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To clarify phylogenetic relationships among ubiquinone 7 (Q7)-forming species of the genus Candida, we analyzed the nearly complete sequences of 18S ribosomal RNA genes (18S rDNAs) from fifty strains (including 46 type strains) of Candida species, and from 8 type strains of species/varieties of the genera Issatchenkia, Pichia and Saturnispora. Q7-forming Candida species were divided into three major groups (Group I, II, and III) and were phylogenetically distant from a group that includes the type species of the genus Candida. Group I included four clusters with basal branches that were weakly supported. The first cluster comprised C. vartiovaarae, C. maritima, C. utilis, C. freyschussii, C. odintsovae, C. melinii, C. quercuum, Williopsis saturnus var. saturnus, and W. mucosa. The second cluster comprised C. norvegica, C. montana, C. stellimalicola, C. solani, C. berthetii, and C. dendrica. Williopsis pratensis, W. californica, Pichia opuntiae and 2 related species, P. amethionina (two varieties), and P. caribaea were also included in this cluster. The third cluster comprised C. pelliculosa (anamorph of P. anomala), C. nitrativorans, and C. silvicultrix. The fourth cluster comprised C. wickerhamii and C. peltata, which were placed in the P. holstii - C. ernobii clade with Q8-containing species. Group II comprised C. pignaliae, C. nemodendra, C. methanolovescens, C. maris, C. sonorensis, C. pini, C. llanquihuensis, C. cariosilignicola, C. ovalis, C. succiphila (including its two synonyms), C. methanosorbosa, C. nitratophila, C. nanaspora, C. boidinii (including its two synonyms), W. salicorniae, and P. methanolica. Group III was composed of four clusters with strong bootstrap support. The first cluster comprised C. valida (anamorph of P. membranifaciens), C. ethanolica, C. pseudolambica, C. citrea, C. inconspicua, C. norvegensis, C. rugopelliculosa, and C. lambica. Three species and two varieties of the genus Issatchenkia were also included in this cluster. The second cluster comprised C. diversa, C. silvae, 4 Saturnispora species, and P. besseyi. The third comprised C. sorboxylosa, and the fourth comprised C. vini. Based on this 18S rDNA sequence analysis, it is evident that Q7-forming Candida species and the genera Pichia and Williopsis are polyphyletic. The genus Issatchenkia is suggested to be congeneric with the genus Pichia. The genus Saturnispora is phylogenetically definable.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of 33 Candida species containing galactose in the cells were investigated by using 18S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis. Galactose-containing Candida species and galactose-containing species from nine ascomycetous genera were a heterogeneous assemblage. They were divided into three clusters (II, III, and IV) which were phylogenetically distant from cluster I, comprising 9 galactose-lacking Candida species, C. glabrata, C. holmii, C. krusei, C. tropicalis (the type species of Candida), C. albicans, C. viswanathii, C. maltosa, C. parapsilosis, C. guilliermondii, and C. lusitaniae, and 17 related ascomycetous yeasts. These three clusters were also phylogenetically distant from Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which contains galactomannan in its cell wall. Cluster II comprised C. magnoliae, C. vaccinii, C. apis, C. gropengiesseri, C. etchellsii, C. floricola, C. lactiscondensi, Wickerhamiella domercqiae, C. versatilis, C. azyma, C. vanderwaltii, C. pararugosa, C. sorbophila, C. spandovensis, C. galacta, C. ingens, C. incommunis, Yarrowia lipolytica, Galactomyces geotrichum, and Dipodascus albidus. Cluster III comprised C. tepae, C. antillancae and its synonym C. bondarzewiae, C. ancudensis, C. petrohuensis, C. santjacobensis, C. ciferrii (anamorph of Stephanoascus ciferrii), Arxula terrestris, C. castrensis, C. valdiviana, C. paludigena, C. blankii, C. salmanticensis, C. auringiensis, C. bertae, and its synonym C. bertae var. chiloensis, C. edax (anamorph of Stephanoascus smithiae), Arxula adeninivorans, and C. steatolytica (synonym of Zygoascus hellenicus). Cluster IV comprised C. cantarellii, C. vinaria, Dipodascopsis uninucleata, and Lipomyces lipofer. Two galactose-lacking and Q-8-forming species, C. stellata and Pichia pastoris, and 5 galactose-lacking and Q-9-forming species, C. apicola, C. bombi, C. bombicola, C. geochares, and C. insectalens, were included in Cluster II. Two galactose-lacking and Q-9-forming species, C. drimydis and C. chiropterorum, were included in Cluster III.  相似文献   

