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The direct and indirect effects of increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) on plant nitrogen (N) content were studied in a shortgrass steppe ecosystem in northeastern Colorado, USA. Beginning in 1997 nine experimental plots were established: three open-top chambers with ambient CO2 levels (approximately 365 mol mol–1), three open-top chambers with twice-ambient CO2 levels (approximately 720 mol mol–1), and three unchambered control plots. After 3 years of growing-season CO2 treatment, the aboveground N concentration of plants grown under elevated atmospheric CO2 decreased, and the carbon–nitrogen (C:N) ratio increased. At the same time, increased aboveground biomass production under elevated atmospheric CO2 conditions increased the net transfer of N out of the soil of elevated-CO2 plots. Aboveground biomass production after simulated herbivory was also greater under elevated CO2 compared to ambient CO2. Surprisingly, no significant changes in belowground plant tissue N content were detected in response to elevated CO2. Measurements of individual species at peak standing phytomass showed significant effects of CO2 treatment on aboveground plant tissue N concentration and significant differences between species in N concentration, suggesting that changes in species composition under elevated CO2 will contribute to overall changes in nutrient cycling. Changes in plant N content, driven by changes in aboveground plant N concentration, could have important consequences for biogeochemical cycling rates and the long-term productivity of the shortgrass steppe as atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase.  相似文献   

为阐明CO_2和O_3浓度升高对竹子矿质养分含量和运输的影响,以2年生四季竹(Oligostachyum lubricum)为试材,采用开顶式气室(OTCs)设置了环境背景大气[CK,(40±5)nmol·mol~(-1) O_3,(360±20)μmol·mol~(-1) CO_2]、O_3浓度升高[EO,(100±10)nmol·mol~(-1) O_3,(360±20)μmol·mol~(-1) CO_2]、CO_2浓度升高[EC,(40±5)nmol·mol~(-1) O_3,(700±35)μmol·mol~(-1) CO_2]、CO_2和O_3浓度复合升高[EOEC,(100±10)nmol·mol~(-1) O_3,(700±35)μmol·mol~(-1) CO_2]4个处理,测定了竹叶、竹枝、竹秆和竹根的Na+、Fe(~(2+,3+)、Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+)含量,并分析了矿质营养在器官间的转运情况。结果显示:与CK比较,EO处理显著降低了四季竹植株体内Na+和Fe(~(2+,3+)含量,特别是竹根和竹叶,同时也明显降低Na+和Fe(~(2+,3+)器官间的运输能力。EC处理显著降低了四季竹植株体内Na+含量,而未改变其他矿质元素含量,但其器官中的分配格局和运输能力发生变化,尤其是竹枝向竹叶运输Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+)的能力增强。EOEC处理显著降低了四季竹植株体内Na+含量,但显著提高了Fe(~(2+,3+)、Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+)含量及其向上运输能力。研究表明,O_3浓度升高降低了四季竹植株体内矿质养分含量和器官间养分运输能力,在一定程度上影响四季竹的正常生长;CO_2浓度升高通过提高Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+)向光合器官叶片的运输能力,促进四季竹生长;CO_2和O_3浓度升高复合作用能够通过提高四季竹光合器官竹叶中Fe(~(2+,3+)、Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+)含量及其向光合器官叶片的运输能力,以维持体内矿质养分元素的平衡,提高四季竹对高浓度CO_2和O_3浓度复合环境下的适应能力。  相似文献   

