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A sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic assay has been developed to determine the levels of 3'-amino-3'-deoxy-thymidine (AMT), a cytotoxic metabolite of 3'-azido-3'-deoxy-thymidine (AZT, zidovudine), in human plasma. The sample pretreatment involved solid-phase extraction using cation-exchange extraction columns. Chromatography was carried out on a C8 column, using a mobile phase of methanol—0.01 M ammonium acetate (pH 5)—0.25 M sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate (60:40:4, v/v/v) and ultraviolet detection at 265 nm. The method has been validated, and stability tests under various conditions have been performed. The lower limit of quantitation is 5 ng/ml (using 500-μl human plasma samples). The bioanalytical assay has been used for the determination of AMT in patients with AIDS who used AZT.  相似文献   

The presence in terminal embryonic fibroblasts of small molecular weight (MW) DNA independent of bulk DNA could be ascertained by three different techniques performed in parallel. This alteration was not artifactually induced, either by high pH and the detergent used or by the release of cellular enzymes. An increased thermolability of old chromatin was also observed. Cells with altered chromatin synthesized DNA and RNA according to a pattern similar to young type nuclei. Long-term treatment with hydrocortisone significantly increased the cell yield but did not prevent, in the late passages, the occurrence of old-type chromatin; the nucleolar filamentous masses, however, maintained a 'young' pattern. Short-term treatment induced only a moderate reversion in the appearance of chromatin lesions. Direct evidence was obtained of increased gene expression in the presence of hydrocortisone.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the interaction of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine 5'-phosphate (AZTMP) and 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxy-uridine 5'-phosphate (AZdUMP) with thymidylate synthase. With the enzyme from L1210 cells and the tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta, AZTMP was a weak inhibitor competitive with respect to dUMP (Ki = 6.3 mM and 0.5 mM); hence cytotoxicity of AZT, in cells in which accumulation of AZTMP is not high, is not due to inhibition of cellular thymidylate synthase. AZdUMP, with the L1210 enzyme, was a weak substrate (competition with dUMP described by apparent Ki = 4.7 mM), excluding conversion of AZdUMP to AZTMP as a source of toxicity of 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxyuridine. An efficient procedure is described for enzymatic phosphorylation on a preparative scale of dideoxynucleosides.  相似文献   

The molecular form of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase involved in the catalysis of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT)-5'-O-glucuronide was characterized in human liver microsomes. The specific activity (1.3 nmol/min per mg protein) in transplantable liver was more than 2-times higher than in post-mortem fragments. Liver microsomes from patients suffering Crigler-Najjar syndrome, who are genetically deficient in bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, could also glucuronidate AZT to a similar extent, thus indicating that this protein was not involved in that process. A genetically engineered V79 cell line stably expressing a cDNA which encodes a human isozyme active towards 1-naphthol was unable to glucuronidate AZT. Clinically used drugs, most of them being glucuronidated, were tested as potential inhibitors of the glucuronidation of AZT in human liver microsomes. The drugs chemically related to 2-phenylpropionic acid, naproxen and flurbiprofen, and the steroid compounds testosterone, estrone and ethynylestradiol strongly inhibited AZT glucuronidation. Codeine and morphine also decreased the reaction rate although to a lower extent. Except estrone which elicited a partial competitive inhibition, ethynylestradiol, flurbiprofen naproxen and testosterone could competitively inhibit AZT glucuronidation with an apparent Ki of 38, 50, 172 and 250 microM, respectively. The results suggest that these drugs were substrates of the same isozyme(s) involved in AZT glucuronidation. Probenecid was a weak inhibitor of the reaction (Ki 900 microM), only when non-disrupted microsomes were used. This drug may compete with the anion carrier system involved in the microsomal uptake of UDP-glucuronic acid.  相似文献   

