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Succinate-ubiquinone reductase (complex II) is an important enzyme complex in aerobic respiration and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. We recently identified two distinct cDNAs for the human flavoprotein subunit (Fp) from a single individual and demonstrated mRNAs of these two isoforms, Type I Fp and Type II Fp, in skeletal muscle, liver, brain, heart, and kidney. Type I Fp was expressed at higher levels than Type II Fp in all cases. In the present study, the biochemical properties of Type II Fp-containing complex II in Raji cells predominantly expressing Type II Fp were investigated. Complex II having Type II Fp was separated from that having Type I Fp by isoelectric focusing in the presence of sucrose monolaurate. Together with the fact that succinate-ubiquinone reductase activity of mitochondria prepared from Raji cell was almost identical to that from human liver, these results clearly indicate the presence of two distinct isoforms of active complex II in human mitochondria.  相似文献   

Oxidation-reduction midpoint potentials (Ems) were determined at pH 7.0 for cytochromes in the anaerobic respiratory chain of Ascaris mitochondria by redox titration techniques. Cytochrome b558, which is associated with complex II that functions as fumarate reductase in the terminal step of the respiratory chain, was shown to have an Em of -34 mV in the isolated complex II and -54 mV in mitochondria. These values are much higher than the value of Ascaris cytochrome b558. In contrast, Ems of cytochromes C + C1 and cytochrome b559.5 were determined in situ to be 235 mV and 78 mV, respectively, which are comparable to those of their mammalian counterparts.  相似文献   

Succinate-ubiquinone reductase (complex II) is an important enzyme complex in both the tricarboxylic acid cycle and aerobic respiration. A recent study showed that defects in human complex II are associated with cancers as well as mitochondrial diseases. Mutations in the four subunits of human complex II are associated with a wide spectrum of clinical presentations. Such tissue-specific clinical symptoms suggest the presence of multiple isoforms of the subunits, but subunit isoforms have not been previously reported. In the present study, we identified two distinct cDNAs for the human flavoprotein subunit (Fp) from a single individual, and demonstrated expression of these two isoforms in skeletal muscle, liver, brain, heart and kidney. Interestingly, one of the Fp isoforms was encoded as an intronless gene.  相似文献   

Clones encoding the proteolipid subunit 9 of the mitochondrial ATPase complex have been isolated from a lambda gt10 library of human liver cDNA sequences, using a probe of Neurospora crassa cDNA encoding subunit 9. From nucleotide sequence analysis it is concluded that the amino acid sequence of mature human subunit 9 is identical to that of its bovine counterpart. By comparing the sequence of two cDNA clones (denoted human 1 and 2) to those of two bovine cDNA clones (denoted P1 and P2) recently described by Gay and Walker (EMBO J. 4, 3519-3524, 1985) it is evident that there are close sequence relationships between human 1 and bovine P1, and between human 2 and bovine P2, although both human clones are truncated at their 5'-ends. Thus, as in bovine cells there appears to be at least two human genes encoding subunit 9.  相似文献   

Human F1-ATPase: molecular cloning of cDNA for the beta subunit   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
F1-ATPase is the major enzyme for ATP synthesis, and its beta subunit is the catalytic site. To date, no full-length cDNA for the eukaryotic F1 gene has been reported. Human F1 was studied because of its importance in medicine and cell biology. Here we report molecular cloning of a full-length cDNA for the human F1 beta subunit and purification of the human F1 beta subunit. The HeLa cell cDNA library constructed in an expression vector gamma gt11 was screened with antiserum against the yeast F1 beta subunit. One of the positive phage DNAs containing the human F1 beta gene and its flanking regions (1.8 kilobase pairs) was sequenced by the dideoxy chain termination method. The open reading frame started from a putative signal presequence, which was rich in both serine and arginine. There was a homologous segment in the signal presequence of human ornithine transcarbamoylase and that of F1 beta. The precursor of F1 beta was expressed in E. coli harboring a plasmid which had been constructed with T5 promotor and the F1 beta cDNA. Both the precursor and mature form of F1 beta were detected in HeLa cells in a pulse-chase experiment. The amino acid sequence of 480 residues (51,568.3 daltons) following the presequence was highly homologous with that of mature beef heart F1 beta (97.5%) and E. coli F1 beta (71.7%), but the codon usage in the human gene was very different from those of reported genes coding for F1 beta of other species.  相似文献   

