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Summary Observations of putative drinking behaviour at soil surfaces by major workers ofMacrotermes subhyalinus andM. bellicosus suggested that unidirectionally arranged trichomes on the anterior hypopharynx exert capillarity on water in soil pores. To test this hypothesis thirsty major workers were placed on soil of relatively low water content. From the soil types tested we determined soil-moisture retention curves which represent graphically the water content of the soil and its corresponding capillary potential. The termites were able to obtain water from different types of clay soil against potentials in the range – 1.6 to – 1.9 bar. On sandy soil the capillary potential was found to be much higher (– 0.18 bar), i.e. closer to zero. Sandy soil has a very unfavourable water retention capacity, i.e. its water content is very low at low capillary potential, whereas clay soil retains much more water at low capillary potential. The ability of the termites to gain water from soils with relatively low water content is an important adaptive feature for survival in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

李桂祥 《动物学研究》1986,7(3):207-216
近针白蚁属,新属Periaciculitermes,gen.nov. 兵蚁(图1,1.—5) 体小型,兵单态。头部具有短毛和少量长刚毛。 头除鼻呈前窄后宽的卵形,近后头1/3处最宽,后缘稍呈弧形圆出,中间稍平。侧看鼻基后缘与头部交接处稍隆起,象鼻平直。象鼻瘦长,管状。上颚钝凸,无尖刺。触角12节。胫节距式为2:2:2。跗节4节。 工蚁 工蚁左上颚端齿明显大于第l缘齿(图1,6),第2缘齿退化,与第1缘齿后切  相似文献   

In coconut plantations of northern New Guinea, the arboreal nesting termite community comprises three species:Nasutitermes princeps, N. novarumhebridarum, andMicrocerotermes biroi. In orde to assess the importance of intraspecific interactions in this community, we conducted pairwise encounters between batches of individuals in the laboratory and between entire nest populations in seminantural conditions. Three levels of agonism were defined in laboratory bioassays: anagonism, moderate agonism, and strong agonism. Anagonism was observed during all control tests with homocolonical groups and in some tests with allocolonial groups of all species. Moderate agonism included initial aggressiveness that subsequently faded out, and initially passive encounters where aggression progressively built up and led to fighting. Strong agonism corresponded to initial aggressiveness and fighting. Results obtained in alboratory bioassays were consistent with bioassays in seminatural conditions. WhenNasutitermes colonies were anagonists in laboratory bioassays, their foraging trails merged without aggression in field tests.N. princeps nests that were moderately agonistic in laboratory tests fought and either continued to avoid each other or finally joined after elimination of the most aggressive individuals. The most aggressiveM. biroi andN. princeps colonies fought and their foraging trails diverged afterward. Direct attacks on alien nests were winnessed inM. biroi. In all species, anagonism occurred in 21–34% of the combinations tested, between either geographically close or distantcolonies. An exeption was a group of 112 anagonist nests ofN. princeps, which most probably constituted a supercolony. The level of agonism betweenNasutitermes colonies was constant during the wet and dry season. Termite colonies excluded each other, both intra- and interspecifically, from the coconut trees, and their territories seem distributed in a mosaic pattern. Agonism between colonies may result in the elimination of the weakest colonies or in trail divergence, maintaining this mosaic. In cotrast, lack of agonism between some colonies suggests the possibility of colony fusion and gene exchanges without nuptial flights.  相似文献   

Two sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were isolated from a mixed culture enriched with benzoate obtained from gut homogenate of the soil-feeding higher termite, Cubitermes speciosus. The organisms were vibrioid rods, staining Gram-negative, which performed incomplete substrate oxidation. They differed in several features. The smaller one, strain STp, was motile with a single polar flagellum. This strain differed from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans only by its inability to oxidize malate and pentanol. The bigger one, strain STg, differed from Desulfovibrio giganteus only by its nonmotility and a lower length. It is the first evidence of the presence of SRB in termite gut.  相似文献   

