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The recently published Lethaia paper by Bergström et al. ( https://doi.org/10.1111/let.12269 ) on the age of the Ordovician Winneshiek Shale (Iowa, USA), and the impact that formed the Decorah crater which hosts this rock unit, is an interesting scientific contribution, although there are a number of problems with the interpretations and data presentation that merit comment. Due mainly to a lack of adequate critical assessment of δ13C data and biostratigraphical control, we contend that the conclusions of Bergström et al. are poorly founded and should not be cursorily accepted and propagated in future scientific literature.  相似文献   

Since 2010 when the North American ELKHORN and Baltoscandic PAROVEJA isotope excursions were first described and named, their mutual age relations have remained uncertain, if not controversial. This was at least partly due to the incompleteness of the ELKHORN excursion in its reference section in western Ohio. The unexpected discovery of an apparently complete ELKHORN excursion in a drill core from St Marys in western Ohio has led to the conclusion that in terms of stratigraphical position and δ13C curve correspondence, the ELKHORN and PAROVEJA excursions are so similar that they apparently represent the same isotopic curve perturbation. The ELKHORN/PAROVEJA excursion occurs in the D. pacificus Graptolite Zone and uppermost A. ordovicicus Conodont Zone in the uppermost Katian Stage (Stage Slice Ka4 of Bergström et al. Lethaia 42, 97–197, 2009). Because the designation PAROVEJA was published two months before that of ELKHORN, it has priority as excursion designation. This excursion is particularly well represented in the carbonate successions in the Great Basin of western United States. Chemostratigraphy and biostratigraphy in that region show that the Richmondian transgression was contemporaneous with the beginning of the middle Katian WHITEWATER/MOE excursion. The onset of the Richmondian transgression has long been controversial but now available evidence suggests that it is of essentially the same age across large regions of the southern, western and central United States.  相似文献   

Middle and Late Ordovician strata in the nearshore area of the western Yangtze Platform are investigated. In total, 241 δ13Ccarb samples and 108 conodont samples from the Songliang and Tuanjie sections in the northeastern Yunnan Province were collected for chemostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies. Altogether, 21 species belonging to 16 conodont genera were recovered from the two sections, among which Ansella jemtlandica, Drepanoistodus basiovalis, Hamarodus brevirameus, and Microzarkodina hagetiana are important age indicators within the Dapingian to early Katian interval. Four carbon isotope shifts are recognized in the studied sections: a negative shift in the early Darriwilian, the middle Darriwilian carbon isotope excursion (MDICE), the early Katian Guttenberg carbon isotope excursion (GICE), and a further positive carbon isotope shift later in the early Katian which is a new record of this event in South China. Integrated carbon chemostratigraphy and conodont biostratigraphy indicate early Darriwilian and early Katian ages for the base and top, respectively, of the Huadan Formation at the Songliang section, and a Darriwilian to early Katian age for the Shihtzupu Formation at the Tuanjie section.  相似文献   

A recent review by Lindskog & Young (2019) of a paper published in Lethaia by Bergström et al. (2018a) contains many errors, misleading statements and unsupported opinions. Their review claims that we did not consider biostratigraphy in our efforts to chemostratigraphically date the Winneshiek Shale. That this is incorrect is shown by the fact that Liu et al. (2017), which contains a two-page review of all fossil evidence that has a bearing on the age of the Winneshiek Shale and was written by Bergström, was cited in Bergström et al. (2018a) and used extensively in our chemostratigraphical age assessment of the unit. Interestingly, recent research provides support for our conclusion regarding the age of the Winneshiek Shale, indicating that at least its upper part is coeval with the Nicholsonograptus fasciculatus Graptolite Zone and the Eoplacognathus pseudoplanus Conodont Zone. In constructing their arguments, Lindskog & Young (2019) provide no alternative interpretations or corrections of scientific value.  相似文献   