The effects of elevated (700 micromol mol(-1)) and ambient (350 micromol mol(-1)) CO(2) on gas exchange parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) during 24 h chilling treatments at 6.5 degrees C. Consistent with previous research on this cultivar, photosynthetic decline during chilling was not significantly affected by CO(2) while post-chilling recovery was more rapid at elevated compared to ambient CO(2). Our primary focus was whether there were also CO(2)-mediated differences in demand on nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) processes during the chilling treatments. We found that photosystem II quantum yield and total NPQ were similar between the CO(2) treatments during chilling. In both CO(2) treatments, chilling caused a shift from total NPQ largely composed of q(E), the protective, rapidly responding component of NPQ, to total NPQ dominated by the more slowly relaxing q(I), related to both protective and damage processes. The switch from q(E) to q(I) during chilling was more pronounced in the elevated CO(2) plants. Using complementary plots of the quantum yields of photochemistry and NPQ we demonstrate that, despite CO(2) effects on the partitioning of NPQ into q(E) and q(I) during chilling, total NPQ was regulated at both CO(2) levels to maximize photochemical utilization of absorbed light energy and dissipate only that fraction of light energy that was in excess of the capacity of photosynthesis. Photodamage did occur during chilling but was repaired within 3 h recovery from chilling in both CO(2) treatments.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to investigate the influence of urbanization on the richness, abundance and composition of arthropod communities associated with creosote bush, Larrea tridentata [DC] Cov., in Phoenix, Arizona. Arthropod communities were sampled in two desert types varying in degree of urbanization including fringe deserts (relatively undisturbed expanses of desert outside of Phoenix) and urban deserts (patches of desert within the urban core of Phoenix). Two studies were conducted including (1) a seasonal study (conducted at two fringe desert and two urban desert sites over a nine-month period), and (2) a snapshot study (conducted at multiple fringe desert and urban desert sites over an eight-day period). Results from both studies demonstrated that overall richness and abundance of creosote bush arthropod communities were lower in urban deserts than in fringe deserts. Additionally, creosote bush arthropod community composition varied greatly, both temporally and spatially. These differences in richness and abundance between fringe deserts and urban deserts suggest that the creosote bush arthropod community may be a useful focal biotic community to monitor when assaying for environmental change due to urbanization in arid habitats.  相似文献   

潘佳  李荣  胡小文 《西北植物学报》2016,36(6):1190-1198
在盆栽条件下,研究了不同水分处理对红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)叶碳同位素组成、光合特性和分枝生长的影响,并进一步调查了自然条件下不同退化程度红砂草地的土壤含水量,分枝生长、叶碳同位素及其关系。结果表明:(1)在盆栽条件下,随土壤含水量的降低,红砂当年生分枝生物量、一级分枝长、二级分枝数及其叶片净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率均显著减小,而叶片碳同位素组成(δ~(13) C)和水分利用效率则随土壤含水量降低而显著增加;且叶片δ~(13) C与当年生分枝生物量、一级分枝长、二级分枝数、叶片净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率呈显著负相关关系。(2)在田间自然条件下,红砂叶片δ~(13) C与立地30~60cm及60~100cm土层的土壤含水量、单位冠幅面积生物量、单位冠幅面积分枝数呈显著负相关关系。研究认为,在盆栽和田间条件下,红砂叶片δ~(13) C是指示其生境水分状况的良好指标;红砂主要利用土壤的深层水分,其在土壤含水量相对较低的轻度退化区水分利用效率比土壤含水量相对较高的重度退化区更高。这一结论对于理解干旱生境中红砂的水分利用策略以及红砂草地的管理和恢复具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

李云飞  都军  张雪  谢婷  李小军 《生态学报》2020,40(5):1580-1589
生物土壤结皮(BSCs)是荒漠生态系统的重要组成部分,是该区土壤碳循环及碳平衡的关键影响因素。研究了腾格里沙漠东南缘不同类型生物土壤结皮覆盖下土壤碳矿化过程及其对温度(10℃、25℃和35℃)和水分(土壤含水量10%和25%)变化响应特征,分析了土壤碳矿化过程与土壤理化性质的关系。结果表明:(1)结皮的形成和发育显著影响土壤有机碳矿化过程,藻类、地衣和藓类结皮覆盖的土壤碳矿化速率和CO2-C累积释放量均显著高于去除结皮的土壤,不同类型BSCs覆盖土壤和去除结皮土壤之间均表现为藓类结皮土壤>地衣结皮土壤>藻类结皮。(2)含结皮层土壤的平均和最大矿化速率均随温度升高和水分增加而逐渐增大,有结皮覆盖的土壤和去除结皮的土壤对温度和水分变化的响应规律相同。(3)有结皮土壤和去除结皮土壤碳矿化速率的温度敏感性(Q10)与结皮类型密切相关,均表现为藓类结皮>地衣结皮>藻类结皮。结果表明生物土壤结皮由以藻类为主向以藓类为主的演变进一步促进了土壤碳矿化过程,结皮对土壤碳循环的调控作用受水热等环境因子的共同影响。  相似文献   

