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Sensitivity and host efficiency of susceptible (''Lee 68'', ''Coker 156'') and resistant (''Bragg'', ''Centennial'', ''Forrest'', ''Lee 74'') soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars for races of Meloidogyne incognita (Mi) were determined in greenhouse experiments. Eight Mi populations collected from the southeastern United States were utilized. All Mi races reproduced readily on Lee 68 and Lee 74 and moderately on Forrest and Bragg. Coker 156 exhibited resistance to races 1 and 2, and some race 3 populations, but was very susceptible to certain race 3 and 4 populations. Reproduction of all races was lowest on Centennial. Forrest and Centennial shoot growth was not significantly suppressed by any race. There were no distinct differences in virulence between races except for a race 3 population which reproduced readily on all cultivars, stunting their growth. Considerable variation in reproduction existed within races 1 and 3.  相似文献   

Variability in the reproduction of the four races ofMeloidogyne incognita on the soybean cuhivars Pickett 71 and Centennial was studied in growth chamber experiments. Analysis of variance in the number of eggs produced by the races 6 weeks after the plants had been inoculated with 5,000 eggs of each race revealed that the nematode race by soybean cultivar interaction was highly significant (P = 0.001). Races 1, 3, and 4 produced from about 5,000 to 15,000 eggs per root system on Pickett 71 and only from about 300 to 600 eggs per root system on Centennial. In contrast, race 2 produced about 8,000 eggs per root system on Centennial and about 1,200 eggs per root system on Pickett 71. In a second experiment, in which the plants were inoculated with 2,000 second-stage juveniles, race 1 and race 2 produced about 13,000 and 3,000 eggs per root system, respectively, on Pickett 71 and about 600 and 10,000 eggs per root system, respectively, on Centennial. The results suggest that M. incognita resistance in soybean is race-specific.  相似文献   

The response of two soybean plant introductions, PI 96354 and PI 417444, highly resistant to Meloidogyne incognita, to increasing initial soil population densities (Pi) (0, 31, 125, and 500 eggs/100 cm³ soil) of M. incognita was studied in field microplots for 2 years. The plant introductions were compared to the cultivars Forrest, moderately resistant, and Bossier, susceptible to M. incognita. Averaged across years, the yield suppressions of Bossier, Forrest, PI 417444, and PI 96354 were 97, 12, 18, and < 1%, respectively, at the highest Pi when compared with uninfested control plots. Penetration of roots by second-stage juveniles (J2) increased linearly with increasing Pi at 14 days after planting. At the highest Pi, 62% fewer J2 were present in roots of PI 96354 than in roots of the other resistant genotypes. Soil population densities of M. incognita were lower on both plant introductions than on Forrest. At 75 and 140 days after planting, PI 96354 had the lowest number of J2 in the soil, with 49% and 56% fewer than Forrest at the highest Pi. The resistance genes in PI 96354 should be useful in a breeding program to improve the level of resistance to M. incognita in soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

Reproduction of Meloidogyne arenaria race 2 was excellent on Centennial, Govan, and Kirby soybeans, the latter two of which have tolerance to this species. The M. incognita race 1 isolate reproduced poorly on Centennial, especially at the higher of two temperature regimes. Numbers of galls and egg masses of M. arenaria plus M. incognita in simultaneous equivalent infestations on Centennial did not differ from sequential infestations in which M. arenaria was added first and M. incognita was added to the same pots, 1,2, or 3 weeks later. However, at both 25 and 30 C, suppression of galls and egg masses occurred when inoculation of M. incognita preceded that of M. arenaria by 2 weeks. Generally, M. arenaria reproduced well at 25 or 30 C, whereas M. incognita reproduced better at 30 C. Kirby was tolerant to either nematode species at 25 and 30 C, but in combined infestations of M. arenaria and M. incognita there was evidence of synergistic growth suppression. Govan was tolerant of M. arenaria at 25 C but not at 30 C. Moreover, general plant growth was less vigorous for Govan at the higher temperature, whereas Centennial was much more vigorous at this temperature. Kirby grew equally well at both temperatures.  相似文献   