Vertical transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) is reduced from approximately 25% to approximately 7% as a result of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) therapy given during pregnancy; however, the consequences of transplacental AZT exposure to the fetus remain unknown. To address the extent and kinetics of AZT transfer across the human placenta, perfusion studies have been performed with fresh uninfected human placentas perfused with 0.5, 1. 0 and 5.0 mg AZT/ml for 2 h using a dual recirculating single cotyledon perfusion apparatus [T.I. Ala-Kokko, P. Pienimaki, R. Herva, A.I. Hollmen, O. Pelkonen, K. V?h?kangas, Transfer of lidocaine and bupivacaine across the isolated perfused human placenta, Pharmacol. Toxicol. 77 (1995) 142-148]. For two placentas, samples of perfusion effluent were taken every 15 min from the maternal and fetal sides of the apparatus and AZT levels were determined by AZT radioimmunoassay (RIA). At the end of the perfusion, AZT-DNA incorporation into placental DNA was determined by AZT-RIA. The concentration of AZT in the fetal perfusate increased with time, along with a concomitant slow decrease in the concentration of AZT in the maternal perfusates. For three different placentas, at 2 h after the start of perfusion, AZT-DNA incorporation values (molecules of AZT/10(6) nucleotides) were 11.8 for the 0.5 mg AZT/ml perfusate, 13.7 for the 1.0 mg AZT/ml perfusion, and 42.0 for the 5 mg AZT/ml perfusion. An additional placenta perfused with 1 mg AZT/ml did not have detectable values of AZT incorporated into DNA (data not shown). The data show that AZT crosses the human placenta and becomes rapidly incorporated into DNA of placental tissue in a dose-dependent fashion, suggesting that even short exposures to this drug might induce fetal genotoxicity and might also inhibit maternal-fetal viral transmission.  相似文献   

Zidovudine (3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine, AZT), widely used for the therapy of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1), is a nucleoside analog of thymidine that becomes phosphorylated and incorporated into nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Levels of AZT incorporation into DNA of humans, monkeys, and mice are highly variable and suggest interindividual variability in phosphorylation pathways. In addition, studies in rhesus monkeys (1) have shown a lack of correlation between levels of unbound AZT in plasma and tissue AZT-DNA. However, the correlation between plasma AZT and tissue AZT-DNA has not been previously examined in the same primate. Here we examine the relationship between AZT-DNA incorporation in leukocytes and multiple organs, and levels of the drug circulating in plasma of adult female cynomolgus (Macaca fascicularis) monkeys. Three monkeys were dosed with 40.0 mg of AZT/day for 30 days by naso-gastric intubation. The average daily dose of 9.9 mg of AZT/kg/body wt was similar to the approximately 8.6 mg of AZT/kg/body wt (600 mg/day) given to adult HIV-1-infected patients. In all three monkeys, at the time of sampling, values for AZT concentrations in plasma were similar and values for AZT incorporation into leukocyte DNA (86.1, 100.0, and 114.1 molecules of AZT/10(6) nucleotides) were also similar. AZT-DNA incorporation was detected in liver, uterus, spleen, and kidney from the three AZT-exposed animals, with values for positive samples ranging from 5.8 to 97.4 molecules of AZT/10(6) nucleotides. In brain cortex and lung DNA from AZT-exposed animals, AZT incorporation was undetectable. The data suggest that organ-specific differences in AZT uptake and/or metabolism may contribute to AZT phosphorylation and subsequent drug incorporation into DNA. In addition, AZT-DNA levels in monkey organs were similar to or lower than values observed in peripheral leukocytes of adult AIDS patients.  相似文献   

The effect of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine on nucleoside diphosphate kinase of isolated rat liver mitochondria has been studied. This is done by monitoring the increase in the rate of oxygen uptake by nucleoside diphosphate (TDP, UDP, CDP or GDP) addition to mitochondria in state 4. It is shown that 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine inhibits the mitochondrial nucleoside diphosphate kinase in a competitive manner, with a Ki value of about 10 microM as measured for each tested nucleoside diphosphate. It is also shown that high concentrations of GDP prevent 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine inhibition of the nucleoside diphosphate kinase.  相似文献   

