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Aim We tested the hypothesis that anthropogenic fires favour the successful establishment of alien annual species to the detriment of natives in the Chilean coastal matorral. Location Valparaíso Region, central Chile. Methods We sampled seed rain, seedbank emergence and establishment of species in four paired burned and unburned areas and compared (using GLMM) fire resistance and propagule arrival of alien and native species. To assess the relative importance of seed dispersal and seedbank survival in explaining plant establishment after fire, we compared seed rain and seedbank structure with post‐fire vegetation using ordination analyses. Results Fire did not change the proportion of alien species in the coastal matorral. However, fire increased the number of annual species (natives and aliens) of which 87% were aliens. Fire reduced the alien seedbank and not the native seedbank, but alien species remained dominant in burned soil samples (66% of the total species richness). Seed rain was higher for alien annuals than for native annuals or perennials, thus contributing to their establishment after fire. Nevertheless, seed rain was less important than seedbank survival in explaining plant establishment in burned areas. Main conclusions Anthropogenic fires favoured alien and native annuals. Thus, fire did not increase the alien/native ratio but increased the richness of alien species. The successful establishment of alien annuals was attributable to their ability to maintain rich seedbanks in burned areas and to the greater propagule arrival compared to native species. The native seedbank also survived fire, indicating that the herbaceous community has become highly resilient after centuries of human disturbances. Our results demonstrate that fire is a relevant factor for the maintenance of alien‐dominated grasslands in the matorral and highlight the importance of considering the interactive effect of seed rain and seedbank survival to understand plant invasion patterns in fire‐prone ecosystems.  相似文献   

Climate warming is supposed to enlarge the area climatically suitable to the naturalization of alien garden plants in temperate regions. However, the effects of a changing climate on the spread of naturalized ornamentals have not been evaluated by spatially and temporarily explicit range modelling at larger scales so far. Here, we assess how climate change and the frequency of cultivation interactively determine the spread of 15 ornamental plants over the 21st century in Europe. We coupled species distribution modelling with simulations of demography and dispersal to predict range dynamics of these species in annual steps across a 250 × 250 m raster of the study area. Models were run under four scenarios of climate warming and six levels of cultivation intensity. Cultivation frequency was implemented as size of the area used for planting a species. Although the area climatically suitable to the 15 species increases, on average, the area predicted to be occupied by them in 2090 shrinks under two of the three climate change scenarios. This contradiction obviously arises from dispersal limitations that were pronounced although we assumed that cultivation is spatially adapting to the changing climate. Cultivation frequency had a much stronger effect on species spread than climate change, and this effect was non‐linear. The area occupied increased sharply from low to moderate levels of cultivation intensity, but levelled off afterwards. Our simulations suggest that climate warming will not necessarily foster the spread of alien garden plants in Europe over the next decades. However, climatically suitable areas do increase and hence an invasion debt is likely accumulating. Restricting cultivation of species can be effective in preventing species spread, irrespective of how the climate develops. However, for being successful, they depend on high levels of compliance to keep propagule pressure at a low level.  相似文献   

Aims Our study aimed to understand the effects and the relative importance of biotic neighborhood and habitat heterogeneity for tree seedling survival in a secondary mixed conifer and broad-leaved forest in Changbai Mountain, north-eastern China.
Methods The generalized mixed linear model was used to examine the relative effects of biotic neighborhood and habitat heterogeneity on seedling survival over two years.
Important findings Our results showed that both biotic neighborhood and habitat heterogeneity had significant effects on the seedling survival at community level. The local environment suitable for the adult growth was also suitable for seedling survival. The soil moisture and soil available nitrogen exhibited significant positive effects on seedling survival. On the other hand, seedling density had significant negative effects on seedling survival due to the individual competition. Particularly, we found significant negative density-dependent effects on seedling survival which was caused by conspecific adult and seedling neighbors. As expected, with the increasing of seedling survival age, the habitat heterogeneity became more important on seedling survival. These results suggest that both local biotic neighborhood and habitat heterogeneity drive seedling survival in this temperate forest, and their relative importance varies with different seedling age classes and species traits.  相似文献   