Seven-day-old seedlings of two cultivars (Cristalina and UFV ITM1) of Glycine max were inoculated with 0, 3,000, 9,000, or 27,000 eggs of Meloidogyne incognita race 3 or M. javanica and maintained in a greenhouse. Thirty days later, plants were exposed to ¹⁴CO₂ for 4 hours. Twenty hours after ¹⁴CO₂ exposure, the root fresh weight, leaf dry weight, nematode eggs per gram of root, total and specific radioactivity of carbohydrates in roots, and root carbohydrate content were evaluated. Meloidogyne javanica produced more eggs than M. incognita on both varieties. A general increase in root weight and a decrease in leaf weight with increased inoculum levels were observed. Gall tissue appeared to account for most of the root mass increase in seedlings infected with M. javanica. For both nematodes there was an increase of total radioactivity in the root system with increased levels of nematodes, and this was positively related to the number of eggs per gram fresh weight and to the root fresh weight, but negatively related to leaf dry weight. In most cases, specific radioactivities of sucrose and reducing sugars were also increased with increased inoculum levels. Highest specific radioactivities were observed with reducing sugars. Although significant changes were not observed in endogenous levels of carbohydrates, sucrose content was higher than reducing sugars. The data show that nematodes are strong metabolic sinks and significantly change the carbon distribution pattern in infected soybean plants. Carbon partitioning in plants infected with nematodes may vary with the nematode genotype.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne incognita penetration and development were studied in roots of highly resistant (PI 96354, PI 417444), resistant (Forrest), and susceptible (Bossier) soybean genotypes. Although more second-stage juveniles (J2) had penetrated roots of PI 96354 and PI 417444 than roots of Forrest and Bossier by 2 days after inoculation, fewer J2 were present in roots of PI 96354 at 4 days after inoculation. Juvenile development in all genotypes was evident by 6 days after inoculation, with the highest number of swollen J2 present in roots of Bossier. At 16 days after inoculation, roots of PI 96354 had 87%, 74%, and 53% fewer J2 than were present in roots of Bossier, Forrest, and PI 417444, respectively. Differential emigration of J2, not fewer invasion sites, was responsible for the low number of nematodes in roots of the highly resistant PI 96354. Some 72% of the J2 penetrating the roots of this genotype emerged within 5 days after inoculation, whereas 4%, 54%, and 83% emerged from roots of Bossier, Forrest, and PI 417444, respectively. Penetration of roots of PI 96354 decreased the ability of J2 emerging from these roots to infect other soybean roots.  相似文献   

Guardian peach rootstock was evaluated for susceptibility to Meloidogyne incognita race 3 (Georgia-peach isolate) and M. javanica in the greenhouse. Both commercial Guardian seed sources produced plants that were poor hosts of M. incognita and M. javanica. Reproduction as measured by number of egg masses and eggs per plant, eggs per egg mass, and eggs per gram of root were a better measure of host resistance than number of root galls per plant. Penetration, development, and reproduction of M. incognita in Guardian (resistant) and Lovell (susceptible) peach were also studied in the greenhouse. Differences in susceptibility were not attributed to differential penetration by the infectivestage juveniles (J2) or the number of root galls per plant. Results indicated that M. incognita J2 penetrated Guardian roots and formed galls, but that the majority of the nematodes failed to mature and reproduce.  相似文献   

Models are presented to describe the influence of rotations of Meloidogyne incognita-susceptible cultivars, resistant cultivars, and maize on postharvest abundance of M. incognita juveniles in the soil. Depending on initial densities of juveniles, monocultured regimes reached equilibrium densities after a few years of 287, 40, and 10 juveniles per 10 cm³ soil for susceptible soybean, resistant soybean, and maize, respectively. Yearly changes in the population density of juveniles due to rotation of these crops were simulated by iterative substitution of the model equations for each crop. A maximum density of 319 per 10 cm³ soil was reached following a susceptible cultivar in a susceptible-resistant soybean rotation. Soybean yield loss estimates are presented for monocultured regimes and for various rotations with maize.  相似文献   

