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Urbanization has caused an increase in favorable habitats for Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae), given their ability to reproduce in small and often non‐degradable artificial water‐containers. While much work has been done on Ae. aegypti biology and ecology in urban landscapes, the role of shading on immature stages as an independent factor from temperature, and any possible interactions between these factors, remains unexamined. We assessed how temperature and shading affected egg hatch‐rate, larval/pupal mortality, and larval development to adult stage under different factorial temperature (28; 31; 34; 37; 40° C) and shade (0%, 3,100 lux; 40%, 1,860 lux; 75%, 775 lux; 100%, 0 lux) regimes. Hatch‐rate was significantly lower at 37° C (57 %), and no eggs hatched at 40° C. There was no significant effect caused by shading on hatchability. Larval and pupal mortality at 37° C was significantly higher (35%) compared to lower temperature groups, while the effects of shading were emergent at low temperatures. Developmental times from hatching to adult emergence were significantly reduced with increasing temperatures and with greater light exposures. The eco‐physiological response of Ae. aegypti larvae to temperature and light regimes suggest a photosensitivity previously unstudied in this species.  相似文献   

The establishment of habitats for immature Ae. aegypti is regulated by biotic and abiotic factors and interactions between these factors. This study aimed to determine the effects of physico‐chemical variables and planktonic algae on immature Ae. aegypti habitats in 101 water tanks (50 of them containing Ae. aegypti pupae and/or larvae) in Girardot, Colombia. Physical data were collected from the water tanks (volume, capacity, material, detritus, and location), along with the physico‐chemical variables (temperature, pH, conductivity, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, percentage of oxygen saturation, nitrates, nitrites, and orthophosphates). The richness and abundance of the planktonic organisms were also measured. A chi‐square test showed that the occurrence of detritus was greater and the container volume was smaller in the tanks that were positive for larvae. Only Cyanobacteria had a positive correlation with the abundance of immature‐stage Ae. aegypti. The results could be important for understanding the vector ecology and envisaging its probable control in the domestic water tanks of Girardot.  相似文献   

The larval survival and development times of Aedes caspius (Diptera: Culicidae) were examined in the laboratory. These life history traits were estimated using life tables constructed for two populations, one of which had been subjected to a long-term larvicide control program. Traits were evaluated for eight different population densities. The effects of population, larval stage and larval density were investigated using a general linear model. Density was positively correlated with larval survival but did not affect development time. The fourth instar and pupae had the lowest larval survival rates. First and fourth instar larvae had the longest development times. These traits were not significantly different between the two populations. The effect of larvicide control on these traits is discussed.  相似文献   

Predators may have multiple effects on prey, including the mortality caused by consumption, but also non-consumptive effects when prey alter their life history traits in the presence of predators. This study aimed to describe the consumption ability and the non-consumptive effects of Notonecta sellata (Heteroptera: Notonectidae) on immature stages of Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae). Results showed that adult N. sellata were capable of preying on all larval instars, although they consumed more individuals of the 2(nd) and 3(rd) instars. Immature mosquitoes raised in the presence of, but without contact with, predators showed a slower development and smaller-sized emerging adults than those raised in the control treatments. Similar survival rates were recorded in the predator and control treatments. The present study suggests that N. sellata adults negatively affect Cx. pipiens populations in two ways: a) by increasing immature stage mortality as a result of direct consumption and extended development times; and b) by reducing their number of offspring, as a result of delayed reproduction and a lower fecundity of adults.  相似文献   

High population density and nutrition restriction can lead to phase variation in morphology and development, and subsequently induce changes in the reaction norms of adult flight in migrant insects. However, response of migratory propensity to such stress in Endopterygote insects, especially in several species of Lepidoptera, remains unclear. In this study, larval and adult developmental responses to crowding and food stress were investigated in the migratory moth, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée). A high larval rearing density significantly reduced pupal mass, survival rate and female fecundity. Larvae developed rapidly under crowding conditions, and time to pupation was 2 days earlier than individuals reared alone. By contrast, short‐term starvation and associated compensatory growth prolonged larval duration by 3–4 days and pupal duration by 1–2 days. It also reduced the pupal mass, but showed no detectable effects on female reproductive performance. Both sexes had similar development strategies; however, females seemed to be more sensitive to crowding and food shortage than males. A positive effect was expected if such stress factors acted as cues that triggering a behavioural or physiological shift to a distinct migratory phase. To the contrary, we found no proof that crowding and starvation caused maturation delay in female reproductive development. All treatments did not significantly increase female pre‐oviposition period. Therefore, we concluded that life developmental responses to crowding and food shortage in this species were different. Adult migration propensity was not enhanced under such stress conditions during the larval phase.  相似文献   

