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Experimental studies in monkeys on the basis of ex vivo-generated, reinjected dendritic cells (DCs) allow investigations of primate DC biology in vivo. To study in vitro and in vivo properties of DCs with a reduced capacity to produce IL-12, we adapted findings obtained in vitro with human cells to the rhesus macaque model. Following exposure of immature monocyte-derived monkey DCs to the immunomodulating synthetic polypeptide glatiramer acetate (GA) and to dibutyryl-cAMP (d-cAMP; i.e., a cAMP enhancer that activates DCs but inhibits the induction of Th1 immune responses), the resulting DCs displayed a mature phenotype with enhanced Ag-specific T cell stimulatory function, notably also for memory Th1 cells. Phosphorylation of p38 MAPK was not induced in GA/d-cAMP-activated DCs. Accordingly, these cells secreted significantly less IL-12p40 (p < or = 0.001) than did cytokine-activated cells. However, upon restimulation with rhesus macaque CD154, GA/d-cAMP-activated DCs produced IL-12p40/IL-23. Additionally, DCs activated by proinflammatory cytokines following protocols for the generation of cells used in clinical studies secreted significantly more IL-23 upon CD154 restimulation than following prior activation. Two days after intradermal injection, GA/d-cAMP-activated fluorescence-labeled DCs were detected in the T cell areas of draining lymph nodes. When similarly injected, GA/d-cAMP as well as cytokine-activated protein-loaded DCs induced comparable Th immune responses characterized by secretion of IFN-gamma, TNF, and IL-17, and transiently expanded FOXP3(+) regulatory T cells. Reactivation of primate DCs through CD154 considerably influences their immmunostimulatory properties. This may have a substantial impact on the development of innovative vaccine approaches.  相似文献   

Engagement of OX40 greatly improves CD4 T cell function and survival. Previously, we showed that both OX40 engagement and CTLA-4 blockade led to enhanced CD4 T cell expansion, but only OX40 signaling increased survival. To identify pathways associated with OX40-mediated survival, the gene expression of Ag-activated CD4 T cells isolated from mice treated with anti-OX40 and -CTLA-4 was compared. This comparison revealed a potential role for IL-12 through increased expression of the IL-12R-signaling subunit (IL-12Rbeta2) on T cells activated 3 days previously with Ag and anti-OX40. The temporal expression of IL-12Rbeta2 on OX40-stimulated CD4 T cells was tightly regulated and peaked approximately 4-6 days after initial activation/expansion, but before the beginning of T cell contraction. IL-12 signaling, during this window of IL-12Rbeta2 expression, was required for enhanced T cell survival and survival was associated with STAT4-specific signaling. The findings from these observations were exploited in several different mouse tumor models where we found that the combination of anti-OX40 and IL-12 showed synergistic therapeutic efficacy. These results may lead to the elucidation of the molecular pathways involved with CD4 T cell survival that contribute to improved memory, and understanding of these pathways could lead to greater efficacy of immune stimulatory Abs in tumor-bearing individuals.  相似文献   

The Salmonella enterica effector SteD depletes mature MHC class II (mMHCII) molecules from the surface of infected antigen-presenting cells through ubiquitination of the cytoplasmic tail of the mMHCII β chain. This requires the Nedd4 family HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase Wwp2 and a tumor-suppressing transmembrane protein adaptor Tmem127. Here, through a proteomic screen of dendritic cells, we found that SteD targets the plasma membrane protein CD97 for degradation by a similar mechanism. SteD enhanced ubiquitination of CD97 on K555 and mutation of this residue eliminated the effect of SteD on CD97 surface levels. We showed that CD97 localises to and stabilises the immunological synapse between dendritic cells and T cells. Removal of CD97 by SteD inhibited dendritic cell-T cell interactions and reduced T cell activation, independently of its effect on MHCII. Therefore, SteD suppresses T cell immunity by two distinct processes.  相似文献   