Y. Roisin 《Insectes Sociaux》1996,43(4):375-389
Summary The developmental pathways of the neuter castes were studied in three species of Nasutitermitinae from central Panama. The humivorousSubulitermes denisae andCoatitermes clevelandi display several primitive traits: absence of sex dimorphism, representation of both sexes among workers and soldiers, and occurrence of successive worker instars. The litter-dwellingVelocitermes barrocoloradensis has a more complex caste system: female larvae are larger than males and give rise to the large workers, which constitute the bulk of the work force; male larvae proceed to soldiers through a small worker or a special larval instar. The resulting soldier caste is polymorphic. These results support previously formulated hypotheses regarding a link between humivorous diet and reduced polymorphism on the one hand, and between forest-floor foraging and large continuous size variation among soldiers on the other. Whereas the caste systems ofSubulitermes andCoatitermes probably represent a primitive condition,Velocitermes shares derived traits withNasutitermes and the other fully nasute genera previously studied. I therefore hypothesize that ancestors with these advanced features may have spread from the neotropics and be at the origin of most nasute genera, including humivorous taxa, present in other regions.  相似文献   

Seven microsatellite markers were isolated from Cubitermes subarquatus belonging to the soil‐feeding termite trophic group that plays a key role in tropical rain forests. A variability study performed by using a population of C. subarquatus (n = 73) sampled in the La Lopé forest reserve (Gabon) from 42 nests revealed from 4 to 12 alleles per locus and an heterozygosity from 0.28 to 0.84. Tests for cross‐species amplification realized in the sympatric C. intercalatus and in eight other sympatric termite genera indicated a wider application of the primers isolated from Cubitermes in soil‐feeding termites.  相似文献   

Sampling and experiments were performed in brackish fishponds, located near the Ebrie Lagoon, Ivory Coast. Moina developed here at salinities up to about 4 g l-1. Mean embryonic and juvenile development times in experimental conditions were 0.82 and 0.80 day, respectively, with 2 juvenile stages at 30 °C (salinity of 3 g l-1; 29 µg chlorophyll-a l-1) and 1.22 and 1.37, with 2 stages for most individuals and 3 or 4 stages for some of them at 26 °C (2 g l-1 and 36 µg l-1). The corresponding Q10 for embryonic development was relatively high (2.7). Growth rates in weight at 30 ° C were 2.11 and 1.37 µg µg-1 d-1, respectively, for the embryonic and juvenile stages, 0.21 for mean somatic growth of the five first female adult stages, and 1.00 for primipara, summed for somatic growth, production of eggs, and embryonic growth. Consequently, differences in growth rates between young and adults were small. M. micrura also was a high fecundity species according to its size, fecundity in nature varying from 2.2 to 7.7 eggs per adult female. Rates of population increase evaluated for some sequences of parthenogenetic growing periods, reached up to 0.9. Most of the daily P/B evaluated by the cumulative growth method reached values above 1.0 (28 to 31 °C), minima being about 0.7 for lower temperatures (approximatively 26 °C). Populations were also characterized by low juvenile to adult ratios (down to 0.9) and high daily birth rates (up to 1.2). Overall, M. micrura is a highly productive, opportunistic species, well adapted to the low salinities that occur during part of the year in the ponds.Biological and population characteristics of this species, and literature data on regulation mechanisms, possible use for aquaculture, and on size in tropical species are discussed.  相似文献   

Chroniodiplogaster formosiana sp. n. (Rhabditida: Diplogastridae) is described from a population of Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Termitidae) collected from dead (unidentified) wood at Dinghu Park, China. Characters of C. formosiana which separate it from C. aerivora (Cobb) are a longer tail, the presence of four micropapillae (quadriform condition), and the adjacent position of the second and third macropapillae on the male tail. The diplogasterid Pristionchus uniformis Fedorko & Stanuszek, which is transferred to Chroniodiplogaster, can be distinguished from both C. formosiana and C. aerivora by the position of its excretory pore. Variable results in experimental infection trials suggest that some still unknown factor or factors are important in the infection process. Further studies are necessary to better define these factors before C. formosiana can be considered as a biological control agent of the Formosan termite.  相似文献   

