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Most techniques of flow cytometric cell cycle analysis are not capable of distinguishing the number of rounds of DNA synthesis that a cell has undergone since the start of an experiment. Continuous labeling with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) offers such a potential. We illustrate here that the bivariate analysis of non-BrdUrd-quenched ethidium bromide vs. BrdUrd-quenched Hoechst 33258 fluorescence offers a high degree of resolution that enhances the analytical power of the technique, and that this approach can be applied to the analysis of a broad range of human and murine primary cells and established cell lines.  相似文献   

Cell kinetics of human tumors by in vitro bromodeoxyuridine labeling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We labeled active S-phase cells in primary breast carcinomas with a modified 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) procedure using a silver-enhanced colloidal gold visualization step. Separate samples of 29 tumors were labeled with BrdU or tritiated thymidine ([3H]-dThd), and the labeling indices (LI) from the two methods were equivalent (Spearman's correlation coefficient = 0.96). Three breast carcinomas were incubated in various mixes of both BrdU and [3H]-dThd and developed sequentially for each. Paired photomicrographs showed that the same nuclei were labeled by either precursor. The in vitro method yielded LIs similar to those reported after in vivo pulse BrdU labeling for tumors of the central nervous system. The BrdU LI correlated significantly (r = 0.76, p less than 0.001) with % S-phase by DNA flow cytometry in 33 breast carcinomas. The BrdU labeling method is simpler and more rapid than the [3H]-dThd procedure (1-2 days for completion for the former, 7-10 days for the latter), and it provides an equivalent measurement of proliferative index.  相似文献   

A Raza  K Ucar  H D Preisler 《Cytometry》1985,6(6):633-640
A monoclonal antibody against bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) was produced, and a rapid slide technique (RPMB technique) was developed for the estimation of S-phase cells in a population using this antibody. Bone marrow cells from patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) were studied by both the RPMB technique and tritiated thymidine (3HdThd) labeling index studies. The percentage of S-phase cells obtained by each method was compared in 50 samples, and the correlation coefficient was r = 0.89. A "double label" method is also described in which cells were simultaneously incubated with either BrdUrd and 3HdThd or BrdUrd and tritiated cytosine arabinoside (3HAra-C). The samples were first processed by the RPMB technique and then by autoradiography. Results showed only black grains overlying the nuclei of fluorescent cells in each group. An automated microphotometer was used to quantitate grains and fluorescence from each cell. This demonstrated an almost direct relationship between grains and fluorescence from BrdUrd + 3HdThd slides, whereas different patterns of relationship were noted from BrdU + 3HAra-C slides of leukemic patients. Their implications are discussed in the text. Finally, intravenous infusions of BrdUrd was given to five leukemic patients. S-phase cells were recognized distinctly within 5 min of starting the infusion. The percentage of S-phase cells was almost identical from in vivo and in vitro samples. Various possibilities of studying the biological behavior of acute leukemias and analyzing cell cycle characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

The DNA synthesis time (Ts) and other related cell cycle parameters were roughly estimated in HeLa cells labeled with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) for various durations by using the flow cytometrical technique. The labeling indices increased in proportion to time after addition of BrdUrd. The Ts can be calculated from the slope of the regression line obtained by plotting the serial labeling indices against the labeling time and was equivalent to the value determined by fraction labeled cells in mid S-phase (FLSm) method. These parameters would be determined by only two samples labeled for different times. This simple method using BrdUrd provides rough but rapid estimation of Ts and other cell cycle parameters without complicated mathematical procedures, in addition to cell cycle partition of cell populations.  相似文献   

Use of bromodeoxyuridine for cell kinetic studies in intact animals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method is described for the use of BUdR for tracing cell proliferation patterns in the intestinal mucosa of intact mice. The method has several distinct advantages over existing methods.  相似文献   