The binding of a T cell to an APC results in T cell actin cytoskeletal rearrangement leading to the formation of an immunological synapse. The APC cytoskeleton has been thought to play a passive role in this process. In this study, we demonstrate that dendritic cells (DC), unlike other APC, actively polarize their actin cytoskeleton during interaction with T cells. DC cytoskeletal rearrangement was critical for both the clustering and the activation of resting T cells. This study provides compelling evidence that the APC cytoskeleton plays an active role in the immunological synapse and may explain the unique ability of DC to activate resting T cells.  相似文献   

IL-6 (formerly PCTGF, HP-1, BSF-2, HGF, IFN-beta 2, 26 kDa) is a recently defined lymphokine demonstrating activity on multiple cell types, including hepatocytes, thymocytes, T cells, plasmacytomas, and B cells. The biologic effects of IL-6 on lymphocytes, particularly B cells, suggest this factor may be involved in the regulation of normal immune responses. Accordingly, we have investigated the role of IL-6 in Ag-specific responses of B cells from both naive and Ag-primed mice. When Ag-primed splenic T cells were used as a source of help, naive (primary) B cell responses specific for the hemagglutinin molecule of the influenza A virus (PR8) were fully inhibited by the addition of an anti-IL-6 antiserum, and are thus IL-6 dependent. In contrast, secondary B cell responses were essentially IL-6 independent, being unaffected by this antiserum even at concentrations 10-fold higher than required to completely inhibit primary responses. This differential IL-6 requirement was further investigated by using a panel of hemagglutinin molecule-specific Th clones. Consistent with the above findings, a Th1 clone secreting biologically active IL-6 enables antibody secretion by both primary and secondary B cells, whereas Th1 clones that do not produce IL-6 support secondary responses, but fail to help primary B cell responses unless exogenous IL-6 is added. These results provide the first instance of differential lymphokine requirements among primary vs secondary B cell responses, and suggest T cell-derived IL-6 plays a critical role during the regulation of humoral immune responses. Moreover, functionally distinct Th1 clones were identified that differed in IL-6 secretion and their corresponding ability to induce Ig secretion by primary and secondary B cells.  相似文献   

IL-12/IL-18-dependent IFN-gamma release by murine dendritic cells.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Dendritic cells (DC) develop in GM-CSF-stimulated cultures from murine bone marrow progenitors in serum-free (or low serum) medium. CD11c(+) myeloid DC from 7-day cultures stimulated with TNF-alpha, IFN-alpha, IFN-gamma, or LPS up-regulated surface expression of CD40 and CD86 costimulator and MHC class II molecules, did not up-regulate the low "spontaneous" release of IL-18, and did not release IFN-gamma. Stimulation of in vitro-generated DC with exogenous IL-12 and IL-18 (but not with IL-4 or LPS plus IL-18) induced IFN-gamma expression and release in 15-20% of the DC (detectable by FACS analyses or ELISA). Endogenous IL-12 p70 produced by DC in response to ligation of CD40 stimulated IFN-gamma release when exogenous IL-18 was supplied. In vivo-generated, splenic CD8alpha(+) and CD8alpha(-) DC (from immunocompetent and immunodeficient H-2(d) and H-2(b) mice) cultured with IL-12 and IL-18 released IFN-gamma. The presence of LPS during the stimulation of DC with IL-18 plus endogenous (CD40 ligation) or exogenous IL-12 did not affect their IFN-gamma release. In contrast, splenic DC pretreated in vitro or in vivo by LPS strikingly down-regulated IFN-gamma release in response to stimulation by IL-18 and (endogenous or exogenous) IL-12. Hence, DC are a source of early IFN-gamma generated in response to a cascade of cytokine- and/or cell-derived signals that can be positively and negatively regulated.  相似文献   

