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Although template-active RNA in dry seeds and embryos has attracted widespread interest, there have been no published reports about 5'-terminal "capping" sequences in such RNA. Boro[3H]hydride labeling of periodate-oxidized termini and high performance liquid chromatography of cap oligonucleotides have been used to compare terminal sequences in poly(A)-rich RNA from dry and germinating embryos. As is the case in germinating embryos, poly(A)-rich RNA from dry embryos contains only "type 0" cap sequences, i.e., m7G(5')ppp(5')N, in which m7G is the 7-methylguanosine cap and N is any of the classical ribonucleosides: adenosine (A), guanosine (G), cytidine (C),a nd uridine (U). Striking differences between the cell-free translational capacities of bulk messenger RNA (mRNA) populations from dry and germinating embryos are not reflected in signal differences in their proportions of "type 0" cap structures: in general, there is approximately 40% m7G(5')ppp(5')A, with roughly equivalent amounts of m7G(5')ppp(5')G and m7G(5')ppp(5')C accounting for most of the remaining sequences. The findings with mRNA from dry plant embryos serve to emphasize interesting differences between patterns of methylation in the capped and uncapped RNA molecules in higher plants and animals; the differences have not been previously noted in the literature and are the subject of brief comment in this paper.  相似文献   

Oligo(dT)-cellulose binding poly(A)-RNA from rat brain microsomes, mitochondria and synaptosomes was isolated and analysed. Synaptosomes and mitochondria appeared to contain a higher proportion of such RNA than microsomes. Poly(A)-RNA from the three fractions was then electrophoretically fractionated in two different gel systems. Mitochondrial and microsomal poly(A)-RNA presented different fractionation patterns. Synaptosomal poly(A)-RNA also presented a characteristic patterns of its own which could not be entirely explained as a mixture of the previous two. Its main feature was the presence of a prominent band with an SE value of around 7. Such species, absent in microsomes, was present as well in mitochondria but in smaller concentration. On the basis of the present evidence and of previous results, it appears that such 7 SE species, although a mitochondrial messenger RNA in origin, becomes accumulated in vivo into synaptic membranes.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of the 73-kDa poly(A)-binding protein in protein synthesis, the effect of the addition of homo-polyribonucleotides on the translation of polyadenylated and non-adenylated mRNA was studied in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate. Poly(A) was found to be the most effective polynucleotide in inhibiting duck-globin mRNA translation, whereas it had no effect on the translation of polyribosomal duck-globin mRNP, or on the endogenous synthesis of the rabbit reticulocyte lysate. The translation of poly(A)-free mRNA was not affected by the addition of poly(A). Furthermore, we found that the inhibiting effect of poly(A) can be reversed by addition of purified poly(A)-binding protein. It is thus likely that the 73-kDa poly(A)-binding protein is an essential factor necessary for poly(A)-rich mRNA translation.  相似文献   

Kinetics of incorporation of (3H) uridine into cytoplasmic RNA fractions of rat liver is investigated. The fractions include free and membrane bound polysomes, rough membranes sedimenting with mitochondria and free cytoplasmic RNA particles. (1) Poly(A) containing RNA, isolated by oligo-dT cellulose, amounts to 0.4% of the total RNA in the homogenate, 0.5% in bound polysomes, 3.4% in free polysomes and 16% in free cytoplasmic RNA particles. (2) The rate of (3H) uridine incorporation into RNA lacking poly(A) proceeds uniformly in all subcellular fractions except for free cytoplasmic RNA particles, which accumulate negligible amounts of radioactivity. (3) The initial labelling of RNA containing poly(A) is most active in free cytoplasmic RNA particles supporting their identity as mRNA en route to polysomes. The initial specific radioactivities decrease in the following order: homogenate, bound polysomes, rough membranes sedimenting with mitochondria, free polysomes. The data suggest that mRNA is supplied to free and membrane-bound polysomes via different routes. The kinetic analysis indicates that free cytoplasmic RNA particles may be a precursor of mRNA of free polysomes rather than that of bound polysomes. (4) The kinetic differences of free and membrane bound polysomes are also demonstrated by comparing the radioactivity of RNA containing poly(A) to the total radioactivity at various incorporation times. In bound polysomes this decreases from 31% at 1 h to 10% at 25 h, whereas in free polysomes the corresponding ratio increases from 10 to 13%. RNA containing poly(A) of free cytoplasmic RNA particles represents 64% of the total radioactivity throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

