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In humans and rhesus monkeys, click-evoked otoacoustic emissions (CEOAEs) are stronger in females than in males, and there is considerable circumstantial evidence that this sex difference is attributable to the greater exposure to androgens prenatally in males. Because female spotted hyenas are highly androgenized beginning early in prenatal development, we expected an absence of sexual dimorphism in the CEOAEs of this species. The CEOAEs obtained from 9 male and 7 female spotted hyenas confirmed that expectation. The implication is that the marked androgenization to which female spotted hyenas are exposed masculinizes the cochlear mechanism responsible for CEOAEs. The CEOAEs measured in 3 male and 3 female hyenas that had been treated with anti-androgenic agents during prenatal development were stronger than the CEOAEs of the untreated animals, in accord with the implied inverse relationship between prenatal androgen exposure and the strength of the cochlear mechanisms producing CEOAEs. The CEOAEs of three ovariectomized females and two castrated males were essentially the same as those for the untreated females and males, suggesting that there is little or no activational effect of hormones on CEOAE strength in spotted hyenas. Distortion product OAEs (DPOAEs) also were measured. Those sex differences also were generally small (as they are in humans), and the effects of the anti-androgen agents were inconsistent. Thus, prenatal androgen exposure apparently does affect OAEs, but the effects appear to be greater for the reflection-based cochlear mechanism that underlies CEOAEs than for the nonlinear cochlear mechanism underlying DPOAEs.  相似文献   

Prenatal androgen shapes genital differentiation. In humans, genital anatomy determines sex of rearing and subsequent behavioral development. Rhesus monkey genital anatomy and neuroendocrine function are sexually differentiated, and behavioral development occurs in a complex social environment. We investigated prenatal hormonal influences on sexual differentiation by suppressing or increasing androgens in male and female rhesus monkeys. Pregnant multiparous female rhesus monkeys received 35-40 days of testosterone enanthate (TE) treatment, androgen antagonist (flutamide, FL) treatment, or vehicle starting on gestation day (GD) 35 or 40 (early) or GD 110 or 115 (late). Exogenous androgen increased neonatal LH secretion in females when given early and altered female genital differentiation when administered either early or late. TE treatment, early or late in gestation, had no measurable effects on male genital differentiation or neuroendocrine function. Early FL treatment, however, radically altered male genital differentiation, producing in two cases males with a urethral opening separate from the glans. In females, early FL treatment produced detectable alterations in genitalia consistent with a reduced exposure to prenatal androgen, suggesting that female rhesus monkeys are naturally exposed prenatally to meaningful levels of T. Late FL treatment reduced male penis size and increased neonatal T secretion, but had no effect in females. This is the first study to block endogenous prenatal testosterone in rhesus monkeys, thereby altering sexual differentiation. These findings illustrate the complexity of prenatal influences on anatomical and neuroendocrine development. The relationship between the anatomical changes reported here and sex differences in behavior is currently under investigation.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that female dominance in spotted hyenas evolved due to selection for "hyperaggressive" androgenized females. According to this view, virilized external genitalia of female hyenas developed as a byproduct of selection for "androgen-facilitated social dominance." The evidence that female hyenas have higher androgen levels than males or other female mammals is inconclusive. We compared concentrations of testosterone (T), 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and androstenedione (AE) from a population in the Serengeti. Females had significantly lower T and DHT levels than predispersal and postdispersal males. AE levels did not significantly differ between females and postdispersal males, but were significantly lower in predispersal males. Our results, and those from studies that have demonstrated that male and female hyenas experience similar levels of maternal androgens during fetal development, provide little support for a theory of selection for female dominance and hyperaggressiveness through enhanced secretion of androgens. Our data are consistent with an alternative view that female virilization is a byproduct of selection for precocial aggressive cubs of both sexes. According to this view, high investment in lactation favored selection for accelerated fetal development, high neonatal aggression, and facultative siblicide.  相似文献   

