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In most species of lepidopteran insects, anteroposterior rows formed by scales are arranged at regular intervals in the adult wing; within each row two kinds of scales are alternately arranged. To investigate the cellular basis for the scale arrangement pattern, we examined cell arrangement in the epidermal monolayer of the pupal wing of a small white cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae , by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy.
The arrangement of scale precursor cells, closely resembling that of scales in the adult wing, was observed in the wing epidermis of the early pupa. Scale precursor cells are proximodistally elongated and form anteroposterior rows. Within a row two kinds of scale precursor cells are nearly alternately arranged, which is not so precise as the alternation of scales in the adult wing. Individual rows of scale precursor cells are separated by rows of single or double undifferentiated general epidermal cells. Occasionally, arrangement abnormalities occur both in the adult and the pupal wing. The cellular basis for the regular spacing of scale rows is discussed.  相似文献   

Plant leaf epidermal cells exhibit a jigsaw puzzle–like pattern that is generated by interdigitation of the cell wall during leaf development. The contribution of two ROP GTPases, ROP2 and ROP6, to the cytoskeletal dynamics that regulate epidermal cell wall interdigitation has already been examined; however, how interactions between these molecules result in pattern formation remains to be elucidated. Here, we propose a simple interface equation model that incorporates both the cell wall remodeling activity of ROP GTPases and the diffusible signaling molecules by which they are regulated. This model successfully reproduces pattern formation observed in vivo, and explains the counterintuitive experimental results of decreased cellulose production and increased thickness. Our model also reproduces the dynamics of three-way cell wall junctions. Therefore, this model provides a possible mechanism for cell wall interdigitation formation in vivo.  相似文献   

目的:探讨MicroRNA-9-1在体外诱导大鼠表皮干细胞向神经细胞分化过程中的作用。方法:构建大鼠MicroRNA-9-1慢病毒载体,并感染SD大鼠的表皮干细胞;实验分为感染组、未感染组和阴性对照组;采用β-巯基乙醇诱导感染后的SD大鼠表皮干细胞分化为神经细胞。倒置荧光显微镜下观察表皮干细胞感染后GFP荧光表达的情况;免疫细胞化学染色检测神经微管结合蛋白2(MAP-2)的表达水平;RT-PCR检测MAP-2mRNA的表达水平。结果:阳性克隆PCR检测证明大鼠MicroRNA-9-1慢病毒载体构建成功;感染后48 h,在倒置显微镜下观察到,感染组GFP荧光表达达到峰值,感染效率达到了(85.6±1.9)%;β-巯基乙醇诱导7 h时,感染组大部分表皮干细胞向神经细胞分化,且诱导效果显著好于未感染组和阴性对照组;MAP-2在蛋白((87.3±0.6)%)和mRNA水平(约2倍)的表达率显著高于其他各组(P0.05)。结论:MicroRNA-9-1慢病毒载体可以高效感染大鼠表皮干细胞,且可以促进表皮干细胞在β-巯基乙醇的诱导下向神经细胞分化。  相似文献   

利用透射电镜观察了洋葱抽苔时其鳞片叶表皮细胞的亚显微结构变化。幼嫩鳞片叶表皮细胞结构正常:液泡在细胞中央,细胞质在靠近细胞壁的边缘;细胞质中富含质体、线粒体和核糖体等细胞器;胞间连丝直径约为50nm。伴随着细胞的衰退,细胞质变得松散,在液泡中出现大量絮状物,细胞器逐渐解体。少数胞间连丝直径扩大,达到80nm左右,它可能在大分子胞间转移中起重要作用。在衰老细胞中,核和质体已解体但多数胞间连丝仍维持正常状态。  相似文献   

The healing of a fracture depends largely on the development of a new blood vessel network (angiogenesis) in the callus. During angiogenesis tip cells lead the developing sprout in response to extracellular signals, amongst which vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is critical. In order to ensure a correct development of the vasculature, the balance between stalk and tip cell phenotypes must be tightly controlled, which is primarily achieved by the Dll4-Notch1 signaling pathway. This study presents a novel multiscale model of osteogenesis and sprouting angiogenesis, incorporating lateral inhibition of endothelial cells (further denoted MOSAIC model) through Dll4-Notch1 signaling, and applies it to fracture healing. The MOSAIC model correctly predicted the bone regeneration process and recapitulated many experimentally observed aspects of tip cell selection: the salt and pepper pattern seen for cell fates, an increased tip cell density due to the loss of Dll4 and an excessive number of tip cells in high VEGF environments. When VEGF concentration was even further increased, the MOSAIC model predicted the absence of a vascular network and fracture healing, thereby leading to a non-union, which is a direct consequence of the mutual inhibition of neighboring cells through Dll4-Notch1 signaling. This result was not retrieved for a more phenomenological model that only considers extracellular signals for tip cell migration, which illustrates the importance of implementing the actual signaling pathway rather than phenomenological rules. Finally, the MOSAIC model demonstrated the importance of a proper criterion for tip cell selection and the need for experimental data to further explore this. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the MOSAIC model creates enhanced capabilities for investigating the influence of molecular mechanisms on angiogenesis and its relation to bone formation in a more mechanistic way and across different time and spatial scales.  相似文献   