The sedimentation properties of pulse-labeled and long-term labeled mRNA from highly purified HeLa cell free-polysomes, selected for poly(A) content by two successive passages through poly(T)-cellulose columns, were analyzed under native and denatured conditions. The sedimentation profile of the mRNA on both sodium dodecyl SO4-sucrose gradients and formaldehyde-sucrose gradients showed a broad distribution of components with estimated molecular weights ranging from 2 × 105 to 5.5 × 106 daltons and a weight-average molecular weight of 8.5 × 105 daltons.  相似文献   

By crossing two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficient for each of the two methionine adenosyltransferase isoenzymes (ATP: L-methionine S-adenosyltransferase EC respectively, we have constructed a strain strictly auxotrophic for S-adenosylmethionine and used it as a source of undermethylated mRNA suitable for in vitro transmethylation studies. RNA has been phenol-extracted from yeast cells shifted down to S-adenosylmethionine-free medium for 90 min and poly(A)-rich RNA has been prepared by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography. Upon incubation in vitro in the presence of methyl-labeled S-adenosylmethionine and mRNA (guanine-7-)-methyltransferase purified from wheat germ or yeast, undermethylated poly(A)-rich RNA became significantly labeled as compared to non-starved cells from the same strain, or from a wild-type control. Cap structures were resolved by paper chromatography afer T2 and P1 RNase digestion, and shown to be a mixture of m7G5'ppp5'G and m7G5'ppp5'A, irrespective of the enzyme source, in agreement with earlier in vivo studies in yeast mRNA capping and methylation.  相似文献   

Cultured sycamore cells rapidly incorporate [3H]uridine or [32P]orthophosphate into rRNA precursors and polydisperse RNA. Mature rRNA accumulates only after a lag period of approximately 40 min. Fractionation of pulse-labelled cells and analysis of the RNA shows that after 30 min the rRNA precursors, together with some polydisperse RNA, are confined to the nucleus. In consequence radioactive polydisperse RNA can be isolated from polyribosomes in the complete absence of labelled rRNA. Approximately 40% of this RNA is retained by an oligo(dT)-cellulose column and by this criterion is judged to contain poly(A) sequences. A smaller proportion of nuclear polydisperse RNA also contains poly(A). The tendency for poly(A)-containing RNA to aggregate complicates molecular weight determinations. Denaturation of poly(A)-containing RNA in 8 M urea prior to gel electrophoresis produces a broad peak of RNA with an average Mr = 10(6). Analysis of the nucleotide composition of total cell poly(A)-containing RNA shows that it contains 41% AMP. Roughly 6% of this RNA is resistant to digestion by ribonuclease A and T1. AMP is the only nucleotide detectable in these fragments. From their mobility during electrophoresis in 8 M urea at 60 degrees C with 5.8-S, 5-S and tRNA as molecular weight markers it is concluded that the poly(A) regions contain an average of 160 nucleotides.  相似文献   

We use a highly specific and sensitive antibody to further characterize the distribution of dystrophin in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle. No evidence for localization other than at the cell surface is apparent in skeletal muscle and no 427-kD dystrophin labeling was detected in sciatic nerve. An elevated concentration of dystrophin appears at the myotendinous junction and the neuromuscular junction, labeling in the latter being more intense specifically in the troughs of the synaptic folds. In cardiac muscle the distribution of dystrophin is limited to the surface plasma membrane but is notably absent from the membrane that overlays adherens junctions of the intercalated disks. In smooth muscle, the plasma membrane labeling is considerably less abundant than in cardiac or skeletal muscle and is found in areas of membrane underlain by membranous vesicles. As in cardiac muscle, smooth muscle dystrophin seems to be excluded from membrane above densities that mark adherens junctions. Dystrophin appears as a doublet on Western blots of skeletal and cardiac muscle, and as a single band of lower abundance in smooth muscle that corresponds most closely in molecular weight to the upper band of the striated muscle doublet. The lower band of the doublet in striated muscle appears to lack a portion of the carboxyl terminus and may represent a dystrophin isoform. Isoform differences and the presence of dystrophin on different specialized membrane surfaces imply multiple functional roles for the dystrophin protein.  相似文献   

