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Female mating frequency is one of the key parameters of social insect evolution. Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain multiple mating and considerable empirical research has led to conflicting results. Building on several earlier analyses, we present a simple general model that links the number of queen matings to variance in colony performance and this variance to average colony fitness. The model predicts selection for multiple mating if the average colony succeeds in a focal task, and selection for single mating if the average colony fails, irrespective of the proximate mechanism that links genetic diversity to colony fitness. Empirical support comes from interspecific comparisons, e.g. between the bee genera Apis and Bombus, and from data on several ant species, but more comprehensive empirical tests are needed.  相似文献   

Highly informative genetic markers, such as simple sequence repeats (SSRs), can be used to directly measure pollen flow by parentage analysis. However, mistyping (i.e. false inference of genotypes caused by the occurrence of null alleles, mutations, and detection errors) can lead to substantial biases in the estimates obtained. Using computer simulations, we evaluated a direct method for estimating pollen immigration using SSR markers and a paternity exclusion approach. This method accounts for mistyping and does not rely on assumptions about the distribution of male reproductive success. If ignored, even minor rates of mistyping (1.5%) resulted in overestimating pollen immigration by up to 150%. When we required at least two mismatching loci before excluding candidate fathers from paternity, the resulting pollen immigration estimates had small biases for rates of mistyping up to 4.5%. Requiring at least three mismatches for exclusion was needed to minimize the upward biases of pollen immigration caused by rates of mistyping up to 10.5%. The minimum number of highly variable SSR loci needed to minimize cryptic gene flow and obtain reliable estimates of pollen immigration varied from five to seven for a sampling scheme applicable to most conifers (i.e. when paternal haplotypes can be unambiguously determined). Between five and nine highly variable SSR loci were needed for a more general sampling scheme that is applicable to all diploid seed plants. With moderately variable SSR markers, consistently accurate estimates of pollen immigration could be obtained only for rates of mistyping up to 4.5%. We developed the POLLEN FLOW (PFL) computer program which can be used to obtain unbiased and precise estimates of pollen immigration under a wide range of conditions, including population sizes as large as 600 parents and mistyping rates as high as 10.5%.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that parents increase their fitness by biasing the sex ratio of extra-pair offspring (EPO) towards males. Here, we report a male bias among EPO in a wild population of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). This resulted from a decline in both the proportion of males and EPO over the laying order of eggs in the clutch. However, previous studies suggest that, unlike the decline in EPO with laying order, the relationship between offspring sex ratio and laying order is not consistent between years and populations in this species. Hence, we caution against treating the decline in proportion of males with laying order, and the resulting male bias among EPO, as support for the above hypothesis. Variable patterns of offspring sex and paternity over the laying order may explain inconsistent associations between offspring sex and paternity, between and within species.  相似文献   

With the advent of sophisticated genetic markers, studies on mating systems and reproductive apportionment have become increasingly feasible. In particular, paternity analyses in haplodiploid species have gained in power as hemizygous paternal genotypes allow maternal and paternal genotypes to be directly inferred from offspring genotypes. The computer program matesoft offers both newly developed algorithms for inferring maternal and paternal genotypes, and integrated estimation and correction procedures for calculating mating frequency statistics. Standard data are offspring genotypes of male‐haplodiploid organisms, including social Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

The evolution of female multiple mating in social hymenoptera   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract The evolution of female multiple mating is a highly controversial topic, especially in social insects. Here we analyze, using comparative analyses and simulation models, the merits of two major contending hypotheses for the adaptive value of polyandry in this group. The hypotheses maintain that, respectively, the resulting genotypic diversity among offspring within a colony: (1) mitigates against the effects of parasites; or (2) favors adaptive division of labor. Only two of 11 phylogenetically uncontrolled comparative analyses supported an association between polyandry and the complexity of division of labor (measured here using worker caste polymorphism or polyethism) as proposed by hypothesis 2, and after controlling for phylogeny there were no significant associations. In contrast, a previous study demonstrated such an association for parasite load as expected under hypothesis 1. In addition, we used simulation models to track the spread of an initially rare allele for double mating in a population of single-mating alleles, thus analyzing the crucial first step from monandry to polyandry. We find that double mating evolves consistently under antagonistic coevolution given that parasites exert sufficient selection intensity. In contrast, selection for enhanced division of labor resulted in only an erratic appearance of polyandry in highly (and mostly negatively) autocorrelated environments where no coevolutionary dynamics were allowed. Together, we interpret these results to suggest that parasites, and the antagonistic coevolutionary pressures they exert, may play an important role in the evolution of polyandry in social hymenopteran populations.  相似文献   

