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1. Cadmium (≤ 50 μM) decreases the heat resistance (39°C) of the activity of frontal cilia in the Anodonta cygnea gills incubated in dechlorinated tap water, while in the presence of added 2 mM Ca2+ the minimal acting concentration of cadmium rises up to 100 μM.2. The inhibitory effect of Cd2+ (1.5 mM) on the ATPase activity measured in the gill microsomal fraction is temperature dependent and increases as follows: ouabain insensitive Na2+- or K+-ATPase (no inhibition), Ca2+-ATPase (50% inhibition), Mg2+-ATPase (100% inhibition).3. Cadmium itself (≤ 50 μM) added to microsomal suspension stimulates the H+-sensitive ATP hydrolysis resembling on its pH-dependence the Mg2+- but not Ca2+-ATPase activity.4. Cd2+ can mimic the effect of Mg2+ as a cofactor required for activation of the ouabain-insensitive Na+- or K+-ATPase. Monovalent cations fail to activate the ATPase when Mg2+ is substituted by Ca2+.5. One of the mechanisms underlying the toxicity of Cd2+ to Anodonta gills could be based upon an interaction of Cd2+ with Mg2+-ATPase followed by suppression of the ciliary activity.  相似文献   

Abstract. Larvae of the freshwater swan mussel, Anodonta cygnea , were cultured in artificial media at the controlled temperature of 23°±2°C, with successful metamorphosis for the first time. The artificial medium contained a mixture of M199, common carp plasma, and antibiotics/antimycotics. Glochidia were reared to the juvenile stage in the medium after 10–11 d of culture. After 15 d of controlled feeding with phytoplankton, the juveniles showed an elongated shell with several growth lines. Larval survival was 34.3±9.3%, whereas the proportion undergoing metamorphosis was ≤60.8±4.2%. The ultrastructure of early developmental stages was observed by scanning electron microscopy, from the glochidial to the juvenile stage. Glochidia had a hooked shell, with two equal triangular valves formed by a calcareous layer with numerous pores and covered by a thin cuticle of chitin–keratin. The appearance of the complete foot within 11 d of in vitro culture was considered the final feature of metamorphosis to the juvenile stage. The main alteration during juvenile development was the formation, under the glochidial shell, of a new periostracum with growth lines. The prominent foot, gradually covered by long, dense cilia, showed rhythmical movements involved in the capture of particulate matter. Similarly, cilia and microvilli present in the mantle also performed the same role. Longer cilia, sparsely distributed in the mantle, may function as chemotactile sensors.  相似文献   

The effect of the insecticides Hungaria L-7, Dimecron-50, Thimet-10 G and Satox 20 WSC containing lindane, phosphamidon, phorate and trichlorfon, respectively, as active ingredient was investigated on the survival and pumping behaviour of the fresh-water mussel Anodonta cygnea L. The shortening of active periods was used as indicator of the sublethal effects. Hungaria L-7, Thimet-10 G and Satox 20 WSC caused significant inhibition of the filtering activity, while Dimecron-50 was less effective. Fifty per cent shortening of active periods required 6 X 10-3 g/l Hungaria L-7, 8 X 10-3 g/l Thimet-10 G and 2 X 10-2 ml/l Satox 20 WSC. Thimet and Satox were lethal at 10-1 g/l and 1 m/l concentrations, respectively. Although the mechanism of the effect can be different with various substances, the results have shown, that monitoring of the activity of mussels can be a suitable test for the biological indications of water pollution.  相似文献   

Natural variation in abiotic factors, such as temperature and pH, probably influence the activity of enzymes used as potential biomarkers in bivalve mollusks to assess environmental contamination in the field. Changes in levels of an enzymatic biomarker may thus merely reflect natural variation in the annual physiological cycle of a species rather than exposure to contaminants. To investigate this issue, we documented the relationship between pesticide levels in water and three different enzymatic biomarkers over 1 year in enclosed populations of the freshwater unionid mussel Anodonta cygnea at three different sites of exposure. We considered the natural variation in temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen over the year and across the different sites as a potential correlate of enzymatic activity to disentangle the relative contribution of abiotic factors and pesticide levels. Pesticide levels varied among the three sites and over the course of the year. Catalase (CAT) and acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) varied as a function of abiotic factors but showed no relation to pesticide levels. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity was also related to abiotic factors but also decreased with increases in total pesticide levels. The lack of activity induction or inhibition by pesticides and the natural variation in abiotic factors among sites and across time limits the use of CAT and AChE to assess environmental contamination in this species.  相似文献   