不同平茬年限人工柠条林光合特性及土壤水分的响应变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平茬是荒漠草原老化人工柠条林营林抚育的重要措施,为系统认识柠条平茬后连续的生理与生态响应过程及其变化规律,该研究设置对比观测样地,以未平茬柠条(WPC)为对照,以平茬后连续生长1~5年(PC1~PC5)的柠条为处理,对各样地柠条净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、水分利用效率等光合生理特征及其土壤含水量分布的影响进行测定分析。结果表明:(1)平茬处理对柠条生理特性的影响因平茬年限的增加而异,其中PC1和PC2柠条的净光合速率和蒸腾速率较WPC略有提高,PC1柠条处于补偿生长的活跃期,水分利用效率明显高于其他平茬处理,PC2柠条的水分利用效率开始下降;PC3和PC4的柠条蒸腾速率、净光合速率和气孔导度显著上升,且PC4处理下达到最大值,相应水分利用效率也逐步回升;PC5的柠条几乎不存在补偿性生长,净光合速率、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率开始回落,逐渐接近WPC;平茬措施对PC1与PC5柠条胞间CO2浓度大小的影响较大。(2)PC1的土壤水分含量在0~100cm土层因受冠层截留大幅减小的影响而低于其他年限平茬处理;PC2的土壤水分略有改善,PC3、PC4的土壤含水量显著提高,PC5的土壤水分状况则逐渐接近于WPC。(3)随平茬年限的增加,柠条光合特性与土壤含水量间存在一定的动态互馈关系,其中PC1的土壤水分略有下降,柠条生长减缓;PC2土壤含水量逐步恢复;PC3土壤含水量增长幅度开始下降,柠条的各项生理指标上升;PC4柠条的光合生理指标、土壤含水量都达到了最高值;PC5柠条的各项指标开始下降。研究发现,PC4处理是柠条光合生理和土壤水分响应变化的拐点,可参考作为平茬柠条优化管理的一个时间节点。  相似文献   

Field studies of atmospheric CO2 effects on ecosystems usually include few levels of CO2 and a single soil type, making it difficult to ascertain the shape of responses to increasing CO2 or to generalize across soil types. The Lysimeter CO2 Gradient (LYCOG) chambers were constructed to maintain a linear gradient of atmospheric CO2 (~250 to 500 μl l−1) on grassland vegetation established on intact soil monoliths from three soil series. The chambers maintained a linear daytime CO2 gradient from 263 μl l−1 at the subambient end of the gradient to 502 μl l−1 at the superambient end, as well as a linear nighttime CO2 gradient. Temperature variation within the chambers affected aboveground biomass and evapotranspiration, but the effects of temperature were small compared to the expected effects of CO2. Aboveground biomass on Austin soils was 40% less than on Bastrop and Houston soils. Biomass differences between soils resulted from variation in biomass of Sorghastrum nutans, Bouteloua curtipendula, Schizachyrium scoparium (C4 grasses), and Solidago canadensis (C3 forb), suggesting the CO2 sensitivity of these species may differ among soils. Evapotranspiration did not differ among the soils, but the CO2 sensitivity of leaf-level photosynthesis and water use efficiency in S. canadensis was greater on Houston and Bastrop than on Austin soils, whereas the CO2 sensitivity of soil CO2 efflux was greater on Bastrop soils than on Austin or Houston soils. The effects of soil type on CO2 sensitivity may be smaller for some processes that are tightly coupled to microclimate. LYCOG is useful for discerning the effects of soil type on the CO2 sensitivity of ecosystem function in grasslands. Author Contributions: PF conceived study, analyzed data, and wrote the paper. AK, AP analyzed data. DH, VJ, RJ, HJ, and WP conceived study, and conducted research.  相似文献   

