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Ecological processes in food webs depend on species interactions. By identifying broad‐scaled interaction patterns, important information on species' ecological roles may be revealed. Here, we use the group model to examine how spatial resolution and proximity influence group structure. We examine a data set from the Barents Sea, with food webs described for both the whole region and 25 subregions. We test how the group structure in the networks differ comparing (1) the regional metaweb to subregions and (2) subregion to subregion. We find that more than half the species in the metaweb change groups when compared to subregions. Between subregions, networks with similar group structure are spatially related. Interestingly, although species overlap is important for similarity in group structure, there are notable exceptions. Our results highlight that species ecological roles vary depending on fine‐scaled differences in the patterns of interactions, and that local network characteristics are important to consider.  相似文献   

Neutel & Thorne (Ecology Letters, 17:651–661, June 2014) provide an approximation for the leading eigenvalue of a food web community matrix involving coefficients of its characteristic polynomial. Though valuably incorporating three‐way species interactions, two critical problems emerge when one considers the dimensions of the system, calling the approach's accuracy and precision into question.  相似文献   

Explaining the structure of ecosystems is one of the great challenges of ecology. Simple models for food web structure aim at disentangling the complexity of ecological interaction networks and detect the main forces that are responsible for their shape. Trophic interactions are influenced by species traits, which in turn are largely determined by evolutionary history. Closely related species are more likely to share similar traits, such as body size, feeding mode and habitat preference than distant ones. Here, we present a theoretical framework for analysing whether evolutionary history--represented by taxonomic classification--provides valuable information on food web structure. In doing so, we measure which taxonomic ranks better explain species interactions. Our analysis is based on partitioning of the species into taxonomic units. For each partition, we compute the likelihood that a probabilistic model for food web structure reproduces the data using this information. We find that taxonomic partitions produce significantly higher likelihoods than expected at random. Marginal likelihoods (Bayes factors) are used to perform model selection among taxonomic ranks. We show that food webs are best explained by the coarser taxonomic ranks (kingdom to class). Our methods provide a way to explicitly include evolutionary history in models for food web structure.  相似文献   

线虫区系分析指示土壤食物网结构和功能研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈云峰  韩雪梅  李钰飞  胡诚 《生态学报》2014,34(5):1072-1084
土壤食物网结构复杂,功能众多,直接测定土壤食物网各功能群生物量并结合数学模型来推断土壤食物网结构和功能,工作量大且分析过程繁琐。线虫生态学的发展为土壤食物网的研究开辟了一条新的思路,即利用线虫区系分析来定性推断食物网的结构和功能。线虫作为土壤中数量最丰富的后生动物,占据着土壤食物网的中心位置,其物种多样性、食性多样性、生活史策略多样性、功能团多样性奠定了其作为土壤食物网结构和功能指示生物的生态学基础。线虫区系分析根据发展历史可以分为个体分类、生活史策略分类、功能团分类和代谢足迹分类四个时期,其中后两个时期主要用于推断土壤食物网结构和功能。基于功能团的线虫区系分析将线虫的食性和生活史策略结合起来,发展出一系列指数来判断土壤食物网的连通性、食物网链长度、外界养分投入情况、分解途径及对外界干扰的响应等。基于代谢足迹的线虫区系分析在功能团分析基础上,加入线虫能流分析,从而定性反映了土壤食物网功能的大小。两者在指示土壤食物网自下而上调节及对植物线虫控制等方面起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

The relationship between body mass (M) and size class abundance (N) depicts patterns of community structure and energy flow through food webs. While the general assumption is that M and N scale linearly (on log–log axes), nonlinearity is regularly observed in natural systems, and is theorized to be driven by nonlinear scaling of trophic level (TL) with M resulting in the rapid transfer of energy to consumers in certain size classes. We tested this hypothesis with data from 31 stream food webs. We predicted that allochthonous subsidies higher in the web results in nonlinear M–TL relationships and systematic abundance peaks in macroinvertebrate and fish size classes (latter containing salmonids), that exploit terrestrial plant material and terrestrial invertebrates, respectively. Indeed, both M–N and M–TL significantly deviated from linear relationships and the observed curvature in M–TL scaling was inversely related to that observed in M–N relationships. Systemic peaks in M–N, and troughs in M–TL occurred in size classes dominated by generalist invertebrates, and brown trout. Our study reveals how allochthonous resources entering high in the web systematically shape community size structure and demonstrates the relevance of a generalized metabolic scaling model for understanding patterns of energy transfer in energetically ‘open’ food webs.  相似文献   

