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Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) is a quality control system for newly synthesized proteins in the ER; nonfunctional proteins, which fail to form their correct folding state, are then degraded. The cytoplasmic peptide:N-glycanase is a deglycosylating enzyme that is involved in the ERAD and releases N-glycans from misfolded glycoproteins/glycopeptides. We have previously identified a mutant plant toxin protein, RTA (ricin A-chain nontoxic mutant), as the first in vivo Png1 (the cytoplasmic peptide:N-glycanase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae)-dependent ERAD substrate. Here, we report a new genetic device to assay the Png1-dependent ERAD pathway using the new model protein designated RTL (RTA-transmembrane-Leu2). Our extensive studies using different yeast mutants identified various factors involved in RTL degradation. The degradation of RTA/RTL was independent of functional Sec61 but was dependent on Der1. Interestingly, ER-mannosidase Mns1 was not involved in RTA degradation, but it was dependent on Htm1 (ERAD-related α-mannosidase in yeast) and Yos9 (a putative degradation lectin), indicating that mannose trimming by Mns1 is not essential for efficient ERAD of RTA/RTL. The newly established RTL assay will allow us to gain further insight into the mechanisms involved in the Png1-dependent ERAD-L pathway.  相似文献   

Adiponectin is an adipokine with insulin-sensitizing and anti-inflammatory functions. We previously reported that adiponectin multimerization and stability are promoted by the disulfide bond A oxidoreductase-like protein (DsbA-L) in cells and in vivo. However, the precise mechanism by which DsbA-L regulates adiponectin biosynthesis remains elusive. Here we show that DsbA-L is co-localized with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) marker protein disulfide isomerase and the mitochondrial marker MitoTracker. In addition, DsbA-L interacts with the ER chaperone protein Ero1-Lα in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In silico analysis and truncation mapping studies revealed that DsbA-L contains an ER targeting signal at its N terminus. Deletion of the first 6 residues at the N terminus greatly impaired DsbA-L localization in the ER. Overexpression of the wild type but not the ER localization-defective mutant of DsbA-L protects against thapsigargin-induced ER stress and adiponectin down-regulation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In addition, overexpression of the wild type but not the ER localization-defective mutant of DsbA-L promotes adiponectin multimerization. Together, our results reveal that DsbA-L is localized in both the mitochondria and the ER in adipocytes and that its ER localization plays a critical role in suppressing ER stress and promoting adiponectin biosynthesis and secretion.  相似文献   

The mammalian HRD1-SEL1L complex provides a scaffold for endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD), thereby connecting luminal substrates for ubiquitination at the cytoplasmic surface after their retrotranslocation through the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. In this study the stability of the mammalian HRD1-SEL1L complex was assessed by performing siRNA-mediated knockdown of each of its components. Although endogenous SEL1L is a long-lived protein, the half-life of SEL1L was greatly reduced when HRD1 is silenced. Conversely, transiently expressed SEL1L was rapidly degraded but was stabilized when HRD1 was coexpressed. This was in contrast to the yeast Hrd1p-Hrd3p, where Hrd1p is destabilized by the depletion of Hrd3p, the SEL1L homologue. Endogenous HRD1-SEL1L formed a large ERAD complex (Complex I) associating with numerous ERAD components including ERAD lectin OS-9, membrane-spanning Derlin-1/2, VIMP, and Herp, whereas transiently expressed HRD1-SEL1L formed a smaller complex (Complex II) that was associated with OS-9 but not with Derlin-1/2, VIMP, or Herp. Despite its lack of stable association with the latter components, Complex II supported the retrotranslocation and degradation of model ERAD substrates α1-antitrypsin null Hong-Kong (NHK) and its variant NHK-QQQ lacking the N-glycosylation sites. NHK-QQQ was rapidly degraded when SEL1L was transiently expressed, whereas the simultaneous transfection of HRD1 diminished that effect. SEL1L unassociated with HRD1 was degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, which suggests the involvement of a ubiquitin-ligase other than HRD1 in the rapid degradation of both SEL1L and NHK-QQQ. These results indicate that the regulation of the stability and assembly of the HRD1-SEL1L complex is critical to optimize the degradation kinetics of ERAD substrates.  相似文献   