Human liver type pyruvate kinase: cDNA cloning and chromosomal assignment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyruvate kinase (PK) has four isozymes (L,R,M1,M2) that are encoded mainly by two different genes. We isolated a cDNA clone from a Japanese adult liver lambda gt10 cDNA library by using a rat liver(L)-type PK cDNA probe. One positively hybridizing clone, hlPK-1, which contained a 1,049-base pair cDNA insert, was subjected to DNA sequence analysis. Comparisons of the sequence data with the rat PK cDNAs indicated that the cDNA encoded information for the carboxyl terminal 105 amino acids of a human L-type PK and a 3' untranslated region of 734 nucleotides. Furthermore, the karyotype analysis of several human-mouse hybrid cells and Southern blot analysis of DNAs of the hybrids with a hlPK-1 indicated that the human L-type PK gene is located on chromosome 1.  相似文献   

The transfer of electrons and protons between membrane-bound respiratory complexes is facilitated by lipid-soluble redox-active quinone molecules (Q). This work presents a structural analysis of the quinone-binding site (Q-site) identified in succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (SQR) from Escherichia coli. SQR, often referred to as Complex II or succinate dehydrogenase, is a functional member of the Krebs cycle and the aerobic respiratory chain and couples the oxidation of succinate to fumarate with the reduction of quinone to quinol (QH(2)). The interaction between ubiquinone and the Q-site of the protein appears to be mediated solely by hydrogen bonding between the O1 carbonyl group of the quinone and the side chain of a conserved tyrosine residue. In this work, SQR was co-crystallized with the ubiquinone binding-site inhibitor Atpenin A5 (AA5) to confirm the binding position of the inhibitor and reveal additional structural details of the Q-site. The electron density for AA5 was located within the same hydrophobic pocket as ubiquinone at, however, a different position within the pocket. AA5 was bound deeper into the site prompting further assessment using protein-ligand docking experiments in silico. The initial interpretation of the Q-site was re-evaluated in the light of the new SQR-AA5 structure and protein-ligand docking data. Two binding positions, the Q(1)-site and Q(2)-site, are proposed for the E. coli SQR quinone-binding site to explain these data. At the Q(2)-site, the side chains of a serine and histidine residue are suitably positioned to provide hydrogen bonding partners to the O4 carbonyl and methoxy groups of ubiquinone, respectively. This allows us to propose a mechanism for the reduction of ubiquinone during the catalytic turnover of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Long DJ  Jaiswal AK 《Gene》2000,252(1-2):107-117
The mouse NQO2 cDNA and gene with flanking regions were cloned and sequenced. Analysis of the primary structure of the mouse NQO2 protein revealed the presence of glycosylation, myristylation, protein kinase C and caseine kinase II phosphorylation sites. These sites are conserved in the human NQO2 protein. The mouse NQO2 gene promoter contains several important cis-elements, including the antioxidant response element (ARE), the xenobiotic response element (XRE), and an Sp1 binding site. Northern analysis of eight mouse tissues indicated wide variations in the expression of the NQO2 and NQO1 genes. NQO2 gene expression was higher in liver and testis compared with the NQO1 gene, which was highest in the heart. NQO1 gene expression was undetectable in the testis. Mouse kidney showed significantly higher expression levels of NQO1 compared with NQO2. Brain, spleen, lung, and skeletal muscle showed undetectable levels of NQO2 and NQO1 gene expression. NQO2 activity followed a more or less similar pattern of tissue-specific expression as NQO2 RNA. Interestingly, the NQO2 activity remained unchanged in the NQO1-/-mice tissues compared with NQO1+/+ mice, with the exception of the liver. The livers from NQO1-/-mice showed a 45% increase in NQO2 activity compared with the NQO1+/+ mice. The mouse NQO2 cDNA was subcloned into the pMT2 eukaryotic expression vector which, upon transfection in monkey kidney COS1 cells, produced a significant increase in NQO2 activity. Deletion of 54 amino acids from the N-terminus of the mouse NQO2 protein resulted in the loss of NQO2 expression and activity in transfected COS1 cells. This indicates that deletion of exon(s) encoding the N-terminus of NQO2 from the endogenous gene in mouse embryonic (ES) stem cells should result in NQO2-null mice.  相似文献   

NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from bovine heart mitochondria is a highly complicated, energy transducing, membrane-bound enzyme. It contains 46 different subunits and nine redox cofactors: a noncovalently bound flavin mononucleotide and eight iron-sulfur clusters. The mechanism of complex I is not known. Mechanistic studies using the bovine enzyme, a model for human complex I, have been precluded by the difficulty of preparing complex I which is pure, monodisperse, and fully catalytically active. Here, we describe and characterize a preparation of bovine complex I which fulfills all of these criteria. The catalytic activity is strongly dependent on the phospholipid content of the preparation, and three classes of phospholipid interactions with complex I have been identified. First, complex I contains tightly bound cardiolipin. Cardiolipin may be required for the structural integrity of the complex or play a functional role. Second, the catalytic activity is determined by the amounts of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) which are bound to the complex. They are more weakly bound than cardiolipin, exchange with PC and PE in solution, and can substitute for one another. However, their nontransitory loss leads to irreversible functional impairment. Third, phospholipids are also required in the assay buffer for the purified enzyme to exhibit its full activity. It is likely that they are required for solubilization and presentation of the hydrophobic ubiquinone substrate.  相似文献   

Rats treated with hydroxycobalamin[c-lactam] (HCCL), a cobalamin analogue that induces methylmalonic aciduria, have increased hepatic mitochondrial content and increased oxidative metabolism of pyruvate and palmitate per hepatocyte. The present studies were undertaken to characterize oxidative metabolism in isolated liver mitochondria from rats treated with HCCL. After 5-6 weeks, state 3 oxidation rates for diverse substrates are reduced in mitochondria from HCCL-treated rats. Similar reductions of mitochondrial oxidation rates are obtained with dinitrophenol-uncoupled mitochondria excluding defective phosphorylation as a cause for the observed decrease in mitochondrial oxidation. The activities of mitochondrial oxidases are reduced in HCCL-treated rats and demonstrate a defect in complex IV. Investigation of the complexes of the respiratory chain reveals a 32% decrease of ubiquinol:ferricytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III) activity and a 72% decrease of ferrocytochrome c:oxygen oxidoreductase (complex IV) activity in mitochondria from 5-6-week HCCL-treated rats as compared with controls. Liver mitochondria from HCCL-treated rats also demonstrate decreased cytochrome content per mg of mitochondrial protein (25% decrease of cytochrome b and 52% decrease of cytochrome a + a3 as compared with control rats). The HCCL-treated rat represents an animal model for the study of the consequences of respiratory chain defects in liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

Multiple human liver GSH S-transferases (GST) with overlapping substrate specificities may be essential to their multiple roles in xenobiotics metabolism, drug biotransformation, and protection against peroxidative damage. Human liver GSTs are composed of at least two classes of subunits, Ha (Mr = 26,000) and Hb (Mr = 27,500). Immunological cross-reactivity and nucleic acid hybridization studies revealed a close relationship between the human Ha subunit and rat Ya, Yc subunits and their cDNAs. We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the Ha subunit 1 cDNA, pGTH1. The alignments of its coding sequence with the rat Ya and Yc cDNAs indicate that they are approximately 80% identical base-for-base without any deletion or insertion. Regions of sequence homology (greater than 50%) have also been found between pGTH1 and a corn GST cDNA and rat GST cDNAs of the Yb and Yp subunits. Among the 62 highly conserved amino acid residues of the rat GST supergene family, 56 of them are preserved in the Ha subunit 1 coding sequences. Comparison of amino-acid replacement mutations in these coding sequences revealed that the percentage divergence between the rat Ya and Yc genes is more than that between the Ha and Ya or Ha and Yc genes.  相似文献   

cDNA clones for human phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase subunit II (PRS II) were isolated. The five overlapping clones contained 2457 base pairs (bp) covering a 954-bp complete coding region for 318 amino acid residues. Homologies between human and rat PRS II were 99% of the amino acids and 88% of the nucleotides in the coding region. This amino acid homology seems to be the highest so far reported for enzymes involved in nucleotide metabolism and glycolysis. The highly conserved structure may be required for unique catalysis and rigid regulation of this enzyme.  相似文献   

