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The coupling of cryo-light microscopy (cryo-LM) and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) poses a number of advantages for understanding cellular dynamics and ultrastructure. First, cells can be imaged in a near native environment for both techniques. Second, due to the vitrification process, samples are preserved by rapid physical immobilization rather than slow chemical fixation. Third, imaging the same sample with both cryo-LM and cryo-EM provides correlation of data from a single cell, rather than a comparison of "representative samples". While these benefits are well known from prior studies, the widespread use of correlative cryo-LM and cryo-EM remains limited due to the expense and complexity of buying or building a suitable cryogenic light microscopy stage. Here we demonstrate the assembly, and use of an inexpensive cryogenic stage that can be fabricated in any lab for less than $40 with parts found at local hardware and grocery stores. This cryo-LM stage is designed for use with reflected light microscopes that are fitted with long working distance air objectives. For correlative cryo-LM and cryo-EM studies, we adapt the use of carbon coated standard 3-mm cryo-EM grids as specimen supports. After adsorbing the sample to the grid, previously established protocols for vitrifying the sample and transferring/handling the grid are followed to permit multi-technique imaging. As a result, this setup allows any laboratory with a reflected light microscope to have access to direct correlative imaging of frozen hydrated samples.  相似文献   

STEAD  A. D.; FORD  T. W. 《Annals of botany》1989,64(6):713-719
In Digitallis purpurea the cytoplasm of the floral trichomesof mature flowers, when examined by light microscopy, appearsto be located centrally and arranged as discrete cytoplasmicstrands. Such strands are not apparent when viewed by electronmicroscopy, rather the cytoplasm is mainly peripheral with alarge central vacuole. In younger flowers, before corolla opening,the cytoplasm appears to be more abundant as seen in electionmicrographs and in places occupies the centre of the cell, butit is always highly vesiculated and without the high degreeof structural organization seen by light microscopy. Soft X-ray contact microscopy is a relatively new techniquewhich still requires considerable development if it is to bewidely used by biologists. The present study shows, however,that the images obtained of the cytoplasm are possibly morefaithful to the arrangement in the original, living materialthan those obtained by electron microscopy, since the transcellularstrands and associated organelles are clearly imaged. As suchthe technique is a very useful technique complementary to conventionalmicroscopical methods. Trichrome, ultrastructure, Digitalis, X-ray microscopy  相似文献   

Microscopy is an essential tool for analysis of cellular structures and function. With the advent of new fluorescent probes and super-resolution light microscopy techniques, the study of dynamic processes in living cells has been greatly facilitated. Fluorescence light microscopy provides analytical, quantitative, and three-dimensional (3D) data with emphasis on analysis of live cells using fluorescent markers. Sample preparation is easy and relatively inexpensive, and the use of appropriate tags provides the ability to track specific proteins of interest. Of course, only electron microscopy (EM) achieves the highest definition in terms of ultrastructure and protein labeling. To fill the gap between light microscopy and EM, correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) strategies have been developed. In particular, hybrid techniques based upon immuno-EM provide sensitive protein detection combined with high-resolution information on cell structures and protein localization. By adding the third dimension to EM with electron tomography (ET) combined with rapid freezing, CLEM techniques now provide additional tools for quantitative 3D analysis. Here, we overview the major methods applied and highlight the latest advances in the field of CLEM. We then focus on two selected techniques that use cryosections as substrate for combined biomolecular imaging. Finally, we provide a perspective of future developments in the field. (J Histochem Cytochem 57:1103–1112, 2009)  相似文献   

A method is described for preparing the same cell from a cytospin preparation for comparative investigation by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. A permanent numbered grid pattern was etched on a glass microscope slide to facilitate cell location in each microscopic mode. Data from one cell or group of cells was thus obtained from three sources. This method provides a useful adjunct to routine cytological diagnosis.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to enable correlative light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on the same section of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves infested by greenbug aphids (Schizaphis gra-minum Rondani). Segments of infested leaf tissue were fixed, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and affixed to slides by standard histological techniques. Serial sections were viewed by LM as temporary mounts in xylene. Sections of interest were identified and re-embedded in fingernail polish, affixed to aluminum stubs, freed of polish with ethyl acetate or acetone, and sputter-coated for SEM. SEM of re-embedded leaf sections showed excellent preservation of leaf anatomy. The same aphid tracks and regions of cell damage identified by LM were visible. SEM increased resolution and provided a much clearer sense of the three-dimensional relations involved in the interaction between plant and insect.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to enable correlative light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on the same section of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves infested by greenbug aphids (Schizaphis gra-minum Rondani). Segments of infested leaf tissue were fixed, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and affixed to slides by standard histological techniques. Serial sections were viewed by LM as temporary mounts in xylene. Sections of interest were identified and re-embedded in fingernail polish, affixed to aluminum stubs, freed of polish with ethyl acetate or acetone, and sputter-coated for SEM. SEM of re-embedded leaf sections showed excellent preservation of leaf anatomy. The same aphid tracks and regions of cell damage identified by LM were visible. SEM increased resolution and provided a much clearer sense of the three-dimensional relations involved in the interaction between plant and insect.  相似文献   