The end‐Devonian Hangenberg Crisis constituted one of the greatest ecological and environmental perturbations of the Paleozoic Era. To date, however, it has been difficult to precisely constrain the occurrence of the Hangenberg Crisis in the Appalachian Basin of the United States and thus to directly assess the effects of this crisis on marine microbial communities and paleoenvironmental conditions. Here, we integrate organic and inorganic chemostratigraphic records compiled from two discrete outcrop locations to characterize the onset and paleoenvironmental transitions associated with the Hangenberg Crisis within the Cleveland Shale member of the Ohio Shale. The upper Cleveland Shale records both positive carbon (δ13Corg) and nitrogen (δ15Ntotal) isotopic excursions, and replenished trace metal inventories with links to eustatic rise. These dual but apparently temporally offset isotope excursions may be useful for stratigraphic correlation with other productive end‐Devonian epeiric marine locations. Deposition of the black shale succession occurred locally beneath a redox‐stratified water column with euxinic zones, with signs of strengthening denitrification during the Hangenberg Crisis interval, but with an otherwise stable and algal‐rich marine microbial community structure sustained in the surface mixed layer as ascertained by lipid biomarker assemblages. Discernible trace fossil signals in some horizons suggest, however, that bioturbation and seafloor oxygenation occurred episodically throughout this succession and highlight that geochemical proxies often fail to capture these rapid and sporadic redox fluctuations in ancient black shales. The paleoenvironmental conditions, source biota, and accumulations of black shale are consistent with expressions of the Hangenberg Crisis globally, suggesting this event is likely captured within the uppermost strata of the Cleveland Shale in North America.  相似文献   

Five positive carbon isotope excursions are reported from Platteville–Decorah strata in the Upper Mississippi Valley. All occur in subtidal carbonate strata, and are recognized in the Mifflin, Grand Detour, Quimbys Mill, Spechts Ferry, and Guttenberg intervals. The positive carbon isotope excursions are developed in a Platteville–Decorah succession in which background δ13C values increase upward from about −2‰ at the base to about 0‰ Vienna Pee Dee belemnite (VPDB) at the top. A regional north–south δ13C gradient, with lighter values to the north and heavier values to the south is also noted. Peak excursion δ13C values of up to +2.75 are reported from the Quimbys Mill excursion, and up to +2.6 from the Guttenberg excursion, although there are considerable local changes in the magnitudes of these events. The Quimbys Mill, Spechts Ferry, and Guttenberg carbon isotope excursions occur in units that are bounded by submarine disconformities, and completely starve out in deeper, more offshore areas. Closely spaced chemostratigraphic profiles of these sculpted, pyrite-impregnated hardground surfaces show that they are associated with very abrupt centimeter-scale negative δ13C shifts of up to several per mil, possibly resulting from the local diagenetic effects of incursions of euxinic bottom waters during marine flooding events.  相似文献   

The Middle Ordovician conodont genera that are suitable for palaeoenvironmental interpretations from the epicontinental Baltoscandian platform have been identified and evaluated to establish and describe conodont biofacies and their relationship to global cooling. The construction of biofacies was based on multivariate statistical analyses of more than 375 700 conodont specimens from 520 samples and 21 localities across Baltica. Three distinct, recurrent and laterally extensive conodont biofacies existed across the Baltoscandian platform of the Baltica continent during the Dapingian and early to middle Darriwilian stages (Middle Ordovician). A relatively shallow water conodont assemblage named the Baltoniodus–Microzarkodina Biofacies characterized the inner shelf localities in central Sweden, Estonia, Russia and Ukraine. In the distal shelf areas, patterns are more complex. Here, genera of the Periodon Biofacies characterized the shelf margin areas of the Scandinavian Caledonides facing the relatively warm Iapetus Ocean towards the north, whereas the Protopanderodus Biofacies dominated the distal shelf areas facing the cooler Tornquist Sea towards the south‐west. Although these three main biofacies continued to dominate during the succeeding Darriwilian stage, distinct changes in the distribution of biofacies took place during the transition from the Dapingian Stage to the Darriwilian. We argue that the biofacies change was triggered by a regressive event related to early Darriwilian cooling, and that the palaeoclimatological changes influenced the Baltic conodont faunas near the Tornquist Sea margin before those of the Iapetus margin (early vs middle Darriwilian).  相似文献   