Chick skeletal muscle mRNA (40 μg/0.8 ml) in phosphate-buffered saline was added to 60 mm petri dishes containing a monolayer of primary heart muscle cells. After 30 minutes absorption the cultures were supplemented with complete medium and the incubation continued in a humidified CO2-incubator. Sucrose density gradient analysis of the absorbed RNA showed no degradation. This skeletal muscle mRNA was translated in primary heart muscle cells in culture into functional proteins as indicated by the linear increase in the accumulation of acetylcholine receptors as well as a similar increase in creatine kinase activity. In addition, the synthesis of the three unique light chains of skeletal muscle myosin (SLC1, SLC2, SLC3) in these primary heart muscle cells was also demonstrable.  相似文献   

ATP-promoted efflux of poly(A)-rich RNA from isolated nuclei of prelabeled mouse lymphoma L5178y cells has an activation energy of 51.5 kJ/mol, similar to that found for the nuclear envelope nucleoside triphosphatase (48.1 kJ/mol) assumed to be involved in mediating nucleocytoplasmic transport of at least some RNA. Here we show that efflux of two specific poly(A)-rich mRNAs (actin and beta-tubulin) from isolated L-cell nuclei is almost totally dependent on the presence of ATP, while efflux of poly(A)-free histone mRNA (H4, H2B, and H1) also occurs to a marked extent in the absence of this nucleotide. Measurements of temperature dependence of transport rate revealed an activation energy of 56.1 kJ/mol for actin mRNA, while the activation energy for histone-H4-mRNA efflux was in the same range as that found for ATP-induced release of RNA from demembranated nuclei (about 15-20 kJ/mol). Addition of nonhydrolyzable nucleotide analogs of ATP to the in vitro system used for measurement of RNA transport did not result in release of nonhistone mRNA (actin), but enhanced the efflux of H4 mRNA to approximately the same extent as ATP. Although not absolutely required, addition of ATP stimulated the rate of export of histone mRNA about twofold. Only the poly(A)-rich RNA, but not the poly(A)-free RNA, released from isolated nuclei was found to compete with poly(A) for the nuclear envelope mRNA-binding site, indicating the mechanism of transport for both RNA classes to be distinct. Export of both nonhistone and histone mRNA was found to be inhibited by a monoclonal antibody against a p60 nuclear-pore-complex antigen. This antibody had no effect on the nucleoside triphosphatase, mediating transport of poly(A)-rich mRNA.  相似文献   

Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase is the main route for the disposal of malonyl-CoA, the key metabolite in the regulation of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. We have developed a simple and sensitive radiochemical assay to determine malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity. The decarboxylation of [2-14C]malonyl-CoA produces [2-14C]acetyl-CoA, which is converted to [2-14C]acetylcarnitine in the presence of excess L-carnitine and carnitine acetyltransferase. The positively charged radiolabeled product, acetylcarnitine, is separated from negatively charged excess radiolabeled substrate and the radioactivity measured by scintillation counting. Measurement of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activities with this method gives values comparable to those obtained with assays currently in use, but has the advantage of being simpler and less labor intensive. We have applied this assay to rat skeletal muscle of different fiber-type composition and to rat heart. Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity (mU/g wet wt) correlates with the oxidative capacity of the muscles, being lowest in type IIb fibers (42.7 +/- 3.0) and highest in heart (1071.4 +/- 260), with intermediate activity in type IIa fibers (150.7 +/- 4.3) and type I fibers (107.8 +/- 7.6). Studies on subcellular distribution of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity in rat heart and rat skeletal muscle show that approximately 50 and 65% is localized to mitochondria, while 50 and 35% of the activity is extramitochondrial.  相似文献   

Dimethylnitrosamine (DMNA) strongly inhibited RNA synthesis in mouse liver under conditions when the nucleotide pattern, rate of nucleotide synthesis and phosphorylation ratio were unaffected. (An unidentified, probably non-nucleotide, component in the acid-soluble liver fraction was selectively reduced.) The inhibition of RNA synthesis was associated with a decrease in the RNA polymerase activity of isolated liver nuclei, well established already 45 min after DMNA administration. The reduced activity included both Mg2+- and Mn2+/(NH4)2SO4-stimulated polymerase functions. The inhibition in vivo involved the whole complement of RNA, including poly (A)-containing RNA and isolated poly(A) sequences. The transfer of labelled RNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm was not impaired. There was no detachment of poly(A)-containing RNA from the microsomes, and the proportion of tightly membrane-bound microsomal RNA and poly(A) sequences was not reduced as determined by use of a flotation technique. No breakage or shortening of the poly(A) chains was indicated by sedimentation analysis.  相似文献   

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