鼠类对山杏种子存活和萌发的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
张知彬  王福生 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1761-1768
山杏(Prunus armeniaca)是广布于北京山区阳坡的矮林或灌丛,易生存在土壤贫脊、干旱、或严重退化的山坡、裸地,对于保护生态环境,减少水土流失及促进山区经济发展均具有重要作用。有关鼠类在山杏更新中作用的研究较少,本研究主要是确定影响山杏更新的鼠类种类、鼠类对山杏种子的取食压力、人工埋藏种子及植被因素对种子存活和萌发的影响。于1997年10月3-4日,采用夹捕法同时调查取食花生和山杏种子的鼠类种类及种群密度。于1997年9月24-25日,通过在地表放置山桔种子,调查在鼠类取食下,地表种子消失的速度。于1997年10月20日,作种子埋藏实验,调查种子存活及萌发情况。于1997年10月26日,进行扣网实验,研究网内、外山杏种子存活及萌发情况。结果表明:大林姬鼠(Apodemus speciosus)、社鼠(Rattus confucianus),黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)为取食山杏种子的主要鼠种种类;与取食花生相比,社鼠更偏爱山杏种子,大林姬鼠对山杏种子喜食性略低,黑线姬鼠对二者喜食程度相近;山杏种子放置地表后1、10、20、30d的消失率分别为13.06%,64.46%,90.70%,96.69%;扣网实验说明,山杏在地表的萌发率极低,生长也慢;而埋入土层内可明显提高萌发率和生长率(若除去鼠类的取食,萌发率还要高);人工埋藏实验表明,将山杏种子埋入土层5cm后,能够有效地减少鼠类对种子的取食;通过分析山杏种子萌发与植被的关系,发现山杏易在开阔、阳光充分的草丛中存活和生长,而不易在阴闭的灌丛下存活和生长。  相似文献   

Predicting the probability of successful establishment of plant species by matching climatic variables has considerable potential for incorporation in early warning systems for the management of biological invasions. We select South Africa as a model source area of invasions worldwide because it is an important exporter of plant species to other parts of the world because of the huge international demand for indigenous flora from this biodiversity hotspot. We first mapped the five ecoregions that occur both in South Africa and other parts of the world, but the very coarse definition of the ecoregions led to unreliable results in terms of predicting invasible areas. We then determined the bioclimatic features of South Africa's major terrestrial biomes and projected the potential distribution of analogous areas throughout the world. This approach is much more powerful, but depends strongly on how particular biomes are defined in donor countries. Finally, we developed bioclimatic niche models for 96 plant taxa (species and subspecies) endemic to South Africa and invasive elsewhere, and projected these globally after successfully evaluating model projections specifically for three well‐known invasive species (Carpobrotus edulis, Senecio glastifolius, Vellereophyton dealbatum) in different target areas. Cumulative probabilities of climatic suitability show that high‐risk regions are spatially limited globally but that these closely match hotspots of plant biodiversity. These probabilities are significantly correlated with the number of recorded invasive species from South Africa in natural areas, emphasizing the pivotal role of climate in defining invasion potential. Accounting for potential transfer vectors (trade and tourism) significantly adds to the explanatory power of climate suitability as an index of invasibility. The close match that we found between the climatic component of the ecological habitat suitability and the current pattern of occurrence of South Africa alien species in other parts of the world is encouraging. If species' distribution data in the donor country are available, climatic niche modelling offers a powerful tool for efficient and unbiased first‐step screening. Given that eradication of an established invasive species is extremely difficult and expensive, areas identified as potential new sites should be monitored and quarantine measures should be adopted.  相似文献   

基于长白山次生针阔混交林样地, 以520个1 m × 1 m幼苗样方中胸径小于1 cm的乔木幼苗为研究对象, 选取2013年和2014年的幼苗调查数据, 运用广义线性混合模型(GLMM)分析了生物邻体和生境异质性对幼苗存活的影响, 探讨了次生针阔混交林幼苗存活影响因素及物种共存机制。结果表明: (1)适宜大树生长的局域生境同样也适宜幼苗的存活, 幼苗存活率与土壤含水量和有效氮等土壤养分显著正相关。(2)幼苗个体之间存在明显的竞争, 较多的幼苗邻体显著降低幼苗的存活率。同种大树邻体和同种幼苗邻体与幼苗存活显著负相关, 表明存在负密度制约效应。(3)随着幼苗年龄的增加, 生境异质性对幼苗存活的影响逐渐增大。该研究证实了密度制约效应和生境异质性对幼苗存活有着重要影响, 其相对重要性随着幼苗年龄级、功能群以及物种种类而变化。  相似文献   