The late Wenlock is characterized by two global regressive‐transgressive eustatic cycles in association with a double‐peaked positive carbon isotope excursion. The onset of the excursion coincides with an extinction event affecting graptolites (the lundgreni event) and proposed to affect conodonts (the Mulde Event) and proliferation of non‐skeletal carbonates. In order to test the hypothesized relationships between eustatic and ecological changes, the tropical carbonate Homerian succession in Podolia has been examined with respect to conodont, sequence and δ13C stratigraphy. Four depositional sequences (DS) have been identified. The onset of the δ13C excursion occurs at the boundary between DS1 and DS2, corresponding to a forced regression of proposed glacioeustatic origin. The following rapid eustatic transgression associated with the highest δ13C values of 5.2‰ includes a higher‐order shallowing episode recorded in Podolia as normal regression and a boundary between DS2 and DS3. This interval is distinguished by the presence of oncoids and thrombolitic buildups. The latest Wenlock eustatic fall and the corresponding second peak of the δ13C excursion corresponds in Podolia to a stratigraphic gap. The first δ13C peak (top of DS1 and DS2) corresponds to the O. bohemica longa conodont Zone, the interval between the two peaks (DS3) – to K. ortus absidata and C. murchisoni zones, and DS4 is tentatively placed in the lowermost Ludlow Series. The record of relative sea‐level changes in Podolia is consistent with reconstructions based on successions in England and Sweden. The moderate drop in conodont taxonomic richness may reflect the primary depositional control over their proposed extinction.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of plant material has been used extensively as an indirect measure of carbon fixation per volume of water used. More recently, the δ13C of phloem sap (δ13Cphl) has been used as a surrogate measure of short‐term, canopy scale δ13C. Using a combination of δ13C physiological, structural and chemical indices from leaves and phloem sap of Eucalyptus globulus at sites of contrasting water availability, we sought to identify short‐term, canopy scale resource limitations. Results illustrate that δ13Cphl offers valid reflections of short‐term, canopy scale values of leaf δ13C and tree water status. Under conditions limited by water, leaf and phloem sap photoassimilates differ in 13C abundance of a magnitude large enough to significantly influence predictions of water use efficiency. This pattern was not detected among trees with adequate water supply indicating fractionation into heterotrophic tissues that may be sensitive to plant water status. Trees employed a range of physiological, biochemical and structural adaptations to acclimate to resource limitation that differed among sites providing a useful context upon which to interpret patterns in δ13C. Our results highlight that such easily characterized properties are ideal for use as minimally invasive tools to monitor growth and resilience of plants to variations in resource availability.  相似文献   

The lower and lowermost Middle Ordovician strata of the Volkhov Stage exposed in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, Russia, yield a graptolite fauna at several stratigraphic levels, being more often confined to the mud-mound clays than to the normally stratified, Condensed carbonates. Overall taxonomic diversity of the Volkhov graptolites is relatively low and associations include no more than seven species in ail localities. TheTetragraptus, Didymograptus andXiphograptus species found are pandemic and have quite extensive stratigraphie ranges within the mid-Arenig Series. Based on the graptolite zonation, the Volkhov Stage can be correlated to thePseudophyllograptus angustifolius elongatus andDidymograptus (Expansograptus) hirundo graptolite biozones of Baltoscandia and to the upperDidymograptus simulans toDidymograptus (Expansograptus) hirundo biozones of the British graptolite succession. TheIsograptus victoriae lunatus lower zonal boundary probably falls within the graptolite-bearing interval of the lower Volkhov Stage. As the result of indirect biostratigraphic and interpretative lithological correlations, the first appearance ofUndulograptus austrodentatus at the base of the Darriwilian Stage is deemed to be close to the boundary of theMegistaspis simon andM. limbata trilobite biozones and the lowerBaltionodus norrlandicus conodont Biozone of the upper Volkhov Stage. Seven dichograptid species belonging to four genera are described, one of them,Azygograptus volkhovensis n. sp., new.   相似文献   

In the present study, Xyrichtys novacula (Labridae) were sampled at five locations around the islands of Ibiza and Formentera (western Mediterranean Sea). Isotopic signatures of δ13C, δ15N and the C:N ratio were analysed in relation to locality, sex and size differences. δ13C and δ15N partitioning was also studied in the reproductive spawning period. There were significant differences in the δ13C signature between localities for both sexes, but not for δ15N. Sex differences were also found with a mean ±s.e . value of ?17·38 ± 0·06‰δ13C and 8·36 ± 0·05‰δ15N for females and ?17·17 ± 0·07‰δ13C and 8·80 ± 0·06‰δ15N for males. Increasing total length in both sexes was positively correlated with δ15N enrichment and a significant positive linear regression was established for both variables. During the reproductive spawning period, there were changes in δ13C fractioning with enrichment in postspawning females and males (with respect to prespawning and spawning periods) and δ15N impoverishment in postspawning females (with respect to prespawning and spawning periods). Xyrichtys novacula uses local food sources, as confirmed by δ13C and δ15N, and females and males use different food sources, thus avoiding intraspecific competition. This was confirmed by δ15N enrichment as size increased. Spawning leads to special requirements for gonad maturation, which is reflected in the isotopic signatures for both sexes.  相似文献   