Generation of CD8 T cell memory is regulated by IL-12   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Various signals during infection influence CD8 T cell memory generation, but these factors have yet to be fully defined. IL-12 is a proinflammatory cytokine that has been shown to enhance IFN-gamma-producing T cell responses and has been widely tested as a vaccine adjuvant. In this study, we show that IL-12-deficient mice generate a weaker primary CD8 T cell response and are more susceptible to Listeria monocytogenes infection, but have substantially more memory CD8 T cells and greater protective immunity against reinfection. Kinetic analyses show that in the absence of IL-12 there is a reduced contraction of Ag-specific CD8 T cells and a gradual increase in memory CD8 T cells as a result of increased homeostatic renewal. By signaling directly through its receptor on CD8 T cells, IL-12 influences their differentiation to favor the generation of fully activated effectors, but hinders the formation of CD8 T cell memory precursors and differentiation of long-term CD8 T cell memory(.) These results have implications for understanding memory T cell development and enhancing vaccine efficacy, and offer new insight into the role of IL-12 in coordinating the innate and adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

Th1 and Th2 cells are counterinhibitory; their balance determines allergic sensitization. We show here that CD8 T cell subsets break these rules as both T cytotoxic (Tc)1 and Tc2 cells promote Th1 over Th2 immunity. Using IL-12(-/-), IFN-gamma(-/-), and OVA(257-264)-specific Valpha2Vbeta5 TCR-transgenic mice, we have identified the key steps involved. OVA-specific IFN-gamma(-/-) CD8 T cells inhibited IgE responses equivalent to wild-type CD8 T cells (up to 98% suppression), indicating that CD8 T cell-derived IFN-gamma was not required. However, OVA-specific CD8 T cells could not inhibit IgE in IFN-gamma(-/-) recipients unless reconstituted with naive, wild-type CD4 T cells, suggesting that CD4 T cell-derived IFN-gamma did play a role. Transfer of either Tc1 or Tc2 Valpha2Vbeta5 TCR-transgenic CD8 T cells inhibited IgE and OVA-specific Th2 cells while promoting OVA-specific Th1 cell responses, suggesting a potential role for a type 1 inducing cytokine such as IL-12. CD8 T cells were shown to induce IL-12 in OVA(257-264)-pulsed dendritic cells (DC) in vitro. Furthermore, CD8 T cells were unable to inhibit IgE responses in IL-12(-/-) recipients without the addition of naive, wild-type DC, thus demonstrating a pivotal role for IL-12 in this mechanism. These data reveal a mechanism of IgE regulation in which CD8 T cells induce DC IL-12 by an IFN-gamma-independent process that subsequently induces Th1 and inhibits Th2 cells. Th1 cell IFN-gamma is the final step that inhibits B cell IgE class switching. This demonstrates a novel regulatory network through which CD8 T cells inhibit allergic sensitization.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that CD4(+) T cells require Ag persistence to achieve effective priming, whereas CD8(+) T cells are on "autopilot" after only a brief exposure. This finding presents a disturbing conundrum as it does not account for situations in which CD8(+) T cells require CD4(+) T cell help. We used a physiologic in vivo model to study the requirement of Ag persistence for the cross-priming of minor histocompatibility Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells. We report inefficient cross-priming in situations in which male cells are rapidly cleared. Strikingly, the failure to achieve robust CD8(+) T cell activation is not due to a problem with cross-presentation. In fact, by providing "extra help" in the form of dendritic cells (DCs) loaded with MHC class II peptide, it was possible to achieve robust activation of CD8(+) T cells. Our data suggest that the "licensing" of cross-presenting DCs does not occur during their initial encounter with CD4(+) T cells, thus accounting for the requirement for Ag persistence and suggesting that DCs make multiple interactions with CD8(+) T cells during the priming phase. These findings imply that long-lived Ag is critical for efficient vaccination protocols in which the CD8(+) T cell response is helper-dependent.  相似文献   

