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A pregnant mouse model was developed to follow the course of infection after peroral inoculation with six different strains of Listeria monocytogenes and one strain of Listeria innocua. Tissues were sampled and analyzed by microbiologic and histologic methods for 5 days postinoculation. In gnotobiotic pregnant BALB/c mice, L. monocytogenes Scott A (SA), serotype 4b, colonized the gastrointestinal tract, translocated to the livers and spleens of mice by day 1 postinoculation, and multiplied in these tissues until day 4. Infection of the placental tissues occurred by days 3 and 4 and was followed by infection of the fetuses. Little damage of colonic and cecal tissues was evident by histologic examination. Livers and spleens showed a cellular immune response; a similar immune response was not detected in the placentas or fetuses. A rough variant of L. monocytogenes SA which was as virulent as the parent strain in mice when injected intraperitoneally was less virulent perorally and did not consistently infect the fetuses. L. monocytogenes ATCC 19113, serotype 3a, did not colonize the gastrointestinal tract, nor was it isolated from any internal tissue. L. monocytogenes strains of serotypes 1/2a and 1/2b behaved like the SA strain in this mouse model. L. innocua colonized the gastrointestinal tract and translocated to the livers and spleens but did not survive in these organs and rapidly disappeared without infecting placental and fetal tissues. In comparison with gnotobiotic mice, conventional pregnant mice inoculated with L. monocytogenes strains showed less consistent infection. These results suggest that the gnotobiotic pregnant mouse is a useful model for detecting differences in virulence relating to colonization, invasiveness, and uteroplacental infection which cannot be detected by intraperitoneal inoculation of mice.  相似文献   

Identification of bona fide Listeria isolates into the six species of the genus normally requires only a few tests. Aberrant isolates do occur, but even then only one or two extra confirmatory tests are generally needed for identification to species level. We have discovered a hemolytic-positive, rhamnose and xylose fermentation-negative Listeria strain with surprising recalcitrance to identification to the species level due to contradictory results in standard confirmatory tests. The issue had to be resolved by using total DNA-DNA hybridization testing and then confirmed by further specific PCR-based tests including a Listeria microarray assay. The results show that this isolate is indeed a novel one. Its discovery provides the first fully documented instance of a hemolytic Listeria innocua strain. This species, by definition, is typically nonhemolytic. The L. innocua isolate contains all the members of the PrfA-regulated virulence gene cluster (Listeria pathogenicity island 1) of L. monocytogenes. It is avirulent in the mouse pathogenicity test. Avirulence is likely at least partly due to the absence of the L. monocytogenes-specific allele of iap, as well as the absence of inlA, inlB, inlC, and daaA. At least two of the virulence cluster genes, hly and plcA, which encode the L. monocytogenes hemolysin (listeriolysin O) and inositol-specific phospholipase C, respectively, are phenotypically expressed in this L. innocua strain. The detection by PCR assays of specific L. innocua genes (lin0198, lin0372, lin0419, lin0558, lin1068, lin1073, lin1074, lin2454, and lin2693) and noncoding intergenic regions (lin0454-lin0455 and nadA-lin2134) in the strain is consistent with its L. innocua DNA-DNA hybridization identity. Additional distinctly different hemolytic L. innocua strains were also studied.  相似文献   

Differences in the 16S rRNA genes (16S rDNA) which can be used to discriminate Listeria monocytogenes from Listeria innocua have been detected. The 16S rDNA were amplified by polymerase chain reaction with a set of oligonucleotide primers which flank a 1.5-kb fragment. Sequence differences were observed in the V2 region of the 16S rDNA both between L. monocytogenes Scott A and L. innocua and between different L. monocytogenes serotypes. Although L. monocytogenes SLCC2371 had the same V2 region sequence as L. innocua, the two species were different within the V9 region at nucleotides 1259 and 1292, in agreement with previous studies (R.-F. Wang, W.-W. Cao, and M.G. Johnson, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57:3666-3670, 1991). Intraspecies discrimination of L. monocytogenes strains was achieved by using the patterns generated by random amplified polymorphic DNA primers. Although some distinction can be made within the L. monocytogenes species by their 16S rDNA sequence, a far greater discrimination within species could be made by generating random amplified polymorphic DNA patterns from chromosomal DNA. By using a number of 10-bp primers, unique patterns for each isolate which in all cases examined differentiate between various L. monocytogenes serotypes, even though they may have the same 16S rRNA sequences, could be generated.  相似文献   