Accelerated endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) of the cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase results from its sterol-induced binding to ER membrane proteins called Insig-1 and Insig-2. This binding allows for subsequent ubiquitination of reductase by Insig-associated ubiquitin ligases. Once ubiquitinated, reductase becomes dislocated from ER membranes into the cytosol for degradation by 26 S proteasomes through poorly defined reactions mediated by the AAA-ATPase valosin-containing protein (VCP)/p97 and augmented by the nonsterol isoprenoid geranylgeraniol. Here, we report that the oxysterol 25-hydroxycholesterol and geranylgeraniol combine to trigger extraction of reductase across ER membranes prior to its cytosolic release. This conclusion was drawn from studies utilizing a novel assay that measures membrane extraction of reductase by determining susceptibility of a lumenal epitope in the enzyme to in vitro protease digestion. Susceptibility of the lumenal epitope to protease digestion and thus membrane extraction of reductase were tightly regulated by 25-hydroxycholesterol and geranylgeraniol. The reaction was inhibited by RNA interference-mediated knockdown of either Insigs or VCP/p97. In contrast, reductase continued to become membrane-extracted, but not cytosolically dislocated, in cells deficient for AAA-ATPases of the proteasome 19 S regulatory particle. These findings establish sequential roles for VCP/p97 and the 19 S regulatory particle in the sterol-accelerated ERAD of reductase that may be applicable to the ERAD of other substrates.  相似文献   

The sterol-sensing domain (SSD) is a conserved motif in membrane proteins responsible for sterol regulation. Mammalian proteins SREBP cleavage-activating protein (SCAP) and HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR) both possess SSDs required for feedback regulation of sterol-related genes and sterol synthetic rate. Although these two SSD proteins clearly sense sterols, the range of signals detected by this eukaryotic motif is not clear. The yeast HMG-CoA reductase isozyme Hmg2, like its mammalian counterpart, undergoes endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation that is subject to feedback control by the sterol pathway. The primary degradation signal for yeast Hmg2 degradation is the 20-carbon isoprene geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, rather than a sterol. Nevertheless, the Hmg2 protein possesses an SSD, leading us to test its role in feedback control of Hmg2 stability. We mutated highly conserved SSD residues of Hmg2 and evaluated regulated degradation. Our results indicated that the SSD was required for sterol pathway signals to stimulate Hmg2 ER-associated degradation and was employed for detection of both geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate and a secondary oxysterol signal. Our data further indicate that the SSD allows a signal-dependent structural change in Hmg2 that promotes entry into the ER degradation pathway. Thus, the eukaryotic SSD is capable of significant plasticity in signal recognition or response. We propose that the harnessing of cellular quality control pathways to bring about feedback regulation of normal proteins is a unifying theme for the action of all SSDs.  相似文献   

Insulin-induced gene proteins (INSIGs) function in control of cellular cholesterol. Mammalian INSIGs exert control by directly interacting with proteins containing sterol-sensing domains (SSDs) when sterol levels are elevated. Mammalian 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase (HMGR) undergoes sterol-dependent, endoplasmic-reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) that is mediated by INSIG interaction with the HMGR SSD. The yeast HMGR isozyme Hmg2 also undergoes feedback-regulated ERAD in response to the early pathway-derived isoprene gernanylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP). Hmg2 has an SSD, and its degradation is controlled by the INSIG homologue Nsg1. However, yeast Nsg1 promotes Hmg2 stabilization by inhibiting GGPP-stimulated ERAD. We have proposed that the seemingly disparate INSIG functions can be unified by viewing INSIGs as sterol-dependent chaperones of SSD clients. Accordingly, we tested the role of sterols in the Nsg1 regulation of Hmg2. We found that both Nsg1-mediated stabilization of Hmg2 and the Nsg1-Hmg2 interaction required the early sterol lanosterol. Lowering lanosterol in the cell allowed GGPP-stimulated Hmg2 ERAD. Thus, Hmg2-regulated degradation is controlled by a two-signal logic; GGPP promotes degradation, and lanosterol inhibits degradation. These data reveal that the sterol dependence of INSIG-client interaction has been preserved for over 1 billion years. We propose that the INSIGs are a class of sterol-dependent chaperones that bind to SSD clients, thus harnessing ER quality control in the homeostasis of sterols.  相似文献   