The effect of soybean genotype on competition between Meloidogyne incognita race 2 (Mi) and Rotylenchulus reniformis (Rr) was evaluated in greenhouse and microplot replacement series experiments. Soil in pots containing seedlings of ''Davis'' (susceptible to Mi) or ''Buckshot 66'' (resistant to Mi) was infested with 1,000 vermiform individuals in the following Mi:Rr ratios: 0:0, 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, or 0:100. After 91 days, the relative nematode yields (number of nematodes in mixed culture divided by the number in nonmixed culture) of each species were calculated based on soil and root nematode populations expressed as nematodes per gram of dry root tissue. To define the relationship between the two species, calculated relative nematode yields were compared with a theoretical noncompetition model using lack-of-fit regression. In the greenhouse, Mi populations on ''Davis'' were stimulated in the presence of Rr. In microplots, low Mi and Rr population densities likely resulted from severe galling and destruction of feeder roots that probably occurred early in the season. Enhanced susceptibility to Mi was not observed on ''Buckshot 66'', which remained resistant to Mi even when colonized by Rr. Host resistance is a key factor in determining the nature of the relationship between Mi and Rr.  相似文献   

The closely related soybean (Glycine max) cultivars Centennial and Pickett 71 were confirmed to be resistant and susceptible, respectively, to the root-knot nematode Meloidogryne incognita. Increases in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were detected in roots of both soybean cultivars 48 hours following inoculation. Superoxide dismutase activity increased in roots of the susceptible cultivar overall, but declined after 96 hours in roots of the resistant cultivar. The isoelectric points of SOD isolated from preparasitic and parasitic developmental stages of the nematode appeared to differ. The SOD activity increased dramatically as nematodes matured and enlarged. Plant and nematode SOD were present as ca. 40-kDa cuprozinc dimers. Initial increases in SOD activity in infected tissue appeared to involve nematode regulation of plant gene expression. However, as the nematode enlarged, SOD activity could be detected within the female body only.  相似文献   

Competition on soybean between Heterodera glycines (race 3) and Meloidogyne incognita or H. glycines and Pratylenchus penetrans were investigated in greenhouse experiments. Each pair of nematode species was mixed in 3-ml suspensions at ratios of 1,000:0, 750:250, 500:500, 250:750, and 0:1,000 second-stage juveniles or mixed stages for P. penetrans. Nematodes from a whole root system were counted and infection rates standardized per 1,000 nematodes (per replication) prior to testing the null hypothesis through a lack-of-fit F-test. Although the effect of increasing H. glycines proportions on the infection rate of M. incognita was generally adverse, the rate deviated significantly from a trend of linear decline at the 75% H. glycines level in one of two experiments. All lack-of-fit F-tests for the H. glycines and P. penetrans mix were significant, indicating that infection rates for both nematodes varied considerably across inocula. The infection rate of H. glycines decreased with increasing P. penetrans proportions. The rate of P. penetrans infection increased with increasing H. glycines proportions up to the 50% level, but declined at the 75% level. Competition had no effect on nematode development. The general adverse relationships between M. incognita and H. glycines and those between P. penetrans and H. glycines showed a linear trend. The relationship between H. glycines and P. penetrans indicates that the former may be competitive when present at higher proportions than the latter. In this study we have evaluated nematode competition under controlled conditions and provide results that can form a basis for understanding the physical and physiological trends of multiple nematode interactions. Methods critical to data analyses also are outlined.  相似文献   

The southern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, is the most damaging pathogen of cotton in the United States, and both resistance and tolerance to M. incognita could be valuable management approaches. Our objectives were to evaluate advanced cotton breeding lines for resistance and tolerance to M. incognita and to determine if a relationship between resistance and tolerance exists. Reproduction of M. incognita was evaluated on 17 breeding lines, a susceptible control (Delta and Pine Land DP5415), and a resistant control (M-120) in two greenhouse trials with six replications in a randomized complete block design. Two-week-old seedlings were inoculated with 8,000 M. incognita eggs and assessed for egg production 8 weeks later. Reproduction on the resistant control was only 10% of that on the susceptible control. Eight breeding lines supported 45% to 57% less (P <= 0.05) nematode reproduction than the susceptible control, and none of them were as resistant as M-120. Yield was determined in 2001 and 2002 in fumigated (1,3-dichloropropene at 56 liters/ha) and nonfumigated plots in a strip-plot design with three replications in a field naturally infested with M. incognita. Yield suppression caused by nematode infection differed among genotypes (P ≤ 0.05 for genotype × fumigation interaction). Six genotypes in 2001 and nine in 2002 were tolerant to M. incognita based on no difference in yield between the fumigated and nonfumigated plots (P ≥ 0.10). However, only three genotypes had no significant yield suppression in both years, of which two also were resistant to M. incognita. Regression analysis indicated that yield suppression decreased linearly as nematode resistance increased.  相似文献   