With the availability of highly variable microsatellite loci, many previously elusive aspects of the lives of animals have been revealed. One important finding is that multiple paternity (MP) appears to be somewhat common throughout the metazoa. Frequently, along with the discovery of MP are assertions that it can increase the genetically effective size of the population (NE). I argue that MP is not likely to have a positive effect on NE because it increases the variance in male reproductive success. Published studies suggesting the contrary have implicitly or explicitly included other changes to the breeding system, and these additions are likely responsible for the presumed increase in NE.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity and kin recognition mechanisms in a guppy population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hain TJ  Neff BD 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(18):3938-3946
Help directed toward kin (nepotism) is an important example of social behaviour. Such helping behaviour requires a mechanism to distinguish kin from nonkin. The prevailing kin recognition hypothesis is that when familiarity is a reliable cue of relatedness, other mechanisms of recognition will not evolve. However, when familiarity is an unreliable cue of relatedness, kin recognition by phenotype matching is instead predicted to evolve. Here we use genetic markers to show that guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from a population in a tributary of the Paria River in Trinidad are characterized by a high degree of multiple mating with 95% of broods having more than one sire and some dams having offspring sired by six males. These levels of multiple mating are the highest reported among live-bearing fishes. The mean relatedness of brood-mates was 0.36 (as compared to 0.5 for full-siblings). Therefore, familiarity does not seem to be a reliable mechanism to assess full-sibling relatedness. Using two-choice behavioural trials, we found that juveniles from this population use both phenotype matching and familiarity to distinguish kin from nonkin. However, we did not find strong evidence that the guppies use these mechanisms to form shoals of related individuals as adults, which is similar to results from other guppy populations in Trinidad. The use of both familiarity and phenotype matching is discussed in the context of the Paria River guppy population's mating system and ecology. Overall, these data provide support for the kin recognition hypothesis and increase our understanding of the evolution of kin recognition systems.  相似文献   

While genotyping wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) at microsatellite loci for paternity assignment, we found three loci (MAP65, BOVIRBP and CelJP23) with segregating nonamplifying alleles. Nonamplifying alleles were detected through mismatches between known mother-offspring pairs and by significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibria. In a wide range of molecular ecology applications, and especially in parentage assignment, the possible existence of undetectable alleles must be taken into account; this may be particularly important for microsatellite data.  相似文献   

Most genetic surveys of parentage in nature sample only a small fraction of the breeding population. Here we apply microsatellite markers to deduce the genetic mating system and assess the reproductive success of females and males in an extensively collected, semi-closed stream population of the mottled sculpin fish, Cottus bairdi. In this species, males guard nest rocks where females deposit the eggs for fertilization. The potential exists for both males and females to mate with multiple partners and for males to provide parental care to genetically unrelated offspring. Four hundred and fifty-five adults and subadults, as well as 1,259 offspring from 23 nests, were genotyped at five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Multilocus maternal genotypes, deduced via genetic analyses of embryos, were reconstructed for more than 90% of the analysed nests, thus allowing both male and female reproductive success to be estimated accurately. There was no genetic evidence for cuckoldry, but one nest probably represents a takeover event. Successful males spawned with a mean of 2.8 partners, whereas each female apparently deposited her entire clutch of eggs in a single nest (mean fecundity = 66 eggs/female). On average, genetically deduced sires and dams were captured 1.6 and 9.3 metres from their respective nests, indicating little movement by breeders during the spawning season. Based on a 'genetic mark-recapture' estimate, the total number of potentially breeding adults (c. 570) was an order-of-magnitude larger than genetically based estimates of the effective number of breeders (c. 54). In addition, significantly fewer eggs per female were deposited in single than in multidam nests. Not only were perceived high-quality males spawning with multiple partners, but they were receiving more eggs from each female.  相似文献   