The human selenoprotein VIMP (VCP-interacting membrane protein)/SelS (selenoprotein S) localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and is involved in the process of ER-associated degradation (ERAD). To date, little is known about the presumed redox activity of VIMP, its structure and how these features might relate to the function of the protein in ERAD. Here, we use the recombinantly expressed cytosolic region of VIMP where the selenocysteine (Sec) in position 188 is replaced with a cysteine (a construct named cVIMP-Cys) to characterize redox and structural properties of the protein. We show that Cys-188 in cVIMP-Cys forms a disulfide bond with Cys-174, consistent with the presence of a Cys174-Sec188 selenosulfide bond in the native sequence. For the disulfide bond in cVIMP-Cys we determined the reduction potential to -200 mV, and showed it to be a good substrate of thioredoxin. Based on a biochemical and structural characterization of cVIMP-Cys using analytical gel filtration, CD and NMR spectroscopy in conjunction with bioinformatics, we propose a comprehensive overall structural model for the cytosolic region of VIMP. The data clearly indicate the N-terminal half to be comprised of two extended α-helices followed by a C-terminal region that is intrinsically disordered. Redox-dependent conformational changes in cVIMP-Cys were observed only in the vicinity of the two Cys residues. Overall, the redox properties observed for cVIMP-Cys are compatible with a function as a reductase, and we speculate that the plasticity of the intrinsically disordered C-terminal region allows the protein to access many different and structurally diverse substrates.  相似文献   

p24 family proteins are evolutionarily conserved transmembrane proteins involved in the early secretory pathway. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has 8 known p24 proteins that are classified into four subfamilies (p24α, -β, -γ, and -δ). Emp24 and Erv25 are the sole members of p24β and -δ, respectively, and deletion of either destabilizes the remaining p24 proteins, resulting in p24 null phenotype (p24Δ). We studied genetic and physical interactions of p24α (Erp1, -5, and -6) and γ (Erp2, -3, and -4). Deletion of the major p24α (Erp1) partially inhibited p24 activity as reported previously. A second mutation in either Erp5 or Erp6 aggravated the erp1Δ phenotype, and the triple mutation gave a full p24Δ phenotype. Similar genetic interactions were observed among the major p24γ (Erp2) and the other two γ members. All the p24α/γ isoforms interacted with both p24β and -δ. Interaction between p24β and -δ was isoform-selective, and five major α/γ pairs were detected. These results suggest that the yeast p24 proteins form functionally redundant αβγδ complexes. We also identified Rrt6 as a novel p24δ isoform. Rrt6 shows only limited sequence identity (∼15%) to known p24 proteins but was found to have structural properties characteristic of p24. Rrt6 was induced when cells were grown on glycerol and form an additional αβγδ complex with Erp3, Erp5, and Emp24. This complex was mainly localized to the Golgi, whereas the p24 complex containing Erv25, instead of Rrt6 but otherwise with the same isoform composition, was found mostly in the ER.  相似文献   

The amino acid proline is uniquely involved in cellular processes that underlie stress response in a variety of organisms. Proline is known to minimize protein aggregation, but a detailed study of how proline impacts cell survival during accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has not been performed. To address this we examined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the effect of knocking out the PRO1, PRO2, and PRO3 genes responsible for proline biosynthesis. The null mutants pro1, pro2, and pro3 were shown to have increased sensitivity to ER stress relative to wild-type cells, which could be restored by proline or the corresponding genetic complementation. Of these mutants, pro3 was the most sensitive to tunicamycin and was rescued by anaerobic growth conditions or reduced thiol reagents. The pro3 mutant cells have higher intracellular reactive oxygen species, total glutathione, and a NADP+/NADPH ratio than wild-type cells under limiting proline conditions. Depletion of proline biosynthesis also inhibits the unfolded protein response (UPR) indicating proline protection involves the UPR. To more broadly test the role of proline in ER stress, increased proline biosynthesis was shown to partially rescue the ER stress sensitivity of a hog1 null mutant in which the high osmolality pathway is disrupted.  相似文献   