Greenhouse and field microplot studies were conducted to compare soybean shoot and root growth responses to root penetration by Heterodera glycines (Hg) and Meloidogyne incognita (Mi) individually and in combination. Soybean cultivars Centennial (resistant to Hg and Mi), Braxton (resistant to Mi, susceptible to Hg), and Coker 237 (susceptible to Hg and Mi) were selected for study. In the greenhouse, pot size and number of plants per pot had no effect on Hg or Mi penetration of Coker 237 roots; root weight was higher in the presence of either nematode species compared with the noninoculated controls. In greenhouse studies using a sand or soil medium, and in field microplot studies, each cultivar was grown with increasing initial population densities (Pi) of Hg or Mi. Interactions between Hg and Mi did not affect early plant growth or number of nematodes penetrating roots. Root penetration was the only response related to Pi. Mi penetration was higher in sand than in soil, and higher in the greenhouse than in the field, whereas Hg penetration was similar under all conditions. At 14 days after planting, more second-stage juveniles were present in roots of susceptible than in roots of resistant plants. Roots continued to lengthen in the greenhouse in the presence of either Mi or Hg regardless of host genotype, but only in the presence of Mi in microplots; otherwise, responses in field and greenhouse studies were similar and differed only in magnitude and variability.  相似文献   

The interspecific interactions of Meloidogyne javanica with races 1, 2, 3, and 4 of M. incognita on tomato were determined. Impacts of the interactions on fecundity and morphometrics of females were also examined. Mutually inhibitory interactions occurred between M. javanica and the races of M. incognita, but the negative interactions did not reflect in plant growth. Numbers of root galls, egg masses, mature females, total population, fecundity, and reproduction factor declined in concomitant treatments, but the morphometrics of the females remained unaltered. In general, mutual suppressive effects in all parameters were smaller for M. javanica than M. incognita, but some variations occurred among the races of M. incognita. Race 2 appeared to be more competitive than other races. The interaction between the species was not intense; therefore, the species coexist in mixed populations in agricultural fields.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Heterodera glycines, Meloidogyne incognita, and Pratylenchus penetrans on H. glycines-resistant ''Bryan,'' tolerant-susceptible ''G88-20092,'' and intolerant-susceptible ''Tracy M'' soybean cultivars was tested using plants grown in 800 cm³ of soil in 15-cm-diam. clay pots in three greenhouse experiments. Plants were inoculated with 0, 1,000, 3,000, or 9,000 H. glycines race 3 or M. incognita eggs, or vermiform stages of P. penetrans/pot. Forty days after inoculation, nmnbers of all three nematodes, except H. glycines on Bryan, generally increased with increasing inoculum levels in Experiment I. Heterodera glycines and M. incognita significantly decreased growth only of Tracy M. At 45 and 57 days after inoculation with 6,000 individuals/pot in experiments II and III, respectively, significantly more P. penetrans and M. incognita than H. glycines were found on Bryan. However, H. glycines and M. incognita population densities were greater than P. penetrans on G88-20092 and Tracy M. Growth of Tracy M infected by H. glycines and M. incognita and growth of G88-20092 infected by M. incognita decreased in Experiment III. Pratylenchus penetrans did not affect plant growth. Reduction in plant growth differed according to the particular nematode species and cultivar, indicating that nematodes other than the species for which resistance is targeted can have different effects on cultivars of the same crop species.  相似文献   

A 2-year study with six soils and four levels of Meloidogyne incognita in microplots was designed to determine the effects of these parameters on nematode activity and tobacco yield and quality. Key components under study were affected by soil, nematode level, and season (year-cultivar). In 1980, low initial nematode numbers (1,250) enhanced tobacco yield in Cecil clay loam, but caused slight to moderate yield losses in the other soils. Yield losses to M. incognita were generally greatest in sandy and muck soils. In 1980, regression analyses of the independent parameters Pi - clay-sand vs. yield gave an R² of 0.40. Examples of other coefficients of determination for yield vs. selected factors were root-necrosis index, 0.40; root-gall index, 0.18; root-gall index-cation exchange capacity (CEC), 0.34; root-necrosis index-CEC, 0.56; and root-necrosis index-sand-soil acidity-calcium, 0.62. In contrast, the R² for Pi alone versus yield in 1981 was 0.84. Soil also affected nematode reproduction with the greatest increases occurring in the sandy soils. In both years, low nematode numbers enhanced the synthesis of sugar in tobacco, whereas leaves from all other nematode treatments had low sugar levels. A low nicotine content was associated with nematode infection. Tobacco from sandy soils had a higher nicotine content than tobacco from clay soils.  相似文献   