Clostridium mayombei sp. nov., a previously undescribed H2-oxidizing CO2-reducing acetogenic bacterium, was isolated from gut contents of the African soilfeeding termite, Cubitermes speciosus. Cells were anaerobic, Gram positive, catalase and oxidase negative, endospore-forming motile rods which measured 1×2 – 6 m and which had a DNA base composition of 25.6 mol% G+C (strain SFC-5). Optimum conditions for growth on H2+CO2 were at 33°C and pH 7.3, and under these conditions cells produced acetate according to the equation: 4 H2+2 CO2CH3COOH+2 H2O. Other substrates supporting good growth included carbohydrates (e.g. glucose, xylose, starch), sugar alcohols, and organic and amino acids, and with these substrates acetate was almost always the principle fermentation product. Comparative analysis of 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences confirmed that C. mayombei was closely related to various members of the genus Clostridium. However, morphological and physiological differences between C. mayombei and other homoacetogenic clostridia were deemed significant enough to warrant creation of a new taxon. Results are discussed in light of the diversity of H2/CO2 acetogens recently isolated from various termites, and in terms of the relative importance of H2/CO2 acetogenesis to termite nutrition.  相似文献   

Termite alates are thought to be poor active flyers, and this should lead to considerable genetic differentiation on small spatial scales. However, using four microsatellite loci for the termite Macrotermes michaelseni we found low values of genetic differentiation (FST) across a spatial scale of even more than 50 km. Genetic differentiation between populations increased with spatial distance up to 50 km. Furthermore, up to this distance, the scatter around the linear regression of genetic differentiation versus spatial distance increased with spatial distance. This suggests that across such spatial distances gene flow and genetic drift are of about equal importance, and near equilibrium. Using a regional FST as well as the distance between populations with non-significant FST-values (up to 25 km), gene flow is sufficiently high so that populations may be regarded as panmictic on spatial scales of 25 to 50 km. The apparent contradiction between dispersal distances observed in the field and estimates of gene flow from genetic markers may be due to the masses of swarming alates. Assuming a leptokurtic distribution of dispersal distances, atleast some alates are expected to travel considerable distances, most likely by passive drift. Received 25 January 2005; revised 11 April 2005; accepted 26 April 2005.  相似文献   

Y. Roisin 《Insectes Sociaux》1992,39(3):313-324
Summary The developmental pattern of the neuter castes was studied in the mandibulate nasute generaCornitermes, Embiratermes andRhynchotermes. InCornitermes walkeri, all the workers and soldiers are male. There are two larval and a single worker instar. Workers can molt into presoldiers. InEmbiratermes chagresi andRhynchotermes perarmatus, both sexes are present among the neuters. A slight sexual dimorphism (males > females) is discernible among both larval instars and among workers ofE. chagresi; female workers can molt into presoldiers. InR. perarmatus, the sexual dimorphism is conspicuous from the first larval instar on. Male larvae go through two instars, then give rise to workers, which do not molt. InR. perarmatus, there is no worker stage in females, but a third larval instar, preceding the presoldier. Hypotheses are proposed as to the evolution of these caste patterns, attempting to conciliate present knowledge of Nasutitermitinae phylogeny and known evolutionary trends affecting termite caste patterns, according to the species' ecology.Research Associate: National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium).  相似文献   

The chemical defense secretions of major and minor soldiers of 46 colonies of the free-ranging termite Longipeditermes longipes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) were isolated and analyzed by chromatography and spectroscopy. The colonies, collected from rainforest sites in Malaysia, showed monoterpene patterns rich in pinenes and limonene but with few qualitative differences among colonies. In marked contrast, the diterpene chemistry is highly variable that includes bicyclic (secotrinervitane), tricyclic (trinervitane), tetracyclic (rippertane), and a spirotetracyclic (longipane) skeleton. This paper presents the compositional and structural diversity, and calculates genetic distances among sympatric and allopatric colonies from a single species.  相似文献   