Plastination permits the preservation of anatomical specimens in a physical state approaching that of the living condition. We studied the possibility of using silicone plastinated fragments of spleen and pancreas for optical and electron microscopy, and found that with an adequate fixation protocol, plastinated specimens can be used for both light microscopy and ultra-structural studies. Deplastination with sodium methoxide permitted production of clean sections. Artifacts produced by plastination/deplastination could be nearly eliminated by glutaraldehyde/formaldehyde fixation. The (Biodur) silicone S10 polymer is transparent and stable in an electron beam, and plastinated tissues can be contrasted or colored similar to tissues embedded in Epon 812. In addition to being very life-like, plastinated tissues are stable and easy to handle. They can also be used for electron and light microscopic studies. This technique may also allow retrospective epidemiological studies of archived pathology specimens.  相似文献   

We have used a combination of centrifugation onto electron microscope grids and negative staining to study the structure of isolated mammalian centrioles. The technique relies on visualisation of structural detail by use of a goldthioglucose negative stain. The approach provides an easy structural definition of the mature and immature centriole and has revealed some novel proximal projections on the mature centriole. The rapid technique should prove of use in future analyses of centriolar structure and biochemistry.  相似文献   

We present a method for giant lipid vesicle shape analysis that combines manually guided large-scale video microscopy and computer vision algorithms to enable analyzing vesicle populations. The method retains the benefits of light microscopy and enables non-destructive analysis of vesicles from suspensions containing up to several thousands of lipid vesicles (1–50 µm in diameter). For each sample, image analysis was employed to extract data on vesicle quantity and size distributions of their projected diameters and isoperimetric quotients (measure of contour roundness). This process enables a comparison of samples from the same population over time, or the comparison of a treated population to a control. Although vesicles in suspensions are heterogeneous in sizes and shapes and have distinctively non-homogeneous distribution throughout the suspension, this method allows for the capture and analysis of repeatable vesicle samples that are representative of the population inspected.  相似文献   

Polystyrene embedments of histological specimens can be Obtained with a solution 1 : 4 polystyrene-toluene, 5% benzyl alcohol and 1% dibutyl phthalate, allowing the solvent to evaporate in polyethylene containers for 2-3 days at 58 C. The resulting blocks are easily cut into truncated pyramids, each containing a piece of tissue. which are then glued to a Plexiglas support Drying is completed at 80 C for 20 hr. The pyramids can then be sectioned to produce thick sections, with a steel knife or to produce semi- or ultrathin sections with a glass knife. A 10% paraldehyde solution is used to mount the light microscopy dons on a slide heated on a hot plate to 80 C; those can be treated with the same techniques used with paraffin sections. The results are of high quality. Semithin sections of tissues fired for electron microscopy can be stained directly after mounting, or by a wider range of stains once the polystyrene has been removed by organic solvents. In electron-microscopy, the ultrathin sections obtained with the usual techniques are highly electron beam-resistant and give acceptable results.  相似文献   

An embedding technique has been developed to overcome difficulties that confront light and electron microscopists working with so-called “hard-to-embed” plant tissue. The method was originally described for freeze-dried material. It uses a modified Quickfit Rotaflo Valve and low heat to generate high pressure to aid in the infiltration and embedding of tissue with propylene oxide and plastic. The technique is not too cumbersome and requires 6 days from the dehydration step to the end of the polymerization process. Thick sections (1-2 μm) obtained from material prepared by this method stain readily with toluidine blue, and thin sections for the electron microscope stain satisfactorily following standard treatment with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The thin sections are stable under the beam of the electron microscope. Results indicate that the quality of tissue preservation with this high pressure embedding technique is as good as that observed using standard embedding methods for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