Hexanoic acid and octanoic acid inhibited growth of 10 strains of Listeria monocytogenes and two strains of L. innocua at pH 5·0 and pH 5·5 and 20°C. Octanoic acid was more inhibitory than hexanoic acid and both were more inhibitory at pH 5·0 than at pH 5·5. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were comparable with the concentrations of these acids that have been reported in Danish Blue cheese, where they were probably formed by the metabolism of Penicillium roquefortii . Thus hexanoic and octanoic acids may contribute to the inhibition of listerias in some cheeses.  相似文献   

Clamped homogeneous electric field analysis of Listeria DNA with ApaI, AscI, SmaI, or NotI revealed species- and serotype-specific differences in genomic fingerprints. Clamped homogeneous electric field analysis may prove useful, therefore, in epidemiologic studies. Also, the summation of individually sized AscI fragments of genomic DNA from L. monocytogenes serotype 4b 101M and Scott A indicated genome lengths of 2,925 and 3,046 kb, respectively.  相似文献   

Clamped homogeneous electric field analysis of Listeria DNA with ApaI, AscI, SmaI, or NotI revealed species- and serotype-specific differences in genomic fingerprints. Clamped homogeneous electric field analysis may prove useful, therefore, in epidemiologic studies. Also, the summation of individually sized AscI fragments of genomic DNA from L. monocytogenes serotype 4b 101M and Scott A indicated genome lengths of 2,925 and 3,046 kb, respectively.  相似文献   

Eight hundred fifty-nine murine hybridomas were produced from eight fusions, and 27 were characterized for secretion of antibodies reactive to Listeria monocytogenes. One monoclonal antibody (MAb), P5C9, reacted with all test strains of L. monocytogenes (31 of 31), L. innocua (3 of 3), and L. welshimeri (1 of 1) but not with any strains of the other four Listeria species or with any of 22 gram-positive or 11 gram-negative species of bacteria when tested in microtiter and dot blot enzyme immunoassays. Of the other 26 antibodies, 20 reacted with either L. monocytogenes Scott A or V7 and with some or all of the other six Listeria species but also cross-reacted with some or all of the non-Listeria bacteria tested. MAb P5C9 is of the immunoglobulin G1 murine subclass. In Western blot (immunoblot) analyses, this MAb reacted with a single antigen with a molecular weight of 18,500, and it is shared in common with all three reactive species, L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, and L. welshimeri. This antigen was extracted with detergent and appeared to be cell bound.  相似文献   

The ability of the divalent cations magnesium, iron, calcium and manganese; yeast extract; pyruvate; catalase; and the carbohydrates glucose, lactose, sucrose, esculin, fructose, galactose, maltose, and mannose to facilitate repair of heat-injured Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria innocua was evaluated. Listeria populations were injured by heating at 56 degrees C for 50 min. To determine the effects on repair, Trypticase soy broth (TSB) was supplemented with each medium component to be evaluated. Repair occurred to various degrees within 5 h in TSB supplemented with glucose, lactose, sucrose, yeast extract, pyruvate, or catalase. Chelex-exchanged TSB was supplemented with divalent cations; magnesium and iron cations were found to have a role in repair. Listeria repair broth (LRB) was formulated by utilizing the components that had the greatest impact upon repair. When incubated in LRB, heat-injured Listeria cells completed repair in 5 h. After the repair, acriflavin, nalidixic acid, and cycloheximide were added to LRB to yield final concentrations identical to those of the selective enrichment broths used in the procedures of the Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The efficacy of LRB in promoting repair and enrichment of heat-injured Listeria cells was compared with that of existing selective enrichment broths. Repair was not observed in the Food and Drug Administration enrichment broth, Listeria enrichment broth, or University of Vermont enrichment broth. The final Listeria populations after 24 h of incubation in selective enrichment media were 1.7 x 10(8) to 9.1 x 10(8) CFU/ml; populations in LRB consistently averaged 2.5 x 10(11) to 8.2 x 10(11) CFU/ml.  相似文献   