Bunce  J.A.  Sicher  R.C. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(1):95-101
Midday measurements of single leaf gas exchange rates of upper canopy leaves of soybeans grown in the field at 350 (AC) and 700 (EC) µmol(CO2) mol–1 in open topped chambers sometimes indicated up to 50 % higher net photosynthetic rates (P N) measured at EC in plants grown at AC compared to EC. On other days mean P N were nearly identical in the two growth [CO2] treatments. There was no seasonal pattern to the variable photosynthetic responses of soybean to growth [CO2]. Even on days with significantly lower P N in the plants grown at EC, there was no reduction in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, chlorophyll, or soluble protein contents per unit of leaf area. Over three years, gas exchange evidence of acclimation occurred on days when either soil was dry or the water vapor pressure deficit was high (n = 12 d) and did not occur on days after rain or on days with low water vapor pressure deficit (n = 9 d). On days when photosynthetic acclimation was evident, midday leaf water potentials were consistently 0.2 to 0.3 MPa lower for the plants grown at EC than at AC. This suggested that greater susceptibility to water stress in plants grown at EC cause the apparent photosynthetic acclimation. In other experiments, plants were grown in well-watered pots in field chambers and removed to the laboratory early in the morning for gas exchange measurements. In these experiments, the amount of photosynthetic acclimation evident in the gas exchange measurements increased with the maximum water vapor pressure deficit on the day prior to the measurements, indicating a lag in the recovery of photosynthesis from water stress. The apparent increase in susceptibility to water stress in soybean plants grown at EC is opposite to that observed in some other species, where photosynthetic acclimation was evident under wet but not dry conditions, and may be related to the observation that hydraulic conductance is reduced in soybeans when grown at EC. The day-to-day variation in photosynthetic acclimation observed here may account for some of the conflicting results in the literature concerning the existence of acclimation to EC in field-grown plants.  相似文献   

In the area of Jumla region in Western Nepal, measurements of saturated leaf net photosynthetic rate (Psat), nitrogen content, leaf fluorescence, carbon isotopic composition, and water status were performed on woody coniferous (Pinus wallichiana, Picea smithiana, Abies spectabilis, Juniperus wallichiana, Taxus baccata), evergreen (Quercus semecarpifolia, Rhododendron campanulatum), and deciduous broadleaved species (Betula utilis, Populus ciliata, Sorbus cuspidata) spreading from 2 400 m up to the treeline at 4 200 m a.s.l. With the exception of J. wallichiana, Psat values were lower in coniferous than broadleaved species. Q. semecarpifolia, that in this area grows above the coniferous belt between 3 000 and 4 000 m, showed the highest Psat at saturating irradiance and the highest leaf N content. This N content was higher and Psat lower than those of evergreen oak species of tempe forests at middle and low altitudes. For all species, Psat and N content were linearly correlated, but instantaneous nitrogen use efficiency was lower than values measured in lowland and temperate plant communities. The values of carbon isotopic composition, estimated by 13C, showed the same range reported for temperate tree species. The ranking of 13C values for the different tree types was conifers < evergreen broadleaved13C were found along the altitudinal gradient. Quantum yield of photochemistry at saturating irradiance, measured by leaf fluorescence (F/Fm), was highest in J. wallichiana and lowest in T. baccata. Overall, photochemical efficiency was more strongly related to species than to altitude. Interestingly, changes of .F/Fm along the altitudinal gradient correlated well with the reported altitudinal distribution of the species.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the page numbers.  相似文献   