When they are disturbed, soldiers of the two termite species Pseudacanthotermes spiniger and P. militaris hit the substratum with their head, thereby producing sounds. High-speed video recordings allowed us to analyze the movement. The sound emissions were recorded and their temporal structure was analyzed. Artificial stimulation proved that head-banging acts as an alarm signal transmitted through the vibrations produced in the substratum. Perception of these vibrations induced a polyethic response. Workers reacted to head-banging by escaping. Minor soldiers reacted by escaping, becoming immobile, or head-banging, thereby indicating the existence of positive feedback in signal production. Differences in the time patterns of the drumming appeared between both species but could not be shown to play a role in species recognition.  相似文献   

In the savanna-like Brazilian biome caatinga, the arboreal and polydomous ant Crematogaster brevispinosa rochai can be found cohabiting with two closely related Nasutitermes species (N. corniger and N. ephratae). This ant occupies variably sized portions of the termite nests and maintains a physical separation with its hosts by plugging the cells of the boundary areas with fibrous material. Although all the analysed cohabiting C. b. rochai nests were queenless, they always contained brood, especially from male and female reproductive castes. Interaction experiments between workers of C. b. rochai and workers or soldiers of N. ephratae revealed a low level of aggressiveness between the two species that contrasts with the aggressiveness of both C. b. rochai and N. ephratae in encounters with other ant (Azteca cf. chartifex, Cephalotes pusillus) or termite (M. cf. indistinctus) species. The association could benefit both ants (additional nesting sites, brood rearing places) and termites (protection against predators, dead ants or ant refuses as source of nitrogen).  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to examine competitive interactions between the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (FST), and the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (EST), using groups of termites with different worker:soldier proportions. Experiments were conducted using three connected test chambers: an FST chamber, an unoccupied center chamber, and an EST chamber. When groups of FST were comprised of 20% soldiers versus 2% EST soldiers, only 8% of center chambers were occupied exclusively by EST. When groups of FST were comprised of 10% soldiers versus 1% EST soldiers, 44% of center chambers were occupied exclusively by EST. When the only food source was located in the center chamber, 60% of center chambers were occupied by both species. FST did not completely displace EST in any of these experiments.  相似文献   

The fauna of termites (Isoptera) preserved in Early Eocene amber from the Cambay Basin (Gujarat, India) are described and figured. Three new genera and four new species are recognized, all of them NeoisopteraParastylotermes krishnai Engel & Grimaldi, sp. n. (Stylotermitidae); Prostylotermes kamboja Engel & Grimaldi, gen. et sp. n. (Stylotermitidae?); Zophotermes Engel, gen. n., with Zophotermes ashoki Engel & Singh, sp. n. (Rhinotermitidae: Prorhinotermitinae); and Nanotermes isaacae Engel & Grimaldi, gen. et sp. n. (Termitidae: Termitinae?). Together these species represent the earliest Tertiary records of the Neoisoptera and the oldest definitive record of Termitidae, a family that comprises >75% of the living species of Isoptera. Interestingly, the affinities of the Cambay amber termites are with largely Laurasian lineages, in this regard paralleling relationships seen between the fauna of bees and some flies. Diversity of Neoisoptera in Indian amber may reflect origin of the amber deposit in Dipterocarpaceae forests formed at or near the paleoequator.  相似文献   

The elongated mounds of the ‘magnetic termite’, Amitermes meridionalis are a prominent feature of the Northern Territory in Australia. They are restricted to habitat patches of seasonally flooded plains which are largely isolated from each other. To investigate the population structure of A. meridionalis, we developed 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We tested the variability of the markers on at least 20 individuals from two populations. We found three to 12 alleles per locus with a level of heterozygosity at each locus ranging from 0.05 to 0.74.  相似文献   

我国已知大白蚁属18种,其中仅1种属于大,中,小(兵蚁,工蚁)三态类型,由李桂祥,平正明定名为三型大白蚁。作者等于1994年,在云南省南亚热带地区,发现另一三态类型大白蚁,定名为箕头大白蚁新种。  相似文献   

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