In the central nervous system of the freshwater mussel, Anodonta cygnea, uptake of 3H-dopamine has been investigated by light and electron microscopic autoradiography following in vitro incubation and topical application, respectively. The autoradiographic reaction observed over the ganglia can be taken as a morphological evidence of the existence of a specific uptake mechanism for dopamine. It has been found that labeled dopamine was taken up by the axon profiles and terminals, while perikarya remained free of activity, indicating a basic difference between the perkaryal and axonal membrane in respect of the 3H-dopamine uptake. According to the electron microscopic autoradiography, labeled terminals and axon profiles contained both normal and accentric dense-core vesicles and they proved to be similar to those seen after 3H-serotonin in vitro incubation. Therefore, it seems possible that certain Anodonta central neurons contain both dopamine and serotonin.  相似文献   

1. The rate of heart beat increased with temperature and was three times as high in the active as in the inactive animal. 2. The rate of shell valve movement rose and the rate of heart beat fell when the foot was extended. 3. The rates of heart beat and shell valve movement decreased when the water was saturated with carbon dioxide. This heart response remained when the visceral ganglion was destroyed. 4. Ventricular contraction occurred simultaneously over the shole chamber. The passage of blood into the posterior aorta could be restricted by the protuberances on its wall. 5. Pericardial cavity pressure rose by about 5 cm H2O at shell valve adduction and 0-25--0-6 cm H2O at ventricular diastole. 6. Pulse pressure changes of 0-25--0-6 cm H2O occurred in the auricle and 1--3 cm H2O in the ventricle and anterior aorta.  相似文献   

Unionid clams were collected at 1–2 m, 3–4 m and 6–7 m depth in lake Mattsee, a moderately mesotrophic lake, to investigate the effect of depth on clam growth and age structure. No significant differences in age structure of Anodonta cygnea were found (p=0.65). Three and ten years old clams were present at all depths, but in different percentages. Whereas at 1–2 m 13.3% of the collected clams were <4 years old, this percentage was 4.4% at 6–7 m and 7.1% at 3–4 m. A greater percentage (6.7%) of older mussels (9, 10 years) were collected at 6–7 m than at 1–2 m (2.2%). Growth declined with depth. Total length at a given age of clams at 1–2 m and 3–4 m did not differ (p=0.54), whereas differences were significant between clams at 1–2 m and 6–7 m (p<0.05) as well as between 3–4 m and 6–7 m (p<0.05). The Growth constant k was highest at 1–2 m depth.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural effects of 6-hydroxydopamine and 5, 6-dihydroxytryptamine treatments were investigated in the central nervous system of fresh-water mussel. Two days after the treatments, the following characteristic find-structural alterations could be observed in the neuropil of the ganglia: frequent occurrence of multilamellar bodies, lysosomatic structures and elongated tubular forms; shrinking of varicose axon profiles with an enchancement of the density of the axoplasm and clumping of its content; abnormal swelling of certain axons in the neuropil. This degenerative process was accompanied by an intense phagocytosis. The damages evoked by the employed "false transmitters" in the mussel ganglia were, in general, similar to those found in vertebrates. Statistical analysis of the vesicle population of ganglia suggests the intragranular uptake of 6-hydroxydopamine and 5, 6-dihydroxytryptamine and, in addition, the role of dense-core vesicles of different types in the storage of both serotonin and catecholamines. Perikarya composing the cortical layer of the ganglia were not affected by the "false transmitters". This shows that different parts of a mussel neuron are differently sensitive to 6-hydroxydopamine and 5, 6-dihydroxytryptamine.  相似文献   

The levels of mineral element Na, Mg, K, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Mo, Al, As, Ag, Cd, and Tl were quantified in the whole shells of the freshwater bivalve Anodonta woodiana at three different growth stages (i.e. J1 juveniles of 1 month old, J2 juveniles of 3.5 months old, and adults of 36 months old). The concentrations of Na and Al were different between different growth stages (p < 0.05). The highest Na concentrations (2715 ± 86 μg/g dry weight) were found in J2 juveniles. The highest Al concentrations (303.9 ± 5.95 μg/g dry weight) were found in J1 juveniles. Manganese concentrations (517.0 ± 47.98 μg/g dry weight) were significantly higher in J2 juveniles than in J1 juveniles (432.3 ± 9.87 μg/g dry weight) (p < 0.05). Copper concentrations (27.32 ± 0.15 μg/g dry weight) were significantly higher in J1 juveniles than in J2 juveniles (26.21 ± 0.86 μg/g dry weight) and adults (24.74 ± 1.43 μg/g dry weight) (p < 0.05). Burdens of Na, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Mo, Ag, and Tl were positively correlated with the shell length (p < 0.05). These findings can possibly contribute to an understanding of elemental requirements for shell growth and, hence, facilitate improvement of survival and growth rates during artificial mussel culture.  相似文献   