Four Ordovician K-bentonites have been chemically fingerprinted using trace element content of apatite phenocrysts contained within the altered ash layers. Trace element analysis was performed using electron microprobe on individual crystals. The bentonites include the Deicke, Millbrig, Elkport, and Dickeyville beds. These beds lie within the Decorah Formation of the northern Mississippi Valley outcrop area. All four K-bentonite beds are believed to have a Taconic source whereas volcanic ash was transported by wind and deposited in the Ordovician North America epeiric sea.

The Decorah is a marine unit, shaly to the north and west and carbonate-rich to the south and east. Thirteen K-bentonite samples were collected from six localities. Only one locality (Dickeyville, WI) contains all four beds in succession. One hundred seventy-one apatite crystals were handpicked and analyzed for major, minor and trace elements using an electron microprobe. Each crystal was analyzed at three to six separate spots to ascertain compositional variation. The most discriminating and diagnostic elements were Mg and Mn; plotting Mg vs. Mn content produces data clusters characteristic for each K-bentonite. Clusters show only minimal change between localities, allowing individual K-bentonites to be identified and used for stratigraphic correlation.

Time slices provided by the K-bentonite horizons show that the Decorah Formation is composed of reciprocal wedges (stratigraphic sequences) of shale and carbonate. Shale was deposited in deeper water within the Hollandale Embayment but pinched out southeastward onto the flank of the Wisconsin Dome. Carbonates were formed largely in shoal water on the arch, prograding northwestward and shaling out downramp into the embayment.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes in bones are a powerful tool for diet, provenance, climate, and physiological reconstructions, but necessarily require well‐preserved specimens unaltered by postmortem diagenesis or conservation practices. This study examines the effects of Paraloid B‐72 and Butvar B‐98, two common consolidants used in field and museum conservation, on δ13C, δ15N, and δ18O values from bone collagen and hydroxyapatite. The effects of solvent removal (100% acetone, 100% ethanol, 9:1 acetone:xylenes, 9:1 ethanol:xylenes) and drying methods (ambient air, vacuum, oven drying at 80°C) were also examined to determine if bones treated with these consolidants can successfully be cleaned and used for stable isotope analyses. Results show that introduction of Paraloid B‐72 or Butvar B‐98 in 100% acetone or 100% ethanol, respectively, with subsequent removal by the same solvents and drying at 80°C facilitates the most successful removal of consolidants and solvents. The δ13C values in collagen, δ15N in collagen, δ18O in hydroxyapatite phosphate, and δ13C in hydroxyapatite structural carbonate were unaltered by treatments with Paraloid or Butvar and subsequent solvent removal. The δ18O in hydroxyapatite structural carbonate showed nonsystematic variability when bones were treated with Paraloid and Butvar, which is hypothesized to be a result of hydroxyl exchange when bones are exposed to consolidants in solution. It is therefore recommended that δ18O in hydroxyapatite structural carbonate should not be used in stable isotope studies if bones have been treated with Paraloid or Butvar. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:330–338, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Papers resulting from the Fourth International Symposium on the Cambrian System, held in Nanjing, China, in 2005 cover three major aspects of geology and paleontology: (1) the developing global standard for Cambrian chronostratigraphy or regional correlation schemes; (2) regional lithostratigraphy, sedimentology and paleoenvironments; (3) organismal paleobiology, phylogenetic affinities and taphonomy.A generalized curve of carbon isotopes (δ13C) through the Cambrian suggests a relationship between major biotic events, sea level history and the development of deposits of exceptional preservation (Lagerstätten). Recognition of this relationship increases the importance of the δ13C profile as a tool for intercontinental and intracontinental correlation. Significant δ13C excursions in the Cambrian are: BACE (negative excursion at the base of the Cambrian System); ZHUCE (positive excursion in the lower part of Stage 2); SHICE (negative excursion in the middle part of Stage 2); CARE (positive excursion near the base of Stage 3); MICE (positive excursion in the lower part of Stage 4); AECE (negative excursion in the middle part of Stage 4); ROECE (negative excursion near the base of Stage 5); DICE (negative excursion beginning near the base of the Drumian Stage); SPICE (positive excursion beginning at the base of the Paibian Stage); TOCE (negative excursion near the top of Stage 10). All acronyms other than SPICE are newly proposed.  相似文献   