Although the CD154-CD40 T cell costimulation pathway has been shown to mediate alloimmune responses in normal recipients, little is known about its role in sensitized hosts. In this work, by using novel models of cardiac allograft rejection in skin-sensitized CD154- and CD40-deficient mice, we reaffirm the key role of CD154-CD40 signaling in host sensitization to alloantigen in vivo. First, we identified CD8(+) T cells as principal effectors in executing accelerated rejection in our model. Disruption of CD154-CD40 signaling in recipients at the T cell side (CD154-deficient) but not at the APC side (CD40-deficient) abrogated accelerated (<2 days) rejection and resulted in long-term (>100 days) graft survival. This suggests that the CD154-dependent mechanism in host CD8(+) T cell sensitization operates via the direct Ag presentation. Then, in comparative studies of alloimmune responses in CD154-deficient and wild-type recipients, we showed that, although alloreactive B cell responses were inhibited, alloreactive T cell responses were down-regulated selectively in the CD8(+) T cell compartment, leaving CD4(+) T cells largely unaffected. This unique alteration in host alloreactivity, seen not only in peripheral lymphocytes but also in allograft infiltrate, may represent the key mechanism by which disruption of CD154-CD40 signaling prevents sensitization to alloantigen in vivo and leads to long-term allograft survival.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of different TLRs and MyD88 in host resistance to infection and malaria pathogenesis. TLR2(-/-), TLR4(-/-), TLR6(-/-), TLR9(-/-) or CD14(-/-) mice showed no change in phenotypes (parasitemia, body weight and temperature) when infected with Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi (AS). MyD88(-/-) mice displayed comparable ability to wild type animals in controlling and clearing parasitemia. Importantly, MyD88(-/-) mice exhibited impaired production of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma as well as attenuated symptoms, as indicated by changes in body weight and temperature during parasitemia. Consistently, CD11b(+) monocytes and CD11c(+) dendritic cells from infected MyD88(-/-) mice were shown impaired for production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and in initiating CD4(+) T cell responses. Importantly, the inhibition of T cell activation with anti-CD134L, mostly inhibited IFN-gamma, partially inhibited TNF-alpha production, and protected the animals from malaria symptoms. Our findings suggest that MyD88 and possibly its associated TLRs expressed by dendritic cells play an important role in pro-inflammatory responses, T cell activation, and pathogenesis of malaria, but are not critical for the immunological control of the erythrocytic stage of P. chabaudi.  相似文献   

Although the adaptive immune system has a remarkable ability to mount rapid recall responses to previously encountered pathogens, the cellular and molecular signals necessary for memory CD8(+) T cell reactivation are poorly defined. IL-15 plays a critical role in memory CD8(+) T cell survival; however, whether IL-15 is also involved in memory CD8(+) T cell reactivation is presently unclear. Using artificial Ag-presenting surfaces prepared on cell-sized microspheres, we specifically addressed the role of IL-15 transpresentation on mouse CD8(+) T cell activation in the complete absence of additional stimulatory signals. In this study we demonstrate that transpresented IL-15 is significantly more effective than soluble IL-15 in augmenting anti-CD3epsilon-induced proliferation and effector molecule expression by CD8(+) T cells. Importantly, IL-15 transpresentation and TCR ligation by anti-CD3epsilon or peptide MHC complexes exhibited synergism in stimulating CD8(+) T cell responses. In agreement with previous studies, we found that transpresented IL-15 preferentially stimulated memory phenotype CD8(+) T cells; however, in pursuing this further, we found that central memory (T(CM)) and effector memory (T(EM)) CD8(+) T cells responded differentially to transpresented IL-15. T(CM) CD8(+) T cells undergo Ag-independent proliferation in response to transpresented IL-15 alone, whereas T(EM) CD8(+) T cells are relatively unresponsive to transpresented IL-15. Furthermore, upon Ag-specific stimulation, T(CM) CD8(+) T cell responses are enhanced by IL-15 transpresentation, whereas T(EM) CD8(+) T cell responses are only slightly affected, both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, our findings distinguish the role of IL-15 transpresentation in the stimulation of distinct memory CD8(+) T cell subsets, and they also have implications for ex vivo reactivation and expansion of Ag-experienced CD8(+) T cells for immunotherapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