We describe a new monoclonal antibody (designated Bu20a) against bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). This antibody was selected by screening against human tissues using the APAAP technique, and shows no crossreactivity with normal nuclei. It stains BrdU incorporated into the nuclei of a wide range of cell types, including human tonsil lymphoid cells, normal mouse tissues, and human tumors growing in nude mice. A double-labeling technique is described using this antibody in which cell smears or tissue sections are first labeled by an immunoperoxidase procedure for a cellular antigen (e.g., mouse or human histocompatibility class II antigen, T-lymphocyte antigen, keratin) and BrdU is then detected by indirect immunofluorescence. This procedure, which was applied to a variety of human and animal cells and tissues, is of wide potential value in analyzing the phenotype of S-phase cells and in co-localizing antigen expression and BrdU incorporation in tissue sections.  相似文献   

Precise control of the initiation and subsequent progression through the various phases of the cell cycle are of paramount importance in proliferating cells. Cell cycle division is an integral part of growth and reproduction and deregulation of key cell cycle components have been implicated in the precipitating events of carcinogenesis. Molecular agents in anti-cancer therapies frequently target biological pathways responsible for the regulation and coordination of cell cycle division. Although cell cycle kinetics tend to vary according to cell type, the distribution of cells amongst the four stages of the cell cycle is rather consistent within a particular cell line due to the consistent pattern of mitogen and growth factor expression. Genotoxic events and other cellular stressors can result in a temporary block of cell cycle progression, resulting in arrest or a temporary pause in a particular cell cycle phase to allow for instigation of the appropriate response mechanism. The ability to experimentally observe the behavior of a cell population with reference to their cell cycle progression stage is an important advance in cell biology. Common procedures such as mitotic shake off, differential centrifugation or flow cytometry-based sorting are used to isolate cells at specific stages of the cell cycle. These fractionated, cell cycle phase-enriched populations are then subjected to experimental treatments. Yield, purity and viability of the separated fractions can often be compromised using these physical separation methods. As well, the time lapse between separation of the cell populations and the start of experimental treatment, whereby the fractionated cells can progress from the selected cell cycle stage, can pose significant challenges in the successful implementation and interpretation of these experiments. Other approaches to study cell cycle stages include the use of chemicals to synchronize cells. Treatment of cells with chemical inhibitors of key metabolic processes for each cell cycle stage are useful in blocking the progression of the cell cycle to the next stage. For example, the ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor hydroxyurea halts cells at the G1/S juncture by limiting the supply of deoxynucleotides, the building blocks of DNA. Other notable chemicals include treatment with aphidicolin, a polymerase alpha inhibitor for G1 arrest, treatment with colchicine and nocodazole, both of which interfere with mitotic spindle formation to halt cells in M phase and finally, treatment with the DNA chain terminator 5-fluorodeoxyridine to initiate S phase arrest. Treatment with these chemicals is an effective means of synchronizing an entire population of cells at a particular phase. With removal of the chemical, cells rejoin the cell cycle in unison. Treatment of the test agent following release from the cell cycle blocking chemical ensures that the drug response elicited is from a uniform, cell cycle stage-specific population. However, since many of the chemical synchronizers are known genotoxic compounds, teasing apart the participation of various response pathways (to the synchronizers vs. the test agents) is challenging. Here we describe a metabolic labeling method for following a subpopulation of actively cycling cells through their progression from the DNA replication phase, through to the division and separation of their daughter cells. Coupled with flow cytometry quantification, this protocol enables for measurement of kinetic progression of the cell cycle in the absence of either mechanically- or chemically- induced cellular stresses commonly associated with other cell cycle synchronization methodologies. In the following sections we will discuss the methodology, as well as some of its applications in biomedical research.  相似文献   