对重组蛋白上皮调节蛋白(epiregulin,EPI)抑制表皮癌细胞A431的生长机制进行了初步的探讨。通过Northern杂交发现,细胞受到重组蛋白质刺激后,其周期蛋白激酶的抑制因子p21^WAF1/CIP1的mRNA含量有较明显的提高。报告基因分析表明,p21^WAF1/CIP1启动子区的转录因子STAT1结合序列对EPI的刺激有较强的反应。流式细胞仪的测定则表明,在EPI导致的细胞生长抑制中  相似文献   

Baculovirus amplification in one insect cell line Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf21) and subsequent recombinant protein production in another cell line, Trichoplusia ni, has been achieved within a single bioreactor. The advantages of this single bioreactor configuration include minimization of the virus volumes and titres required for large scale protein expression experiments as well as optimization of the infection process itself.  相似文献   

The differentiation of the epidermis during scale morphogenesis in the lizard Anolis lineatopus has been studied by autoradiographic and immunocytochemical techniques and by electron microscopy, in relation to mitotic activity and to the distribution of glycogen. The flat embryonic epidermis of the early embryo is transformed into symmetric epidermal papillae which progressively become asymmetric and eventually form scales with stratified epidermal and peridermal layers. Papilla asymmetrization and epidermal stratification derive from cell hypertrophy and multiplication in the “basal hypertrophic layer of the forming outer side of scales” (BLOS). Glycogen is scarce or absent during early stages of epidermis development. In the dermis no glycogen is found at any stage of scale morphogenesis. Glycogen particles 25–40 nm in size accumulate in hypertrophic basal cells and peridermal cells during scale development. Conversely cells in the forming inner side of scales do not accumulate glycogen, divide less frequently than in the outer side and do not form a β–keratinized layer. It is suggested that an osmotic effect related to glycogen deposition causes increased hydration of the BLOS, whose cells become swollen and contribute to the asymmetrization of the epidermal papillae. Glycogen decreases in suprabasal differentiating cells and disappears from the BLOS at the stage of complete keratinization of the scale, around the period of hatching. Terminal differentiation in the peridermis and suprabasal epidermal layers takes place by cell flattening and condensation of the nucleus and cytoplasm as typical for apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

We investigated whether gingival fibroblasts (GFs) can modulate the differentiation and/or maturation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) and analyzed soluble factors that may be involved in this immune modulation. Experiments were performed using human monocytes in co-culture with human GFs in Transwell® chambers or using monocyte cultures treated with conditioned media (CM) from GFs of four donors. The four CM and supernatants from cell culture were assayed by ELISA for cytokines involved in the differentiation of dendritic cells, such as IL-6, VEGF, TGFβ1, IL-13 and IL-10. The maturation of monocyte-derived DCs induced by LPS in presence of CM was also studied. Cell surface phenotype markers were analyzed by flow cytometry. In co-cultures, GFs inhibited the differentiation of monocyte-derived DCs and the strength of this blockade correlated with the GF/monocyte ratio. Conditioned media from GFs showed similar effects, suggesting the involvement of soluble factors produced by GFs. This inhibition was associated with a lower stimulatory activity in MLR of DCs generated with GFs or its CM. Neutralizing antibodies against IL-6 and VEGF significantly (P<0.05) inhibited the inhibitory effect of CM on the differentiation of monocytes-derived DCs and in a dose dependent manner. Our data suggest that IL-6 is the main factor responsible for the inhibition of DCs differentiation mediated by GFs but that VEGF is also involved and constitutes an additional mechanism.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) is associated with the severity and prognosis of various cardiovascular diseases. However, the effect of GDF-15 on the regulation of cardiac remodeling is still poorly understood. In this present study, we demonstrate that GDF-15 blocks norepinephrine (NE)-induced myocardial hypertrophy through a novel pathway involving inhibition of EGFR transactivation. Both in vivo and in vitro assay indicate that NE was able to stimulate the synthesis of GDF-15. The up-regulation of GDF-15 feedback inhibits NE-induced myocardial hypertrophy, including quantitation of [3H]leucine incorporation, protein/DNA ratio, cell surface area, and ANP mRNA level. Further research shows that GDF-15 could inhibit the phosphorylation of EGF receptor and downstream kinases (AKT and ERK1/2) induced by NE. Clinical research also shows that serum GDF-15 levels in hypertensive patients were significant higher than in healthy volunteers and were positively correlated with the thickness of the posterior wall of the left ventricle, interventricular septum, and left ventricular mass, as well as the serum level of norepinephrine. In conclusion, NE induces myocardial hypertrophy and up-regulates GDF-15, and this up-regulation of GDF-15 negatively regulates NE-induced myocardial hypertrophy by inhibiting EGF receptor transactivation following NE stimulation.  相似文献   