Abstract. The flora of 96 rubbish dumps consisting of organic, inorganic and industrial wastes was studied in the Czech Republic. Some dumps contained toxic substances (heavy metals, chlorethylenes, phenols, polychlorinated biphenyls, oil hydrocarbons and biogas). Statistically significant factors explaining the number and proportional representation of native plant species, archaeophytes (introduced before 1500) and neophytes (introduced later) were determined. In total, 588 species of vascular plants were recorded, with archaeophytes (133 species) over‐represented and native species (322 species) and neophytes (133 species) under‐represented compared to their proportions in the national flora. Minimum adequate models were used to determine the effects of several factors on species numbers and proportions, independent of other factors. Dump area, human density in the region and altitude (non‐significant only in archaeophytes) were correlated positively with species numbers. Dump age, expressed as time since dump establishment, interacted with the dump toxicity; species numbers increased with dump age on non‐toxic dumps, whereas on toxic dumps no increase in numbers was noted. For neophytes, dump toxicity also interacted with human density; the increase in numbers of neophytes with human density is more pronounced on toxic than on non‐toxic dumps. The variables measured failed to explain observed differences in proportional representation of native species, archaeophytes and neophytes. This suggests that the occurrence of species growing in such extreme habitats is driven overwhelmingly by factors such as anthropogenic disturbance. A possible explanation for the positive effect of altitude on species numbers on dumps is that the effect of heating of the deposited substrate by microbiological processes, documented by previous studies, overrides the effect of altitude which was shown repeatedly to have a negative effect on species richness. Neophyte distribution is driven by an interplay of factors distinct from those influencing the distribution of native species, namely toxicity and human density (the latter we interpret as a surrogate for propagule pressure). Their distribution on studied dumps is more restricted than that of native taxa and archaeophytes, and they are more limited by toxic substrata; more intensive propagule pressure is required for their establishment at dumps with higher toxicity levels.  相似文献   

Schinus molle (Peruvian pepper tree) was introduced to South Africa more than 150 years ago and was widely planted, mainly along roads. Only in the last two decades has the species become naturalized and invasive in some parts of its new range, notably in semi‐arid savannas. Research is being undertaken to predict its potential for further invasion in South Africa. We studied production, dispersal and predation of seeds, seed banks, and seedling establishment in relation to land uses at three sites, namely ungrazed savanna once used as a military training ground; a savanna grazed by native game; and an ungrazed mine dump. We found that seed production and seed rain density of S. molle varied greatly between study sites, but was high at all sites (384 864–1 233 690 seeds per tree per year; 3877–9477 seeds per square metre per year). We found seeds dispersed to distances of up to 320 m from female trees, and most seeds were deposited within 50 m of putative source trees. Annual seed rain density below canopies of Acacia tortillis, the dominant native tree at all sites, was significantly lower in grazed savanna. The quality of seed rain was much reduced by endophagous predators. Seed survival in the soil was low, with no survival recorded beyond 1 year. Propagule pressure to drive the rate of recruitment: densities of seedlings and sapling densities were higher in ungrazed savanna and the ungrazed mine dump than in grazed savanna, as reflected by large numbers of young individuals, but adult : seedling ratios did not differ between savanna sites. Frequent and abundant seed production, together with effective dispersal of viable S. molle seed by birds to suitable establishment sites below trees of other species to overcome predation effects, facilitates invasion. Disturbance enhances invasion, probably by reducing competition from native plants.  相似文献   

王宁  刘俊娥  周正朝 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7464-7474
生物土壤结皮(BSC)在陆地生态系统中具有重要的生态地位,尤其是旱地生态系统中,BSC占据了种子植物之间的广阔地面。因此,BSC的发展必然影响种子植物更新过程与植被空间格局;但其作用方式、影响程度等因相关研究涉及多气候要素、土壤类型、BSC组成物种和种子植物物种的差异及其不同组合,导致目前的研究结论存在广泛争议。研究综合论述了BSC改变地表微形态对种子传播过程的影响;BSC改变土壤特性(物理、化学、生物学)对种子萌发和幼苗存活与建植等关键环节的影响;并结合种子形态特征及种子萌发、幼苗建植的性状等,综合分析了BSC对种子传播、种子萌发与幼苗建植等更新过程的潜在影响机理;探讨了目前研究矛盾性结论产生的原因。总体来说,深入研究并全面揭示BSC对种子植物更新过程的影响,应加强学科交叉,将分子生物学、植物生理学、生物化学等微观研究,与遥感、野外生态因子过程监测、控制实验等宏观、中观研究结合,从机理到过程方面动态研究BSC对种子植物更新过程的影响,并引入水文模型、气候模型、种群动态模型等模型预测方法,研究气候变化、各类干扰频发的情景下,BSC对种子传播、萌发及幼苗建植过程的潜在影响,以期促进对BSC与种子植物间相互关系的研究,加深对干旱脆弱生态系统植被发展规律的认识。  相似文献   

We identify a significant relationship between domestic market-based propagule pressure, as measured both in presence in the British horticultural market and in seed prices of ornamental plant species, with success in invasion. We employ a multispecies temporal approach and use a Generalized Estimation Equation model comparing ornamental non-native species introduced into Britain which started to invade with species introduced but not known outside cultivation. Historical nursery catalogues gave information on the availability and prices of seeds of 506 ornamental species in the British horticultural market every 20 years from 1885 to 1985. Higher market frequency and cheap prices of seeds were more significant and had a greater impact on the invading probability 20 years later than at the date of listing in a nursery catalogue. Our results suggest that national economic factors are an important part of the explanation for the invasiveness of ornamental plant species, and hence for the development of potential solutions.  相似文献   

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