Maternally inherited Wolbachia (gram-negative bacteria) often affect the reproductive fitness of their arthropod hosts and may cause cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Comparing Wolbachia-infected and uninfected strains of the mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), we assessed the effects on fitness of two stressors: temperature elevation (25 degrees C vs. 37 degrees C) and exposure to temephos insecticide (concentration range 0.0017-0.0167 mg/L) during larval development. Fitness was measured in terms of life history traits: percentage survival, development time and wing size. Insecticide treatment was associated with reduction in survival rates and wing size in both sexes, but did not affect development time or Wolbachia load. Temperature elevation by 12 degrees C significantly reduced all four bionomic parameters observed in both sexes. Wolbachia density within individual adult mosquitoes was determined by using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based on the wsp gene. Both male and female adults had significantly lower densities of Wolbachia after larval rearing at the higher temperature.  相似文献   

Mosquito larval habitat determines the fitness, survivorship, fecundity, and vector capacity of emerging adults. We manipulated larval density and food provisioning in the laboratory to determine their effects on a number of life history parameters of Anopheles gambiae. Larval mortality was positively correlated with larval density. In addition, increased density skewed sex ratios that favored females.  相似文献   

Several studies have examined how climatic variables such as temperature and precipitation may affect life history traits in mosquitoes that are important to disease transmission. Despite its importance as a seasonal cue in nature, studies investigating the influence of photoperiod on such traits are relatively few. This study aims to investigate how photoperiod alters life history traits, survival, and blood‐feeding activity in Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus). We performed three experiments that tested the effects of day length on female survival, development time, adult size, fecundity, adult life span, and propensity to blood feed in Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti. Each experiment had three photoperiod treatments: 1) short‐day (10L:14D), 2) control (12L:12D), and 3) long‐day (14L:10D). Aedes albopictus adult females were consistently larger in size when reared in short‐day conditions. Aedes aegypti adult females from short‐day treatments lived longer and were more likely to take a blood meal compared to other treatments. We discuss how species‐specific responses may reflect alternative strategies evolved to increase survival during unfavorable conditions. We review the potential impacts of these responses on seasonal transmission patterns, such as potentially increasing vectorial capacity of Ae. aegypti during periods of shorter day lengths.  相似文献   

Abstract Larval competition is common in container‐breeding mosquitoes. The impact of competition on larval growth has been thoroughly examined and findings that larval competition can lead to density‐dependent effects on adult body size have been documented. The effects of larval competition on adult longevity have been less well explored. The effects of intraspecific larval densities on the longevity of adults maintained under relatively harsh environmental conditions were tested in the laboratory by measuring the longevity of adult Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) that had been reared under a range of larval densities and subsequently maintained in high‐ or low‐humidity regimes (85% or 35% relative humidity [RH], respectively) as adults. We found significant negative effects of competition on adult longevity in Ae. aegypti, but not in Ae. albopictus. Multivariate analysis of variance suggested that the negative effect of the larval environment on the longevity of Ae. aegypti adults was most strongly associated with increased development time and decreased wing length as adults. Understanding how larval competition affects adult longevity under a range of environmental conditions is important in establishing the relationship between models of mosquito population regulation and epidemiological models of vector‐borne disease transmission.  相似文献   

Differences in biological features of immature and adult Aedes aegypti, as well as variability in vector competence, seem consistent with the existence of genetic variation among subpopulations and adaptation to local conditions. This work aims to compare the bionomics of four Ae. aegypti subpopulations derived from different geographical regions reared under temperate conditions. Life statistics of three Ae. aegypti subpopulations from the provinces of Córdoba, Salta, and Misiones were studied based on horizontal life tables. The Rockefeller strain was used as a control. The development time required to complete the larva and pupa stages varied from 6.91 to 7.95 and 1.87 to 2.41 days, respectively. Significant differences were found in mean larval development time between the Córdoba and Orán subpopulations. The larva‐pupa development time was similar in all the subpopulations. However, survival values varied significantly between the Orán and San Javier subpopulations. The proportion of emergent males did not differ from females within each subpopulation nor among them. Adult longevity was similar among the subpopulations. The average number of eggs laid by each female was significantly different. The Rockefeller strain laid a significantly greater number of eggs (463.99 eggs/female) than the rest of the subpopulations. Moreover, differences in the demographic growth parameter Ro were detected among the four subpopulations. The differences obtained in larval development time, larva‐pupa survival values, and net reproductive rates among the subpopulations might reflect underlying genetic differences as a result of colonization from different regions that probably involve adaptations to local conditions.  相似文献   