Understanding trophic linkages within the soil food web (SFW) is hampered by its opacity, diversity, and limited niche adaptation. We need to expand our insight between the feeding guilds of fauna and not just count biodiversity. The soil fauna drive nutrient cycling and play a pivotal, but little understood role within both the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles that may be ecosystem dependent. Here, we define the structure of the SFW in two habitats (grassland and woodland) on the same soil type and test the hypothesis that land management would alter the SFW in these habitats. To do this, we census the community structure and use stable isotope analysis to establish the pathway of C and N through each trophic level within the ecosystems. Stable isotope ratios of C and N from all invertebrates were used as a proxy for trophic niche, and community‐wide metrics were obtained. Our empirically derived C/N ratios differed from those previously reported, diverging from model predictions of global C and N cycling, which was unexpected. An assessment of the relative response of the different functional groups to the change from agricultural grassland to woodland was performed. This showed that abundance of herbivores, microbivores, and micropredators were stimulated, while omnivores and macropredators were inhibited in the grassland. Differences between stable isotope ratios and community‐wide metrics, highlighted habitats with similar taxa had different SFWs, using different basal resources, either driven by root or litter derived resources. Overall, we conclude that plant type can act as a top‐down driver of community functioning and that differing land management can impact on the whole SFW.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Three species of Tanypodinae (Chironomidae) were found in an acid and iron-rich stream in southern England. Maximum abundance was achieved in summer and they were sparse at other times. Individuals were aggregated on the stream bed and were overrepresented in accumulations of leaf litter.
2. The diets of all three species consisted of a mixture of prey (prominently detritivorous chironomid larvae) and detritus. More detritus and fewer prey were taken in winter than in summer.
3. When comparing large tanypod species with small and, intraspecifically, late instars with early, the proportion of guts containing prey increased with increasing body size.
4. Stonefly larvae were more prominent in the diet of Zavrelimyia barbatipes (Kieffer) in summer than in winter but for the other two species the reverse was true. A bigger proportion of Trissopelopia longimana (Staeger) guts contained prey in early summer than in August whereas more Macropelopia goetghebueri (Kieffer) guts contained prey in August. This was apparently a consequence of seasonal differences in the distribution of body size among the populations of these two species.
5. The stream contains two further common predators, Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis) and Sialis fuliginosa Pict. These are important predators of tanypod larvae but might also compete with them since they severely deplete populations of prey taken in common.
6. Analysis of the food-web in Broadstone Stream reveals remarkably high values of connectance (C and Cmax) and of species richness times connectance (SCmax). Such characteristics are theoretically associated with fragile and dynamically unstable food webs, and may be found in 'constant' environments. There is also an apparently unusual prevalence of omnivory in the community.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long debated the properties that confer stability to complex, species‐rich ecological networks. Species‐level soil food webs are large and structured networks of central importance to ecosystem functioning. Here, we conducted an analysis of the stability properties of an up‐to‐date set of theoretical soil food web models that account both for realistic levels of species richness and the most recent views on the topological structure (who is connected to whom) of these food webs. The stability of the network was best explained by two factors: strong correlations between interaction strengths and the blocked, nonrandom trophic structure of the web. These two factors could stabilize our model food webs even at the high levels of species richness that are typically found in soil, and that would make random systems very unstable. Also, the stability of our soil food webs is well‐approximated by the cascade model. This result suggests that stability could emerge from the hierarchical structure of the functional organization of the web. Our study shows that under the assumption of equilibrium and small perturbations, theoretical soil food webs possess a topological structure that allows them to be complex yet more locally stable than their random counterpart. In particular, results strongly support the general hypothesis that the stability of rich and complex soil food webs is mostly driven by correlations in interaction strength and the organization of the soil food web into functional groups. The implication is that in real‐world food web, any force disrupting the functional structure and distribution pattern of interaction strengths (i.e., energy fluxes) of the soil food webs will destabilize the dynamics of the system, leading to species extinction and major changes in the relative abundances of species.  相似文献   

