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The AgB10 antigen of bile canaliculi of the mouse hepatocyte was identified using monoclonal antibodies. The Mr value of 116000 for AgB10 was measured by immunoblotting. The tissue localization of AgB10 was studied by light and electron microscopy using the immunoperoxidase technique. AgB10 was predominantly present on the microvillus membrane of bile canaliculi, the brush border of intestinal mucosa and apical surfaces of the epithelial cells in some other organs. A small amount of AgB10 was detected on the basolateral domain of the hepatocytes. AgB10 was specific for hepatocytes and was not found in the other cell types of the liver. In primary hepatocyte culture, AgB10 was localized on the surface of cells during the first 24 h, predominantly at the sites of cell-cell and cell-substratum contacts. After 48 h of culture AgB10 gradually disappeared from contacting cell surfaces and became concentrated only in the reconstituted bile canaliculi.  相似文献   

Summary The AgB10 antigen of bile canaliculi of the mouse hepatocyte was identified using monoclonal antibodies. The Mr value of 116000 for AgB10 was measured by immunoblotting. The tissue localization of AgB10 was studied by light and electron microscopy using the immunoperoxidase technique. AgB10 was predominantly present on the microvillus membrane of bile canaliculi, the brush border of intestinal mucosa and apical surfaces of the epithelial cells in some other organs. A small amount of AgB10 was detected on the basolateral domain of the hepatocytes. AgB10 was specific for hepatocytes and was not found in the other cell types of the liver. In primary hepatocyte culture, AgB10 was localized on the surface of cells during the first 24 h, predominantly at the sites of cell-cell and cell-substratum contacts. After 48 h of culture AgB10 gradually disappeared from contracting cell surfaces and became concentrated only in the reconstituted bile canaliculi.  相似文献   

The B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) internalizes bound antigen such that antigen-derived peptides become associated with emigrating major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules for presentation to T cells. Experiments with B-cell transfectants reveal that BCR confers a specificity of intracellular targeting since chimeric antigen receptors which internalize antigen by virtue of a heterologous cytoplasmic domain do not necessarily give rise to presentation. In contrast, however, previous studies have shown that antigen binding to irrelevant cell surface molecules (e.g. transferrin receptor, MHC class I) can ultimately lead to presentation. The solution to this paradox appears to be that the intracellular targeting by BCR actually reflects an acceleration of antigen delivery. Depending on the nature of the BCR-antigen interaction, this accelerated targeting can be essential in determining whether or not internalization leads to significant presentation. Physiologically, the accelerated delivery of antigen by BCR could prove of particular importance early in the immune response when antigen-BCR interaction is likely to be poor.  相似文献   

This immunohistochemical study describes the localization of the enzyme cerebroside sulfotransferase (phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate: galactosylceramide sulfotransferase, EC in rat kidney. The enzyme was purified from kidney and the preparation was used to raise antibodies for immunocytochemical investigations. In the kidney, the antigen was present only on the brush border of the epithelial cells of the proximal tubules, suggesting that sulfation of glycolipids occurs in the cytoplasm and plasma membranes of these specific cells. Moreover, biochemical and immunocytochemical studies of cerebroside sulfotransferase during development indicate that catalytic activity is correlated with the appearance of enzyme protein.  相似文献   

Change in the localization of the antigen recognized by the proteinuria-inducing monoclonal antibody (MA) 5-1-6 in experimental nephrosis was studied by indirect and biotin-avidin immunofluorescence, and immunoperoxidase at light and electron microscopical levels. The proteinuric state was induced by the administration of the aminonucleoside of puromycin (PAN) or adriamycin. The antigen decreased in quantity and/or its distribution changed with an increase in the amount of protein excreted in both experimental models. Recovery from the alterations observed during the development and proteinuria appeared to occur when PAN-induced proteinuria subsided. This antigenic molecule may thus be essential for maintaining the normal permselectivity of glomerular capillary walls.  相似文献   