The utilization of detritus sources by mosquito larvae during development may significantly affect adult life history traits and mosquito population growth. Many studies have shown invertebrate carcasses to be an important detritus source in larval habitats, but little is known regarding how invertebrate carcasses are utilized by mosquito larvae. We conducted two studies to investigate the rate of detritus consumption and its effect on larval development and life history traits. Overall, we found that Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus larvae rapidly consumed larval detritus, while pupal detritus was consumed at a significantly slower rate. We also found that the consumption of larval detritus significantly increased larval survivorship and decreased male development time but did not significantly influence female development time or pupal cephalothorax length for either sex. Our results suggest that the direct consumption of larval detritus can support the production of adults in larval habitats that lack allochthonous detritus inputs or where such organic inputs are insufficient. These studies indicate that different forms of invertebrate detritus are utilized in distinct ways by mosquito larvae, and therefore different forms of invertebrate detritus may have distinct effects on larval development and adult life history traits.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Variation in size (wing length) of females and males within a population of Aedes punctor (Kirby) at emergence was recorded in northern Britain during 1984 and 1985.
2. Wing length correlated well with body dry weight, confirming its usefulness as a measure of body size. In 1984, but not in 1985, mean size decreased significantly as emergence progressed.
3. The size of host-seeking females caught at human bait varied seasonally. This was partly accounted for by size variation during emergence.
4. Of females which fed to repletion, the largest spent least time in contact with the host.
5. In the laboratory, wing length correlated well with potential fecundity (number of ovarioles) and less well with actual fecundity (number of matured follicles) after feeding on human blood.
6. In the field, larger females were more successful at locating hosts, developed more egg clutches in a lifetime and generally lived longer than did smaller ones. Larger females appear to enjoy greater reproductive success than do smaller females.  相似文献   

There is a broad understanding of the influence of environmental factors on various aspects of normal mosquito behavior. How these external factors influence responses to repellent compounds is far less clear. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different daytime periods combining the normal circadian activity of a laboratory colony of Aedes aegypti (L.) with behavioral responses of mosquitoes exposed to three different compounds possessing repellent properties. Using an excito-repellency test chamber with different test designs (contact irritancy + repellency and noncontact repellency), female mosquitoes were exposed to each chemical or matching blank control during four different 3-h time intervals beginning 0600 to 1800?h. Mosquitoes showed more significant avoidance responses (escape movement away from the chemical) when exposed to either DEET or hairy basil during the afternoon periods. With deltamethrin, there was no significant difference in repellent escape movement during any period of testing. Escape activity with deltamethrin was significantly greater during all diurnal periods in contact tests compared to DEET and hairy basil. From this study, it was shown that time of diurnal testing can significantly influence behavioral responses of Ae. aegypti exposed to chemical-based repellents. Therefore, the assessment of chemicals (toxins, repellents, attractants) and must carefully consider time-of-test as a potential confounding factor during evaluation and comparisons.  相似文献   

Insecticide susceptibility of a 1995 Townsville Aedes aegypti (L.) population was investigated in the laboratory according to World Health Organization guidelines. Using baseline data from two Townsville populations (1955 and 1989), larval bioassays detected significant increases in susceptibility to synthetic pyrethroids and malathion, and significant reductions in susceptibility to most organophosphates and propoxur. Adult bioassays detected significant resistance to bendiocarb and DDT. Comparison of larval data with the international reference ROCK strain showed substantial resistance to have developed to malathion and fenthion. Further analysis revealed the presence of distinct substrains in the baseline 1989 population, which displayed varying levels of temephos susceptibility. We concluded that susceptibility investigations should assess mosquito populations collected from many sites within an area rather than taking a single population from one site, and that the 1989 Ae. aegypti colony would be unsuitable for use as a susceptible reference population.  相似文献   

We report here the reappearance of Aedes aegypti in the Rimac district, and summarize the history of this mosquito species in Peru since its first detection in 1852. On March 17 2000 were found Ae. aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus in Mariscal Castilla town, Flor de Amancaes, San Juan de Amancaes, El Altillo and Santa Rosa in the Rimac district, Lima Province.  相似文献   

