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Several barophilic Shewanella species have been isolated from deep-sea sediments at depths of 2,485– 6,499 m. From the results of taxonomic studies, all of these isolates have been identified as strains of Shewanella benthica except for strain DSS12. Strain DSS12 is a member of a novel, moderately barophilic Shewanella species isolated from the Ryukyu Trench at a depth of 5,110 m. On Marine Agar 2216 plates, this organism produced a violet pigment, whereas the colonies of other isolates (S. benthica) were rose-colored. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16 S ribosomal RNA gene sequences showed that strain DSS12 represents a separate lineage within the genus Shewanella that is closely related to S. benthica and particularly to the members of the Shewanella barophiles branch. The temperature range for growth and some of the biochemical characteristics indicate that strain DSS12 differs from other Shewanella species. Furthermore, strain DSS12 displayed a low level of DNA similarity to the Shewanella type strains. Based on these differences, it is proposed that strain DSS12 represents a new deep-sea Shewanella species. The name Shewanella violacea (JCM 10179) is proposed. Received: 15 May 1998 / Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   

Monomeric cytochrome c5 from deep-sea piezophilic Shewanella violacea (SVcytc5) was stable against heat and denaturant compared with the homologous protein from shallow-sea piezo-sensitive Shewanella livingstonensis (SLcytc5). Here, the SVcytc5 crystal structure revealed that the Lys-50 side chain on the flexible loop formed a hydrogen bond with heme whereas that of corresponding hydrophobic Leu-50 could not form such a bond in SLcytc5, which appeared to be one of possible factors responsible for the difference in stability between the two proteins. This structural insight was confirmed by a reciprocal mutagenesis study on the thermal stability of these two proteins. As SVcytc5 was isolated from a deep-sea piezophilic bacterium, the present comparative study indicates that adaptation of monomeric SVcytc5 to high pressure environments results in stabilization against heat.  相似文献   

We have cloned the rpoZ gene, encoding RNA polymerase omega protein, by PCR approach from the deep-sea piezophilic and psychrophilic bacterium, Shewanella violacea strain DSS12. The cloned gene, 285bp in length, was found to encode a protein consisting of 94 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 10,327 Da. Significant homology was evident comparing the RpoZ protein of S. violacea with that of Shewanella oneidensis (69% identity), Vibrio cholerae (65% identity), Escherichia coli K-12 (64% identity) and Haemophilus influenzae (61% identity). From the Northern blot analysis, S. violacea rpoZ gene was expressed constitutively under pressure conditions of 0.1, 30 and 50MPa. We constructed expression plasmid to overproduce the RpoZ protein and transformed into E. coli JM109 as a host of overproduction. Upon induction, the recombinant protein encoded by plasmid pQrpoZ was overexpressed and purified using Ni2+ affinity column.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that a sigma(54)-like factor recognizes a DNA element, designated as region A, upstream of a pressure-regulated operon in piezophilic Shewanella violacea strain DSS12 (Nakasone et al., FEMS Microbiology Lett. 176 (1999) 351-356). In this study, we isolated and characterized the rpoN gene of this piezophilic bacterium. The rpoN gene was found to encode a putative protein consisting of 492 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 55359 Da. Significant homology was evident comparing the rpoN sequence of S. violacea with that of Escherichia coli (62.8% identity), Vibrio anguillarum (61.7% identity) and Pseudomonas putida (57.0% identity). The DNA-binding domain at the C-terminus of sigma(54) is well conserved in the case of the S. violacea rpoN gene product and the helix-turn-helix motif and the RpoN box are also present. In addition, the conserved glutamine-rich domain is present at the N-terminus. sigma(54) in S. violacea was expressed at a relatively constant level under various growth conditions as determined by both primer extension and Western blotting analyses. By means of a recombinant plasmid, a hexahistidine-tagged derivative of the sigma(54) from strain DSS12 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to near homogeneity. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay demonstrated that the purified sigma(54) protein specifically recognizes region A in the above-mentioned pressure-regulated operon.  相似文献   