The effects of host genotype and initial nematode population densities (Pi) on yield of soybean and soil population densities of Heterodera glycines (Hg) race 3 and Meloidogyne incognita (Mi) race 3 were studied in a greenhouse and field microplots in 1983 and 1984. Centennial (resistant to Hg and Mi), Braxton (resistant to Mi, susceptible to Hg), and Coker 237 (susceptible to Hg and Mi) were planted in soil infested with 0, 31, or 124 eggs of Hg and Mi, individually and in all combinations, per 100 cm³ soil. Yield responses of the soybean cultivars to individual and combined infestations of Hg and Mi were primarily dependent on soybean resistance or susceptibility to each species separately. Yield of Centennial was stimulated or unaffected by nematode treatments, yield of Braxton was suppressed by Hg only, and yield suppressions caused by Hg and Mi were additive and dependent on Pi for Coker 237. Other plant responses to nematodes were also dependent on host resistance or susceptibility. Population densities of Mi second-stage juveniles (J2) in soil were related to Mi Pi and remained constant in the presence of Hg for all three cultivars. Population densities of Hg J2 on the two Hg-susceptible Cultivars, Braxton and Coker 237, were suppressed in the presence of Mi at low Hg Pi.  相似文献   

A digitizer-microcomputer combination was utilized to determine soybean seedling response to population densities of M. incognita (Mi) under varied environmental conditions. Plant age, temperature, soil texture, and initial Mi inoculum (Pi) influenced the pattern of shoot and root growth. Effects of Mi on plant top growth were evident on plants inoculated 2 days after seeding, but generally were not noticeable on those receiving Mi after 4, 6, or 8 days (observations limited to 6 days after inoculation). The greatest Pi of Mi (16,700 juveniles/plant) suppressed root growth on plants inoculated at 2 or 4 days after seeding. Mi had no impact on root growth at 22 C on plants inoculated 6 or 8 days after seeding at any temperature used (22, 26, 30 C). New root initiation was inhibited on soybeans inoculated 2 days after seeding at the highest Pi at all three temperatures, but only at 30 C for a Pi of 1,670 juveniles/plant. Growth of first order lateral roots and general root length were suppressed by Mi on the youngest (2-day) plants. However, a low Pi (167 juveniles/ plant) resulted in root proliferation on 4-day-old plants at 26 C. Mi was most damaging in a low clay-content soil mixture.  相似文献   

Greenhouse and laboratory experiments were performed to determine if an interaction exists between Meloidogyne incognita and Hoplolaimus columbus on Davis soybean. Greenhouse tests were performed with three population levels of M. incognita and H. columbus (0, 1,500, 6,000/1.5-liter pot) separately and in all combinations. Dry root weight (DRT) declined nonlinearly and dry shoot weight (DST) declined linearly with respect to increasing initial populations of M. incognita and H. columbus. When the two nematode species were added to the soil together, the amount of DRT and DST suppression by one species was dependent on the initial level of the concomitant species. The final root population of M. incognita or H. columbus declined linearly with increasing initial population density of the concomitant species. H. columbus suppressed M. incognita populations in the soil nonlinearly, but M. incognita had no effect on H. columbus.  相似文献   

Effects of soil type on the reproduction and damage potential of Meloidogyne incognita on soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., were determined at five locations in North Carolina, including one site where plots with six soil types were established. M. incognita reproduced readily on a susceptible soybean cultivar in most soil types, with somewhat limited reproduction in muck soils. The relationship between initial population densities and yield varied among soil types and nematode populations. Yield losses were greatest in sandy and muck soil types, with less nematode damage occurring in the clay soil types. A North Carolina and a Georgia population of M. incognita differed greatly in their ability to reproduce on soybean and suppress growth. The North Carolina population had a moderate effect on yield in 1981 and only a slight effect in 1982. In contrast, a Georgia population severely limited soybean growth and yield at lower initial population densities in 1983, Initial population densities of the nematodes and physical and chemical edaphic factors accounted for much of the variation of soybean yield and nematode reproduction.  相似文献   

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