目的:研究表皮生长因子(EGF)在体外诱导兔骨髓基质干细胞(BMSCs)向成纤维细胞增殖分化,为韧带组织工程种子细胞提供可能的来源。方法:以EGF对体外培养的BMsCs进行诱导分化培养,相差显微镜观察细胞生长,MTT检测细胞的增殖,免疫组化半定量细胞的分化。结果:诱导后7d、14d时,诱导组呈现更均一的纤维细胞样的带有长突起的纺锤形细胞,呈束状排列,并且具有更高的细胞密度;诱导组在7d、14d细胞增殖均比对照组快;第10d时,诱导组、对照组胶原Ⅰ、Ⅲ染色均为阳性,但诱导组有更高的染色密度;诱导组、对照组胶原Ⅱ染色阴性。结论:BMSCs经。EGF。诱导后细胞增殖,并且能刺激细胞外基质的表达,基本符合肌腱和韧带组织工程的要求。  相似文献   

Laminin isoforms laminin-511 and -521 are expressed by human embryonic stem cells (hESC) and can be used as a growth matrix to culture these cells under pluripotent conditions. However, the expression of these laminins during the induction of hESC differentiation has not been studied in detail. Furthermore, the data regarding the expression pattern of laminin chains in differentiating hESC is scarce. In the current study we aimed to fill this gap and investigated the potential changes in laminin expression during early hESC differentiation induced by retinoic acid (RA). We found that laminin-511 but not -521 accumulates in the committed cells during early steps of hESC differentiation. We also performed a comprehensive analysis of the laminin chain repertoire and found that pluripotent hESC express a more diverse range of laminin chains than shown previously. In particular, we provide the evidence that in addition to α1, α5, β1, β2 and γ1 chains, hESC express α2, α3, β3, γ2 and γ3 chain proteins and mRNA. Additionally, we found that a variant of laminin α3 chain—145 kDa—accumulated in RA-treated hESC showing that these cells produce prevalently specifically modified version of α3 chain in early phase of differentiation.  相似文献   

Sirtuins, NAD-dependent protein deacetylases, play important roles in cellular functions such as metabolism and differentiation. Whether sirtuins function in tumorigenesis is still controversial, but sirtuins are aberrantly expressed in tumors, which may keep cancerous cells undifferentiated. Therefore, we investigated whether the inhibition of sirtuin family proteins induces cellular differentiation in leukemic cells. The sirtuin inhibitors tenovin-6 and BML-266 induce granulocytic differentiation in the acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cell line NB4. This differentiation is likely caused by an inhibition of SIRT2 deacetylase activity, judging from the accumulation of acetylated α-tubulin, a major SIRT2 substrate. Unlike the clinically used differentiation inducer all-trans retinoic acid, tenovin-6 shows limited effects on promyelocytic leukemia–retinoic acid receptor α (PML-RAR-α) stability and promyelocytic leukemia nuclear body formation in NB4 cells, suggesting that tenovin-6 does not directly target PML-RAR-α activity. In agreement with this, tenovin-6 induces cellular differentiation in the non-APL cell line HL-60, where PML-RAR-α does not exist. Knocking down SIRT2 by shRNA induces granulocytic differentiation in NB4 cells, which demonstrates that the inhibition of SIRT2 activity is sufficient to induce cell differentiation in NB4 cells. The overexpression of SIRT2 in NB4 cells decreases the level of granulocytic differentiation induced by tenovin-6, which indicates that tenovin-6 induces granulocytic differentiation by inhibiting SIRT2 activity. Taken together, our data suggest that targeting SIRT2 is a viable strategy to induce leukemic cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Lotus japonicus possesses certain characteristics suited to molecular genetic and genomic analyses and has been adopted as a model species in the study of legume plants. To make a catalogue of genes expressed in L. japonicus and understand biological processes specific to legume plants, large scale EST analyses have been performed. To date, more than 26,000 EST sequences of L. japonicus have been deposited in the public databases. These sequences were developed by five laboratories using different organs. In this review, information obtained from two EST projects carried out in Japan is presented. Some 7137 non-redundant EST groups from young plants and 718 groups from flower buds were generated. A similarity search revealed that homologues of nodulin genes in other legume plants, as well as genes related to secondary metabolism, seed development and the reproductive process, were included in the EST collection, indicating the usefulness of the EST clones in the study of biological phenomena distinctive to legume plant species. Received 23 August 2000/ Accepted in revised form 22 September 2000  相似文献   

Karelina  T. V.  Stepanenko  Y. D.  Sibarov  D. A.  Abushik  P. A.  Antonov  S. M. 《Biophysics》2020,65(1):88-94
Biophysics - Abstract—Pathological changes in the cerebellum are often associated with dysfunction of Purkinje cells, which is manifested in excessive spike activity. In our experiments, the...  相似文献   

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