土壤食物网:结构、能流及稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈云峰  曹志平 《生态学报》2008,28(10):5055-5064
在国外4个土壤生态学项目的基础上,结合其他学者的研究成果,从连通网、能流网及功能网3个层次分别阐述了土壤食物网的结构、能流与稳定性。在连通网中,主要描述土壤食物网的功能群、营养位及格局;在能流网中,主要描述了面向过程食物网模型及其应用,主要涉及到土壤中的碳流与氮流;在功能网中,以作用强度为中心,描述了土壤食物网的稳定性问题。  相似文献   

Recognition of the microbial loop as an important part of aquatic ecosystems disrupted the notion of simple linear food chains. However, current research suggests that even the microbial loop paradigm is a gross simplification of microbial interactions due to the presence of mixotrophs-organisms that both photosynthesize and graze. We present a simple food web model with four trophic species, three of them arranged in a food chain (nutrients-autotrophs-herbivores) and the fourth as a mixotroph with links to both the nutrients and the autotrophs. This model is used to study the general implications of inclusion of the mixotrophic link in microbial food webs and the specific predictions for a parameterization that describes open ocean mixed layer plankton dynamics. The analysis indicates that the system parameters reside in a region of the parameter space where the dynamics converge to a stable equilibrium rather than displaying periodic or chaotic solutions. However, convergence requires weeks to months, suggesting that the system would never reach equilibrium in the ocean due to alteration of the physical forcing regime. Most importantly, the mixotrophic grazing link seems to stabilize the system in this region of the parameter space, particularly when nutrient recycling feedback loops are included.  相似文献   

H. Setälä 《Oecologia》2000,125(1):109-118
Mycorrhizal plants are commonly believed to direct much more of their photosynthates into the soil than non-mycorrhizal plants. As the growth of most organisms of the detrital food web is limited by energy, the flow of C through mycorrhizal plants into the below-ground milieu is widely assumed to nourish a variety of decomposer organisms in soils. In the current experiment, I explored whether some representatives of soil mesofauna, either fungivores or microbi-detritivores, derive benefit from the presence of ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi growing on the roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). I also investigated whether the role of soil mesofauna in affecting pine growth depends on the presence of EM fungi in the pine rhizosphere. The study was established in microcosms with a mixture of raw humus and sand. The soil was defaunated, reinoculated with 10 species of soil bacteria and 11 species of saprophytic soil fungi, and pine seedlings, either infected or non-infected with four taxa of EM fungi, were planted in the microcosms. Five treatments with different food web configurations were established: (1) saprophytic microbes alone, (2) as (1) but with the omnivorous enchytraeid species Cognettia sphagnetorum present, (3) as (1) but with Collembola (Hypogastrura assimilis), (4) as (1) but with four species of oribatid mites (Acari) involved, and (5) as 1) but with C. sphagnetorum, H. assimilis and the Acari. The microcosms were incubated in a climate chamber with varying temperature and illumination regimes for two growing periods for the pine. After 60 weeks, pine biomass production was significantly greater in the mycorrhizal systems, the total biomass being 1.43 times higher in the presence than absence of EM fungi. Similarly, almost ten times more fungal biomass was detected on pine roots growing in the mycorrhizal than in the non-mycorrhizal systems. The presence of EM fungi was also associated with significantly lowered pH and percent organic matter of the soil. Despite the clearly larger biomass of both the pines and the fungi on the pine roots, neither the numbers nor biomasses of the mesofauna differed significantly between the EM and non-EM systems. The presence of Collembola and C. sphagnetorum had a positive influence on pine growth, particularly in the absence of EM fungi, whereas oribatid mites had no effects on pine growth. The complexity of the mesofaunal community was not related to the biomass production of the pines in a straightforward manner; for example, the complex systems with each faunal group present did not produce more pine biomass than the simple systems where C. sphagnetorum existed alone. The results of this experiment suggest that the short-term role of EM fungi in fuelling the detrital food web is less significant than generally considered, but that their role as active decomposers and/or stimulators of the activity of saprophytic microbes can be more important than is often believed. Received: 22 December 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