The evolutionary paradox of sex remains one of the major debates in evolutionary biology. The study of species capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction can elucidate factors important in the evolution of sex. One such species is the ant Cataglyphis cursor, where the queen maximizes the transmission of her genes by producing new queens (gynes) asexually while simultaneously maintaining a genetically diverse workforce via the sexual production of workers. We show that the queen can also produce gynes sexually and may do so to offset the costs of asexual reproduction. We genotyped 235 gynes from 18 colonies and found that half were sexually produced. A few colonies contained both sexually and asexually produced gynes. Although workers in this species can also use thelytoky, we found no evidence of worker production of gynes based on genotypes of 471 workers from the six colonies producing sexual gynes. Gynes are thus mainly, and potentially exclusively, produced by the queen. Simulations of gynes inbreeding level following one to ten generations of automictic thelytoky suggest that the queen switches between or combines thelytoky and sex, which may reduce the costs of inbreeding. This is supported by the relatively small size of inbred gynes in one colony, although we found no relationship between the level of inbreeding and immune parameters. Such facultative use of sex and thelytoky by individual queens contrasts with other known forms of parthenogenesis in ants, which are typically characterized by distinct lineages specializing in one strategy or the other.  相似文献   

Consider a population that does not change in size. If it is assumed that there are an infinite number of possible neutral alleles at a locus and u is the probability that a particular gene mutates to some other gene in one generation, the effective number of alleles ne is computed to be 4Neu + 1, where Ne is the inbreeding effective population number. It is assumed in this paper that the number of individuals in a monoecious population, or the numbers of males and females in a dioecious population, are states in a finite irreducible Markov chain. In general it is impossible to obtain a single value of ne. In some cases where the computation of ne is possible, the results are as follows. When the population is monoecious, Ne is the reciprocal of the asymptotic average, over population sizes, of the probabilities that two gametes uniting to form an individual came from the same individual one generation earlier. In dioecious populations, Ne is the reciprocal of the long-run average of the probabilities that two homologous genes in separate individuals of one generation came from the same individual one generation earlier. Special cases are discussed.  相似文献   

The efficiency of social groups is generally optimized by a division of labour, achieved through behavioural or morphological diversity of members. In social insects, colonies may increase the morphological diversity of workers by recruiting standing genetic variance for size and shape via multiply mated queens (polyandry) or multiple‐breeding queens (polygyny). However, greater worker diversity in multi‐lineage species may also have evolved due to mutual worker policing if there is worker reproduction. Such policing reduces the pressure on workers to maintain reproductive morphologies, allowing the evolution of greater developmental plasticity and the maintenance of more genetic variance for worker size and shape in populations. Pheidole ants vary greatly in the diversity of worker castes. Also, their workers lack ovaries and are thus invariably sterile regardless of the queen mating frequency and numbers of queens per colony. This allowed us to perform an across‐species study examining the genetic effects of recruiting more patrilines on the developmental diversity of workers in the absence of confounding effects from worker policing. Using highly variable microsatellite markers, we found that the effective mating frequency of the soldier‐polymorphic P. rhea (avg. meN = 2.65) was significantly higher than that of the dimorphic P. spadonia (avg. meN = 1.06), despite a significant paternity skew in P. rhea (avg. B = 0.10). Our findings support the idea that mating strategies of queens may co‐evolve with selection to increase the diversity of workers. We also detected patriline bias in the production of different worker sizes, which provides direct evidence for a genetic component to worker polymorphism.  相似文献   

Males exhibit striking variation in the degree to which they invest in offspring, from merely provisioning females with sperm, to providing exclusive post-zygotic care. Paternity assurance is often invoked to explain this variation: the greater a male's confidence of paternity, the more he should be willing to provide care. Here, we report a striking exception to expectations based on paternity assurance: despite high levels of female promiscuity, males of a marine snail provide exclusive, and costly, care of offspring. Remarkably, genetic paternity analyses reveal cuckoldry in all broods, with fewer than 25% of offspring being sired by the caring male, although caring males sired proportionally more offspring in a given clutch than any other fathers did individually. This system presents the most extreme example of the coexistence of high levels of female promiscuity, low paternity, and costly male care, and emphasises the still unresolved roles of natural and sexual selection in the evolution of male parental care.  相似文献   

Seventeen polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified for white-faced capuchin monkeys from an enriched genomic library in addition to one locus found through cross-species comparisons. In a sample of 187 wild individuals, these loci exhibited an average of five alleles and an observed heterozygosity of 0.62. The combined probability of exclusion of a random individual from parentage was 0.99. These loci were screened in 23 other New World monkeys and an average of seven loci was variable per species, suggesting that these loci could be of use in studies of other Neotropical primates.  相似文献   

Understanding elasmobranch reproductive biology is necessary for species conservation. Multiple paternity (MP) has been reported for elasmobranchs, and this study investigates the reproductive aspects and mating system (paternity genetic analyses) for Squalus albicaudus. Thirteen pregnant females were analysed concerning reproductive parameters, and the mating system was assessed for nine females and their litters. The study found a mean fecundity of 2.84 pups per litter without correlation between total female length and the number of embryos per litter. One litter showed evidence of MP, indicating the presence of polyandrous behaviour of the species.  相似文献   

