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The aim of this study was to define a body-fixed coordinate frame for the scapula that minimises axes variability and is closely related to the clinical frame of reference. Medical images of 21 scapulae were used to quantify 14 different axes from identifiable landmarks. The plane of the blade of the scapula was defined. The orientations of the quantified axes were calculated. The angular relationships between axes were quantified and applied to grade the sensitivity of each axis to inter-scapular variations in the others. The volume of data required to define an axis was noted for its dependency on pathology and the three criteria were weighted according to relative importance. The two axes with the highest weighting were applied to define a body-fixed Cartesian coordinate frame for the scapula. A least square medio-lateral line through the centre of the spine root was the most optimal axis. The plane formed by the spine root line and a least square line through the centre of the lateral border ridge was the most optimal scapular plane. This body-fixed Cartesian coordinate frame is closely aligned to the cardinal planes in the anatomical position and thus is a clinically applicable, specimen invariant coordinate frame that can be used in patient-specific kinematics modelling.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in the reproductive behavior and physiology of 9 male and 15 female juvenile squirrel monkeys were evaluated in a 20-month study. Plasma levels of gonadal steroids remained relatively low for this species until most animals reached puberty between 2.5 and 3 years of age. Longitudinal assessment of plasma progesterone levels indicated that the onset of ovarian cycles tended to be synchronized between females although the 5 heaviest females began to cycle earlier than the rest. The heavier females reached puberty at a time which was appropriate to their birth in the wild, whereas most of the remaining females conceived 6 months later during a second period of reproductive activity that coincided with the laboratory mating season. Pubescent males underwent their first seasonal elevation in plasma testosterone levels during the second period and its onset was synchronized across all males. Thus, even in the absence of adults, pubertal processes in the squirrel monkey were strongly influenced by the seasonal breeding pattern. In addition, behavioral observations revealed that social maturation closely parallels reproductive ability in females, whereas males enter a protracted subadult stage after puberty.  相似文献   

An operant conditioning and data analysis software system was developed for use on a PDP-12A minicomputer. The operant software functions in quasi time-sharing fashion to control and acquire data from any peripheral device that operates in the binary mode. In addition to independently running different experiments in near simultaneous fashion, the program also provides information on the current status of each experiment using a cathode ray-tube display. Response data from each experimental subject is stored on magnetic tape and analyzed, off-line, by the data analysis portion of the software system. A discussion of the operation of this system is given for one possible application: visual discrimination training.  相似文献   

To test the generality of adaptive explanations for coat colorationin even-toed ungulates, we examined the literature for hypothesesthat have been proposed for color patterns exhibited by thistaxon, and we derived a series of predictions from each hypothesis.Next, we collected information on the color, behavioral, andecological characteristics of 200 species of even-toed ungulatesand coded this in binary format. We then applied chi-squareor Fisher's Exact probability tests that pitted presence ofa color trait against presence of an ecological or behavioralvariable for cervids, bovids, and all artiodactyls. Finally,we reanalyzed the data by using concentrated-changes tests anda composite molecular and taxonomic phylogeny. Hinging our findingson whether associations persisted after controlling for sharedancestry, we found strong support for hypotheses suggestingeven-toed ungulates turn lighter in winter to aid in concealmentor perhaps thermoregulation, striped coats in adults and spottedpelage in young act as camouflage, side bands and dark facesassist in communication, and dark pelage coloration is mostcommon in species living in the tropics (Gloger's rule). Whereaswhite faces, dark legs, white legs, dark tails, and white tailsdid not appear to assist in communication alone, legs and tailsthat were either dark or white (i.e., conspicuous) did seemto be linked with communication. There was moderate supportfor hypotheses that countershading aids concealment, that whitefaces are a thermoregulatory device, and that white rumps areused in intraspecific communication. There was weak supportfor spots in adults and stripes in young providing camouflageand for dark leg markings being a form of disruptive coloration.We found little or no evidence that overall coat color servesas background matching, that side bands are disruptive colorationdevices, or that white rumps help in thermoregulation. Concealmentappears the principal force driving the evolution of colorationin ungulates with communication, and then thermoregulation,playing less of a role.  相似文献   

I quantified the movement patterns of eight morphologically and ecologically diverse Caribbean Anolis lizard species in the field to address the following questions: (1) Do these eight species move at preferred speeds, and if so, what are these speeds? (2) What proportion of their maximum sprinting capacities do the anole species use when moving undisturbed? (3) What percentage of the time do lizards spend moving, and how far do they typically travel on a daily basis? (4) Have the preferred speeds of anoles coevolved with structural habitat use? Most of the distributions of speeds were highly skewed, with a preponderance of slow-speed locomotion (<20% of maximum capacity). Median speeds varied almost eightfold among species, from a low of 4.9 cm/s (3.0% of maximum) to a high of 38.0 cm/s (22.4% of maximum). For all eight species, at least 75% of their locomotor movements took place between 0% and 40% of maximum capacity. The eight species varied almost 15-fold in the percentage of time they spent moving, indicating that not all anole species are equally sedentary. Through usage of modern comparative methods, I showed that Anolis species that move slowly through their environments also tend to use narrow perch diameters and have large habitat breadths. These findings show how evolutionary approaches can be profitably integrated with physiological data to understand how species use their habitats.  相似文献   