Abstract. The present experiments with [14C]-thymidine (TdR) and [3H]-bromo-deoxyuridine (BrdU) using mouse jejunal crypt cells show that the upper limit of the tracer dose of TdR is about 0.5 µg g body weight-1 and that of BrdU is about 5·0 µg g body weight-1. Applying these doses, the proportions of the endogenous DNA synthesis attributed to the exogenous DNA precursor are 2% and 9% respectively. For [3H]-TdR doses commonly used in cell kinetic studies this proportion is only 0-1-1.0%, a negligible quantity that does not influence the endogenous DNA synthesis. The maximum availability time of tracer doses of TdR as well as BrdU is 40 to 60 min, the majority of the precursors being incorporated after 20 min. The availability time is the same for TdR doses exceeding the tracer dose by a factor of 80, whereas it is prolonged in the case of BrdU doses exceeding the tracer dose by a factor of 50. BrdU is suitable to replace radioactively labelled TdR in short term cell kinetic studies, i.e. determination of the labelling index or of the S phase duration by double labelling. However, more studies are needed to elucidate how far BrdU can replace TdR in long term studies as shown by differences between the fraction of labelled mitoses (FLM) curves of a human renal cell carcinoma measured with BrdU and [3H]-TdR.  相似文献   

The present experiments with [14C]-thymidine (TdR) and [3H]-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) using mouse jejunal crypt cells show that the upper limit of the tracer dose of TdR is about 0.5 microgram g body weight-1 and that of BrdU is about 5.0 micrograms g body weight-1. Applying these doses, the proportions of the endogenous DNA synthesis attributed to the exogenous DNA precursor are 2% and 9% respectively. For [3H]-TdR doses commonly used in cell kinetic studies this proportion is only 0.1-1.0%, a negligible quantity that does not influence the endogenous DNA synthesis. The maximum availability time of tracer doses of TdR as well as BrdU is 40 to 60 min, the majority of the precursors being incorporated after 20 min. The availability time is the same for TdR doses exceeding the tracer dose by a factor of 80, whereas it is prolonged in the case of BrdU doses exceeding the tracer dose by a factor of 50. BrdU is suitable to replace radioactively labelled TdR in short term cell kinetic studies, i.e. determination of the labelling index or of the S phase duration by double labelling. However, more studies are needed to elucidate how far BrdU can replace TdR in long term studies as shown by differences between the fraction of labelled mitoses (FLM) curves of a human renal cell carcinoma measured with BrdU and [3H]-TdR.  相似文献   

A simple method with which to determine the cell cycle parameters, TG1, TS and TG2M (the durations of the G1, S and G2 + M phases) is described. V79 Chinese hamster lung cells were used to evaluate the method. After continuous labeling with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), V79 cells were stained with anti BrdU-monoclonal antibody with FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate) and with PI (propidium iodide). The individual cells were checked by flow cytometry for green and red fluorescences whose signal intensities corresponded to the BrdU and cellular DNA contents. The durations of G1, S and G2 + M phases of V79 cells were determined by measuring the cell fractions containing the nonlabeled G1, labeled S and nonlabeled G2 + M phases. The reliability of this method is discussed.  相似文献   