蒺藜苜蓿叶片光合作用对盐胁迫的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为阐明蒺藜苜蓿(Medicago truncatula)叶片光合效率对盐胁迫的响应规律,明确其土壤盐分阈值,该研究以盆栽蒺藜苜蓿幼苗为研究对象,采用加盐的方式人工模拟盐胁迫环境,设置不同浓度NaCl处理(0、50、100、150、200、250、300、400mmol·L-1),利用Li-6400便携式光合测定仪分析了蒺藜苜蓿幼苗光合效率参数对土壤盐分浓度的响应特征。结果表明:(1)蒺藜苜蓿叶片净光合速率(Pn)和光合作用特征参数等具有明显的土壤盐分临界效应。在NaCl浓度为100~200mmol·L-1时,蒺藜苜蓿可维持较高光合生产力,此盐分范围内适宜的光合有效辐射(PAR)为600~1 300μmol·m-2·s-1,出现Pn最大值(20.7μmol·m-2·s-1)的NaCl浓度为150mmol·L-1,对应PAR为1 200μmol·m-2·s-1左右。(2)在NaCl浓度150mmol·L-1时,随着NaCl浓度的增加,表观量子效率(AQY)、光补偿点(LCP)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)和最大光合速率(Pnmax)逐渐增大;在NaCl浓度为150mmol·L-1时,AQY、Rd和Pnmax分别达到最大值0.030、0.605 7μmol·m-2·s-1、19.4μmol·m-2·s-1,而LCP达到最小值19.8μmol·m-2·s-1。(3)NaCl浓度为150mmol·L-1可作为导致蒺藜苜蓿净光合速率下降的气孔限制和非气孔限制因素的转折点,并且随着NaCl浓度升高,其光合速率由气孔限制转为非气孔限制的PAR降低。以上结果表明,蒺藜苜蓿对盐胁迫具有较强的适应性,在较高盐分浓度下可获得较高的光合生产力。  相似文献   

The impact of elevated CO2 (1000 μmol/mol) was assessed on the common weed,Arabidopsis thaliana (Landsberg erecta), which is used as a model plant system. Elevated CO2 stimulated relative growth rate (RGR) and leaf area gain ofArabidopsis beginning from the cotyledon stage and continuing through the juvenile stage. This early advantage in growth enabled the plants grown in elevated CO2 to gain more DW despite similar RGRs throughout the latter stages of development. The greater accumulation of DW in leaves grown in elevated CO2 resulted in a lower specific leaf area (SLA). However, the amount of cell wall investment per unit of leaf area, specific “wall” area (SWA), was similar indicating that elevated CO2 did not affect the distribution of cell carbon to the cell wall of leaves beyond that needed for cell and leaf expansion. Furthermore, cell wall composition changed with time due to developmental changes and was not affected by elevated CO2. Associated with the increase in RGR by elevated CO2 was a concomitant increase in the activity of UDP-Glc dehydrogenase (E.C., a key enzyme in the nucleotide-sugar interconversion pathway necessary for biosynthesis of many cell-wall polysaccharides.  相似文献   

The effect of salt stress (NaCl 85.7 or 110 mmol/L) was investigated in the triticale T300 and its parental species, Triticum dicoccum farrum (Triticum df) and Secale cereale cv. Petkus. Triticum df and T300 were more salt-tolerant than the rye (110 mmol/L NaCl was the highest concentration allowing rye growth to the three-leaf stage). Na+, K+ and Cl- ions accounted for almost half of the osmotic adjustment in Triticum df and T300, and up to 90% in rye. Salinity decreased the net photosynthesis and transpiration rates of the three cereals as compared to control plants, but induced no significant change in chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters. Water-use efficiency (WUE) increased with salinity. In the presence of 110 mmol/L NaCl, the K+/Na+ ratio decreased markedly in rye as compared to the other two cereals. Proline concentration, which increased in Triticum df and T300, could have protected membrane selectivity in favour of K+. Proline content remained low in rye, and increasing soluble sugar content did not appear to prevent competition between Na+ and K+. The salt sensitivity of rye could be due to low K+ uptake in the presence of a high NaCl concentration.  相似文献   

以6年生楸树无性系‘9 1’为试验材料,采用水肥一体化、穴施和不施肥(对照)3种施肥方法,分析施肥对楸树生长、各器官非结构性碳(NSC)含量及时间动态变化的影响,探究楸树NSC分配对施肥的响应机制,为评估楸树单株和林分碳储量提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)连续施肥4年后,与对照相比,穴施处理的树高和胸径分别提高了4.7%和7.1%,水肥一体化处理则分别提高了7.1%和20.5%,水肥一体化的施肥效果更佳。(2)不同施肥方式并未显著改变楸树各器官中可溶性糖含量,但是水肥一体化施肥明显提高了根中淀粉和总NSC的积累;可溶性糖和总NSC在叶和粗根中分布较多,淀粉则在根中含量较高。(3)不同施肥方式并未显著改变楸树各生长时期可溶性糖含量,但水肥一体化施肥明显提高了生长初期和末期淀粉和总NSC含量。研究发现,在整个生长季中,楸树叶中可溶性糖和总NSC一直被消耗,枝中可溶性糖一部分被消耗用于支持叶片生长,一部分以淀粉的形式进行储存,而根系接受源自叶和枝的NSC后转化为淀粉储存起来帮助树木抵抗低温环境;楸树遵循“碳消耗(初期) 碳消耗(中期) 碳积累(末期)”的NSC分配策略;应用水肥一体化技术可显著提高楸树生物量和生产力,在今后林木施肥试验中值得优先考虑。  相似文献   

