcohol. One of the AzR mutants exhibited higher micro-aerobic, N, N, N, N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) oxidase activity.  相似文献   

Abstrat Two transposon-induced pyrimidine auxotrophic mutants ofPseudomonas cepacia were analyzed. The enzyme analysis of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway withinP. cepacia was conducted to biochemically characterize these mutants. Both mutants were found to have a defect in dihydroorotase dehydrogenase, the enzyme that converts dihydroorotic acid to orotic acid. We also found that inP. cepacia cytidine 5-triphosphate (CTP) inhibited the activity of aspartate transcarbamylase.  相似文献   

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