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Experimental vaccines based on recombinant vesicular stomatitis viruses (VSV) expressing foreign viral proteins are protective in several animal disease models. Although these attenuated viruses are nonpathogenic in nonhuman primates when given by nasal, oral, or intramuscular routes, they are pathogenic in mice when given intranasally, and further vector attenuation may be required before human trials with VSV-based vectors can begin. Mutations truncating the VSV glycoprotein (G) cytoplasmic domain from 29 to 9 or 1 amino acid (designated CT9 or CT1, respectively) were shown previously to attenuate VSV growth in cell culture and pathogenesis in mice. Here we show that VSV recombinants carrying either the CT1 or CT9 deletion and expressing the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Env protein are nonpathogenic in mice, even when given by the intranasal route. We then carried out a detailed analysis of the CD8+ T-cell responses, including in vivo cytotoxic T-cell activity, induced by these vectors. When given by either the intranasal or intraperitoneal route, the VSV-CT9 vector expressing HIV Env elicited primary and memory CD8+ T-cell responses to Env equivalent to those elicited by recombinant wild-type VSV expressing Env. The VSV-CT1 vector also induced potent CD8+ T-cell responses after intraperitoneal vaccination, but was less effective when given by the intranasal route. The VSV-CT1 vector was also substantially less effective than the VSV-CT9 or wild-type vector at inducing antibody to Env. The VSV-CT9 vector appears ideal because of its lack of pathogenesis, propagation to high titers in vitro, and stimulation of strong cellular and humoral immune responses.  相似文献   

Melanization immune responses in mosquito vectors   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The production and deposition of melanin pigments on invading pathogens and parasites represents a unique, innate immune response in the phylum Arthropoda. This immune response has started to receive considerable attention because of the potential to exploit this mechanism to control mosquito-borne diseases. In this article, we summarize knowledge about this complex biochemistry, the use of melanin biosynthesis in diverse physiological processes and the gaps in knowledge that must be addressed if this immune process is to be manipulated in genetic-based control strategies.  相似文献   

Retroviral vectors encoding HIV-1 proteins, in particular, the envelope from HIV-1 IIIB, have been constructed and used to generate infectious vector particles. Murine cells transduced with these vectors express HIV proteins. Vector-transduced cells, when injected into syngeneic BALB/c mice, induce potent CD8+, class I MHC-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses and elicit the production of neutralizing antibody specific for HIV-1. The induction of similar responses in primates may provide the basis for considering the use of these vectors as immunostimulants in humans. The retroviral vectors or vector-transduced cells would probably be first employed as an immunotherapeutic for HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

铁是绝大多数细菌生存所必需的营养物质,参与了许多重要的生命过程。病原菌为了在宿主体内生长繁殖建立感染,进化出了多种从宿主体内摄取铁元素的机制。但过量的铁也会通过Fenton反应对细胞产生毒性,所以铁的摄取必须受到严格的调控。宿主为抵抗感染采取多种手段限制病原菌对于自身铁的利用,同时铁摄取系统也可以作为抗菌治疗的靶点。  相似文献   

Adenovirus vectors induce acute inflammation of infected tissues due to activation of the innate immune system and expression of numerous chemokines and cytokines in transduced target cells. In contrast, adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors are not associated with significant inflammation experimentally or clinically. We tested the ability of AAV vectors to induce the expression of chemokines in vitro and to activate the innate immune system in vivo. In human HeLa cells and murine renal epithelium-derived cells (REC cells) the adenovirus vector AdlacZ induced the expression of multiple inflammatory chemokines including RANTES, interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP-10), interleukin-8 (IL-8), MIP-1beta, and MIP-2 in a dose-dependent manner. The use of AAVlacZ did not induce the expression of these chemokines above baseline levels despite 40-fold-greater titers than AdlacZ and greater amounts of intracellular AAVlacZ genomes according to Southern and slot blot analysis. This finding confirmed that the lack of AAVlacZ induction of chemokine was not due to reduced transduction. In DBA/2 mice, the intravenous administration of 2.5 x 10(11) particles of AAVlacZ resulted in the rapid induction of liver tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), RANTES, IP-10, MIP-1beta, MCP-1, and MIP-2 mRNAs. However, 6 h following injection, chemokine mRNA levels returned to baseline. As expected, administration of 10-fold less AdlacZ caused an induction of liver TNF-alpha and chemokine mRNAs that persisted for more than 24 h posttransduction. Whereas intravenous administration of 2.5 x 10(11) particles of AAVlacZ triggered a transient infiltration of neutrophils and CD11b(+) cells into liver, this response stood in contrast to widespread inflammation and toxicity induced by AdlacZ. Kupffer cell depletion abolished AAVlacZ but not AdlacZ-induced chemokine expression and neutrophil infiltration. In summary, these results show that AAV vectors activate the innate immune system to a lesser extent than do adenovirus vectors and offer a possible explanation for the reduced inflammatory properties of AAV compared to adenovirus vectors.  相似文献   