The cell cycle-dependent and proliferation-associated expression of the enzyme DNA methyltransferase has been evaluated immunocytochemically in synchronized L-132 human embryonic lung cells, using the anti-DNA methyltransferase monoclonal antibody M1F6D7/5C10. DNA methyltransferase-reactivity was firstly seen in mid-G1 cells. An intense and granular reaction in the cell nuclei with a sparing of the nucleoli was observed in addition to a homogenous and faint cytoplasmic staining. The staining intensity in the cell nuclei increased progressively up to mitosis. In early mitotic cells an intense perichromosomal staining was observed in addition to a homogenous staining of cyto- and karyoplasm after the resolving of the core membrane. In late mitosis the staining intensity decreased rapidly. Early G1 cells and density inhibited, resting G0 cells showed no DNA methyltransferase reactivity at all. Our results indicate that anti-DNA methyltransferase monoclonal antibodies could become valuable tools to detect proliferating cells in cell cultures and tissues.  相似文献   

The demonstrated in vitro and in vivo activity of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (N3dThd) against the infectivity and the cytopathic effect of human immunodeficiency virus has prompted an investigation of the mechanism by which this nucleoside analogue permeates the cell membrane. As with the transport of thymidine, the influx of N3dThd into human erythrocytes and lymphocytes was nonconcentrative during short incubation times (less than 5 min) which did not allow significant metabolism of this nucleoside. However, in contrast with thymidine transport, the initial velocity of N3dThd influx was strictly a linear function of nucleoside concentration (0.5-10 mM), without evidence of saturability; insensitive to micromolar concentrations of potent inhibitors of nucleoside transport (dipyridamole, 6-[(4-nitrobenzyl)thio]-9-beta-D-ribofuranosylpurine, and dilazep); insensitive to a 1000-fold excess of other nucleosides (thymidine, uridine, 2-chloroadenosine); and relatively insensitive to temperature, with Q10 values (37-27 degrees C) of 1.4 and 2.7 for N3dThd and thymidine, respectively, determined in erythrocytes. Although the above results indicate that N3dThd permeates the cell membrane chiefly by nonfacilitated diffusion and not via the nucleoside transporter, millimolar concentrations of this nucleoside analogue were observed to inhibit both zero-trans influx of thymidine and efflux of thymidine from [3H]thymidine-loaded erythrocytes. The partition coefficients (1-octanol:0.1 M sodium phosphate, pH 7.0) of N3dThd and thymidine were determined to be 1.26 and 0.064, respectively. The unusual ability of N3dThd to diffuse across cell membranes independently of the nucleoside transport system may be attributed to the considerable lipophilicity imparted to this molecule by the replacement of the 3'-hydroxyl group of thymidine with an azido moiety.  相似文献   