Increased biomass production in terrestrial ecosystems with elevated atmospheric CO2 may be constrained by nutrient limitations as a result of increased requirement or reduced availability caused by reduced turnover rates of nutrients. To determine the short-term impact of nitrogen (N) fertilization on plant biomass production under elevated CO2, we compared the response of N-fertilized tallgrass prairie at ambient and twice-ambient CO2 levels over a 2-year period. Native tallgrass prairie plots (4.5 m diameter) were exposed continuously (24 h) to ambient and twice-ambient CO2 from 1 April to 26 October. We compared our results to an unfertilized companion experiment on the same research site. Above- and belowground biomass production and leaf area of fertilized plots were greater with elevated than ambient CO2 in both years. The increase in biomass at high CO2 occurred mainly aboveground in 1991, a dry year, and belowground in 1990, a wet year. Nitrogen concentration was lower in plants exposed to elevated CO2, but total standing crop N was greater at high CO2. Increased root biomass under elevated CO2 apparently increased N uptake. The biomass production response to elevated CO2 was much greater on N-fertilized than unfertilized prairie, particularly in the dry year. We conclude that biomass production response to elevated CO2 was suppressed by N limitation in years with below-normal precipitation. Reduced N concentration in above- and belowground biomass could slow microbial degradation of soil organic matter and surface litter, thereby exacerbating N limitation in the long term.  相似文献   

Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Williams 82 and A3127] plants were grown in the field under long-term soil moisture deficit and irrigation to determine the effects of severe drought stress on the photosynthetic capacity of soybean leaves. Afternoon leaf water potentials, stomatal conductances, intercellular CO2 concentrations and CO2-assimilation rates for the two soil moisture treatments were compared during the pod elongation and seed enlargement stages of crop development. Leaf CO2-assimilation rates were measured with either ambient (340 l CO2 l–1) or CO2-enriched (1800 l CO2 l–1) air. Although seed yield and leaf area per plant were decreased an average of 48 and 31%, respectively, as a result of drought stress, leaf water potentials were reduced only an average of 0.27 MPa during the sampling period. Afternoon leaf CO2-assimilation rates measured with ambient air were decreased an average of 56 and 49% by soil moisture deficit for Williams 82 and A3127, respectively. The reductions in leaf photosynthesis of both cultivars were associated with similar decreases in leaf stomatal conductance and with small increases in leaf intercellular CO2 concentration. When the CO2-enriched air was used, similar afternoon leaf CO2-assimilation rates were found between the soil moisture treatments at each stage of crop development. These results suggest that photosynthetic capacity of soybean leaves is not reduced by severe soil moisture deficit when a stress develops gradually under field conditions.Abbreviations Ci intercellular CO2 concentrations - Aa rates of CO2 assimilation measured with ambient air - Ae rates of CO2 assimilation measured with CO2-enriched air - gs stomatal conductances - RuBPCase ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase  相似文献   