The Orthonectida is a small, poorly known phylum of parasites of marine invertebrates. Their phylogenetic placement is obscure; they have been considered to be multicellular protozoans, primitive animals at a "mesozoan" grade of organization, or secondarily simplified flatworm- like organisms. The best known species in the phylum, Rhopalura ophiocomae, was collected on San Juan Island, Wash. and a complete 18S rDNA sequence was obtained. Using the models of minimum evolution and parsimony, phylogenetic analyses were undertaken and the results lend support to the following hypotheses about orthonectids: (1) orthonectids are more closely aligned with triploblastic metazoan taxa than with the protist or diploblastic metazoan taxa considered in this analysis; (2) orthonectids are not derived members of the phylum Platyhelminthes; and (3) orthonectids and rhombozoans are not each other's closest relatives, thus casting further doubt on the validity of the phylum Mesozoa previously used to encompass both groups.   相似文献   

Synopsis Approximately 98% of the sequence of the 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae was determined by a combination of direct RNA sequencing and sequencing of rRNA genes amplified by the polymerase chain reaction. This sequence was compared with 18S rRNA sequences of similar length from seven other vertebrate species, representing the taxa Petromyzontiformes, Holocephali, Elasmobranchii, Actinopterygii, Dipnoi, Amphibia, and Amniota, in order to determine the most likely sister group of the coelacanth. Maximum parsimony analysis of these sequences resulted in a single most parsimonious tree containing a number of anomalous relationships among these groups. A bootstrap analysis showed that none of the relationships in this tree was significantly supported at the 95% level, however. Addition of data from 15 other vertebrates (providing multiple representatives of most of the higher taxa) resulted in similar ambiguous groupings, as did a number of methods of editing the sites compared (designed to eliminate rapidly evolving positions). These results may be due to a relatively rapid radiation of the major lineages of osteichthyans, the resolution of which will require molecular information from a larger portion of the coelacanth genome.  相似文献   

A restriction site map of the chloroplast genome ofCaltha palustris L. (Ranunculaceae) has been constructed for 13 restriction endonucleases using filter hybridization with cloned tobacco chloroplast DNA fragments. A size of 153.8 kb has been estimated for theCaltha chloroplast genome. Forty-six chloroplast genes and four open reading frames have been mapped using small tobacco chloroplast gene probes. Chloroplast DNA sequence divergence has been estimated for all pairs of five species ofRanunculaceae, Caltha palustris, Ranunculus bulbosus, R. fascicularis, R. recurvatus, andTrollius ledebourii, and ranges between 0.2% and 9.6% for the total genome. Divergence values are much higher in the small and large single copy regions than in the inverted repeat. Phylogenetic relationships between the five species have been hypothesized using chloroplast DNA restriction site mapping. One hundred and six informative restriction site mutations have been detected using eleven restriction endonucleases. Cladistic analyses of the restriction site mutations have been performed using Wagner and Dollo parsimony algorithms, and confidence intervals have been calculated for the resulting monophyletic groups using bootstrapping. It is demonstrated that restriction site comparisons are applicable to theRanunculaceae on intergeneric level, with the exception of groups having extensive genomic rearrangements. Moreover, sequence divergence is low enough at the interspecific level to allow phylogenetic analyses within genera such asRanunculus.  相似文献   

The 16S rDNA sequences of 11 strains, nine type strains of validated Pseudonocardia species and Actinobispora yunnanensis, and two strains of unnamed Pseudonocardia species, were determined and compared with those of representatives of the family Pseudonocardiaceae. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that all of the validated species of the genera Pseudonocardia and Actinobispora consistently formed a monophyletic unit and separated well from the other genera of the family Pseudonocardiaceae. One unnamed Pseudonocardia strain was related to members of the genus Pseudonocardia, whereas the other unnamed Pseudonocardia strain formed a distinct clade within the radiation of the genus Amycolatopsis.  相似文献   

Multigene phylogenies have been instrumental in revising the classification of ascosporic (teleomorph) yeasts in a natural system based on lines of descent. Although many taxonomic changes have already been implemented for teleomorph taxa, this is not yet the case for the large genus Candida and smaller anascosporic (anamorph) genera. In view of the recently introduced requirement that a fungal species or higher taxon be assigned only a single valid name under the new International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code), the current species of Candida and other anamorph yeast genera must undergo revision to make genus membership consistent with phylogenetic affinities. A review of existing data and analyses shows that certain Candida species may be assigned to teleomorph genera with high confidence using multigene phylogenies. Candida species that form well-circumscribed phylogenetic clades without any teleomorph member justify the creation of new genera. However, a considerable number of Candida species sit at the end of isolated and often long branches, and hence cannot be assigned to larger species groups. They should be maintained in Candida sensu lato until studied by multigene analyses in datasets with comprehensive taxon sampling. The principle of name stability has to be honoured to the largest extent compatible with a natural classification of Candida species.  相似文献   