Binding, internalization, and degradation of 125I-labeled, antiproliferative, or nonantiproliferative heparan sulfate by human embryonic lung fibroblasts was investigated. Both L-iduronate-rich, antiproliferative heparan sulfate species as well as L-iduronate-poor, inactive ones were bound to trypsin-releasable, cell-surface sites. Both heparan sulfate types were bound with approximately the same affinity to one high-affinity site (Kd approximately 10−8 M) and to one (Kd approximately 10−6 M), respectively. Results of Hill-plot analysis suggested that the two sites are independent. Competition experiments with unlabeled glycosaminoglycans indicated that the binding sites had a selective specificity for sulfated, L-iduronate-rich heparan sulfate. Dermatan sulfate, which is also antiproliferative, was weakly bound to the cells. The antiproliferative effects of heparan and dermatan sulfate appeared to be additive. Hence, the two glycosaminoglycans probably exert their effect through different mechanisms. At concentrations above 5 μg/ml (approximately 10−7 M), heparan sulfate was taken up by human embryonic lung fibroblasts, suggesting that the low-affinity site represents an endocytosis receptor. The antiproliferative effect of L-iduronate-rich heparan sulfate species was also exerted at the same concentrations. The antiproliferative species was taken up to a greater degree than the inactive one, suggesting a requirement for internalization. However, competition experiments with dextran sulfate suggested that both the high-affinity and the low-affinity sites are involved in mediating the antiproliferative effect. Structural analysis of the inactive and active heparan sulphate preparations indicated that although sulphated L-iduronate appears essential for antiproliferative activity, it is not absolutely required for binding to the cells. Degradation of internalized heparan sulfate was analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using a sensitive detection technique. The inactive species was partially degraded, whereas the antiproliferative one was only marginally affected. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:595–604. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Perinatal treatment with 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) has been found to reduce the rate of maternal-infant transmission of HIV; however, AZT is genotoxic in mammalian cells in vitro and induces tumors in the offspring of mice treated in utero. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationships between incorporation of AZT into DNA, and the frequency and spectrum of mutations at the HPRT locus of the human lymphoblastoid cell line, TK6, following in vitro exposures to AZT. Cells were cultured in medium containing 0 or 300 microM AZT for 1, 3, or 6 day(s) (n = 5/group). The effects of exposure duration on incorporation of AZT into DNA and HPRT mutant frequency were determined using an AZT radioimmunoassay and a cell cloning assay, respectively. AZT accumulated in DNA in a supralinear manner, approaching a plateau at 6 days of treatment (101.9 +/- 14.7 molecules AZT/10(6) nucleotides). After 3 days of AZT exposure, HPRT mutant frequency was significantly increased (1.8-fold, p = 0.016) compared to background (mutant frequency = 3.78 x 10(-6)). Multiplex PCR amplification of genomic DNA was used to determine the frequency of exon deletions in HPRT mutant clones from untreated cells versus AZT-treated cells. Molecular analyses of AZT-induced mutations revealed a significant difference in the frequency of total gene deletions (44/120 vs. 18/114 in controls, p = 0.004 by the Mann-Whitney U-statistic). In fact, the Chi-square test of homogeneity demonstrate that the differences between the control and AZT-treatment groups is attributed mainly to this increase in total gene deletion mutations (p = 0.00001). These data indicate that the primary mechanism of AZT mutagenicity in human TK6 cells is through the production of large deletions which occur as a result of AZT incorporation into DNA and subsequent chain termination. The data imply that perinatal chemoprophylaxis with AZT may put children of HIV-infected women at potential risk for genetic damage.  相似文献   

3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) has attained wide clinical utility in the treatment of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Unfortunately, associated with AZT use, is the development of severe hematopoietic toxicity as manifested by anemia, neutropenia and overall bone marrow suppression. Interleukin-1 (IL-1), a cytokine, primarily produced by activated macrophages, has been involved in the control of hematopoiesis by acting synergistically with other hematopoietic growth factors, and has been demonstrated to be an effective agent in reducing the myelosuppression associated with the therapy for malignant disease. We report here the ability of recombinant human IL-1 alpha to protect normal murine hematopoietic progenitors (CFU-GM, BFU-E, and CFU-Meg) from the toxic effects of AZT. Following the determination of the LD50 dose for each progenitor, IL-1 was added in co-culture studies (10-1000 units; 0.001-1.0 micrograms/ml protein) with adherent cell depleted marrow. Marrow progenitors expressed differences in AZT sensitivity, e.g., BFU-E, LD50 5 x 10(-9)M; CFU-Meg, LD50 10(-7) M; CFU-GM, 5 x 10(-5) M respectively. IL-1 inhibited AZT induced toxicity. The maximum IL-1 dose effect was observed for CFU-GM and CFU-Meg at 300 units, 0.3 micrograms protein; however BFU-E required a dose of 600 units, 0.6 micrograms/ml protein to reverse the effects of AZT. These results demonstrate marrow progenitors respond differently to AZT and identifies the potential efficacy of IL-1 to minimize the hematopoietic toxicity associated with AZT treatment.  相似文献   

Using the alkaline comet assay, we showed that bleomycin at 0.1-5 microg/ml induced DNA strand breaks and/or alkali-labile sites, measurable as the comet tail moment, in human colonic mucosa cells. This DNA damage was completely repaired during a 120-minute post-treatment incubation of the cells. Post-treatment of the bleomycin-damaged DNA with 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase II (AlkA), an enzyme recognizing alkylated bases, gave rise to a significant increase in the extent of DNA damage, indicating that the drug could induce alkylative bases in DNA. We did not observe any change in the comet tail moment in the presence of catalase. Vitamin E ((+)-alpha -tocopherol) decreased DNA damage induced by bleomycin. The results obtained suggest that hydrogen peroxide might not be involved in the formation of DNA lesions induced by bleomycin in the colonic mucosa cells.  相似文献   

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