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Aims Quantifying the relative importance of the mechanisms that drive community assembly in forests is a crucial issue in community ecology. The present study aims to understand the ways in which niche-based and spatially based processes influence community assembly in areas in different climatic conditions and how these processes change during the transition from seedling to adult.  相似文献   

Mountains are among the most powerful natural gradients for testing ecological and evolutionary responses of biota to environmental influences because differences in climate and plant structure occur over short spatial scales. We describe the spatiotemporal distribution patterns and drives of fruit‐feeding butterfly diversity in the mountainous region of Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Seven elevations from 822 to 1,388 m a.s.l. were selected for evaluating the effects of abiotic factors and vegetation characteristics on butterfly diversity. A total of 44 fruit‐feeding butterfly species were recorded in a two‐year study. Species richness (local and regional) of fruit‐feeding butterflies decreased with increasing elevation. The interaction between temperature or humidity and precipitation influenced the abundance and β‐diversity of butterflies in the elevation gradient, whereas β‐diversity decreased with increasing plant richness. Butterfly richness (local and regional) and β‐diversity varied with the sampling period, with fewer species in July (2012 and 2013), the dry period, as expected for Neotropical insects. β‐Diversity in space and time was due to species replacement (turnover), indicating that butterfly composition differs throughout the mountain and over time. In summary, climate and plant richness largely influence butterfly diversity in the elevational gradient. Climatic changes in conjunction with increasing anthropic impacts on mountainous regions of southeast Brazil will likely influence the community of mountaintop butterflies in the Espinhaço Mountain Range. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

Community assembly is determined by a combination of historical events and contemporary processes that are difficult to disentangle, but eco‐evolutionary mechanisms may be uncovered by the joint analysis of species and genetic diversity across multiple sites. Mountain streams across Europe harbour highly diverse macroinvertebrate communities whose composition and turnover (replacement of taxa) among sites and regions remain poorly known. We studied whole‐community biodiversity within and among six mountain regions along a latitudinal transect from Morocco to Scandinavia at three levels of taxonomic hierarchy: genus, species and haplotypes. Using DNA barcoding of four insect families (>3100 individuals, 118 species) across 62 streams, we found that measures of local and regional diversity and intraregional turnover generally declined slightly towards northern latitudes. However, at all hierarchical levels we found complete (haplotype) or high (species, genus) turnover among regions (and even among sites within regions), which counters the expectations of Pleistocene postglacial northward expansion from southern refugia. Species distributions were mostly correlated with environmental conditions, suggesting a strong role of lineage‐ or species‐specific traits in determining local and latitudinal community composition, lineage diversification and phylogenetic community structure (e.g., loss of Coleoptera, but not Ephemeroptera, at northern sites). High intraspecific genetic structure within regions, even in northernmost sites, reflects species‐specific dispersal and demographic histories and indicates postglacial migration from geographically scattered refugia, rather than from only southern areas. Overall, patterns were not strongly concordant across hierarchical levels, but consistent with the overriding influence of environmental factors determining community composition at the species and genus levels.  相似文献   

Qinfeng Guo 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(22):5396-5403
The genetic variation across a species’ range is an important factor in speciation and conservation, yet searching for general patterns and underlying causes remains challenging. While the majority of comparisons between central and marginal populations have revealed a general central–marginal (C–M) decline in genetic diversity, others show no clear pattern. Similarly, most latitudinal studies (although much fewer, especially those conducted rangewide) also showed latitudinal trends in genetic variation. To date, the C–M and latitudinal patterns have often been examined independently and have rarely been considered together when accounting for the observed genetic variation across species ranges. Here, in the light of the most recent findings, I show how latitude might be responsible for some of the deviations from the general C–M trends in genetic diversity, and vice versa. In the future, integrating latitude and range geometry with climate‐induced species migration would offer important insights into conservation prioritization across species ranges.  相似文献   

Traditional attempts to delineate floristic regions are typically based on the qualitative analysis of species distribution, often ignoring the phylogenetic relationships among their taxa. Ethiopia and Eritrea are in the Horn of Africa, known as one of the world's biodiversity hotspots. We quantitatively classified the flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea into meaningful geographical units by analyzing the taxonomic and phylogenetic β‐diversity at genera, total species, and endemic species levels at a scale of 0.5° × 0.5° grid cells. Hierarchical clustering was used to quantitatively delimitate the flora and analysis of similarities was used to test the significant difference between the derived groups in taxonomic composition and phylogenetic relatedness. In total, two floristic subprovinces, five floristic districts, and 13 floristic subdistricts, as well as three centers of species endemism associated with three floristic subdistricts were identified. Our results also showed that the species diversity, endemism, and turnover of the highlands in Ethiopia and Eritrea were much higher than the lowlands, indicating that the floristic differences are closely related to the topography of the East African Rift. In this study, we provided a scientific framework for the composition and relationships of the floristic units in the Horn of Africa, and similarly provided a scientific basis for better conservation of the diversity in this region.  相似文献   

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