Physiologically-driven rhythms in bivalve molluscs are predictedto vary as a function of metabolic rate and temperature, incontrast to genetically predisposed biological clocks. Theserhythms can be evaluated using long-term video monitoring techniquesunder controlled conditions in laboratory aquaria. The bivalvesAnodonta cygnea and Margaritifera falcata were used to evaluatethe effect of temperature on rhythms in gape and the formationof siphons at the mantle edge. Frequency and duration of shellclosure vary with temperature in both species, but with differentresponses. Mean duration of intervals of valve closure decreasesas temperature rises in both species, and is consistent withphysiological limitation by increased biological oxygen demand.For A. cygnea, cumulative gape duration peaks at 25°C, withless time spent closed than at any other temperature, but increasingtemperatures correspond to an increase in gape frequency witha strong increase observed at 31°C. In contrast, frequencyof adduction and valve closure peak at 25°C in M. falcata,and continuous gaping is observed above 29.5°C. This physiologicalstress is consistent with evidence from sclerochronologically-calibratedstable isotope studies of shells, where growth breaks in manymarine taxa coincide with maximum temperatures above 31°Cas derived for 18Ocarbonate. The results of this study suggestthat these growth breaks may be due to physiological limitationsin oxygen uptake and metabolic activity, rather than being adirect consequence of elevated temperature alone. (Received 17 March 2008; accepted 3 October 2008)  相似文献   

Summary In vitro-uptake and localization of 3H-5-hydroxytryptophan and 3H-dihydroxyphenylalanine have been investigated by means of light microscopic autoradiography in the central nervous system of the freshwater mussel, Anodonta cygnea L. Accumulation of the labelled monoamine precursors could be observed both over neuronal perikarya and neuropil in the ganglia. 3H-5-hydroxytryptophan and 3H-dihydroxyphenylalanine were taken up by neurons characterized by a small size (10–20 m), a polygonal form and an intense staining with toluidine blue. Labelled axon branches situated either in the neuropil or between nerve cells in the cortex exhibited only a moderate activity, frequently of a diffuse character.After pretreatment for 24 h with colchicine, silver grains were also seen over the neuronal perikarya and some axon profiles. This shows that local uptake of the monoamine precursors and, presumably, the synthesis of the monoamines takes place both at perikaryal and axonal/terminal level.The nerve cells accumulating the monoamine precursors contain a nucleus with rich chromatin content and a deeply invaginated nuclear envelope. Further ultrastructural characteristics of these neurons are their well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum system, a great number of mitochondria and glycogen granules, and the presence of dense-cored vesicles of different types. All these features are responsible for the electron-dense appearance of the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Andreas  Bubel 《Journal of Zoology》1976,180(2):211-232
The periostracum and cells lining the periostracal groove of Anodonta cygnea L. have been studied at the electron microscope level. The cells lining the inner face of the outer fold differ in fine structural details, five cell types being recognized. Along the length of the outer surface of the middle fold, to which the periostracum is closely applied, only two cell types are evident. At the base of the periostracal groove the two epithelia are separated by a bulbous region containing a group of basal cells which initiate the periostracum. The periostracum, which is homogenously electron-lucid, originates in the intercellular space between a basal cell and the first cell of the middle fold. It increases in thickness in the periostracal groove due to the secretory activity of the different outer fold cells. The cells of the middle fold do not appear to be involved in periostracum formation.  相似文献   

The freshwater mussel Anodonta cygnea is commonly used as a model organism for biomineralization studies, its peculiar morphofunctional properties also make it an excellent environmental biomonitor. The first detailed on the calcareous concretions from gill and mantle tissue, as well as fluids of the freshwater bivalve A. cygnea, supported by histological, scanning, spectrometry, and spectroscopy analyses. Through these analyses, the morphology, structure, and chemical characterization of these biomineral concretions were accomplished. The concretions represent a high percentage of the dry weight of these organisms. In gill tissue, it can reach up to 50% of dry weight prior to reproductive maturity. Analysis of elemental composition of the tissue concretions showed the presence of calcium and phosphate, as main components, associated with other residual elements like iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc. Concretions are arranged in concentric alternated layers of organic and inorganic matrix. The shape and size of the concretions vary substantially, from very small, less than 1 μm diameter with very regular round structure, found mainly in the mantle tissue, to more than 50 μm length with irregular globular clusters, found predominantly in the gills. The microstructural organization is of a hydroxyapatite polymorphism in the mantle, in contrast to the gills, which exhibit irregular structure and carbonated hydroxyapatite polymorphism. These differences are supported by higher contents of dinitrogen pentoxide, magnesium, and iron in the mantle concretions, but higher contents of manganese and zinc in the gills. Furthermore, the results indicate that the mineral concretion formation in A. cygnea is a hemocytes reaction to particle or toxic invasions. A second relevant role, concerns the close involvement of these microspherules on the adult and larval shell calcification. J. Morphol. 276:65–76, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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