Preovulatory GnRH and LH surges depend on activation of estrogen (E2)-inducible progesterone receptors (PGRs) in the preoptic area (POA). Surges do not occur in males, or in perinatally androgenized females. We sought to determine whether prenatal androgen exposure suppresses basal or E2-induced Pgr mRNA expression or E2-induced LH surges (or both) in adulthood, and whether any such effects may be mediated by androgen receptor activation. We also assessed whether prenatal androgens alter subsequent GnRH pulsatility. Pregnant rats received testosterone or vehicle daily on Embryonic Days 16-19. POA-hypothalamic tissues were obtained in adulthood for PgrA and PgrB (PgrA+B) mRNA analysis. Females that had prenatal exposure to testosterone (pT) displayed reduced PgrA+B mRNA levels (P < 0.01) compared with those that had prenatal exposure to vehicle (pV). Additional pregnant animals were treated with vehicle or testosterone, or with 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). In adult ovariectomized offspring, estradiol benzoate produced a 2-fold increase (P < 0.05) in PgrA+B expression in the POA of pV females, but not in pT females or those that had prenatal exposure to DHT (pDHT). Prenatal testosterone and DHT exposure also prevented estradiol benzoate-induced LH surges observed in pV rats. Blood sampling of ovariectomized rats revealed increased LH pulse frequency in pDHT versus pV females (P < 0.05). Our findings support the hypothesis that prenatal androgen receptor activation can contribute to the permanent defeminization of the GnRH neurosecretory system, rendering it incapable of initiating GnRH surges, while accelerating basal GnRH pulse generator activity in adulthood. We propose that the effects of prenatal androgen receptor activation on GnRH neurosecretion are mediated in part via permanent impairment of E2-induced PgrA+B gene expression in the POA.  相似文献   

Female ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) are Malagasy primates that are size monomorphic with males, socially dominate males, and exhibit a long, pendulous clitoris, channeled by the urethra. These masculine traits evoke certain attributes of female spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) and draw attention to the potential role of androgens in lemur sexual differentiation. Here, hormonal correlates of prenatal development were assessed to explore the possibility that maternal androgens may shape the masculine morphological and behavioral features of developing female lemurs. Maternal serum 17α-hydroxyprogesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S), ?4 androstenedione (androst-4-ene-3,17,dione), testosterone, and 17β-estradiol were charted throughout the 19 pregnancies of 11 ring-tailed lemurs. As in spotted hyenas, lemur pregnancies were associated with an immediate increase in androgen concentrations (implicating early maternal derivation), followed by continued increases across stages of gestation. Pregnancies that produced singleton males, twin males, or mixed-sex twins were marked by greater androgen and estrogen concentrations than were pregnancies that produced singleton or twin females, especially in the third trimester, implicating the fetal testes in late-term steroid profiles. Concentrations of DHEA-S were mostly below detectable limits, suggesting a minor role for the adrenals in androgen biosynthesis. Androgen concentrations of pregnant lemurs bearing female fetuses, although less than those of pregnant hyenas, exceeded preconception and postpartum values and peaked in the third trimester. Although a maternal (and, on occasion, fraternal) source of androgen may exist for fetal lemurs, further research is required to confirm that these steroids would reach the developing female and contribute to her masculinization.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to elucidate the importance of androgen-mediated induction of the extreme masculinization of the external genitalia in female spotted hyenas. Phallic size and shape; androgen receptor (AR) and alpha-actin expression; and sex-specific differences in phallic retractor musculature, erectile tissue, tunica albuginea, and urethra/urogenital sinus were examined in male and female fetuses from Day 30 of gestation to term. Similar outcomes were assessed in fetuses from dams treated with an AR blocker and a 5alpha-reductase inhibitor (antiandrogen treatment). Clitoral and penile development were already advanced at Day 30 of gestation and grossly indistinguishable between male and female fetuses throughout pregnancy. Sex-specific differences in internal phallic organization were evident at Gestational Day 45, coincident with AR expression and testicular differentiation. Antiandrogen treatment inhibited prostatic development in males and effectively feminized internal penile anatomy. We conclude that gross masculinization of phallic size and shape of male and female fetuses is androgen-independent, but that sexual dimorphism of internal phallic structure is dependent on fetal testicular androgens acting via AR in the relevant cells/tissues. Androgens secreted by the maternal ovaries and metabolized by the placenta do not appear to be involved in gross masculinization or in most of the sex differences in internal phallic structure.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between male social status and testosterone levels is expected and often found in social species with high rates of agonistic interactions or when social relationships among males are unstable. In contrast, in species with low rates of agonistic interactions or when social relationships are stable, testosterone levels should not correlate with social status. The "challenge hypothesis" predicts that androgen levels should rise during periods of courtship or mate guarding. We addressed these questions in free-ranging spotted hyenas, a species with low rates and low intensities of aggression among males but where males spend extensive effort to court females. In males, we measured testosterone, its precursor androstenedione, and its metabolite 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone. As predicted, testosterone levels were significantly higher and androstenedione levels tended to be higher in males that, at the time of sampling, defended a female, compared with males that did not defend a female. Also, as predicted, there was no correlation between social status and androgen levels in male spotted hyenas.  相似文献   