The ability of the divalent cations magnesium, iron, calcium and manganese; yeast extract; pyruvate; catalase; and the carbohydrates glucose, lactose, sucrose, esculin, fructose, galactose, maltose, and mannose to facilitate repair of heat-injured Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria innocua was evaluated. Listeria populations were injured by heating at 56 degrees C for 50 min. To determine the effects on repair, Trypticase soy broth (TSB) was supplemented with each medium component to be evaluated. Repair occurred to various degrees within 5 h in TSB supplemented with glucose, lactose, sucrose, yeast extract, pyruvate, or catalase. Chelex-exchanged TSB was supplemented with divalent cations; magnesium and iron cations were found to have a role in repair. Listeria repair broth (LRB) was formulated by utilizing the components that had the greatest impact upon repair. When incubated in LRB, heat-injured Listeria cells completed repair in 5 h. After the repair, acriflavin, nalidixic acid, and cycloheximide were added to LRB to yield final concentrations identical to those of the selective enrichment broths used in the procedures of the Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The efficacy of LRB in promoting repair and enrichment of heat-injured Listeria cells was compared with that of existing selective enrichment broths. Repair was not observed in the Food and Drug Administration enrichment broth, Listeria enrichment broth, or University of Vermont enrichment broth. The final Listeria populations after 24 h of incubation in selective enrichment media were 1.7 x 10(8) to 9.1 x 10(8) CFU/ml; populations in LRB consistently averaged 2.5 x 10(11) to 8.2 x 10(11) CFU/ml.  相似文献   

A total of 245 strains of Listeria monocytogenes, representing 33 different electrophoretic types (ETs), were examined quantitatively for haemolytic activity. No significant difference was observed in the mean haemolytic activity between different ETs. Eighty four out of 91 strains examined were found to be virulent for chick embryos. Strains belonging to ET 2 and ET 4 were found to be less virulent than strains of other ETs (P = 0.0447). Furthermore, strains from clinical cases were found to be more virulent (P = 0.0002) than strains from foods (the MTD among clinical strains was 2.46 in mean compared with 3.64 among food isolates). The explanation for this may be that more virulent strains are more prone to cause human infection. It is, however, also possible that strains of L. monocytogenes may become more virulent while multiplying in a living organism compared with multiplying in foods.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether the in vitro model (invasion and intracellular growth in Caco-2 cells) for determining virulence is a suitable alternative to the in vivo model (50% lethal dose), we compared the levels of virulence obtained with the two models. We tested L. monocytogenes strains isolated from food and clinical samples during three episodes of listeriosis occurring in Italy in the period 1993-1995. We also tested L. monocytogenes strains isolated from food during official control activities. The results obtained from the tested strains varied according to the experimental method adopted: the L. monocytogenes strains featuring the same genetic pattern showed a greater uniformity of response in vivo than in vitro. We can conclude that the in vitro model may be used as an alternative to the animal model to determine Listeria spp pathogenicity, though it cannot distinguish levels of virulence within the L. monocytogenes species.  相似文献   

Abstract The serological response in rabbits against Listeria monocytogenes after oral or intragastric inoculation was investigated. Both the number of sero-positive and the average serum titres were hgher in animals inoculated by the oral route. This difference was especially marked in rabbits inoculated with the lower dose (1×103 colony-forming units (cfu)), which developed a strong serological response (average serum titre of 1280 after 4 inoculations) in most of the inoculated animals (80%), without any clinical signs. The implication of these results in the epidemiology of listeriosis is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study we propose a novel bacterial vaccine strategy where non-pathogenic bacteria are complemented with traits desirable for the induction of protective immunity. To illustrate the proof of principle of this novel vaccination strategy, we use the model organism of intracellular immunity Listeria. We introduced a, low copy number BAC-plasmid harbouring the virulence gene cluster (vgc) of L. monocytogenes (Lm) into the non-pathogenic L. innocua (L.inn) strain and examined for its ability to induce protective cellular immunity. The resulting strain (L.inn::vgc) was attenuated for virulence in vivo and showed a strongly reduced host detrimental inflammatory response compared to Lm. Like Lm, L.inn::vgc induced the production of Type I Interferon's and protection was mediated by Listeria-specific CD8(+) T cells. Rational vaccine design whereby avirulent strains are equipped with the capabilities to induce protection but lack detrimental inflammatory effects offer great promise towards future studies using non-pathogenic bacteria as vectors for vaccination.  相似文献   