Antigen persists for months or even years in lymphoid tissues of immune animals and this antigen is believed to participate in the induction and maintenance of B-cell memory as well as in the maintenance of serum antibody levels. In the present report we describe the phenomenon of antigen localization and long-term retention on mouse follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). The antigens used were injected in the hind footpads of immune mice and the popliteal lymph nodes were the lymphoid organs generally studied. In addition to presenting the morphological features of mouse FDCs, we report the results of a study of the mechanism of antigen migration from the site of initial localization in the lymph node subcapsular sinus to the regions of follicular retention in the cortex. The migration was followed by light and electron microscopy. The results support the concepts that immune complexes are trapped in the subcapsular sinus and are transported by a group of nonphagocytic cells to follicular regions. The mechanism of transport may involve either migration of pre-FDCs with a concomitant maturation into FDCs, or cell-to-cell transport utilizing dendritic cell processes and membrane fluidity; or a combination of the two mechanisms may be in operation.  相似文献   

The enzyme dextranase could degrade antigenic dextran in vivo even when given 6-15 d after the antigen. Dextranase injected after the antigen suppressed the immune response when given 24 but not 48 h after the antigen, indicating that the antigen must interact with the immune system for 48 h to initiate a response. Thereafter, the B cells are independent of further antigen stimulation. To show whether antibody-mediated suppression of the immune response was determinant specific FITC-conjugated SRC were applied as immunogen and antibodies were raised both against the carrier (SRC) and the FITC hapten. When these antibodies were injected 1-3 h after the immunogen they only suppressed the immune response to the corresponding determinant. Anti-carrier antibodies usually enhanced the response to the hapten. Therefore, antibody-mediated suppression of the immune response is determinant-specific and cannot be mediated in vivo to a detectable extent by the Fc part of the antibodies.  相似文献   

Whether the changes brought about by sexual selection are, on the whole, congruent or incongruent with the changes favored by natural selection is a fundamentally important question in evolutionary biology. Although a number of theoretical models have assumed that sexual selection reinforces natural selection [1, 2], others assume these forces are in opposition [3-5]. Empirical results have been mixed (see reviews in [1, 6-8]) and the reasons for the differences among studies are unclear. Variable outcomes are expected if populations differ in their evolutionary histories and therefore harbor different amounts and types of segregating genetic variation. Here, we constructed populations of Drosophila melanogaster that differed in this regard to directly test this hypothesis. In well-adapted populations, sexually successful males sired unfit daughters, indicating sexual and natural selection are in conflict. However, in populations containing an influx of maladaptive alleles, attractive males sired offspring of high fitness, suggesting that sexual selection reinforces natural selection. Taken together, these results emphasize the importance of evolutionary history on the outcome of sexual selection. Consequently, studies based on laboratory populations, cultured for prolonged periods under homogeneous conditions, may provide a skewed perspective on the relationship between sexual and natural selection.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc in response to B cell Ag receptor (BCR) engagement creates binding sites for the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of Grb2. This facilitates the recruitment of both Grb2. Sos complexes and Grb2. SHIP complexes to the plasma membrane where Sos can activate Ras and SH2 domain-containing inositol phosphatase (SHIP) can dephosphorylate phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate. Given the importance of Shc phosphorylation, we investigated the mechanism by which the BCR stimulates this response. We found that both the SH2 domain and phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain of Shc are important for BCR-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc and the subsequent binding of Grb2 to Shc. The unexpected finding that the PTB domain of Shc is required for Shc phosphorylation was investigated further. Because the major ligand for the Shc PTB domain is SHIP, we asked whether the interaction of Shc with SHIP was required for BCR-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc. Using SHIP-deficient DT40 cells, we show that SHIP is necessary for the BCR to induce significant levels of Shc tyrosine phosphorylation. BCR-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc could be restored in the these cells by expressing wild-type SHIP but not by expressing a mutant form of SHIP that cannot bind to Shc. This suggests that BCR-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc may depend on the binding of SHIP to the Shc PTB domain. Thus, we have described a novel role for SHIP in BCR signaling, promoting the tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody FMC7 delineates a subpopulation of B lymphocytes in normal blood. Expression of the antigen recognized by FMC7 appears to be maturation-linked, and it serves to distinguish different types of B cell leukemia. The data presented here indicate that the antigen is a protein that is integrated in the cell membrane and that is able to interact with the cytoskeleton. The antigen is rapidly synthesized and turned over, is not cell cycle-dependent, and is relatively resistant to changes induced by culture in the presence of a phorbol ester.  相似文献   

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