Prenatal testosterone treatment leads to LH excess as well as ovarian follicular and ovulatory defects in the adult. These disruptions may stem from LH excess, abnormal FSH input, compromised ovarian sensitivity to gonadotropins, or intrinsic ovarian defects. To determine if exogenous gonadotropins rescue ovarian and ovulatory function of testosterone-treated sheep, the release of endogenous LH and biopotent FSH in control and prenatal testosterone-treated sheep was blocked with a GnRH antagonist during the first two breeding seasons and with LH/FSH coadministered in a manner approximating natural follicular phase. An acidic mix of FSH was administered the first 36 h at 2-h intervals and a less acidic mix for the next 12 h at 1-h intervals (different FSH preparations were used each year), and ovulation was induced with hCG. Circulating FSH and estradiol responses to gonadotropins measured in 2-h samples differed between treatment groups in Year 1 but not in Year 2. Ovarian follicular distribution and number of corpora lutea (in ewes that ovulated) tracked by ultrasonography and luteal progesterone responses were similar between control and prenatal testosterone-treated females but differed between years. Furthermore, hCG administration induced large cystic and luteinized follicles in both groups of females in Year 2, although the growth rate differed between control and prenatal testosterone-treated females. Our findings provide evidence that 1) ovulatory response in prenatal testosterone-treated females can be rescued with exogenous gonadotropins, 2) resultant follicular response is dependent on the nature of gonadotropic input, and 3) an abnormal follicular milieu may underlie differences in developmental trajectory of cystic follicles in prenatal testosterone-treated females.  相似文献   

Prenatal exposure to excess testosterone has a profound impact on reproductive and metabolic functions in young and adult female sheep. Nevertheless, few studies have addressed the impact of prenatal exposure to an excess of androgens on reproductive and metabolic functions in males. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of prenatal exposure to an excess of testosterone or dihydrotestosterone on the luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse characteristics during sexual development in male sheep. Control male sheep (C-males) and males born to mothers exposed to twice weekly injections of 30 mg testosterone or dihydrotestosterone from day 30-90 and 40 mg from day 90-120 of gestation (T-males, DHT-males) were studied at 5, 10, and 20 weeks of age, ages that represent infancy, early prepubertal, and late prepubertal stages of sexual development in this species, respectively. Patterns of LH pulsatility showed that T- and DHT-males exhibited a higher secretion of LH during the 6-h study and a higher amplitude of the LH pulses compared with C-males. Moreover, nadir of the pulses was higher in T- and DHT-males compared with C-males. Frequency of LH pulses, however, was not different within ages or between groups. These results show that males can be responsive to prenatal androgenization and suggest that treatment transiently alters the amplitude of LH pulses probably as the result of defects in the pituitary responsiveness pattern or in the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release pattern.  相似文献   