Translin is an evolutionarily conserved approximately 27-kDa protein that binds to specific DNA and RNA sequences and has diverse cellular functions. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of the translin orthologue from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Under protein-denaturing conditions, purified Drosophila translin exists as a mixture of dimers and monomers just like human translin. In contrast to human translin, the Drosophila translin dimers do not appear to be stabilized by disulfide interactions. Drosophila translin shows a ubiquitous cytoplasmic localization in early embryonal syncytial stage, with an enhanced staining in ventral neuroblasts at later stages (8-9), which are probably at metaphase. An elevated expression was seen in several other cell types, such as cells around the tracheal pits in the embryo and oenocytes in the third instar larva. RNA in situ hybridization showed an increased expression in the ventral midline cells of the larval brain, suggesting a neuronal expression, which was corroborated by protein immunostaining. In adult flies, Drosophila translin is localized in the brain neuronal cell bodies and in early spermatocytes. Interestingly, Drosophila translin mutants exhibit an impaired motor response which is sex specific. Taken together, the multiple cellular localizations, the high neuronal expression and the attendant locomotor defect of the Drosophila translin mutant suggest that Drosophila translin may have roles in neuronal development and behavior analogous to that of mouse translin.  相似文献   

Various hematological examinations were performed on a total of 208 Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata). One hundred and fifty-eight of the monkeys were originally from different habitats in the western part of Japan, where they existed as free-ranging animals. The remaining 50 monkeys were kept in an open-enclosure for about one year. Laboratory examinations on blood specimens included the following; the erythrocyte and leukocyte counts, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, the specific gravity of the blood and plasma, protein concentration of the plasma, SGO-T, SGP-T, A/G ratio and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Results were similar to those reported for otherMacaca species. When the data reported here was compared with the known values for man, the Japanese monkey showed lower values for the erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, and the specific gravity of the blood. Higher values were shown for the leukocyte count and SGO-T activity, with a wider overall range of variation.  相似文献   

Most Neotropical primate species possess a polymorphic X-linked and a monomorphic autosomal color vision gene. Consequently, populations are composed of both dichromatics and trichromatics. Most theories on the maintenance of this genetic system revolve around possible advantages for foraging ecology. To examine the issue from a different angle, we compared the numbers and relative frequencies of alleles at the X-linked locus among three species of Saimiri representing a wide range of geographical and behavioral variation in the genus. Exons 3, 4, and 5 of the X-linked opsin gene were sequenced for a large number of X chromosomes for all three species. Several synonymous mutations were detected in exons 4 and 5 for the originally reported alleles but only a single nonsynonymous change was detected. Two alleles were found that appeared to be the result of recombination events. The low occurrence of recombinant alleles and absence of mutations in the amino acids critical for spectral tuning indicates that stabilizing selection acts to maintain the combinations of critical sites specific to each allele. Allele frequencies were approximately the same for all Saimiri species, with a slight but significant difference between S. boliviensis and S. oerstedii. No apparent correlation exists between allele frequencies and behavioral or biogeographical differences between species, casting doubt on the speculation that the spectral sensitivities of the alleles have been maintained because they are specifically well-tuned to Saimiri visual ecology. Rather, the spectral tuning peaks might have been maintained because they are as widely spaced as possible within the limited range of middlewave to longwave spectra useful to all primates. This arrangement creates a balance between maximizing the distance between spectral tuning peaks (allowing the color opponency of the visual system to distinguish between peaks) and maximizing the number of alleles within a limited range (yielding the greatest possible frequency of heterozygotes).  相似文献   

Evolutionary Ecology - Juveniles within a species are often faced with similar ecological pressures on performance as adults, such as obtaining food and escaping predation, but with the potential...  相似文献   

Primates have long been a favorite subject of evolutionary biologists, and in recent decades, have come to play an increasingly important role in biomedical research, including comparative genetics and phylogenetics. The growing list of annotated genome databases from nonhuman primate species is expected to aid in these endeavors, allowing many analyses to be performed partially or even entirely in silico. However, whole genome sequence data are typically derived from only one, or at best a few, individuals. As a consequence, information in the databases does not capture variation within species or populations, nor can the sequence of one individual be taken as representative across all loci. Furthermore, the vast majority of primate species have not been sequenced, and only a small percentage of species are currently slated for whole genome sequencing efforts. Finally, for many species data on patterns and levels of RNA expression will be lacking. Thus, there will continue to be a demand for samples from nonhuman primates as raw material for genetic and phylogenetic analyses. Gathering such samples can be complicated, with many legal and practical barriers to obtaining samples in the field or transporting samples between research centers and across borders. Here, we provide basic but critical advice for those initiating studies requiring genetic material from nonhuman primates, including some guidance on how to locate and obtain samples, brief overviews of common protocols for handling and processing samples, and a table of useful links for locating resources related to the acquisition of samples. We also advocate for the creation of curated banks of nonhuman primate samples, particularly renewable sources of genetic material such as immortalized cell lines or fibroblasts, to reduce the need for repeated or redundant sampling from living animals.  相似文献   

