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Alfredo López-Caamal Patricia Mussali-Galante Leticia Valencia-Cuevas Jaime Jiménez Ramírez Karla Vega Flores Efraín Tovar-Sánchez 《Plant Systematics and Evolution》2013,299(9):1781-1792
Natural hybridization frequently promotes gene introgression among closely related species in sympatric populations, producing complex patterns of morphological variation. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the dynamics of interspecific gene flow and its morphological patterns is of widespread interest. We tested if introgressive hybridization promotes an increase in transgressive characters in comparison with the parental species. A sunflower species complex occurring in Mexico formed by two native invasive species, Tithonia tubaeformis and Tithonia rotundifolia, was analyzed using 46 morphological characters (leaf, flower and fruit) in five hybrid zones (N = 150 individuals) and two pure sites for each parental species (N = 80 individuals). In general, T. tubaeformis differed significantly from T. rotundifolia in all the examined characters, except six foliar and one inflorescence character. Morphological characters support the hypothesis of hybridization in this complex, even though both species remain morphological distinct in mixed stands. Individual hybrids appear to be a mosaic of parent-like (24.8 % of traits), intermediate (26.1 %) and transgressive (37.8 %) phenotypes (the remaining 11.3 % of the traits did not differ significantly from both parental species). Our results suggest that individuals from the same parental species were more similar among themselves than to putative hybrids, indicating occasional hybridization with segregation in hybrid types or backcrossing to parents. Evidence indicates a unidirectional pattern of gene flow toward T. rotundifolia. 相似文献
Extensive chromosomal repatterning and the evolution of sterility barriers in hybrid sunflower species 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6

New species may arise via hybridization and without a change in ploidy. This process, termed homoploid hybrid speciation, is theoretically difficult because it requires the development of reproductive barriers in sympatry or parapatry. Theory suggests that isolation may arise through rapid karyotypic evolution and/or ecological divergence of hybrid neospecies. Here, we investigate the role of karyotypic change in homoploid hybrid speciation by generating detailed genetic linkage maps for three hybrid sunflower species, Helianthus anomalus, H. deserticola, and H. paradoxus, and comparing these maps to those previously generated for the parental species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris. We also conduct a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of pollen fertility in a BC2 population between the parental species and assess levels of pollen and seed fertility in all cross-combinations of the hybrid and parental species. The three hybrid species are massively divergent from their parental species in karyotype; gene order differences were observed for between 9 and 11 linkage groups (of 17 total), depending on the comparison. About one-third of the karyoypic differences arose through the sorting of chromosomal rearrangements that differentiate the parental species, but the remainder appear to have arisen de novo (six breakages/six fusions in H. anomalus, four breakages/three fusions in H. deserticola, and five breakages/five fusions in H. paradoxus). QTL analyses indicate that the karyotypic differences contribute to reproductive isolation. Nine of 11 pollen viability QTL occur on rearranged chromosomes and all but one map close to a rearrangement breakpoint. Finally, pollen and seed fertility estimates for F1's between the hybrid and parental species fall below 11%, which is sufficient for evolutionary independence of the hybrid neospecies. 相似文献
The hybrid sunflower species Helianthus paradoxus inhabits sporadic salt marshes in New Mexico and southwest Texas, USA, whereas its parental species, Helianthus annuus and Helianthus petiolaris, are salt sensitive. Previous studies identified three genomic regions - survivorship quantitative trait loci (QTLs) - that were under strong selection in experimental hybrids transplanted into the natural habitat of H. paradoxus. Here we ask whether these same genomic regions experienced significant selection during the origin and evolution of the natural hybrid, H. paradoxus. This was accomplished by comparing the variability of microsatellites linked to the three survivorship QTLs with those from genomic regions that were neutral in the experimental hybrids. As predicted if one or more selective sweeps had occurred in these regions, microsatellites linked to the survivorship QTLs exhibited a significant reduction in diversity in populations of the natural hybrid species. In contrast, no difference in diversity levels was observed between the two microsatellite classes in parental populations. 相似文献
The diploid hybrid species Helianthus paradoxus is restricted to salt marshes with sodium concentrations that exceed those found in the habitats of its progenitors, H. annuus and H. petiolaris. The observed association with saline habitats has led to the hypothesis that H. paradoxus is more salt tolerant than its progenitors. This hypothesis was tested by growing all three species in three NaCl treatments (0 mmol/L, 100 mmol/L, and 200 mmol/L). Helianthus paradoxus treated with NaCl was found to be more than five times as fit, in terms of biomass and survivorship, than its progenitors. Selection for salt tolerance in early generation hybrids may have contributed to the formation of H. paradoxus because theory predicts that homoploid hybrid speciation is feasible even when selection favoring hybrid genotypes is much weaker. Additionally, we show that H. paradoxus is significantly different from its parental species for several traits that often distinguish salt-tolerant species and suggest a mechanistic basis for the elevated salt tolerance expressed by H. paradoxus. 相似文献