Consistent, repeatable segregation of plant species along hydrological gradients is an established phenomenon that must in some way reflect a trade‐off between plants' abilities to tolerate the opposing constraints of drought and waterlogging. In C3 species tissue carbon isotope discrimination (δ13C) is known to vary sensitively in response to stomatal behaviour, reflecting stomatal limitation of photosynthesis during the period of active growth. However, this has not been studied at fine‐spatial scale in natural communities. We tested how δ13C varied between species and sexes of individuals in the family Restionaceae growing along a monitored hydrological gradient. Twenty Restionaceae species were investigated using species‐level phylogeny at two sites in the Cape Floristic Region, a biodiversity hotspot. A spatial overlap analysis showed the Restionaceae species segregated significantly (P < 0.001) at both sites. Moreover, there were significant differences in δ13C values among the Restionaceae species (P < 0.001) and between male and female individuals of each species (P < 0.01). However, after accounting for phylogeny, species δ13C values did not show any significant correlation with the hydrological gradient. We suggest that some other variable (e.g. plant phenology) could be responsible for masking a simple response to water availability.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotopes were studied in fossiliferous Cambrian carbonates in northwestern Hunan Province (South China) and in northern Anhui and southern Shandong provinces (North China). Two major C isotope excursions related to biological events occur in the Wangcun section (Yongshun County, northwestern Hunan), which consists of a slope carbonate sequence (510 m thick) containing abundant trilobites. The first C isotope excursion (δ13C value shifts from -2.3‰ to 2‰) occurs near the boundary between the Qingxudong and Aoxi formations, close to the traditional Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary. The second excursion (δ13C value shifts from 0‰ to 3‰) occurs in the interval between the Linguagnostus reconditus Zone and the Glyptagnostus reticulatus Zone. The base of the G. reticulatus Zone define the base of the Paibi Stage and Furongian Series. Similar C isotope excursions also occur in shallow - water carbonate sections in North China. In Jiagou section near Huainan (Anhui Province), recently considered an important interval for defining the lower-middle Cambrian boundary because of dramatic changes in the trilobite fauna (extinction of redlichiids and appearances of ptychopariids), a negative C isotope excursion (δ13C value shifts from +1.21‰ to -1.93‰) occurs at the top of the lower member of the Mantou Formation. In the Gushan section (Changqing County, Shandong Province), a C isotope excursion (δ13C value shifts from -0.04‰ to 2.23‰) occurs at the base of the Changshan Formation and is coincident with the base of the Chuangia Zone. This excursion can be correlated with the excursion in the lower part of Glyptagnostus reticulatus Zone in the Wangcun section. The above two distinct C isotope excursions, which occur both in slope carbonates in South China and in shallow - water carbonates in North China, have also been recognized in Cambrian sections on other continents, and they coincide with global mass extinctions of trilobites. The two excursions evidently reflect global changes of Cambrian sea level, and they have utility for Cambrian subdivisions and for both regional and global stratigraphic correlation. In addition, a negative carbon excursion below the base of the Ptychagnostus atavus Zone in the Wangcun section supports previous suggestions that the FAD of P. atavus can be considered as a global correlatable horizon within the middle Cambrian.  相似文献   