The rpoE gene encoding an RNA polymerase sigmaE subunit was isolated from a gamma-phage library of the deep-sea piezophilic and psychrophilic bacterium Shewanella violacea strain DSS12. Structual analysis showed that the gene organization of the fragment containing S. violacearpoE was the l-aspartate oxidase-coding gene, rpoE, rseA, rseB and rseC in that order, the same as in the case of Photobacterium profundum SS9 and Escherichia coli K-12. The cloned gene, 576 bp in length, was found to encode a protein consisting of 192 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 21,806 Da. Amino acid alignment of the RpoE protein showed that the functional domains responsible for DNA recognition, DNA melting, core binding, and RseA interaction were highly conserved. We purified hexahistidine-fused RpoE protein by constructing an overexpression plasmid. Core-binding analysis revealed that the cloned RpoE protein has the ability to bind with core RNA polymerase as a sigma factor.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the principal a factor (rpoD) of the piezophilic bacterium Shewanella violacea was cloned and sequenced. The rpoD gene was found to encode a polypeptide consisting of 614 amino acid residues, showing 75.6 and 64.3% identity to those of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida, respectively. Comparison with E. coli sigma70 and P. putida sigma70 showed that significant similarity exists in four conserved regions known to be required for promoter recognition and core binding. Using an expression plasmid harboring the rpoD gene, the S. violacea sigma70 factor was overexpressed in E. coli and successfully purified to near homogeneity.  相似文献   

Summary The gene rpoA, encoding a protein homologous to the alpha subunit of RNA polymerase from Escherichia coli has been located in pea chloroplast DNA downstream of the petD gene for subunit IV of the cytochrome b-f complex. Nucleotide sequence analysis has revealed that rpoA encodes a polypeptide of 334 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 38916. Northern blot analysis has shown that rpoA is co-transcribed with the gene for ribosomal protein S11. A lacZ-rpoA gene-fusion has been constructed and expressed in E. coli. Antibodies raised against the fusion protein have been employed to demonstrate the synthesis of the rpoA gene product in isolated pea chloroplasts. Western blot analysis using these antibodies and antibodies against the RNA polymerase core enzyme from the cyanobacterium, Anabaena 7120, has revealed the presence of the gene product in a crude RNA polymerase preparation from pea chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The karyopherin alpha1 (LeKAPalpha 1) gene of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) encodes a receptor involved in nuclear import. To analyze the expression pattern of this gene, a genomic clone containing its upstream region was isolated and sequenced. To study the promoter functionality, a 2170 bp fragment (LM1), was fused to glucuronidase (GUS) and introduced into petunia cells by particle bombardment. For further characterization of the promoter, one inverse and three deletion constructs were studied in cell suspension. To follow its expression in tobacco leaves, transgenic plants expressing GUS under the control of the LM1 promoter were made. Expression of LM1-GUS was largely restricted to actively growing leaf regions, suggesting possible involvement of active cell division and plant growth regulators in LeKAPalpha 1 expression.  相似文献   

Summary Linker-insertion mutagenesis was used to isolate mutations in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene encoding the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RP021, also called RPBI). The mutant rpo21 alleles carried on a plamid were introduced into a haploid yeast strain that conditionally expresses RP021 from the inducible promoter pGAL10. Growth of this strain on medium containing glucose is sustained only if the plasmid-borne rpo21 allele encodes a functional protein. Of nineteen linker-insertion alleles tested, five (rpo21-4 to –8) were found that impose a temperature-sensitive (ts) lethal phenotype on yeast cells. Four of these five is alleles encode mutant proteins in which the site of insertion lies near one of the regions of the largest subunit that have been conserved during evolution. Two of the is mutants (rpo21-4 and rpo21-7) display pleiotropic phenotypes, including an auxotrophy for inositol and a decreased proliferation rate at the permissive temperature. The functional relationship between RP021 and RP026, the gene encoding the 17.9 kDa subunit shared by RNA polymerases 1, 11, and III was investigated by determining the ability of increased dosage of RP026 to suppress the is phenotype imposed by rpo21-4 to –8. Suppression of the is defect was specific for the rpo21-4 allele and was accompanied by co-suppression of the inositol auxotrophy. These results suggest that mutations in the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II can have profound effects on the expression of specific subsets of genes, such as those involved in the metabolism of inositol. In the rpo21-4 mutant, these pleiotropic phenotypes can be attributed to a defective interaction between the largest subunit and the RP026 subunit of RNA polymerase II.  相似文献   

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