Quantifying interannual variation in effective adult breeding number (Nb) and relationships between Nb, effective population size (Ne), adult census size (N) and population demographic characteristics are important to predict genetic changes in populations of conservation concern. Such relationships are rarely available for long‐lived iteroparous species like lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). We estimated annual Nb and generational Ne using genotypes from 12 microsatellite loci for lake sturgeon adults (= 796) captured during ten spawning seasons and offspring (= 3925) collected during larval dispersal in a closed population over 8 years. Inbreeding and variance Nb estimated using mean and variance in individual reproductive success derived from genetically identified parentage and using linkage disequilibrium (LD) were similar within and among years (interannual range of Nb across estimators: 41–205). Variance in reproductive success and unequal sex ratios reduced Nb relative to N on average 36.8% and 16.3%, respectively. Interannual variation in Nb/N ratios (0.27–0.86) resulted from stable N and low standardized variance in reproductive success due to high proportions of adults breeding and the species' polygamous mating system, despite a 40‐fold difference in annual larval production across years (437–16 417). Results indicated environmental conditions and features of the species' reproductive ecology interact to affect demographic parameters and Nb/N. Estimates of Ne based on three single‐sample estimators, including LD, approximate Bayesian computation and sibship assignment, were similar to annual estimates of Nb. Findings have important implications concerning applications of genetic monitoring in conservation planning for lake sturgeon and other species with similar life histories and mating systems.  相似文献   

Understanding the social dynamics of large carnivores is critical to effective conservation and management planning. We made the first attempt to delineate both paternity and relatedness for a population of cougar (Puma concolor) using microsatellite data. We analyzed a long-term genetic dataset collected from a hunted population in the Garnet Mountains of western Montana. We assigned paternity for 62.5% of litters sampled using both exclusion and likelihood analyses. Attempts at reconstructing unsampled paternal genotypes resulted in delineating possible sires for 8 more litters. Sires were on average younger than reported for males involved in pairings assessed via field data in other cougar populations. Although most mating pairs were unrelated, 5 of 17 pairings involved cougars with levels of relatedness corresponding to half-sibling and full-sibling or parent offspring relationship (r = 0.215–0.575). Relatedness among adult and subadult males was higher than relatedness levels among adult and subadult females. Relatedness among males in the Garnet population differed from patterns hypothesized to occur under male-biased dispersal theories for cougars. The long-term impact of the turnover of resident cougars in hunted populations is still unclear and warrants additional research. Our results highlight the utility of monitoring cougar demographic parameters using a combination of genetic and field data that in turn may assist managers with determining cougar harvest quotas or strategies, harvest seasons, sustainable harvest, and the appropriate management level of cougar populations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Summary One of the major goals of population genetics is to discover the nature and amount of genetic variation in natural populations. Various measures, including the population heterozygosity at any locus and the number of alleles extant at the locus, have been used for this purpose. An important task of theoretical population genetics is thus to provide expressions for the mean values of these two quantities (when calculated from a sample of genes) for various models of selection, mutation and random drift. This aim has been achieved for the selectively neutral case, where all alleles at the locus are assumed to be selectively equivalent. It is, however, generally agreed that classes of (evolutionarily unimportant) selectively deleterious alleles exist, so that the neutral theory calculations should be extended to cover this case. This has previously been done only for extremely weak selection. In this paper we obtain, via the confluent hypergeometric function and three allied functions, concise and simple exact and approximate formulae for the means of the above measures of population variation for arbitrary selective values. These all derive from the allelic frequency spectrum, which is of independent interest in assessing likely models of population variation.  相似文献   

The study of alternative genetic systems and mixed modes of reproduction, whereby sexual and asexual reproduction is combined within the same lifecycle, is of fundamental importance as they may shed light on classical evolutionary issues, such as the paradox of sex. Recently, several such cases were discovered in social insects. A closer examination of these systems has revealed many amazing facts, including the mixed use of asexual and sexual reproduction for the production of new queens and workers, males that can clone themselves and the routine use of incest without deleterious genetic consequences. In addition, in several species, remarkable cases of asexually reproducing socially parasitic worker lineages have been discovered. The study of these unusual systems promises to provide insight into many basic evolutionary questions, including the maintenance of sex, the expression of sexual conflict and kin conflict and the evolution of cheating in asexual lineages.  相似文献   

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