During tissue embryogenesis, precursor cells divide actively and eventually withdraw from the mitotic cycle before differentiation. Accurate information about the time of terminal mitosis ("birthdate") of precursors is of vital importance for studying relationships between cell proliferation and differentiation. Methods presently available for birthdate determination, based on "pulse" or "cumulative" labeling with either tritiated thymidine (3HT) or bromodeoxyuridine (BrDU) incorporated into DNA during the mitotic cycle, allow only the approximate timing of terminal mitosis. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a "window labeling" technique based on the sequential administration of 3HT and BrDU. Chick retinal precursor cell cultures were first exposed to 3HT and, after a specified time interval, also to BrDU. After 6 days the cultures were fixed and processed for BrDU immunocytochemistry and 3HT autoradiography. Three populations of cells could be easily identified: (a) unlabeled cells, representing post-mitotic cells before label exposure; (b) BrDU-labeled cells [either 3HT (+)/BrDU (+) or 3HT (-)/BrDU (+)], representing those that continue dividing after the addition of BrDU; and (c) "window-labeled" cells, 3HT (+)/BrDU (-), which are those undergoing their last round of DNA synthesis during the interval between 3HT and BrDU administration. Control experiments demonstrated that this method allows birthdate determinations with a resolution of hours or minutes and is essentially free of deleterious effects on precursor cell survival and differentiation.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites tumor cells spontaneously release cell surface material (glycocalyx) into isotonic saline medium. Exposure of these cells to tritium-labeled 4,4′-diisothiocyano-1,2′-dihenylethane-2,2′-disulfonic acid (3H2DIDS) at 4°C leads to preferential labeling of the cell surface coat. We have combined studies of the kinetics of 3H2DIDS-label release, the effects of enzymatic treatment, and cell electrophoretic mobility to characterize the 3H2DIDS-labeled components of the cell surface. Approximately 73% of the cell-associated radioactivity is spontaneously released from the cells after 5 h at 23°C. The kinetics of release is consistent with the first-order loss of two fractions; a slow (τ½ = 360 min) component representing 33% of the radioactivity, and a fast (τ½ = 20 min) component representing 26%. The remaining 14% of the labile binding may reflect mechanically induced surface release. Trypsin (1 μ/ml) also removes approximately 73% of the labeled material within 30 min and converts the kinectics of release to that of a single component (τ½ = 5.5 min). The specific activity (SA) of material released by trypsin immediately after labeling is 83% of the SA of the material spontaneously los in 1 h. However, trypsinization following a 2-h period of spontaneous release yields material of reduced (43%) SA. Neither 3H2DIDS labeling nor the initial spontaneous loss of labeled material alters cell electrophoretic mobility. However, extended spontaneous release is accompanied by a significant decrease in surface charge density. Trypsinization immediately following labeling or after spontaneous release (2 h) reduces mobility by 32%. We have tentatively identified the slowly released compartment as contributing to cell surface negativity.  相似文献   

Using sequential infusions of two S-phase-specific drugs, iododeoxyuridine and bromodeoxyuridine, we have developed an in vivo method for determining the labeling index (LI), the S-phase duration (Ts), and total cell cycle times (Tc) of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. In nine non-Hodgkin's lymphomas studied, the LI ranged from 1.5% in a follicular small cleaved-cell lymphoma to 29.6% in a diffuse large-cell lymphoma. The Ts ranged from 16 hr in a large-cell lymphoma (immunoblastic type) to 117 hr in a follicular small cleaved-cell lymphoma. The Tc varied from 69 hr in a large-cell lymphoma (immunoblastic type) to over 1000 hr in all low-grade lymphomas studied. Immunohistochemical methods using anti-BrdU antibodies were used to detect cell incorporation of the two S-phase-specific drugs. In this manner, cell cycle times could be calculated while the architecture of the tumor specimen was preserved. Difficulties in using this methodology, specifically in the calculation of the growth fraction and total cell cycle times, are pointed out. This in vivo method does, however, allow for Ts calculations independent of growth fraction considerations. Correlations of cell cycle data with various biological and clinical factors await further patient follow-up.  相似文献   

Using gold particles of distinctly different sizes as markers, the simultaneous visualization of two types of lipoprotein binding sites in surface replicas of the human fibroblast plasma membrane was achieved. Double-labeling experiments based on this principle have been carried out using sequential or simultaneous exposures of fibroblast cultures to a variety of lipoprotein species. Examples of the results obtained are illustrated, and the application of this approach to the analysis of the distribution, the relationship between, and the specificity of different classes of receptor is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:The detection of DNA-incorporated bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) in mammalian cells is a well-known and important technique to study cell cycle. The use of TO-PRO-3 for detection of BrdUrd substitution of DNA by dual-laser flow cytometry has been investigated. METHODS:Fluorescence enhancement of TO-PRO-3 in BrdUrd-labeled cells is registered in combination with the fluorescence emission of the intercalating dye propidium iodide (PI) as a total DNA stain to give bivariate DNA/BrdUrd histograms. By the low concentration of only 0.3 mircoM TO-PRO-3, BrdUrd detection is optimized, and undisturbed total DNA content by PI can be detected as well. TO-PRO-3 is excited by a red HeNe laser and PI by an argon ion laser. RESULTS:In order to understand the binding of TO-PRO-3, energy transfer from PI to TO-PRO-3 has been measured as well as the influence of an external DNA binding dye such as Hoechst 33258 with Adenine-Thymine (AT) binding specificity. Cell cycle studies of human SCL-2 keratinocytes and mouse 3T3 cells prove the method to be as generally applicable as the classical BrdUrd/Hoechst quenching technique, but without need for expensive ultraviolet laser excitation. No BrdUrd sensitivity could be found for the similar dyes TO-PRO-1 and YO-PRO-3, whereas TO-PRO-5 and YOYO-3 showed only very little sensitivity to BrdUrd labeling as compared with TO-PRO-3. CONCLUSIONS:Cell cycle studies of mammalian cells can be done by dual-laser flow cytometry without the need for ultraviolet lasers by using the BrdUrd-dependent fluorescence enhancement of TO-PRO-3. Total DNA content can be measured simultaneously using PI.  相似文献   