The flux of energetic and nutrient resources across habitat boundaries can exert major impacts on the dynamics of the recipient food web. Competition for these resources can be a key factor structuring many ecological communities. Competition theory suggests that competing species should exhibit some partitioning to minimize competitive interactions. Species should partition both in situ (autochthonous) resources and (allochthonous) resources that enter the food web from outside sources. Allochthonous resources are important sources of energy and nutrients in many low productivity systems and can significantly influence community structure. The focus of this paper is on: (i) the influence of resource partitioning on food web stability, but concurrently we examine the compound effects of; (ii) the trophic level(s) that has access to allochthonous resources; (iii) the amount of allochthonous resource input; and (iv) the strength of the consumer–resource interactions. We start with a three trophic level food chain model (resource–consumer–predator) and separate the higher two trophic levels into two trophospecies. In the model, allochthonous resources are either one type available to both consumers and predators or two distinct types, one for consumers and one for predators. The feeding preferences of the consumer and predator trophospecies were varied so that they could either be generalists or specialists on allochthonous and/or autochthonous resources. The degree of specialization influenced system persistence by altering the structure and, therefore, the indirect effects of the food web. With regard to the trophic level(s) that has access to allochthonous resources, we found that a single allochthonous resource available to both consumers and predators is more unstable than two allochthonous resources. The results demonstrate that species populating food webs that experience low to moderate allochthonous resources are more persistent. The results also support the notion that strong links destabilize food web dynamics, but that weak to moderate strength links stabilize food web dynamics. These results are consistent with the idea that the particular structure, resource availability, and relative strength of links of food webs (such as degree of specialization) can influence the stability of communities. Given that allochthonous resources are important resources in many ecosystems, we argue that the influence of such resources on species and community persistence needs to be examined more thoroughly to provide a clearer understanding of food web dynamics.  相似文献   

The biological and ecological integrity of marine ecosystems in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) has been compromised due to overfishing and water pollution. Fishing moratorium and artificial reef construction have been implemented in Wanshan and Miaowan for resource protection and restoration. Therefore, food web structure and trophic pathways of Wanshan, Miaowan, and Wailingding in different temporal and spatial situation will be determined using the Ecopath model, as well as the keystone species affecting these ecosystems, which can provide a basis for fishery management. The results showed that the energy transfer efficiency of IV and V trophic levels (TL) was higher than that of II and III‐TL before and after fishing moratorium, and the energy transfer efficiency of artificial reefs II and III‐TL was only slightly higher than that of nonartificial reefs in Wanshan. In addition, the mean values of ecosystem property indicators (consumption, respiration flow, total system throughput, and total biomass) after the fishing moratorium were significantly higher than those before the fishing moratorium. The average value of the ecosystem attribute indicators (consumption, respiration flow, total system throughput, and total biomass) of artificial reefs is lower than those of nonartificial reef areas, which may be related to the differences in community composition between artificial reefs and non‐artificial reefs. Finally, Nemipterus japonicus and Gastrophysus spadiceus are keystone species that distinguish the Wanshan and Miaowan artificial reefs from other areas. Overall, the fishing moratorium has a positive effect on the short‐term restoration of fishery resources, mainly restoring short‐life cycle organisms. However, the construction of artificial reefs will be more conducive to the persistence of ecosystem restoration. In addition, reasonable proliferation, release and fishing of N. japonicus and G. spadiceus will be beneficial to the sustainable utilization of fishery resources.  相似文献   