In adult Xenopus laevis, innervation of the vocal organ is more robust in males than in females. This sex difference originates during tadpole development; at stage 56, when the gonads first differentiate, the number of axons entering the larynx is the same in the sexes, but by stage 62, innervation is greater in males. To determine if androgen secretion establishes sex differences in axon number, we treated tadpoles with antiandrogen or androgen beginning at stage 48 or 54 and counted laryngeal nerve axons at stage 62 using electron microscopy. When male tadpoles were treated with the antiandrogen hydroxyflutamide, axon numbers were reduced to female-typical values; axon numbers in females were unaffected by antiandrogen treatment. When female tadpoles were treated with the androgen DHT (dihydrotestosterone), axon numbers were increased to male-like values. These findings suggest that endogenous androgen secretion during late tadpole stages in males is required for the sexual differentiation of laryngeal innervation observed from stage 62 on. Because androgen treatment and laryngeal innervation affect myogenesis in postmetamorphic frogs, numbers of laryngeal dilator muscle fibers were determined for hormonally manipulated tadpoles. At stage 62, vehicle-treated males had more laryngeal axons than females; laryngeal muscle fiber numbers did not, however, differ in the sexes. Both male and female tadpoles, treated from stage 54 with DHT, had more muscle fibers at stage 62 than vehicle-treated controls. Thus, while endogenous androgen secretion during late tadpole stages is subthreshold for the establishment of masculinized muscle fiber numbers, laryngeal myogenesis is androgen sensitive at this time and can be increased by suprathreshold provision of exogenous DHT. A subgroup of tadpoles, DHT treated from stage 54 to 62, was allowed to survive, untreated, until postmetamorphic stage 2 (PM2: 5 months after metamorphosis is complete). Androgen treatment between tadpole stages 54 and 62 does not prevent the ontogenetic decrease in axon numbers characteristic of laryngeal development. In addition, the elevation in stage 62 axon numbers produced by DHT-treatment at late tadpole stages was not associated with elevated numbers of laryngeal muscle fibers at PM2. Juvenile males normally maintain elevated axon numbers (relative to final adult values) through PM2 and the presence of these additional axons may result from-rather than contribute directly to—laryngeal muscle fiber addition. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The GnRH analogue [D-Ser(t-Bu)6]des-Gly10-GnRH-N-ethylamide (GnRHa, 2 micrograms/rat) or hCG (4 i.u./rat) was administered to hypophysectomized, PMSG-primed immature female rats. Oocyte maturation was initially detected by 2 h after GnRHa administration but the response to hCG was observed only after 4 h. Initiation of GnRHa-induced ovulation also preceded the response to hCG by 2 h. Maximal response to both these hormones was obtained at 10 and 14 h after hormone administration for oocyte maturation and ovulation respectively. The number of oocytes ovulated after GnRHa was significantly lower than that with hCG (29 +/- 4 and 50 +/- 7 per rat respectively; P less than 0.05). Expansion of the cumulus mass and secretion of mucoid material, which are characteristic responses to LH, were also observed after GnRHa administration. However, while the action of 5 micrograms ovine LH/ml on the cumulus cells was mediated by cAMP, no accumulation of the nucleotide could be detected in follicles exposed to GnRHa (10(-7) M). We conclude that even though GnRHa and LH/hCG seem to elicit similar responses in the ovarian follicle they differ in their kinetics, their efficiency and the mediator of their action.  相似文献   

