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Studies were conducted to establish optimal conditions for the acid hydrolysis of sweet potato for maximal ethanol yield. The starch contents of two sweet potato cultivars (Georgia Red and TG-4), based on fresh weight, were 21.1 +/- 0.6% and 27.5 +/- 1.6%, respectively. The results of acid hydrolysis experiments showed the following: (1) both hydrolysis rate and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) concentration were a function of HCL concentration, temperature, and time; (2) the reducing sugars were rapidly formed with elevated concentrations of HCl and temperature, but also destroyed quickly; and (3) HMF concentration increased significantly with the concentration of HCl, temperature, and hydrolysis time.Maximum reducing sugar value of 84.2 DE and 0.056% HMF (based on wet weight) was achieved after heating 8% SPS for 15 min in 1N HCl at 110 degrees C. Degraded 8% SPS (1N HCl, 97 degrees C for 20 min or 110 degrees C for 10 min) was utilized as substrate for ethanol fermentation and 3.8% ethanol (v/v) was produced from 1400 mL fermented wort. This is equal to 41.6 g ethanol (200 proof) from 400 g of fresh sweet potato tuber (Georgia Red) or an ethanol yield potential of 431 gal of 200-proof ethanol/acre (from 500 bushel tubers/acre).  相似文献   

The use of date juice as a substrate for single cell protein production was investigated. Four strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and two strains of Candida utilis were examined as possible production cultures. The criteria used for screening the organisms were total cell count, total protein and decrease in soluble solids. S. cerevisiae ATCC 4111 gave the highest protein and cell production. The optimum substrate concentration was 4 - 5% soluble solids. At this concentration, 55% of the sugars was utilized. Cell mass after 12 h fermentation was 4.86 g l−1. The harvested and freeze-dried cells contained 8.6% nitrogen. The best combination of nutrient supplementation was found to be 0.25% (NH4)2HPO4 and 0.1% FeNH4(SO4)2; addition of MgSO4 and (NH4)2SO4 did not increase cell production.  相似文献   

Acid hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse for lactic acid production   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to use sugarcane bagasse as a substrate for lactic acid production, optimum conditions for acid hydrolysis of the bagasse were investigated. After lignin extraction, the conditions were varied in terms of hydrochloric (HCl) or sulfuric (H2SO4) concentration (0.5–5%, v/v), reaction time (1–5 h) and incubation temperature (90–120 °C). The maximum catalytic efficiency (E) was 10.85 under the conditions of 0.5% of HCl at 100 °C for 5 h, which the main components (in g l−1) in the hydrolysate were glucose, 1.50; xylose, 22.59; arabinose, 1.29; acetic acid, 0.15 and furfural, 1.19. To increase yield of lactic acid production from the hydrolysate by Lactococcus lactis IO-1, the hydrolysate was detoxified through amberlite and supplemented with 7 g l−1 of xylose and 7 g l−1 of yeast extract. The main products (in g l−1) of the fermentation were lactic acid, 10.85; acetic acid, 7.87; formic acid, 6.04 and ethanol, 5.24.  相似文献   

Polymorphism and inheritance of seed storage protein in sunflower   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The data on polymorphism and inheritance of the seed storage protein helianthinin are presented. The results of hybrid analysis indicate that in the annual sunflower Helianthus annuus, helianthinin synthesis is controlled by at least three loci: HelA, HelB, HelB, and HelC. Codominant alleles controlling different electrophoretic variants of polypeptides were identified at each of the loci. The HelA locus was inherited independently of HelB and HelC in a series of dihybrid crosses. The frequencies of recombination between loci HelB and HelC estimated in F2 and BC of two crossing combinations were respectively 21.8 and 19.0%. Segregation of the Hel-C-controlled variants in the progenies from the crosses of cultured sunflower with annual wild species and forms corresponded to that theoretically expected for Mendelian inheritance. The maternal type of helianthinin inheritance was observed in the progenies from the crosses of inbred H. annuus lines with perennial diploid and polyploid Helianthus species. Altered expression of the HelC locus was detected in some hybrid combinations. These alterations appeared in early (F1, F2) hybrid generations and were similar in different hybrid combinations. They did not depend on the perennial paternal species being more influenced by the maternal genotype and by the mode of obtaining hybrids (in an embryo culture or in the field). These results are explained by "genomic shock" generated by hybridization of genetically incompatible species.  相似文献   

The 2 S seed storage protein, sunflower albumin 8, contains an unusually high proportion of hydrophobic residues including 16 methionines in a mature protein of 103 amino acids. A structural model, based on the known structure of a related protein, has been constructed as a four-helix bundle cross-linked by four disulphide bonds. This model structure is consistent with data from circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. Analysis of the model's surface shows the presence of a large hydrophobic face that may be responsible for the highly stable emulsions this protein is known to form with oil/water mixtures.  相似文献   