ERdj3, a mammalian endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Hsp40/DnaJ family member, binds unfolded proteins, transfers them to BiP, and concomitantly stimulates BiP ATPase activity. However, the requirements for ERdj3 binding to and release from substrates in cells are not well understood. We found that ERdj3 homodimers that cannot stimulate the ATPase activity of BiP (QPD mutants) bound to unfolded ER proteins under steady state conditions in much greater amounts than wild-type ERdj3. This was due to reduced release from these substrates as opposed to enhanced binding, although in both cases dimerization was strictly required for substrate binding. Conversely, heterodimers consisting of one wild-type and one mutant ERdj3 subunit bound substrates at levels comparable with wild-type ERdj3 homodimers, demonstrating that release requires only one protomer to be functional in stimulating BiP ATPase activity. Co-expressing wild-type ERdj3 and a QPD mutant, which each exclusively formed homodimers, revealed that the release rate of wild-type ERdj3 varied according to the relative half-lives of substrates, suggesting that ERdj3 release is an important step in degradation of unfolded client proteins in the ER. Furthermore, pulse-chase experiments revealed that the binding of QPD mutant homodimers remained constant as opposed to increasing, suggesting that ERdj3 does not normally undergo reiterative binding cycles with substrates.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction of nascent proteins delivered into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) never reach their native conformations. Eukaryotes use a series of complementary pathways to efficiently recognize and dispose of these terminally misfolded proteins. In this process, collectively termed ER-associated degradation (ERAD), misfolded proteins are retrotranslocated to the cytosol, polyubiquitinated, and degraded by the proteasome. Although there has been great progress in identifying ERAD components, how these factors accurately identify substrates remains poorly understood. The targeting of misfolded glycoproteins in the ER lumen for ERAD requires the lectin Yos9, which recognizes the glycan species found on terminally misfolded proteins. In a role that remains poorly characterized, Yos9 also binds the protein component of ERAD substrates. Here, we identified a 45-kDa domain of Yos9, consisting of residues 22–421, that is proteolytically stable, highly structured, and able to fully support ERAD in vivo. In vitro binding studies show that Yos9(22–421) exhibits sequence-specific recognition of linear peptides from the ERAD substrate, carboxypeptidase Y G255R (CPY*), and binds a model unfolded peptide ΔEspP and protein Δ131Δ in solution. Binding of Yos9 to these substrates results in their cooperative aggregation. Although the physiological consequences of this substrate-induced aggregation remain to be seen, it has the potential to play a role in the regulation of ERAD.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) is a cellular quality control mechanism to dispose of misfolded proteins of the secretory pathway via proteasomal degradation. SEL1L is an ER-resident protein that participates in identification of misfolded molecules as ERAD substrates, therefore inducing their ER-to-cytosol retrotranslocation and degradation. We have developed a novel class of fusion proteins, termed degradins, composed of a fragment of SEL1L fused to a target-specific binding moiety located on the luminal side of the ER. The target-binding moiety can be a ligand of the target or derived from specific mAbs. Here, we describe the ability of degradins with two different recognition moieties to promote degradation of a model target. Degradins recognize the target protein within the ER both in secretory and membrane-bound forms, inducing their degradation following retrotranslocation to the cytosol. Thus, degradins represent an effective technique to knock-out proteins within the secretory pathway with high specificity.  相似文献   

Complex sphingolipids are important components of eukaryotic cell membranes and, together with their biosynthetic precursors, including sphingoid long chain bases and ceramides, have important signaling functions crucial for cell growth and survival. Ceramides are produced at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane by a multicomponent enzyme complex termed ceramide synthase (CerS). In budding yeast, this complex is composed of two catalytic subunits, Lac1 and Lag1, as well as an essential regulatory subunit, Lip1. Proper formation of ceramides by CerS has been shown previously to require the Cka2 subunit of casein kinase 2 (CK2), a ubiquitous enzyme with multiple cellular functions, but the precise mechanism involved has remained unidentified. Here we present evidence that Lac1 and Lag1 are direct targets for CK2 and that phosphorylation at conserved positions within the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of each protein is required for optimal CerS activity. Our data suggest that phosphorylation of Lac1 and Lag1 is important for proper localization and distribution of CerS within the ER membrane and that phosphorylation of these sites is functionally linked to the COP I-dependent C-terminal dilysine ER retrieval pathway. Together, our data identify CK2 as an important regulator of sphingolipid metabolism, and additionally, because both ceramides and CK2 have been implicated in the regulation of cancer, our findings may lead to an enhanced understanding of their relationship in health and disease.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is mediated by two membrane-bound ubiquitin ligases, Doa10 and Hrd1. These enzymes are found in distinct multiprotein complexes that allow them to recognize and target a variety of substrates for proteasomal degradation. Although multiprotein complexes containing mammalian ERAD ubiquitin ligases likely exist, they have yet to be identified and characterized in detail. Here, we identify two ER membrane proteins, SPFH2 and TMUB1, as associated proteins of mammalian gp78, a membrane-bound ubiquitin ligase that bears significant sequence homology with mammalian Hrd1 and mediates sterol-accelerated ERAD of the cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. Co-immunoprecipitation studies indicate that TMUB1 bridges SPFH2 to gp78 in ER membranes. The functional significance of these interactions is revealed by the observation that RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown of SPFH2 and TMUB1 blunts both the sterol-induced ubiquitination and degradation of endogenous reductase in HEK-293 cells. These studies mark the initial steps in the characterization of the mammalian gp78 ubiquitin ligase complex, the further elucidation of which may yield important insights into mechanisms underlying gp78-mediated ERAD.  相似文献   