It has been found that addition of iron(III)-gluconate complex to rat liver mitochondria disturbed the mitochondrial Ca2+ transport. Indirect evidence when the changes in the membrane potential during the transport of Ca2+ were followed, as well as direct evidence, when the fluxes of Ca2+ were monitored by a Ca2+-selective electrode, indicated that this iron complex induced an efflux of Ca2+ from liver mitochondria. The mechanisms by which iron induced Ca2+ release appeared to be linked to the induction of lipoperoxidation of mitochondrial membrane. The mitochondrial membrane, however, did not become irreversibly damaged under these conditions, as indicated by its complete repolarization. It was also shown that the induction by iron of lipoperoxidation brought about an efflux of K+ from mitochondria.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial metabolic pathway of the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum changes dramatically during its life cycle, to adapt to changes in the environmental oxygen concentration. We previously showed that A. suum mitochondria express stage-specific isoforms of complex II (succinate-ubiquinone reductase: SQR/quinol-fumarate reductase: QFR). The flavoprotein (Fp) and small subunit of cytochrome b (CybS) in adult complex II differ from those of infective third stage larval (L3) complex II. However, there is no difference in the iron-sulfur cluster (Ip) or the large subunit of cytochrome b (CybL) between adult and L3 isoforms of complex II. In the present study, to clarify the changes that occur in the respiratory chain of A. suum larvae during their migration in the host, we examined enzymatic activity, quinone content and complex II subunit composition in mitochondria of lung stage L3 (LL3) A. suum larvae. LL3 mitochondria showed higher QFR activity ( approximately 160 nmol/min/mg) than mitochondria of A. suum at other stages (L3: approximately 80 nmol/min/mg; adult: approximately 70 nmol/min/mg). Ubiquinone content in LL3 mitochondria was more abundant than rhodoquinone ( approximately 1.8 nmol/mg versus approximately 0.9 nmol/mg). Interestingly, the results of two-dimensional bule-native/sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses showed that LL3 mitochondria contained larval Fp (Fp(L)) and adult Fp (Fp(A)) at a ratio of 1:0.56, and that most LL3 CybS subunits were of the adult form (CybS(A)). This clearly indicates that the rearrangement of complex II begins with a change in the isoform of the anchor CybS subunit, followed by a similar change in the Fp subunit.  相似文献   

cDNA clones corresponding to the swine histocompatibility complex (SLA: swine leucocyte antigen)-DM alpha chain were isolated using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products from the third exon in the human HLA-DMA gene as a probe. Amino acid comparative analysis revealed that these clones were more closely related to the bovine and human DMA genes than to the other swine class II genes alpha chain genes, DRA, DQA and DOA. These results suggest that the SLA-DMA gene is expressed and may function, like HLA-DM, as an important modulator in class II restricted antigen processing in swine. Furthermore, based on the sequences and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) patterns in the SLA-DMA gene, no allelic variation was recognized in the second exon, but five allelic variations were recognized in the third exon in five different breeds of swine. These DMA alleles were defined by variation at four nucleotide positions. Two of these alleles resulted in an amino acid substitution. These results suggest that SLA-DMA has little polymorphism as observed in HLA-DMA and mouse H2-Ma.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound protein was purified from rat liver mitochondria. After being digested with V8 protease, two peptides containing identical 14 amino acid residue sequences were obtained. Using the 14 amino acid peptide derived DNA sequence as gene specific primer, the cDNA of correspondent gene 5′-terminal and 3′-terminal were obtained by RACE technique. The full-length cDNAthat encoded a protein of 616 amino acids was thus cloned, which included the above mentioned peptide sequence. The full length cDNA was highly homologous to that of human ETF-QO, indicating that it may be the cDNA of rat ETF-QO. ETF-QO is an iron sulfur protein located in mitochondria inner membrane containing two kinds of redox center: FAD and [4Fe-4S] center. After comparing the sequence from the cDNA of the 616 amino acids protein with that of the mature protein of rat liver mitochondria, it was found that the N terminal 32 amino acid residues did not exist in the mature protein, indicating that the cDNA was that of ETF-QOp. When the cDNA was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with inducible vectors, the protein product was enriched in mitochondrial fraction and exhibited electron transfer activity (NBT reductase activity) of ETF-QO. Results demonstrated that the 32 amino acid peptide was a mitochondrial targeting peptide, and both FAD and iron-sulfur cluster were inserted properly into the expressed ETF-QO. ETF-QO had a high level expression in rat heart, liver and kidney. The fusion protein of GFP-ETF-QO co-localized with mitochondria in COS-7 cells.  相似文献   

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