Background and Aims
Low soil fertility limits growth and productivity in many natural and agricultural systems, where the ability to sense and respond to nutrient limitation is important for success. Helianthus anomalus is an annual sunflower of hybrid origin that is adapted to desert sand-dune substrates with lower fertility than its parental species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris. Previous studies have shown that H. anomalus has traits generally associated with adaptation to low-fertility habitats, including a lower inherent relative growth rate and longer leaf lifetime.Methods
Here, a cDNA microarray is used to identify gene expression differences that potentially contribute to increased tolerance of low fertility of the hybrid species by comparing the nitrogen stress response of all three species with high- and low-nutrient treatments.Key Results
Relative to the set of genes on the microarray, the genes showing differential expression in the hybrid species compared with its parents are enriched in stress-response genes, developmental genes, and genes involved in responses to biotic or abiotic stimuli. After a correction for multiple comparisons, five unique genes show a significantly different response to nitrogen limitation in H. anomalus compared with H. petiolaris and H. annuus. The Arabidopsis thaliana homologue of one of the five genes, catalase 1, has been shown to affect the timing of leaf senescence, and thus leaf lifespan.Conclusions
The five genes identified in this analysis will be examined further as candidate genes for the adaptive stress response in H. anomalus. Genes that improve growth and productivity under nutrient stress could be used to improve crops for lower soil fertility which is common in marginal agricultural settings. 相似文献8.
One of the most fundamental questions for understanding the origin of species is why genes that function to cause fertility in a pure-species genetic background fail to produce fertility in a hybrid genetic background. A related question is why the sex that is most often sterile or inviable in hybrids is the heterogametic (usually male) sex. In this survey, we have examined the extent and nature of differences in gene expression between fertile adult males of two Drosophila species and sterile hybrid males produced from crosses between these species. Using oligonucleotide microarrays and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, we have identified and confirmed that differences in gene expression exist between pure species and hybrid males, and many of these differences are quantitative rather than qualitative. Furthermore, genes that are expressed primarily or exclusively in males, including several involved in spermatogenesis, are disproportionately misexpressed in hybrids, suggesting a possible genetic cause for their sterility. 相似文献
Colony size as a species character in massive reef corals 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Keryea Soong 《Coral reefs (Online)》1993,12(2):77-83
In a study of seven massive, Caribbean corals, I have found major differences in reproductive behavior between species with large maximum colony sizes and species with smaller maximum colony sizes. Four species (Diploria clivosa, D. strigosa, Montastrea cavernosa, Siderastrea siderea) which are large (<1000 cm2 in surface area) broadcast gametes during a short spawning season. Their puberty size is relatively large (>100 cm2, except M. cavernosa). In contrast, two small massive species (<100 cm2, Favia fragum and S. radians), and one medium-sized (100–1000 cm2, Porites astreoides) massive species, brood larvae during an extended season (year-round in Panama). The puberty size of the small species is only 2–4 cm2. Given these close associations between maximum colony sizes and a number of fundamental reproductive attributes, greater attention should be given to the colony size distributions of different species of reef corals in nature, since many important life history and population characters may be inferred. 相似文献
Life-history variation in a hybrid species complex ofDaphnia 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Summary Life-history variation was examined among members of theDaphnia longispina group, which consists ofD. galeata, D. hyalina, D. cucullata, and hybrids. Factorial experiments were conducted at two temperatures (14° and 20° C) and two food concentrations (0.2 and
1.0 mg Cl−1). Differences in life-history features (size at maturity, age at first reproduction, size of first clutch, offspring size
in first clutch) under the different environmental conditions were assessed among eightDaphnia clones, which represented members of this species complex. Significant differences between parentals and hybrids for most
life-history features were observed under various treatments; generally, hybrid clones showed intermediate life-history traits
when compared with parentals. When comparisons were made among clones within a given species (i.e.D. galeata, D. galeata xcucullata, D. cucullata), clonal differences were also noted for certain life-history traits. The data are discussed with reference to the formation
and maintenance of hybrid species complexes in nature.