To characterize the induction of antigen-specific immune response mediated by baculovirus, vectors expressing the E2 glycoprotein of hepatitis C virus or the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) under the control of the cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter-enhancer were constructed. Additionally, a baculovirus vector encoding the E2 glycoprotein (Bac-G-E2) and expressing vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV-G) in the viral envelope was generated by inserting the VSV-G coding sequence downstream of the polyhedrin promoter. Mice were subjected to intramuscular, intranasal, or subcutaneous inoculations with Bac-E2 and the cellular immune response was monitored by ELISPOT and intracellular staining. Additionally, humoral response was monitored by titrating anti-E2 antibodies. Induction of a measurable anti-E2 T-cell response was observed only after intramuscular injection and was predominantly CD8(+) specific. The immunogenic properties of baculovirus as vaccine vector were not restricted to E2 because a CEA-specific CD4(+) T-cell response was observed upon intramuscular injection of Bac-CEA. Interestingly, the Bac-G-E2 vector was shown to be a more efficient immunogen than Bac-E2, in view of the 10-fold difference in the minimal dose required to elicit a measurable T-cell response upon intramuscular injection. Induction of inflammatory cytokines such as gamma interferon, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-6 was detected as early as 6 h postinjection of Bac-G-E2. Most importantly, both vectors elicited CD8(+) T cells with effector function capable of lysing target cells loaded with a hepatitis C virus-specific epitope. Additionally, enhanced NK cytolytic activity was detected in immunized mice. Thus, these results further demonstrate that baculovirus may be considered a useful vector for gene therapy.  相似文献   

To cause disease, bacterial pathogens must first breach physical barriers, such as the mucous membrane that lines organs, and then successfully replicate and disseminate while avoiding destruction by the immune system. Many bacterial pathogens accomplish this by secreting proteins into their host environment, which act to subvert or dampen the expanding immune response. Here, we discuss how bacterial pathogens use an arsenal of secreted virulence proteins to modify the outcome of innate immune activation by altering how the immune system recognizes microbial invaders.  相似文献   


Macrophages detect bacterial infection through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) localized at the cell surface, in intracellular vesicles or in the cytosol. Discrimination of viable and virulent bacteria from non-virulent bacteria (dead or viable) is necessary to appropriately scale the anti-bacterial immune response. Such scaling of anti-bacterial immunity is necessary to control the infection, but also to avoid immunopathology or bacterial persistence. PRR-mediated detection of bacterial constituents in the cytosol rather than at the cell surface along with cytosolic recognition of secreted bacterial nucleic acids indicates viability and virulence of infecting bacteria. The effector responses triggered by activation of cytosolic PRRs, in particular the RIG-I-induced simultaneous rapid type I IFN induction and inflammasome activation, are crucial for timely control of bacterial infection by innate and adaptive immunity. The knowledge on the PRRs and the effector responses relevant for control of infection with intracellular bacteria will help to develop strategies to overcome chronic infection.  相似文献   