These studies were undertaken to examine the relationship between the inhibition by 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) of erythroid differentiation in Friend erythroleukemia cells and the incorporation of BrdU into DNA. Experiments were carried out in which the incorporation of BrdU into DNA and the concentration of BrdU to which the cells were exposed were varied independently of each other. In addition, the ability of deoxycytidine (dC) to reverse the effects of BrdU on hemoglobin production and to reduce the amount of BrdU in DNA was analyzed. Under all the conditions tested, the effects of BrdU were correlated with the amount of BrdU incorporated into nuclear DNA. These results differ from those of recent studies on the inhibition of pigmentation and the induction of mutations by BrdU in Syrian hamster melanoma cells. The results suggest that BrdU may be producing its biological effects by a variety of different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cell kinetic studies of in situ human brain tumors with bromodeoxyuridine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
At the time of surgery, 18 patients with various brain tumors were given a 1-h i.v. infusion of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd), 150-200 mg/m2. At an infusion rate of 200 mg/m2/h, serum BrdUrd levels of 8 microM were achieved. After the infusion, tumor tissue was obtained and divided into two portions. One portion was fixed in 70% ethanol, embedded in paraffin, and sectioned; the sections were deparaffinized, denatured with 2 N HCl, and reacted with monoclonal antibodies against BrdUrd (anti-BrdUrd MAb). BrdUrd-labeled nuclei were demonstrated satisfactorily by an indirect peroxidase method. The other portion was dissociated into single cells with a DNase enzyme cocktail and reacted with FITC-conjugated anti-BrdUrd MAb to determine the percentage of BrdUrd-labeled cells or with chromomycin A3 for DNA analysis. The single-cell suspensions were analyzed by flow cytometry. The fraction of S-phase cells in the tissue sections was similar to both the percentage of BrdUrd-labeled nuclei and the S-phase fraction determined by flow cytometric analysis. The results obtained with BrdUrd-labeled nuclei were similar to those obtained from previous autoradiographic studies of various brain tumors exposed to a pulse of 3H-thymidine. Since BrdUrd is not radioactive and is nontoxic at the dosage used, these techniques, together with the histopathological diagnosis, may help to predict the biological malignancy of individual tumors.  相似文献   

Several fractions of proteolipids fromTorpedo electroplax were separated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography in organic solvents, and the sulphydryl groups were determined by a spectrophotometric method. On the same fractions the covalent labeling with iodo-[3H]acetic acid to sulphydryl groups was studied. In total proteolipids there were 30.3 nmol/mg protein of sulphydryl groups of which 20.6 nmoles were in the form of disulfide bonds and 10.9 nmol as free—SH groups. The highest content of sulphydryl groups (36.7 nmol/mg protein) was found in fraction II; while fraction I, that binds the cholinergic ligands, has a lower content (23.7 nmol/mg protein). The 42 Kdaltons polypeptide, which is the major band in Fraction II, has the strongest labeling with iodo-[3H]acetic acid, while the 39 Kdaltons cholinergic polypeptide shows a lower labeling. The importance of proteolipids as channel-forming macromolecules is discussed in connection with the possible significance of the 42 Kdaltons polypeptide.  相似文献   

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