Summary Amino acid analyses were undertaken on single cell protein (SCP) produced by thermotolerant strains ofKluyveromyces marxianus var.marxianus grown on sugar cane molasses at 40°C. The maximum conversion of available sugars to biomass at 45°C was only 10.8% (g dry wt.·g–1 total sugars). The amino acid composition of the SCP did not differ markedly from that reported for other yeast species.  相似文献   

Tofu wastewater can be utilized as a substrate for microorganisms that produce single-cell proteins (SCPs). Because different microorganisms have different cellular components, the composition of SCPs varies. Electro-stimulation has the potential to speed up fermentation and increase product yield. The goal of this study was to find the best way to produce SCPs from Aspergillus awamori, Rhizopus oryzae, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the tofu wastewater substrate using electro-stimulation. The experimental method was used in the study, the data were analyzed using independent t-test statistical analysis, and the best treatment was identified using the effective index method. This treatment consisted of producing SCP with electro-stimulation of −1.5 V and without electro-stimulation for 72 h for the yeast and 96 h for the mold at 25 °C in tofu wastewater that had already been conditioned to a pH of 5. The parameters measured included measurement of population of microorganism, change in pH, dry biomass weight, carbohydrate content, and protein content. Electro-stimulation reduced the optimum fermentation time of A. awamori SCP from 56 to 32 h, resulting in 0.0406 g/50 mL of dry biomass, 30.09% carbohydrate content, and 6.86% protein content. Meanwhile, the optimal fermentation time on R. oryzae and S. cerevisiae were not accelerated by electro-stimulation. The best treatment was A. awamori without electro-stimulation, which produced 0.0931 g/50 mL of dry biomass, 20.29% carbohydrate, and 7.55% protein.  相似文献   

A mathematical model describing the kinetics of continuous production of single cell protein from cheese whey using Kluyveromyces fragilis was developed from the basic principles of mass balance. The model takes into account the substrate utilization for growth and maintenance and the effect of substrate concentration and cell death rate on the net cell growth and substrate utilization during the fermentation process. A lactose concentration below 1.91 g/L limited growth of yeast cells whereas a lactose concentration above 75 g/L inhibited the growth of the yeast. The model was tested using experimental data obtained from a continuous system operated at various retention times (12, 18 and 24 h), mixing speeds (200, 400 and 600 rpm) and air flow rates (1 and 3 vvm). The model was capable of predicting the effluent cell and substrate concentrations with R2 ranging from 0.95 to 0.99. The viable cell mass and lactose consumption ranged from 1.3 to 34.3 g/L and from 74.31% to 99.02%, respectively. A cell yield of 0.74 g cell/g lactose (close to the stoichiometric value of 0.79 g cell/g lactose) was achieved at the 12 h retention time-3 vvm air flow rate-600 rpm mixing speed combination. The total biomass output (viable and dead cells) at this combination was 37 g/L.  相似文献   

The most biologically active component of vitamin E, -tocopherol, is synthesized in its most effective stereoisomeric form only by photosynthetic organisms. Using sunflower cell cultures, a suitable in vitro production system of natural -tocopherol was established. The most efficient medium was found to be MS basal medium with naphthaleneacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine with the addition of casaminoacids and myo-inositol. Culture feeding experiments using biosynthetic precursors showed that -tocopherol production improved by 30% when homogentisic acid was used. Interestingly, time-course experiments with sunflower suspension cultures showed a possible increase of 78% in -tocopherol production when using cultures of longer subculture intervals. Compared to the starting plant tissue, an overall 100% increase of -tocopherol was reached by these sunflower cell cultures.  相似文献   

Lumbrokinase (LK) is an important fibrinolytic enzyme derived from earthworm. The capsules of the extracts of LK have been widely used. Unfortunately, the life cycle of earthworm is long, and extraction of lumbrokinases is generally a labor intensive and time-consuming activity. Also the extract is easily contaminated by multiple components. The successful expression of the recombinant LK provides a way to obtain single component with fibrinolytic activity. Meanwhile, it was reported that LK could be orally administered. Therefore, we have been attempting to produce recombinant LK using a safe and cost-effective production system. In this stduy, LK gene placed under the seed-specific promoter, napA, was expressed in the Helianthus annuus L. The SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis confirmed the expression of recombinant LK (rLK). The yield of rLK was about 5.1 g/kg sunflower seeds as determined by ELISA. Fibrin plate assays revealed that the crude extraction of rLK from sunflower seed kernel contained a high level of fibrinolytic activity. Following oral administration of T1 generation of transgenic sunflower seed kernel, the prothrombin time (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), the thrombin time (TT) and the carrageenin-induced thrombosis were evaluated, using Balb/c mice as the thrombosis model. It was demonstrated that the oral treatment of mice with transgenic sunflower seed kernel had a significant anti-thrombotic effect. The finding provides a way for low-cost and seed kernel edible delivery of human therapeutic proteins.  相似文献   