Vectors derived from the adeno-associated virus (AAV) have been successfully used for the long-term expression of therapeutic genes in animal models and patients. One of the major advantages of these vectors is the absence of deleterious immune responses following gene transfer. However, AAV vectors, when used in vaccination studies, can result in efficient humoral and cellular responses against the transgene product. It is therefore important to understand the factors which influence the establishment of these immune responses in order to design safe and efficient procedures for AAV-based gene therapies. We have compared T-cell activation against a strongly immunogenic protein, the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA), which is synthesized in skeletal muscle following gene transfer with an adenovirus (Ad) or an AAV vector. In both cases, cellular immune responses resulted in the elimination of transduced muscle fibers within 4 weeks. However, the kinetics of CD4(+) T-cell activation were markedly delayed when AAV vectors were used. Upon recombinant Ad (rAd) gene transfer, T cells were activated both by direct transduction of dendritic cells and by cross-presentation of the transgene product, while upon rAAV gene transfer T cells were only activated by the latter mechanism. These results suggested that activation of the immune system by the transgene product following rAAV-mediated gene transfer might be easier to control than that following rAd-mediated gene transfer. Therefore, we tested protocols aimed at interfering with either antigen presentation by blocking the CD40/CD40L pathway or with the T-cell response by inducing transgene-specific tolerance. Long-term expression of the AAV-HA was achieved in both cases, whereas immune responses against Ad-HA could not be prevented. These data clearly underline the importance of understanding the mechanisms by which vector-encoded proteins are recognized by the immune system in order to specifically interfere with them and to achieve safe and stable gene transfer in clinical trials.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】本研究旨在评价表达H3N2亚型猪流感病毒血凝素蛋白的重组腺病毒在猪体内的免疫效果。【方法】以10-8 TCID50、2×10-8 TCID50和4×10-8 TCID50的剂量经肌肉注射接种后2到6周每周检测血凝抑制(HI)抗体;比较肌肉注射、滴鼻、灌胃三种接种途径对仔猪免疫效果的影响,并通过攻毒保护试验进一步考察重组腺病毒rAd-HA-GFP在猪体内的免疫效力。【结果】以不同的剂量分别经肌肉注射免疫后, HI抗体水平与接种剂量呈正相关。三种接种途径均能刺激仔猪产生特异性抗体,肌肉注射组的HI抗体要高于其他两组,差异显著(P<0.01)。通过滴鼻和肌注注射方式进行攻毒后,阴性对照组仔猪在攻毒2d后出现体温升高、打喷嚏、咳嗽、流鼻液、精神沉郁、体重减轻等症状;而各免疫组仔猪未观察到明显的临床症状,各免疫组的病毒分离率也明显低于阴性对照组。【结论】重组腺病毒rAd-HA-GFP诱导的HI抗体达到1:320可以有效抵抗H3N2亚型猪流感病毒的侵袭,可以作为候选疫苗株。  相似文献   

自噬是调节细胞生长、发育的一种重要的程序性细胞死亡方式,其作用是一把“双刃剑”:一方面,它可清除病原体,保护机体免受损害;另一方面,有些细菌在进化中形成了独特机制,通过干扰或阻止自噬溶酶体形成等来调控或阻碍自噬,从而利于自身的复制和存活。自噬是天然免疫的重要部分,可通过Toll样受体或黏膜免疫系统等参与对细菌及毒素的应答;细胞免疫的效应细胞可通过分泌细胞因子调节自噬,进而调控获得性免疫应答。在抗胞内菌感染时,自噬在调节Th1/Th2细胞的免疫偏移方面也起关键作用。  相似文献   

A recombinant Newcastle disease virus (rNDV) expressing simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag protein (rNDV/SIVgag) was generated. The rNDV/SIVgag virus induced Gag-specific cellular immune responses in mice, leading to a specific anti-Gag antiviral immunity. This was evidenced by the inhibition of growth of recombinant vaccinia virus expressing an identical Gag antigen (rVac/SIVgag) but not of wild-type vaccinia virus in rNDV/SIVgag-immunized mice. Among intravenous, intraperitoneal, or intranasal immunization routes, intranasal administration induced the strongest protective response against challenge with rVac/SIVgag. We further demonstrated that these immune responses were greatly enhanced after booster immunization with recombinant influenza viruses expressing immunogenic portions of SIV Gag. The magnitude of the protective immune response correlated with the levels of cellular immune responses to Gag, which were still evident 9 weeks after immunization. These results suggest that rNDV and influenza virus vectors are suitable candidate vaccines against AIDS as well as against other infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus (VV) has been effectively utilized as a live vaccine against smallpox as well as a vector for vaccine development and immunotherapy. Increasingly there is a need for a new generation of highly attenuated and efficacious VV vaccines, especially in light of the AIDS pandemic and the threat of global bioterrorism. We therefore developed recombinant VV (rVV) vaccines that are significantly attenuated and yet elicit potent humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. B13R (SPI-2) and B22R (SPI-1) are two VV immunomodulating genes with sequence homology to serine protease inhibitors (serpins) that possess antiapoptotic and anti-inflammatory properties. We constructed and characterized rVVs that have the B13R or B22R gene insertionally inactivated (vDeltaB13R and vDeltaB22R) and coexpress the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (v50DeltaB13R and v50DeltaB22R). Virulence studies with immunocompromised BALB/cBy nude mice indicated that B13R or B22R gene deletion decreases viral replication and significantly extends time of survival. Viral pathogenesis studies in immunocompetent CB6F(1) mice further demonstrated that B13R or B22R gene inactivation diminishes VV virulence, as measured by decreased levels of weight loss and limited viral spread. Finally, rVVs with B13R and B22R deleted elicited potent humoral, T-helper, and cytotoxic T-cell immune responses, revealing that the observed attenuation did not reduce immunogenicity. Therefore, inactivation of immunomodulating genes such as B13R or B22R represents a general method for enhancing the safety of rVV vaccines while maintaining a high level of immunogenicity. Such rVVs could serve as effective vectors for vaccine development and immunotherapy.  相似文献   

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