To overcome the difficulty of obtaining compact slices or pieces of tissue from the rat testis, due to the scarcity of interstitial tissue, the fixation of the testis is started in the live anesthetized animal by injecting 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer at pH 7.2 under the albuginea; within a few minutes this causes sufficient hardening of the testis tissue to enable one to cut neat slices from it with a razor blade. Fixation is completed with the usual immersion method. The fixed tissue may then be processed for either light or electron microscopy. Preservation of structural detail is comparable to that obtained with perfusion-fixation. The main advantages of the method are speed and simplicity, which may be very important when dealing simultaneously with several animals.  相似文献   

Since ovarian follicles appear to be randomly oriented with respect to the plane of the section, the method of sectioning and examining follicles at their raimm diameter described here allows direct comparison between oocyte populations of women and small differences can be detected. Re-sectioning for EM allows selected follicles of interest to be examined at a higher resolution.  相似文献   

A quick embedding method employing UV polymerization reactions has been devised for embedding fibers in acrylic and meth-acrylate media. The resultant thin, flat embed-dings are suitable for both light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

A quick embedding method employing UV polymerization reactions has been devised for embedding fibers in acrylic and meth-acrylate media. The resultant thin, flat embed-dings are suitable for both light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

目的:观察人胚胎三叉神经节的形态结构.方法:收集非疾病死亡的引产胎儿4例,胎龄6~7个月,常规灌注固定,取三叉神经节进行光镜及电镜观察.结果:①光镜下节细胞呈圆形或椭圆形,胞质内可见大的尼氏颗粒,细胞核近圆形,呈空泡状,核仁基本居中;②电镜下节细胞的胞质内细胞器丰富,可见大量线粒体、发育较好的高尔基复合体、粗面内质网及游离核糖体,核膜凹凸不平,核孔多.结论:胎龄6~7个月人胚胎三叉神经元显示为成熟细胞特征.  相似文献   

The last fifty years have seen enormous improvements in the way biological specimens are prepared for microscopy. The Fifties produced the essential groundwork upon which many of our current methodologies are based. Acrylic resin embedding was introduced in 1949, with subsequent publications seeking improvements to resin formulations, embedding protocols, and modes of polymerisation. Procedures for progressive lowering of temperature processing, cryosubstitution, freeze-drying and polymerisation by ultra-violet light at low temperatures, all had their genesis in this decade of great innovation. The Sixties marked the period when the acrylics were eclipsed by the more stable and reliable epoxy resins, and much of our present-day understanding of ultrastructure was elucidated. The Seventies carried on this work with advances in technical developments concerned mainly with freezing methodologies. The beginning of the Eighties saw a resurrection of the acrylic resins, with new formulations of these resins giving reliable and stable embeddings. The low temperature and freezing methodologies pioneered in the Fifties, backed up by recent improvements to low temperature technologies, were used to further our understanding of ultrastructure and breathe new life into the science of immunocytochemistry. The remainder of the Eighties and Nineties has seen the ever increasing application of these various microscopical techniques to a wide range of biological studies. The flexibility offered by the acrylic resins in choosing between different processing, embedding and polymerisation methods has provided the impetus for detailed studies to bring to the attention of microscopists the underlying trends governing specimen preparation. Therefore, looking forward to the new Millennium, this has allowed for a more reasoned choice in organising a strategy to deal with a variety of microscopical requirements and for planning an appropriate protocol.  相似文献   

光电关联显微镜技术(correlative light and electron microscopy,CLEM)将光学显微镜的高灵敏度和大视场与电子显微镜的高分辨率相结合,弥补了各自成像的局限,可在原位获得更全面、更精细的定位及结构信息,近年来受到广泛关注.目前,该技术广泛应用于亚细胞结构与特定结构的观察、蛋白质的精...  相似文献   

Orthopedic biomaterials currently are made of metal alloy coated with one or more thin layers of dense or porous ceramic or metal. Sections of these materials implanted in human bone were made without altering the implant or bone-implant interfaces. Bone containing an implant was fixed and then embedded in polyme-thylmethacrylate. Thick sections were made using a cooled. low speed diamond saw, then ground and polished. Some were stained by fuchsin-toluidine staining solution, others were acid etched to reveal the structure of the metal contained in the prosthesis. Observation by reflected and transmitted light microscopy revealed microstructure of the implant material as well as features of the surrounding tissues.  相似文献   

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