The present review explores sexual differentiation in three non-conventional species: the spotted hyena, the elephant and the tammar wallaby, selected because of the natural challenges they present for contemporary understanding of sexual differentiation. According to the prevailing view of mammalian sexual differentiation, originally proposed by Alfred Jost, secretion of androgen and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) by the fetal testes during critical stages of development accounts for the full range of sexually dimorphic urogenital traits observed at birth. Jost's concept was subsequently expanded to encompass sexual differentiation of the brain and behavior. Although the central focus of this review involves urogenital development, we assume that the novel mechanisms described in this article have potentially significant implications for sexual differentiation of brain and behavior, a transposition with precedent in the history of this field. Contrary to the "specific" requirements of Jost's formulation, female spotted hyenas and elephants initially develop male-type external genitalia prior to gonadal differentiation. In addition, the administration of anti-androgens to pregnant female spotted hyenas does not prevent the formation of a scrotum, pseudoscrotum, penis or penile clitoris in the offspring of treated females, although it is not yet clear whether the creation of masculine genitalia involves other steroids or whether there is a genetic mechanism bypassing a hormonal mediator. Wallabies, where sexual differentiation occurs in the pouch after birth, provide the most conclusive evidence for direct genetic control of sexual dimorphism, with the scrotum developing only in males and the pouch and mammary glands only in females, before differentiation of the gonads. The development of the pouch and mammary gland in females and the scrotum in males is controlled by genes on the X chromosome. In keeping with the "expanded" version of Jost's formulation, secretion of androgens by the fetal testes provides the best current account of a broad array of sex differences in reproductive morphology and endocrinology of the spotted hyena, and androgens are essential for development of the prostate and penis of the wallaby. But the essential circulating androgen in the male wallaby is 5alpha androstanediol, locally converted in target tissues to DHT, while in the pregnant female hyena, androstenedione, secreted by the maternal ovary, is converted by the placenta to testosterone (and estradiol) and transferred to the developing fetus. Testicular testosterone certainly seems to be responsible for the behavioral phenomenon of musth in male elephants. Both spotted hyenas and elephants display matrilineal social organization, and, in both species, female genital morphology requires feminine cooperation for successful copulation. We conclude that not all aspects of sexual differentiation have been delegated to testicular hormones in these mammals. In addition, we suggest that research on urogenital development in these non-traditional species directs attention to processes that may well be operating during the sexual differentiation of morphology and behavior in more common laboratory mammals, albeit in less dramatic fashion.  相似文献   

The effects of androgen pretreatment on follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-stimulated luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor induction in ovarian granulosa cells was examined. Immature female rats were treated with various doses (0.1-5 mg/rat) of testosterone (T), 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha,17 beta-diol (3 alpha-diol), or 5 alpha-androstane-3 beta,17 beta-diol (3 beta-diol). Subsequent follicular development was stimulated by treatment with ovine FSH. LH receptor induction in granulosa cells and ovulatory responses to 10 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) were examined. Since LH receptor induction requires the synergistic action of both FSH and estradiol, the effects of the androgen pretreatment on FSH-stimulated estradiol production were also examined. Dihydrotestosterone treatment at doses greater than 1 mg inhibited LH receptor induction by approximately 70%, which resulted in absent ovulatory responses. Treatment with 1 mg or more of T or 3 alpha-diol had no effect on LH receptor induction, yet the hCG-stimulated ovulation rate was reduced to 40% of that seen in vehicle-treated controls. 3 beta-Diol, at a dose of 1 mg/rat, did not affect LH receptor induction but did reduce hCG-stimulated ovulation responses. No significant effects of androgen treatment on ovarian or uterine weight or FSH-stimulated estradiol production were observed. These results suggest that androgens can act at multiple sites to inhibit ovarian follicular development and function. In addition these studies demonstrate that, although LH receptor induction is necessary, it may not be a sufficient condition to ensure ovulation of ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

Mechanisms governing the effect of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) toxicity on hypothalamic serotonergic function and the neuroendocrine system controlling LH secretion were investigated in Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias unulatus) exposed to the PCB mixture Aroclor 1254 (1 microg x g body weight(-1) x day(-1)) in the diet for 30 days. PCB treatment caused a decrease in hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) concentrations and significant inhibition of hypothalamic tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), the rate-limiting enzyme in 5-HT synthesis, but did not alter the activity of monoamine oxidase, the catabolic enzyme. Further, PCB treatment caused significant decreases in GnRH content in the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area. Significant decreases in pituitary GnRH receptor concentrations and the LH response to the GnRH analogue (GnRHa) were also observed in PCB-exposed fish, possibly as a consequence of a decline in GnRH release. The possible association between impaired serotonergic and neuroendocrine functions after PCB treatment was explored using serotonergic drugs. Treatment of croaker with p-chlorophenylalanine, an irreversible TPH inhibitor, mimicked the effects of PCB on the GnRH system and the LH response to GnRHa. Bypassing the TPH-dependent hydroxylation step with the administration of 5-hydroxytryptophan restored 5-HT to control levels and prevented the deleterious effects of PCB on the neuroendocrine parameters. Moreover, slow-release GnRH implants prevented the PCB-induced decline in GnRH receptors and restored the LH response to GnRHa, suggesting that GnRH therapy can reverse PCB-induced disruption of LH secretion. These results demonstrate that TPH is one of the targets of PCB neurotoxicity and indicate that a decrease in 5-HT availability in PCB-exposed croaker results in disruption of the stimulatory 5-HT/GnRH pathway controlling LH secretion.  相似文献   