Well-preserved brachiopods from the Niagara Gorge area, Anticosti Island, Britain, Gotland and Estonia were utilised to delineate a complex isotopic evolution for Llandovery-Wenlock seawater. The Sr-isotope record reflects the Salinic I tectophase of the Late Llandovery in the continuous increase in 87Sr/86Sr values from 0.708070 to 0.708346. The Salinic II tectophase is marked by relative constancy of Sr isotope values until the Late Wenlock when it rises from 0.708345 to 0.708430. The second tectonic phase was therefore likely only of a regional nature. The carbon isotopes during the Llandovery fall within a band of about − 1‰ to + 3‰, a range comparable to modern low-latitude brachiopods. A large positive δ13C excursion of about 3‰, identifies the Ireviken event/excursion, characterizes the Early Wenlock. The biotic crisis and the isotope excursion itself may be ultimately related to the onset and duration of the Cancañiri glaciation, although a direct causative scenario is as yet unknown. The oxygen isotopic trends of well-preserved brachiopods clearly reflect a warm climate interval during the latest Llandovery associated with the Silurian sea level highstand. Subsequently, in the Early Wenlock, the sea level fell with the onset of the Cancañiri glaciation in the southern hemisphere. This is reflected in a significant positive δ18O excursion, particularly in brachiopods from the Niagara Gorge area. Brachiopods from lower latitudes were awash in warm tropical currents and therefore exhibit somewhat more negative δ18O values, indicating a lesser cooling gradient.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) usually shows a negative relationship with precipitation at a large scale. We hypothesized that sampling method affects foliar δ13C and its response pattern to precipitation. We selected 11 sites along a precipitation gradient in Inner Mongolia and collected leaves of Leymus chinensis with five or six replications repeatedly in each site from 2009 to 2011. Additionally, we collected leaves of L. chinensis separately from two types of grassland (grazed and fenced) in 2011. Foliar δ13C values of all samples were measured. We compared the patterns that foliar δ13C to precipitation among different years or different sample sizes, the differences of foliar δ13C between grazed and fenced grassland. Whether actual annual precipitation (AAP) or mean annual precipitation (MAP), it was strongly correlated with foliar δ13C every year. Significant difference was found between the slopes of foliar δ13C to AAP and MAP every year, among the slopes of foliar δ13C to AAP from 2009 to 2011. The more samples used at each site the lower and convergent P‐values of the linear regression test between foliar δ13C and precipitation. Furthermore, there was significant lower foliar δ13C value in presence of grazed type than fenced type grassland. These findings provide evidence that there is significant effect of sampling method to foliar δ13C and its response pattern to precipitation of L. chinensis. Our results have valuable implications in methodology for future field sampling studies.  相似文献   

The world's oceans have undergone significant ecological changes following European colonial expansion and associated industrialization. Seabirds are useful indicators of marine food web structure and can be used to track multidecadal environmental change, potentially reflecting long‐term human impacts. We used stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) analysis of feathers from glaucous‐winged gulls (Larus glaucescens) in a heavily disturbed region of the northeast Pacific to ask whether diets of this generalist forager changed in response to shifts in food availability over 150 years, and whether any detected change might explain long‐term trends in gull abundance. Sampled feathers came from birds collected between 1860 and 2009 at nesting colonies in the Salish Sea, a transboundary marine system adjacent to Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada. To determine whether temporal trends in stable isotope ratios might simply reflect changes to baseline environmental values, we also analysed muscle tissue from forage fishes collected in the same region over a multidecadal timeframe. Values of δ13C and δ15N declined since 1860 in both subadult and adult gulls (δ13C, ~ 2–6‰; δ15N, ~4–5‰), indicating that their diet has become less marine over time, and that birds now feed at a lower trophic level than previously. Conversely, forage fish δ13C and δ15N values showed no trends, supporting our conclusion that gull feather values were indicative of declines in marine food availability rather than of baseline environmental change. Gradual declines in feather isotope values are consistent with trends predicted had gulls consumed less fish over time, but were equivocal with respect to whether gulls had switched to a more garbage‐based diet, or one comprising marine invertebrates. Nevertheless, our results suggest a long‐term decrease in diet quality linked to declining fish abundance or other anthropogenic influences, and may help to explain regional population declines in this species and other piscivores.  相似文献   

A negative excursion of Ce and a succeeding steep decline in δ13C found just before the Permian and Triassic boundary (PTB) of Julfa area offer a geochemical constraint on the cause of the mass extinction event of PTB. The geochemical studies of recent anoxic basins like the Black Sea strongly suggest that the Ce negative excursion of these carbonate platform sequence indicates the buildup of anoxic water in the offshore realm. The suboxic water mass associated with the Ce negative anomaly zone migrated and invaded into shallow carbonate shelf around 600 thousand years before the PTB. This was followed by an anoxic water mass without Ce anomaly, and resulted in a steep decline in δ13C and then mass extinction of marine shelf biota.  相似文献   

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