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Hans Georg Wolf, who died suddenly in May 1990 at the age of 39 years. 相似文献
Helianthus annuus L., the common cultivated sunflower, and Helianthus bolanderi Gray subspecies exilis Heiser, a form endemic on serpentine soils, were grown in culture solutions with widely varying Mg levels. For comparable development, H. bolanderi exilis required higher levels of Mg in the solution than H. annuus, both in the range of visual deficiency symptoms and in higher ranges. 相似文献
Brem B Seger C Pacher T Hartl M Hadacek F Hofer O Vajrodaya S Greger H 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(19):2719-2729
From the roots of various Stemona species four new dehydrotocopherols (chromenols) were isolated and their structures and stereochemistry elucidated by spectroscopic methods. The double bond between C-3 and C-4 proved to be a typical chemical character of the genus found in most of the species. Various C-methylations of the aromatic ring reflect differences in methyltransferase activities and agreed with the current species delimitations showing an exclusive accumulation of dehydro-delta-tocopherol for the Stemona tuberosa group, whereas different provenances of Stemona curtisii were characterized by dehydro-gamma-tocopherol accompanied by small amounts of dehydro-alpha-tocopherol. From Stemona collinsae all four tocopherols were isolated with a clear preponderance of dehydro-delta-tocopherol accompanied by smaller amounts of the rare dehydro-beta-tocopherol. Stemona burkillii and a group of unidentified species showed a weak accumulation trend towards dehydro-alpha-tocopherol, whereas Stemona cochinchinensis and especially Stemona kerrii clearly differed by a preponderance of chromanol derivatives. In Stemona cf. pierrei no tocopherols could be detected at all. Based on TLC tests and microplate assays with the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH*) the antioxidant capacities of all chromenol derivatives were comparable with that of alpha-tocopherol showing no significant differences among each other, except for a more rapid kinetic behaviour of the 5,7,8-methylated dehydro-alpha-tocopherol. 相似文献
R. S. THORPE 《Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research》1987,25(3):161-169
The hybrid zone between eastern and western grass snakes, which has been independently hypothesized to be due to secondary contact, is investigated using univariate and multivariate analysis of a large number of independent, quantitative characters. Investigation of the patterns of geographic variation show that 5 out of 6 character systems show a congruent pattern of “stepped clinal” change across the zone. Insofar as this case is concerned, secondary contact ‘hybrid’ zones are associated with concordant changes in many character systems and “speciation” involves the origin of a large number of small differences in most character systems rather than the major reorganisation of a single system. 相似文献
Structure and expression of sunflower ubiquitin genes 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
M. T. Cheres J. F. Miller J. M. Crane S. J. Knapp 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2000,100(6):889-894
Heterosis is significant for seed yield and is one of the driving forces behind the hybrid seed industry in cultivated sunflower
(Helianthus annuus L). Heterotic groups in sunflower, if any other than the female and male inbred-line groups exist, have not been well studied
or described. The primary aims of this study were to assess the utility and validity of a series of proposed heterotic groups
and estimate correlations between genetic distance, heterosis, and hybrid performance for seed yield in sunflower. Fortytwo
female by male heterotic group (A × R) and 81 female by female heterotic group (A × B) single-cross hybrids were grown in
Corvallis, Ore., and Casselton, N.D., in 1996 and 1997. Heterosis was significant for seed yield and plant height but not
for seed oil concentration and days to flowering. Genetic distances were significantly correlated with hybrid seed yield when
estimated from AFLP fingerprints (G
D) (r = 0.63 for A × R and 0.79 for A × B hybrids), but not from coancestries (G
C) (r = -0.02 for A × R and 0.54 for A × B hybrids). G
D (R
2 = 0.4) was a poor predictor of hybrid seed yield. The proposed heterotic groups in sunflower seem to have utility, but do
not seem to be as strongly differentiated as those in corn (Zea mays L.). The highest-yielding hybrids were from the BC× RB heterotic pattern; however, several BC× BC hybrids (within-group hybrids) were among the top-yielding hybrids. The outstanding performance of certain BC× BC hybrids casts some doubt on the validity of the BC group. Substantial genetic diversity seems to be present within and between heterotic groups in sunflower.
Received: 1 September 1998 / Accepted: 14 September 1999 相似文献
H. Thomas W. G. Morgan M. W. Humphreys 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1988,76(2):299-304
Summary Triploid hybrids of Lolium multiflorum (4x) x L. perenne (2x) behaved cytologically as autotriploids but the segregation of isozyme variants did not always agree with the expected trisomic ratios. The overall effect of these deviations from expectation was a greater proportion than expected of diploid progeny from the cross L. multiflorum (2x) x triploid hybrid which did not include any of the L. perenne alleles at the three marker isozyme loci. The possible mechanisms for these aberrant segregation ratios are discussed together with the advantages of the crossing scheme to accelerate the recovery of the genotype of the recurrent parent in a backcrossing programme to transfer characters from one species to another. 相似文献