The effects of fetal exposure to spironolactone (SPL), an aldosterone antagonist with weak antiandrogen and gestagen properties, upon the pituitary-gonadal axis were studied in the offspring of rats that had been treated daily from gestation day 14 to day 20 with 10 or 20 mg SPL or the solvent vehicle (for controls). At 70-80 days of age, SPL-exposed rats showed no alterations in external genitalia or in body weight. However, males displayed a dose-dependent decrease in the weights of the ventral prostate and seminal vesicles. Whereas basal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-induced plasma luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone levels were similar to controls, basal plasma and pituitary prolactin (Prl) levels were reduced (SPL-exposed 6.8 +/- 1.0 vs. controls 15.8 +/- 2.8 ng/ml and 6.1 +/- 1.2 vs. 11.6 +/- 1.8 microgram/anterior pituitary gland; mean +/- SEM). Cytosolic androgen receptors in ventral prostate were nonsignificantly decreased, but they increased after GnRH in contrast to controls. Nuclear androgen receptors were normal. Females displayed normal estrous cycles. Basal and GnRH-induced plasma FSH, Prl, estradiol, and progesterone concentrations were similar to controls, whereas plasma LH was elevated. Estrogen receptors in uterine cytosol were low and increased after GnRH. Ovaries and uteri were enlarged. The present study demonstrates that in utero exposure to SPL leads to endocrine dysfunctions that persist into adulthood. They are characterized in males by hypoprolactinemia, reduced weights of accessory sex organs, and a suggestion of functional modifications of androgen receptors. In females they are characterized by increased LH secretion, increased ovarian and uterine weights, and decreased uterine cytosol estrogen receptors, suggesting enhanced estrogenic action.  相似文献   

Among all extant mammals, only the female spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) mates and gives birth through the tip of a peniform clitoris. Clitoral morphology is modulated by foetal exposure to endogenous, maternal androgens. First births through this organ are prolonged and remarkably difficult, often causing death in neonates. Additionally, mating poses a mechanical challenge for males, as they must reach an anterior position on the female's abdomen and then achieve entry at the site of the retracted clitoris. Here, we report that interfering with the actions of androgens prenatally permanently modifies hyena urogenital anatomy, facilitating subsequent parturition in nulliparous females who, thereby, produce live cubs. By contrast, comparable, permanent anatomical changes in males probably preclude reproduction, as exposure to prenatal anti-androgens produces a penis that is too short and has the wrong shape necessary for insertion during copulation. These data demonstrate that the reproductive costs of clitoral delivery result from exposure of the female foetus to naturally circulating androgens. Moreover, the same androgens that render an extremely unusual and laborious process even more reproductively costly in the female are apparently essential to the male's physical ability to reproduce with a normally masculinized female.  相似文献   