Emerging diseases are an ever‐growing affliction of both humans and wildlife. By exploring recent increases in amphibian malformations (e.g. extra or missing limbs), we illustrate the importance of food web theory and community ecology for understanding and controlling emerging infections. Evidence points to a native parasite, Ribeiroia ondatrae, as the primary culprit of these malformations, but reasons for the increase have remained conjectural. We suggest that the increase is a consequence of complex changes to aquatic food webs resulting from anthropogenic disturbance. Our results implicate cultural eutrophication as a driver of elevated parasitic infection: (1) eutrophication causes a predator‐mediated shift in snail species composition toward Planorbella spp., (2) Planorbella are the exclusive first intermediate hosts of R. ondatrae and (3) Ribeiroia infection is a strong predictor of amphibian malformation levels. Our study illustrates how the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on epidemic disease can be mediated through direct and indirect changes in food web structure.  相似文献   

1. Detritus can support successive consumers, whose interactions may be structured by changes in the condition of their shared resource. One model of such species interactions is a processing chain, in which consumers feeding on the resource in a less processed state change the resource condition for subsequent consumers. 2. In a series of experiments, the hypothesis was tested that a common detritivore, the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber, affects soil nematodes through the processing of plant litter. Different detrital resources were added to soil from a California coastal prairie in order to simulate litter processing by the detritivore. Treatments that included only whole grass litter corresponded to detrital food webs lacking detritivores, while treatments that included mixtures of P. scaber faeces and grass litter corresponded to different densities or feeding rates of P. scaber. 3. Simulated litter processing by P. scaber increased the abundance of bacterivorous nematodes by between 32% and 202% after 24-44 days in laboratory experiments, but had no effect on fungivorous or predaceous nematodes. 4. In a subsequent field experiment, however, fungivorous nematodes were suppressed by isopod litter processing while bacterivores showed no response. Instead, P. scaber processing of litter increased the abundance of predaceous nematodes in the field experiment by 176%. 5. When simulated litter processing of litter was crossed in laboratory experiments with predaceous nematode addition (comparable to the response of predators in the field experiment), the abundance of bacterivores was increased by isopod processing of litter (by an average of 122%), but suppressed by elevated densities of predaceous nematodes (by an average of 41%). 6. This suggests that litter processing by P. scaber facilitates the bacterial channel of the soil food web, but that predaceous nematodes suppress the response of bacterivores in the field. Processing chain interactions may, therefore, be important in understanding the relative importance of bacterial and fungal channels in the soil food web, while top-down effects of predators determine the resulting changes in population abundance and biomass.  相似文献   

We investigate the long-term web structure emerging in evolutionary food web models when different types of functional responses are used. We find that large and complex webs with several trophic layers arise only if the population dynamics is such that it allows predators to focus on their best prey species. This can be achieved using modified Lotka-Volterra or Holling/Beddington functional responses with effective couplings that depend on the predator's efficiency at exploiting the prey, or a ratio-dependent functional response with adaptive foraging. In contrast, if standard Lotka-Volterra or Holling/Beddington functional responses are used, long-term evolution generates webs with almost all species being basal, and with additionally many links between these species. Interestingly, in all cases studied, a large proportion of weak links result naturally from the evolution of the food webs.  相似文献   

This study used sociocultural learning theory to better understand how middle and high school environmental science and biology students and pre- and in-service science teachers connect the daily life activity of eating to the food web model learned in school. We sought to understand how student and teacher perceptions of the environment and their experiences influenced their responses to interview questions regarding this topic. Findings, based on transcribed interviews with 54 study participants, indicate that three quarters of teachers and students were unable to connect the food they eat with ecosystem food webs. Even so, many respondents particularly those from elite public schools, did not demonstrate common food web misconceptions identified by other researchers, instead showing a sophisticated understanding of food web interactions. These findings indicate that even though participants were proficient in their school science understanding of food web interactions, they did not readily think about how their everyday out of school activities, like eating, relate to those interactions. This may be representative of a more general disconnect between formal ecology instruction and daily life activities. We provide several recommendations for how this disconnect can be remedied in our classrooms.  相似文献   