A stable phylogenetic hypothesis for families within jellyfish class Scyphozoa has been elusive. Reasons for the lack of resolution of scyphozoan familial relationships include a dearth of morphological characters that reliably distinguish taxa and incomplete taxonomic sampling in molecular studies. Here, we address the latter issue by using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among all 19 currently valid scyphozoan families, using sequence data from two nuclear genes: 18S and 28S rDNA. Consistent with prior morphological hypotheses, we find strong evidence for monophyly of subclass Discomedusae, order Coronatae, rhizostome suborder Kolpophorae and superfamilies Actinomyariae, Kampylomyariae, Krikomyariae, and Scapulatae. Eleven of the 19 currently recognized scyphozoan families are robustly monophyletic, and we suggest recognition of two new families pending further analyses. In contrast to long-standing morphological hypotheses, the phylogeny shows coronate family Nausithoidae, semaeostome family Cyaneidae, and rhizostome suborder Daktyliophorae to be nonmonophyletic. Our analyses neither strongly support nor strongly refute monophyly of order Rhizostomeae, superfamily Inscapulatae, and families Ulmaridae, Catostylidae, Lychnorhizidae, and Rhizostomatidae. These taxa, as well as familial relationships within Coronatae and within rhizostome superfamily Inscapulatae, remain unclear and may be resolved by additional genomic and taxonomic sampling. In addition to clarifying some historically difficult taxonomic questions and highlighting nodes in particular need of further attention, the molecular phylogeny presented here will facilitate more robust study of phenotypic evolution in the Scyphozoa, including the evolution characters associated with mass occurrences of jellyfish.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the 3''-terminal region of rat 18S ribosomal DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The 3-terminal 230 base-pairs (bp) of the gene for 18S rRNA and 40 bp of the adjoining spacer have been sequenced for the Sprague-Dawley rat. This mammalian sequence has been compared with the known sequences of yeast, fruit fly, silkworm, and frog. This study has shown that the nucleotide-sequence differences between rat and frog are the smallest among the five species, probably reflecting their evolutionary closeness and longer maturation time compared to the others. There is little similarity in the nucleotide sequences of the transcribed spacer regions of the five species compared.  相似文献   

The 5'-terminal 597 base-pairs (bp) of the Sprague-Dawley rat 18S ribosomal RNA gee and 10 bp of the adjoining transcribed spacer have been sequenced. Previously sequenced 10 large oligonucleotides of rat 18S RNA were located in this region. This mammalian sequence has been compared with the known sequences of yeast and frog 18S rDNA's. The analysis indicates that 534 bp of the 597 bp (89%) are conserved between rat and frog sequences but only 75% of the nucleotides are conserved between rat and yeast in this region. Two large and two small sections have been identified where insertions have been introduced during evolution. Of these 58 bp long inserted sections of the rat rDNA sequence, 50 bp (86%) were G-C base-pairs.  相似文献   

The analysis of PvuII restriction patterns of Leishmania spp. and Trypanosoma spp. genomic DNA showed genus distinctive profiles. A specific PvuII site was detected in the 5' domain of 18S ribosomal DNA of Leishmania. A 20-mer oligonucleotide encompassing this PvuII region was synthesized. This sequence, when utilized as probe, on short exposures of dot tests, detected 10(3) whole promastigotes of all Leishmania species analyzed but did not hybridize with T. cruzi or human nucleic acids. Two other oligonucleotides were synthesized to be used as primers for amplification through polymerase chain reaction of the 18S ribosomal DNA region containing the PvuII site. The probes described may be useful for the detection of Leishmania spp. under clinical and epidemiological trials.  相似文献   