W H Moger 《Life sciences》1985,37(9):869-873
To explore the mechanism of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) action on Leydig cell steroidogenesis the effects of a GnRH analog (GnRHa) were compared to those of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). Both compounds acutely stimulated androgen production 2-4 fold with EC50's of 9 nM (TPA) and 0.2 nM (GnRHa). The effects of TPA and GnRHa were not additive and neither compound acutely altered the luteinizing hormone (LH) concentration-response relationship. After 24 h of exposure to TPA or GnRHa the ability of LH to stimulate androgen production was impaired. The parallel effects of TPA and GnRHa on Leydig cell steroidogenesis suggest that they are acting via similar mechanisms; presumably the activation protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) were measured in male and female Suffolk sheep (Ovis aries). Some sheep had been administered androgens or estrogens during prenatal development, some were gonadectomized after birth, and some were allowed to develop normally. As previously reported for spotted hyenas, gonadectomy did not alter the OAEs for either sex; accordingly, the untreated/intact and the untreated/gonadectomized animals were pooled to form the control groups. The click-evoked otoacoustic emissions (CEOAEs) exhibited by the female control group (N = 12) were slightly stronger (effect size = 0.42) than those in the male control group (N = 15), which is the same direction of effect reported for humans and rhesus monkeys. Females administered testosterone prenatally (N = 16) had substantially weaker (masculinized) CEOAEs than control females (effect size = 1.15). Both of these outcomes are in accord with the idea that prenatal exposure to androgens weakens the cochlear mechanisms that underlie the production of OAEs. The CEOAEs of males administered testosterone prenatally (N = 5) were not different from those of control males, an outcome also seen in similarly treated rhesus monkeys. Males administered dihydrotestosterone (DHT) prenatally (N = 3) had slightly stronger (hypo-masculinized) CEOAEs than control males. No spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) were found in any ears, a common finding in non-human species. To our knowledge, this is the first ruminant species measured for OAEs.  相似文献   

Although evidence is accumulating that prenatal testosterone (T) compromises reproductive function in the female, the effects of excess T in utero on the postnatal development of male reproductive function has not been studied. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of prenatal T excess on age-related changes in pituitary and gonadal responsiveness to GnRH in the male sheep. We used the GnRH agonist, leuprolide (10 microg/kg), as a pharmacologic challenge at 5, 10, 20 and 30 weeks of age. These time points correspond to early and late juvenile periods and the prepubertal and postpubertal periods of sexual development, respectively. LH and T were measured in blood samples collected before and after GnRH agonist administration. The area under the response curve (AUC) of LH increased progressively in both controls and prenatal T-treated males from 5 to 20 weeks of age (P<0.01). The LH responses in prenatal T-treated males were lower at 20 and 30 weeks of age compared to controls (P<0.05). AUC-T increased progressively in control males from 5 through 30 weeks of age and prenatal T-treated males from 5 to 20 weeks of age. The T response in prenatal T-treated males was higher at 20 weeks compared to controls of same age but similar to controls and prenatal T-treated males at 30 weeks of age (P <0.05). Our findings suggest that prenatal T treatment advances the developmental trajectory of gonadal responsiveness to GnRH in male offspring.  相似文献   

Spotted hyenas ( Crocuta crocuta ) are gregarious carnivores that defend group territories against encroachment by neighboring conspecifics. Here we monitored the behavior of members of one clan of free-ranging spotted hyenas during border patrols, 'wars' with neighboring clans, and other interactions with alien intruders, to document differences between the sexes in territorial behavior in this species. We also examined the possibility that the probability or rate of attack on alien hyenas encountered within the clan's territory would vary with the sex of the intruders. Initiation and leadership of most cooperative territorial behaviors were by adult female clan members, although border patrols were occasionally conducted by groups composed exclusively of resident males. The vast majority of alien intruders into the territory of the study clan were males. Resident females were more likely to attack intruding females than intruding males, but hourly rates of aggression directed by females towards aliens did not vary with intruder sex. Resident males were more likely than resident females to attack alien males, and resident males directed significantly higher hourly rates of aggression towards intruding males than females. Although female leadership in most cooperative territorial behaviors distinguishes spotted hyenas from many mammalian carnivores, other sex differences in the territorial behavior of spotted hyenas resemble those documented in other gregarious predators. Sex differences observed in hyena territoriality are consistent with the hypothesis that male and female clan members derive different selective benefits from advertisement and defense of group territories.  相似文献   

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