Wilf P 《The New phytologist》2008,178(3):486-502
Plants and herbivorous insects have dominated terrestrial ecosystems for over 300 million years. Uniquely in the fossil record, foliage with well-preserved insect damage offers abundant and diverse information both about producers and about ecological and sometimes taxonomic groups of consumers. These data are ideally suited to investigate food web response to environmental perturbations, and they represent an invaluable deep-time complement to neoecological studies of global change. Correlations between feeding diversity and temperature, between herbivory and leaf traits that are modulated by climate, and between insect diversity and plant diversity can all be investigated in deep time. To illustrate, I emphasize recent work on the time interval from the latest Cretaceous through the middle Eocene (67-47 million years ago (Ma)), including two significant events that affected life: the end-Cretaceous mass extinction (65.5 Ma) and its ensuing recovery; and globally warming temperatures across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary (55.8 Ma). Climatic effects predicted from neoecology generally hold true in these deep-time settings. Rising temperature is associated with increased herbivory in multiple studies, a result with major predictive importance for current global warming. Diverse floras are usually associated with diverse insect damage; however, recovery from the end-Cretaceous extinction reveals uncorrelated plant and insect diversity as food webs rebuilt chaotically from a drastically simplified state. Calibration studies from living forests are needed to improve interpretation of the fossil data.  相似文献   

The effects of global and local environmental changes are transmitted through networks of interacting organisms to shape the structure of communities and the dynamics of ecosystems. We tested the impact of elevated temperature on the top-down and bottom-up forces structuring experimental freshwater pond food webs in western Canada over 16 months. Experimental warming was crossed with treatments manipulating the presence of planktivorous fish and eutrophication through enhanced nutrient supply. We found that higher temperatures produced top-heavy food webs with lower biomass of benthic and pelagic producers, equivalent biomass of zooplankton, zoobenthos and pelagic bacteria, and more pelagic viruses. Eutrophication increased the biomass of all organisms studied, while fish had cascading positive effects on periphyton, phytoplankton and bacteria, and reduced biomass of invertebrates. Surprisingly, virus biomass was reduced in the presence of fish, suggesting the possibility for complex mechanisms of top-down control of the lytic cycle. Warming reduced the effects of eutrophication on periphyton, and magnified the already strong effects of fish on phytoplankton and bacteria. Warming, fish and nutrients all increased whole-system rates of net production despite their distinct impacts on the distribution of biomass between producers and consumers, plankton and benthos, and microbes and macrobes. Our results indicate that warming exerts a host of indirect effects on aquatic food webs mediated through shifts in the magnitudes of top-down and bottom-up forcing.  相似文献   

Climate change will alter the distribution of rainfall, with potential consequences for the hydrological dynamics of aquatic habitats. Hydrological stability can be an important determinant of diversity in temporary aquatic habitats, affecting species persistence and the importance of predation on community dynamics. As such, prey are not only affected by drought‐induced mortality but also the risk of predation [a non‐consumptive effect (NCE)] and actual consumption by predators [a consumptive effect (CE)]. Climate‐induced changes in rainfall may directly, or via altered hydrological stability, affect predator–prey interactions and their cascading effects on the food web, but this has rarely been explored, especially in natural food webs. To address this question, we performed a field experiment using tank bromeliads and their aquatic food web, composed of predatory damselfly larvae, macroinvertebrate prey and bacteria. We manipulated the presence and consumption ability of damselfly larvae under three rainfall scenarios (ambient, few large rainfall events and several small rainfall events), recorded the hydrological dynamics within bromeliads and examined the effects on macroinvertebrate colonization, nutrient cycling and bacterial biomass and turnover. Despite our large perturbations of rainfall, rainfall scenario had no effect on the hydrological dynamics of bromeliads. As a result, macroinvertebrate colonization and nutrient cycling depended on the hydrological stability of bromeliads, with no direct effect of rainfall or predation. In contrast, rainfall scenario determined the direction of the indirect effects of predators on bacteria, driven by both predator CEs and NCEs. These results suggest that rainfall and the hydrological stability of bromeliads had indirect effects on the food web through changes in the CEs and NCEs of predators. We suggest that future studies should consider the importance of the variability in hydrological dynamics among habitats as well as the biological mechanisms underlying the ecological responses to climate change.  相似文献   

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