Amino acid production from a sunflower wholemeal protein concentrate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study was undertaken to investigate the influence of protein concentration and the addition of different doses of endopeptidase (Alcalase) and exopeptidase (Flavourzyme) on the sequential enzymatic hydrolysis of a protein concentrate obtained from defatted sunflower wholemeal. The results show that the greatest degree of hydrolysis (37.8%) is achieved by hydrolyzing an aqueous substrate with a 5% protein concentrate, and using a 0.02 g Alcalase/g of protein concentrate of the substrate. The aminograms performed reveal that the free amino acid found in the highest proportion in the hydrolysate was aspartic acid, which accounted for over 50% of the free amino acids present, regardless of the substrate concentration and the enzyme dosage used. Finally, the hydrolysate obtained from a substrate containing a 5% protein concentrate and a 0.02 g Alcalase/g of protein concentrate displayed characteristics that indicate its suitability for use as a vegetable-origin plant growth regulator.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of ethanol production by fermentation of coffee husks by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Batch fermentation studies were performed employing whole and ground coffee husks, and aqueous extract from ground coffee husks. It was observed that fermentation yield decreased with an increase in yeast concentration. The best results were obtained for the following conditions: whole coffee husks, 3 g yeast/l substrate, temperature of 30°C. Under these conditions ethanol production was 8.49 ± 0.29 g/100 g dry basis (13.6 ± 0.5 g ethanol/l), a satisfactory value in comparison to literature data for other residues such as corn stalks, barley straw and hydrolyzed wheat stillage (5–11 g ethanol/l). Such results indicate that coffee husks present excellent potential for residue-based ethanol production.  相似文献   

Five principle monoterpenoid and other constituent volatile chemicals of sunflower heads were combined to resemble two lines of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.): one U.S.D.A. standard line and one French line which was poorly visited by insects (Etievant et al., 1984). Field trials of attraction to red sunflower seed weevils (Smicronyx fulvus Le Conte, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) showed that one was clearly preferred over the other. The more attractive mixture contained -pinene, -pinene, limonene, camphene and bornyl acetate in a ratio resembling that of Flath et al. (1985) rather than that described by Etievant et al. (1984). One or two volatiles were deleted from the optimal blend but only mixtures of five volatiles showed the highest attraction. Substitution of sabinene, another volatile prominent in sunflower, for one of the five in the optimal blend also decreased attraction of seed weevils. When the monoterpenoid components and green leaf volatiles in the traps resembled the ratios of most of the prominent volatiles of sunflower, attraction was significantly greater than controls.  相似文献   

Formal genetic studies of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed acid phosphatase (ACP, E.C. had suggested that the functional enzyme consists of two polypeptide subunits. The dimeric quaternary structure was demonstrated by dissociation-recombination procedures. Dissociation of electrophoretically distinct homodimers was effected upon freezing of extracts in a pH 8-9 buffer containing 1 M NaCl and 0.1 M 2-mercaptoethanol. Reassociation, as indicated by the formation of the hybrid isozyme, occurred during 12 hr dialysis against a pH 7.0 buffer.  相似文献   

Bacteria grown on methanol exhibit a poor efficiency of energy conservation, which is mainly due to the low P/O ratio of 1 associated with methanol oxidation. Thermodynamic considerations indicate that a P/O ratio of at least 2 is possible for this step in substrate oxidation. This low efficiency of energy conservation is reflected in the yield values on methanol, which are very important in the consideration of biomass production from methanol. Unfortunately in continuous culture there is no obvious way to select for organisms with a greater efficiency of energy conservation.  相似文献   

Several yeast strains can grow with good yield (0.16 to 0.19 mg protein/mg carbohydrate) on nitrogen supplemented Jerusalem artichoke extract. The most promising strain is Lipomyces starkeyi. Including by-products (pulps, proteins of extract), protein production can reach 2 metric tons/ha.  相似文献   

Pulps prepared from oat husks via a method combining prehydrolysis, alkali delignification, and nitric acid treatment were demonstrated to possess high fermentability upon hydrolysis using multienzyme preparations, such as BrewZyme BGX and CelloLux-A. A dependence of the increment of the yield of reducing substances on the initial substrate concentration ranging from 15 to 120 g/dm3 was studied. The final yield of reducers at 72 h was shown to decline from 88 to 65% with an increase in the initial concentration of the substrate.  相似文献   

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