The glycosphingolipid biosynthesis is initiated by monoglycosylation of ceramides, the action of which is catalyzed either by UDP-glucose:ceramide glucosyltransferase or by UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGalT). CGalT is expressed predominantly at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of oligodendrocytes and is responsible for synthesizing galactosylceramides (GalCer) that play an important role in regulation of axon conductance. However, despite the importance of ceramide monoglycosylation enzymes in a spectrum of cellular functions, the mechanism that fine tunes activities of those enzymes is largely unknown. In the present study, we demonstrated that the sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) chaperone, the mammalian homologue of a yeast C8-C7 sterol isomerase, controls the protein level and activity of the CGalT enzyme via a distinct ER-associated degradation system involving Insig. The Sig-1R forms a complex with Insig via its transmembrane domain partly in a sterol-dependent manner and associates with CGalT at the ER. The knockdown of Sig-1Rs dramatically prolonged the lifetime of CGalT without affecting the trimming of N-linked oligosaccharides at CGalT. The increased lifetime leads to the up-regulation of CGalT protein as well as elevated enzymatic activity in CHO cells stably expressing CGalT. Knockdown of Sig-1Rs also decreased CGalT degradation endogenously expressed in D6P2T-schwannoma cells. Our data suggest that Sig-1Rs negatively regulate the activity of GalCer synthesis under physiological conditions by enhancing the degradation of CGalT through regulation of the dynamics of Insig in the lipid-activated ER-associated degradation system. The GalCer synthesis may thus be influenced by sterols at the ER.  相似文献   

The hexameric AAA-ATPase, Cdc48p, catalyzes an array of cellular activities, including endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD), ER/Golgi membrane dynamics, and DNA replication. Accumulating data suggest that unique Cdc48p partners, such as Npl4p-Ufd1p and Ubx1p/Shp1p (p47 in vertebrates), target Cdc48p for these diverse functions. Other Cdc48p-associated proteins have been identified, but the interplay among these factors and their activities is largely cryptic. We now report on a previously uncharacterized Cdc48p-associated protein, Ydr049p, also known as Vms1p, which binds Cdc48p at both the ER membrane and in the cytosol under non-stressed conditions. Loss of YDR049 modestly slows the degradation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator but does not impede substrate ubiquitination, suggesting that Ydr049p acts at a postubiquitination step in the ERAD pathway. Consistent with Ydr049p playing a role in Cdc48p substrate release, ydr049 mutant cells accumulate Cdc48p-bound ubiquitinated proteins at the ER membrane. Moreover, YDR049 interacts with genes encoding select UBX (ubiquitin regulatory X) and UFD (ubiquitin fusion degradation) proteins, which are Cdc48p partners. Exacerbated growth defects are apparent in some of the mutant combinations, and synergistic effects on the degradation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and CPY*, which is a soluble ERAD substrate, are evident in specific ydr049-ufd and -ubx mutants. These data suggest that Ydr049p acts in parallel with Cdc48p partners to modulate ERAD and other cellular activities.  相似文献   