Thirty‐two Aedes aegypti populations collected throughout Thailand and five populations of Aedes albopictus from southern Thailand were subjected to standard WHO contact bioassays to assess susceptibility to three commonly used synthetic pyrethroids: permethrin, deltamethrin, and lambda‐cyhalothrin. A wide degree of physiological response to permethrin was detected in Ae. aegypti, ranging from 56.5% survival (Lampang, northern Thailand) to only 4% (Kalasin in northeastern and Phuket in southern Thailand). All 32 populations of Ae. aegypti were found to have evidence of incipient resistance (62.5%) or levels of survival deemed resistant (37.5%) to permethrin. Four populations of Ae. albopictus were found with incipient resistance (97 – 80% mortality) and one with resistance (< 80%) to permethrin. The majority of Ae. aegypti populations (68.7%) was susceptible (> 98% mortality) to deltamethrin, with incipient resistance (observed 97–82% mortality) in other localities. In contrast, all populations of Ae. aegypti were completely susceptible (100% mortality) to the recommended operational dosage of lambda‐cyhalothrin. All five populations of Ae. albopictus were found completely susceptible to both deltamethrin and lambda‐cyhalothrin. Evidence of defined incipient or resistance to synthetic pyrethroids mandates appropriate response and countermeasures to mitigate further development and spread of resistance. In light of these findings, we conclude that routine and comprehensive susceptibility monitoring of dengue mosquito vectors to synthetic pyrethroids should be a required component of resistance management policies and disease control activities.  相似文献   

Immature development times, survival rates and adult size (wing-lengths) of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) were studied in the laboratory at temperatures of 10-40 degrees C. The duration of development from egg eclosion (hatching of the first instar) to adult was inversely related to temperature, ranging from 7.2 +/- 0.2 days at 35 degrees C to 39.7 +/- 2.3 days at 15 degrees C. The minimum temperature threshold for development (t) was determined as 8.3 +/- 3.6 degrees C and the thermal constant (K) was 181.2 +/- 36.1 day-degrees above the threshold. Maximum survival rates of 88-93% were obtained between 20 and 30 degrees C. Wing-length was inversely related to temperature. The sex ratio (female:male) was 1:1 at all temperatures tested (15, 20, 25 and 35 degrees C) except 30 degrees C (4:3). Under field conditions at Townsville and Charters Towers, north Queensland, the duration of immature development varied according to the container position (i.e. shaded or exposed) and the availability of food resources, as well as inversely with temperature. These data indicate that containers with an abundance of organic matter (e.g. those used for striking plant cuttings) or those amongst foliage or under trees (e.g. discarded plastic tubs and tyres) tended to produce the largest adult Ae. aegypti, which had faster development and better immature survival. As such progeny have been linked to a greater risk of dengue transmission, it would seem important to focus on control of such containers.  相似文献   

The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the primary vector of dengue and is common throughout tropical and subtropical regions. Its distribution is modulated by environmental factors, such as temperature. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of temperature on the life cycle and expansion of Ae. aegypti populations in the cities of Campina Grande, João Pessoa, and Patos. Samples of Ae. aegypti were collected in the three cities and raised in the laboratory. We assessed the life cycles of the three Ae. aegypti populations under six constant temperatures (16, 22, 28, 33, 36, and 39°C), selected on the basis of historical temperature tendencies of each city. We also used existing climate data to calculate projected temperature increases for all three areas. Our results suggest that Campina Grande, João Pessoa, and Patos will experience, respectively, maximum temperature increases of 0.030°C/year, 0.069°C/year, and 0.061°C/year, and minimum temperature increases of 0.019°C/year, ?0.047°C/year, and ?0.086°C/year. These projected increases will result in temperatures favorable to the Ae. aegypti life cycle, causing rapid population growth. Therefore, Ae. aegypti populations are likely to expand in the mesoregions represented by these cities.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary sugar and body size on the oviposition of Ae. aegypti were studied under laboratory conditions. In female mosquitoes provided with sugar, the start of maximum fecundity was significantly delayed and the oviposition period was longer than in females provided with water. The peak of oviposition was also delayed in sugar‐fed females. Large females oviposited more eggs per day than small females at maximum fecundity and during eight days of observations. Large females also visited significantly more water‐containing cups in their cages per day than small females at maximum fecundity. During the eight days of observations, large females and sugar‐fed females visited more water‐containing cups in their cages than water‐fed small females. Both large females and sugar‐fed females oviposited their eggs at sites higher above the water line than water‐fed small females. These results suggested that large and sugar‐fed female Ae. aegypti mosquitoes had more energy reserves and oviposited their eggs at higher sites, which would lead to a time lag in hatching.  相似文献   

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