DNA barcode divergence among species and genera of birds and fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
COI DNA barcoding is increasingly recognized as a significant new tool for the recognition and identification of animal species. Here, publicly available barcode data are compiled and analysed for birds (657 species) and fishes (1088 species). The proportion of species that cannot be barcode-distinguished by this marker is approximately 6.4% for birds and 2.1-2.5% for fishes. At all hierarchical taxonomic levels (species, genera, family, order, class), fish show greater mean COI divergence than birds. If two samples are barcode-identical, then for both birds and fishes, the probability that they are from the same species is 98-99%. The probability of conspecificity rapidly drops as divergence increases. At 2% COI divergence, this probability approximates to 1% for birds and 3% for fishes. The apparent difference between birds and fishes might partially reflect currently unrecognized cryptic species complexes in the latter. These probability estimates derive from pooled samples of birds and pooled samples of fishes, and will not apply in all situations. Recently evolved species complexes will have higher proportions of species that are barcode-identical. As barcode data accumulate, more refined statistical analyses will become possible.  相似文献   

Cordyceps species, which are used in Chinese traditional medicines, are fungal parasitesof insects. In this study the partial nucleotide sequences of 18 S ribosomal DNA from four Cordyceps species were determined and compared with the sequences of publishedascomycetes. The sequence data support the concept that Cordyceps species belong to thepyrenomycetes. Based on sequence data the phylogenetic tree was constructed using theneighbor-joining (NJ) method. Diversity in the phylogenetic tree was found for Cordyceps species. A new classification of Cordyceps species can be constructed based on thephylogenetic information obtained from such rDNA sequences.  相似文献   

根据核糖体DNA ITS序列分析苜蓿属的系统分类   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对苜蓿属28个种和1个草木樨种的核糖体基因的内转录间隔子区(internal transcribed spacer,ITS)的核苷酸序列变异做了分析。黄香草木樨被用作外类群。系统分析产生的进化树与该属传统分类基本一致。本研究提示,黄花苜蓿应与紫色苜蓿列入一种。M.hybrida,M.cancellata和M.prostrata是与栽培苜蓿亲缘关系较近的野生种。研究结果证实先前被称做胡卢巴属的植物种应被归于苜蓿属,而芷蓿属内的Heynianae,Platycarpae和Spirocarpos等族的分类应予以重新考虑。  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic study of selected species of three sub-genera of the genusCordyceps was undertaken, along with representatives of the generaAkanthomyces, Aschersonia, Gibellula, Hymenostilbe, Hypocrella, Nomuraea andTorrubiella, to examine their inter-relationship. Phylogenetic analyses of the data indicated that the Clavicipitaceae form a monophyletic group within the Hypocreales, while the monophyly ofCordyceps was not supported. Four clades were identified:Cor. militaris/Cor. pseudomilitaris; Cor. iranginesis/Cor. sphecocephala; Cor. intermedia/Cor. capitata; andCor. cylindrica/Nom. atypicola. The sub-genusNeocordyceps was shown to be monophyletic while the sub-generaEucordyceps andOphiocordyceps do not form monophyletic groups. The genusHypocrella appeared monophyletic, and radiated after the formation of the generaCordyceps, andTorrubiella. Akanthomyces arachnophilus andGi. pulchra, anamorphs ofTorrubiella species, formed a distinct clade that was separate from one formed by the scale insect pathogens,To. luteorostrata andPaecilomyces cinnamomeus, suggesting that this genus may be polyphyletic.  相似文献   

5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences were analyzed in four species belonging to different genera of the fish family Batrachoididae. Several 5S rDNA variants differing in their non-transcribed spacers (NTSs) were found and were grouped into two main types. Two species showed both types of 5S rDNA, whereas the other two species showed only one type. One type of NTS of Amphichthys cryptocentrus showed a high polymorphism due to several deletions and insertions, and phylogenetic analysis showed a between-species clustering of this type of NTS in Amphichthys cryptocentrus. These results suggest a clear differentiation in the model of 5S rDNA evolution of these four species of Batrachoididae, which appear to have been subject to processes of concerted evolution and birth-and-death evolution with purifying selection.  相似文献   

DNA studies of 23 taxa (20 platyhelminths, 1 nemertean, Homo and Artemia) and electron-microscopic studies of the protonephridia of many platyhelminths (supported by some additional ultrastructural data) have led to the following conclusions: the Neodermata are monophyletic; Temnocephalida and Dalyelliida form one clade and are not the primitive sister group of the Neodermata; Gyrocotylidea, Amphilinidea and Eucestoda form one monophylum; Pterastericolidae and Umagillidae are dalyelliids and not the sister group of the Neodermata; and Proseriata are unlikely to be closely related with the Tricladida. A large taxon consisting of the Proseriata and some other turbellarians may represent the sister group of the Neodermata.  相似文献   

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