Elevated (700 μmol mol−1) and ambient (350 μmol mol−1) CO2 effects on total ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity, photosynthesis (A), and photoinhibition during 6 d at low temperature were measured on wild type (WT), and rbcS antisense DNA mutants (T3) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with 60% of WT total Rubisco activity (Rodermel et al. (1988) Cell 55: 673–681). Prior to the low temperature treatment, A and quantum yield of PSII photochemistry in the light adapted state (φPSII) were significantly lower in T3 compared to WT at each CO2 level. At this time, total nonphotochemical quenching (NPQTotal) levels were near maximal (0.75–0.85) in T3 compared to WT (0.39–0.50). A was stimulated by 107% in T3 and 25% in WT at elevated compared to ambient CO2. Pre-treatment acclimation to elevated CO2 occurred in WT resulting in lower Rubisco activity per unit leaf area and reduced stimulation of A. At low temperature, A of WT was similar at elevated and ambient CO2 while stimulation of A by elevated CO2 in T3 was reduced. In addition, at low temperature we measured significantly lower photochemical quenching at elevated CO2 compared to ambient CO2 in both genotypes. NPQTotal was similar (0.80–0.85) among all treatments. However, a larger proportion of NPQTotal was composed of qI,d, the damage subcomponent of the more slowly relaxing NPQ component, qI, in both genotypes at elevated compared to ambient CO2. Greater qI,d, at elevated CO2 during and after the low temperature treatment was not related to pre-treatment differences in total Rubisco activity.  相似文献   

Tree plantations in the high elevations of the tropics constitute a growing land use, but their effect on ecosystem processes and services is not well known. We examined changes in soil organic carbon (C) and water retention in a chronosequence of Pinus radiata stands planted in páramo grasslands in Cotopaxi province, Ecuador. Water retention at 10, 33, and 1,500 kPa declined with stand age, with soils in the oldest pine stands retaining 39%, 55%, and 63% less water than grassland soils at the three pressures tested. Soil organic C in the 0–10-cm depth also declined with stand age, from 5.0 kg m–2 in grasslands to 3.5 kg m–2 in 20–25-year-old pine stands (P < 0.001); at greater depth in the A horizon, C contents decreased from 2.8 to 1.2 kg m–2 (P = 0.047). There were no significant differences among age classes in the AC and C horizons (P = 0.15 and P = 0.34, respectively), where little or no weathering of the primary material has occurred. Inputs of C may be affected by the significantly higher carbon–nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the litter under older pine stands (P = 0.005), whereas outputs are influenced by substrate quality as well as soil environmental factors. Soil ratios at the 0–10 cm depth were significantly higher in grasslands and young pine stands (P < 0.001), whereas carbon–phosphorous (C:P) ratios at 0–10-cm depth followed a similar but not significant trend. However, there was no significant difference in short-term decomposition rates (P = 0.60) when the soils were incubated under uniform temperature and moisture conditions. In páramo ecosystems, where high soil moisture plays an important role in retarding decomposition and driving high C storage, the loss of water retention after afforestation may be the dominant factor in C loss. These results suggest that soil C buildup and water retention respond rapidly to changes in biota and need to be assessed with regard to implications for C sequestration and watershed management.  相似文献   

干旱一直是限制黄河故道沙区树木生长的重要因素之一,而刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)以其较强的耐旱性、较高的成活率在造林时备受重视。适宜的灌水方式不但可以提高当地水资源的高效利用,而且可以促进刺槐迅速生长,改善当地环境生态。因此,在2011至2012年间,对黄河故道沙地进行刺槐人工林的建设与培育,开展滴灌(DI)、沟灌(FI)和软管喷灌(HSI)3种灌水方式对刺槐人工林幼树水分利用效率(WUE)和生长特性影响的研究。结果表明,在不同的水文年份,滴灌刺槐的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)高于软管喷灌,软管喷灌高于沟灌。水分利用效率受年份影响较大,但均表现为前期下降,8月份前后降到最低值,随后缓慢回升。不同灌水方式叶绿素含量(CC)差异显著,滴灌条件下刺槐叶绿素含量最高,其次为软管喷灌,沟灌最低。不同树龄,不同灌水方式刺槐株高、地径和胸径差异显著。一年生林,滴灌刺槐的株高、地径和胸径分别比软管喷灌高出23.4、0.27 cm和0.14 cm;二年生林,滴灌刺槐的株高、地径和胸径分别比软管喷灌高53.7 cm、0.61 cm和0.54 cm。滴灌刺槐的株高、地径和胸径的年度生长量分别为软管喷灌的112.1%、107.1%和111.8%,同时分别为沟灌的121.8%、191.8%和343.6%。不同灌水方式刺槐幼树水分利用效率受年际间气象因素影响较大,滴灌可以显著地改善刺槐幼树的光合生理特性,促进其快速生长。  相似文献   

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