The atypical hemolytic Listeria innocua strains PRL/NW 15B95 and J1-023 were previously shown to contain gene clusters analogous to the pathogenicity island (LIPI-1) present in the related foodborne gram-positive facultative intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, which causes listeriosis. LIPI-1 includes the hemolysin gene, thus explaining the hemolytic activity of the atypical L. innocua strains. No other L. monocytogenes-specific virulence genes were found to be present. In order to investigate whether any other specific L. monocytogenes genes could be identified, a global approach using a Listeria biodiversity DNA array was applied. According to the hybridization results, the isolates were defined as L. innocua strains containing LIPI-1. Surprisingly, evidence for the presence of the L. monocytogenes-specific inlA gene, previously thought to be absent, was obtained. The inlA gene codes for the InlA protein which enables bacterial entry into some nonprofessional phagocytic cells. PCR and sequence analysis of this region revealed that the flanking genes of the inlA gene at the upstream, 5'-end region were similar to genes found in L. monocytogenes serotype 4b isolates, whereas the organization of the downstream, 3'-end region was similar to that typical of L. innocua. Sequencing of the inlA region identified a small stretch reminiscent of the inlB gene of L. monocytogenes. The presence of two clusters of L. monocytogenes-specific genes makes it unlikely that PRL/NW 15B95 and J1-023 are L. innocua strains altered by horizontal transfer. It is more likely that they are distinct relics of the evolution of L. innocua from an ancestral L. monocytogenes, as postulated by others.  相似文献   

In order to study pregnancy-induced changes in cell-mediated immunity to Listeria monocytogenes, acquired resistance and T cell functions in pregnant mice were compared with those in nonpregnant mice after immunization with viable listerial cells. Impaired generation of acquired resistance was evident in pregnant mice from the impaired elimination of bacteria and poor survival after secondary challenge. Delayed footpad reactivity to listerial antigen was also lower in the pregnant mice. When immune spleen cells were examined for their ability to produce macrophage activating factor in vitro, culture supernatants from pregnant-mouse spleen cells with listerial antigen showed far less ability to render macrophages cytostatic for P815 mastocytoma cells. To elucidate further the impairment of listeria-immune T cell generation in pregnant mice, a local transfer experiment was carried out. When a given number of immune spleen cells was transferred locally into the footpads of naive mice, both delayed footpad reaction and local protection were much lower in the pregnant mice. This local transferability of the reactions was abrogated after treatment of cells with anti-Thy 1 antibody plus complement. These findings indicate that pregnancy impairs the generation of specific T cells capable of contributing to acquired resistance to L. monocytogenes. Possible mechanisms for this impairment and the relationship to macrophage functions are discussed.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b has been implicated in numerous food-borne epidemics and in a substantial fraction of sporadic listeriosis. A unique lineage of the nonpathogenic species Listeria innocua was found to express teichoic acid-associated surface antigens that were otherwise expressed only by L. monocytogenes of serotype 4b and the rare serotypes 4d and 4e. These L. innocua strains were also found to harbor sequences homologous to the gene gtcA, which has been shown to be essential for teichoic acid glycosylation in L. monocytogenes serotype 4b. Transposon mutagenesis and genetic studies revealed that the gtcA gene identified in this lineage of L. innocua was functional in serotype 4b-like glycosylation of the teichoic acids of these organisms. The genomic organization of the gtcA region was conserved between this lineage of L. innocua and L. monocytogenes serotype 4b. Our data are in agreement with the hypothesis that, in this lineage of L. innocua, gtcA was acquired by lateral transfer from L. monocytogenes serogroup 4. The high degree of nucleotide sequence conservation in the gtcA sequences suggests that such transfer was relatively recent. Transfer events of this type may alter the surface antigenic properties of L. innocua and may eventually lead to evolution of novel pathogenic lineages through additional acquisition of genes from virulent listeriae.  相似文献   

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