Metabolic labeling with [35S]cysteine was used to characterize early events in CaSR biosynthesis. [35S]CaSR is relatively stable (half-life ∼8 h), but maturation to the final glycosylated form is slow and incomplete. Incorporation of [35S]cysteine is linear over 60 min, and the rate of [35S]CaSR biosynthesis is significantly increased by the membrane-permeant allosteric agonist NPS R-568, which acts as a cotranslational pharmacochaperone. The [35S]CaSR biosynthetic rate also varies as a function of conformational bias induced by loss- or gain-of-function mutations. In contrast, [35S]CaSR maturation to the plasma membrane was not significantly altered by exposure to the pharmacochaperone NPS R-568, the allosteric agonist neomycin, or the orthosteric agonist Ca2+ (0.5 or 5 mm), suggesting that CaSR does not control its own release from the endoplasmic reticulum. A CaSR chimera containing the mGluR1α carboxyl terminus matures completely (half-time of ∼8 h) and without a lag period, as does the truncation mutant CaSRΔ868 (half-time of ∼16 h). CaSRΔ898 exhibits maturation comparable with full-length CaSR, suggesting that the CaSR carboxyl terminus between residues Thr868 and Arg898 limits maturation. Overall, these results suggest that CaSR is subject to cotranslational quality control, which includes a pharmacochaperone-sensitive conformational checkpoint. The CaSR carboxyl terminus is the chief determinant of intracellular retention of a significant fraction of total CaSR. Intracellular CaSR may reflect a rapidly mobilizable “storage form” of CaSR and/or may subserve distinct intracellular signaling roles that are sensitive to signaling-dependent changes in endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ and/or glutathione.  相似文献   

The distribution and morphology of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in mammalian cells depend on both dynamic and static interactions of ER membrane proteins with microtubules (MTs). Cytoskeleton-linking membrane protein (CLIMP)-63 is exclusively localized in sheet-like ER membranes, typical structures of the rough ER, and plays a pivotal role in the static interaction with MTs. Our previous study showed that the 42-kDa ER-residing form of syntaxin 5 (Syn5L) regulates ER structure through the interactions with both CLIMP-63 and MTs. Here, we extend our previous study and show that the valosin-containing protein/p97-interacting membrane protein (VIMP)/SelS is also a member of the family of proteins that shape the ER by interacting with MTs. Depletion of VIMP causes the spreading of the ER to the cell periphery and affects an MT-dependent process on the ER. Although VIMP can interact with CLIMP-63 and Syn5L, it does not interact with MT-binding ER proteins (such as Reep1) that shape the tubular smooth ER, suggesting that different sets of MT-binding ER proteins are used to organize different ER subdomains.  相似文献   

Localization of mRNAs contributes to the generation and maintenance of cellular asymmetry in a wide range of organisms. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the so-called locasome complex with its core components Myo4p, She2p, and She3p localizes more than 30 mRNAs to the yeast bud tip. A significant fraction of these mRNAs encodes membrane or secreted proteins. Their localization requires, besides the locasome, a functional segregation apparatus of the cortical endoplasmic reticulum (ER), including the machinery that is involved in the movement of ER tubules into the bud. Colocalization of RNA-containing particles with these tubules suggests a coordinated transport of localized mRNAs and the cortical ER to the bud. Association of localized mRNAs to the ER requires the presence of the locasome component She2p. Here we report that She2p is not only an RNA-binding protein but can specifically bind to ER-derived membranes in a membrane curvature-dependent manner in vitro. Although it does not contain any known curvature recognizing motifs, the protein shows a binding preference for liposomes with a diameter resembling that of yeast ER tubules. In addition, membrane binding depends on tetramerization of She2p. In an in vivo membrane-tethering assay, She2p can target a viral peptide GFP fusion protein to the cortical ER, indicating that a fraction of She2p associates with the ER in vivo. Combining RNA- and membrane-binding features makes She2p an ideal coordinator of ER tubule and mRNA cotransport.  相似文献   

The protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) family member anterior gradient 2 (AGR2) is reportedly overexpressed in numerous cancers and plays a role in cancer development. However, to date the molecular functions of AGR2 remain to be characterized. Herein we have identified AGR2 as bound to newly synthesized cargo proteins using a proteomics analysis of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane-bound ribosomes. Nascent protein chains that translocate into the ER associate with specific ER luminal proteins, which in turn ensures proper folding and posttranslational modifications. Using both imaging and biochemical approaches, we confirmed that AGR2 localizes to the lumen of the ER and indirectly associates with ER membrane-bound ribosomes through nascent protein chains. We showed that AGR2 expression is controlled by the unfolded protein response and is in turn is involved in the maintenance of ER homeostasis. Remarkably, we have demonstrated that siRNA-mediated knockdown of AGR2 significantly alters the expression of components of the ER-associated degradation machinery and reduces the ability of cells to cope with acute ER stress, properties that might be relevant to the role of AGR2 in cancer development.  相似文献   

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