Sokolowski MB 《Neuron》2003,39(1):6-8
Neuropeptide Y is implicated in the regulation of feeding in vertebrates, but recent studies in transgenic mice are contradictory. In this issue of Neuron, Wu et al. show a dual role for the Drosophila NPY (dNPF) in the developmental regulation of larval foraging and social behaviors, demonstrating a conserved role for this peptide in complex behaviors.  相似文献   

The planta retractor muscles in the prolegs of Manduca sexta caterpillars are a frequently-used model system for investigating a number of problems in neurobiology. We have combined kinematic and electromyogram analysis of proleg movements during crawling to examine the roles of these muscles during normal behavior. We found that retractor muscle activity is highly stereotyped, and that the primary function of these muscles is to disengage the crochets at the tip of the proleg for the swing phase of crawling. The duration of activity of the muscles was tightly coupled to the phasing of crawling behavior. The stepping patterns of animals changed to accommodate variations in the substrate, but the relative timing of retractor muscle activity was unaffected. There were no clear correlations between the various properties of motoneuronal input to the muscle (duration of activity, number of spikes, peak frequency of spikes) and the resulting muscle length change. Perhaps because it functions partially as a hydrostat, this may represent a neuromuscular system in which a significant part of the control algorithm is embedded in its morphology.  相似文献   

Pregnant mice were treated with either ACTH or naloxone, or both, from 2 to 5 days prior to parturition, until 5 days postpartum. Perinatal ACTH caused a retardation of growth, eye opening, and vaginal opening that was blocked by naloxone; perinatal naloxone produced a decrease in open field activity at 32 days of age that was blocked by ACTH; naloxone reduced the threshold for heat at 50 days of age with no interaction with the ACTH treatment. It is proposed that part of the role of ACTH in physical systems may be mediated via naloxone-sensitive receptors. The direct effect of naloxone on another class of receptors may mediate the changes in threshold to heat flinch. Effects of ACTH and naloxone on the mother may have indirectly produced alterations in physical and motor development of the offspring.  相似文献   

Recordings from the cerebellum under behavioral conditions that cause learning in the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) constrain the cellular mechanisms that could mediate learning. Analysis of the complex-spike responses of Purkinje cells demonstrates a mismatch between the properties of cerebellar long-term depression (LTD) in vitro and the signals available to guide learning in vivo. To resolve this mismatch, it may be necessary to assume that there are multiple cellular mechanisms of VOR learning, including both depression and potentiation.  相似文献   

Motoneurons have distinct identities and muscle targets. Recent classical and molecular genetic studies in flies and vertebrates have begun to elucidate how motoneuron identities and target specificities are established. Many of the same molecules participate in the guidance of both vertebrate and fly motor axons. It is less clear, however, whether the same molecular mechanisms establish vertebrate and fly motoneuron identities.  相似文献   

Sex differences in neural and behavioral development are integral to understanding neurodevelopmental, mental health, and neurodegenerative disorders. Much of the literature has focused on late prenatal and early postnatal life as a critical juncture for establishing sex-specific developmental trajectories, and data are now clear that immune signaling plays a central role in establishing sex differences early in life. Adolescence is another developmental period during which sex differences arise. However, we know far less about how immune signaling plays a role in establishing sex differences during adolescence. Herein, we review well-defined examples of sex differences during adolescence and then survey the literature to speculate how immune signaling might be playing a role in defining sex-specific adolescent outcomes. We discuss open questions in the literature and propose experimental design tenets that may assist in better understanding adolescent neurodevelopment.  相似文献   

It is extremely difficult to trace the causal pathway relating gene products or molecular pathways to the expression of behavior. This is especially true for social behavior, which being dependent on interactions and communication between individuals is even further removed from molecular-level events. In this review, we discuss how behavioral models can aid molecular analyses of social behavior. Various models of behavior exist, each of which suggest strategies to dissect complex behavior into simpler behavioral 'modules.' The resulting modules are easier to relate to neural processes and thus suggest hypotheses for neural and molecular function. Here we discuss how three different models of behavior have facilitated understanding the molecular bases of aspects of social behavior. We discuss the response threshold model and two different approaches to modeling motivation, the state space model and models of reinforcement and reward processing. The examples we have chosen illustrate how models can generate testable hypotheses for neural and molecular function and also how molecular analyses probe the validity of a model of behavior. We do not champion one model over another; rather, our examples illustrate how modeling and molecular analyses can be synergistic in exploring the molecular bases of social behavior.  相似文献   

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