IL-2 and IL-15 regulate CD154 expression on activated CD4 T cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The cellular and humoral immune system is critically dependent upon CD40-CD154 (CD40 ligand) interactions between CD40 expressed on B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, and CD154 expressed primarily on CD4 T cells. Previous studies have shown that CD154 is transiently expressed on CD4 T cells after T cell receptor engagement in vitro. However, we found that stimulation of PBLs with maximal CD28 costimulation, using beads coupled to Abs against CD3 and CD28, led to a very prolonged expression of CD154 on CD4 cells (>4 days) that was dependent upon autocrine IL-2 production. Previously activated CD4 T cells could respond to IL-2, or the related cytokine IL-15, by de novo CD154 production and expression without requiring an additional signal from CD3 and CD28. These results provide evidence that CD28 costimulation of CD4 T cells, through autocrine IL-2 production, maintains high levels of CD154 expression. This has significant impact on our understanding of the acquired immune response and may provide insight concerning the mechanisms underlying several immunological diseases.  相似文献   

Cognate interactions between T and B lymphocytes lead to the formation of the immunological synapse (IS) where bidirectional activation signals are exchanged. Although the molecular architecture and the function of the IS have been studied extensively on the T cell side, little is known about events occurring during synapse formation in Ag-presenting B cells. We investigated the impact of BCR and TLR signaling on human B cell activation and on the T and B cell side of the IS. On the T cell side, we observed that T cells polarized toward both naive and previously activated B cells. Nevertheless, when T cells interacted with different B cells simultaneously, T cells selectively polarized their secretory machinery toward preactivated B cells. Furthermore, both naive and preactivated B cells reoriented their microtubule-organizing center toward the synaptic T cell during cognate interactions. This phenomenon was rapid and not dependent on T cell secretory activity. Interestingly, not only the microtubule-organizing center but also the Golgi apparatus and Lamp-3(+) and MHC class II(+) vesicles all repositioned beneath the IS, suggesting that the entire endocytic/exocytic B cell compartment was reoriented toward the T cell. Taken together, our results show that the B cell activation status fine-tunes T cell polarization responses and reveal the capacity of naive and activated B cells to polarize toward T cells during cognate interactions.  相似文献   

Mouse splenic dendritic cells (DCs) produce IFN-gamma in response to IL-12. In the present study, we analyzed effects of Th1 and Th2 cytokines on IFN-gamma production by DCs. IL-18 produced by DCs and macrophages acts in an autocrine manner and augments IL-12-induced IFN-gamma production by DCs as also observed in T and NK cells. Surprisingly, IL-4, a Th2 cytokine, also acts synergistically with IL-12 on IFN-gamma production by DCs. In addition, IL-4 markedly enhances IFN-gamma production when DCs are stimulated through CD40 or MHC class II. These results indicate that both Th1 and Th2 cytokines act on DCs during T cell-DC interaction upon Ag presentation. p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is constitutively activated in mature DCs and is required for IFN-gamma production by DCs. IL-18 but not IL-4 or IL-12 further activates the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activity, suggesting that IL-4 and IL-18 enhance IFN-gamma production through distinct intracellular signal transduction pathways in DCs.  相似文献   

Primary murine Th1 and Th2 cells differ in the organization of the immunological synapse, with Th1 cells, but not Th2 cells, clustering signaling molecules at the T cell/B cell synapse site. We sought to determine whether differential costimulatory signals could account for the differences observed. We found that Th2 cells express higher levels of CTLA-4 than Th1 cells, and demonstrated that Th2 cells lacking CTLA-4 are now able to cluster the TCR with the same frequency as Th1 cells. Furthermore, reconstitution of CTLA-4 into CTLA-4-deficient Th2 cells, or into Th1 cells, inhibits the clustering of the TCR. We have also shown that Th2 cells, but not Th1 cells, show variations in the organization of the immunological synapse depending on levels of expression of CD80/CD86 on the APC. These studies demonstrate a unique role for CTLA-4 as a critical regulator of Th2 cells and the immunological synapse.  相似文献   

The most effective immunological adjuvants contain microbial products, such as TLR agonists, which bind to conserved pathogen recognition receptors. These activate dendritic cells (DCs) to become highly effective APCs. We assessed whether TLR ligand-treated DCs can enhance the otherwise defective response of aged naive CD4 T cells. In vivo administration of CpG, polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid, and Pam(3)CSK(4) in combination with Ag resulted in the increased expression of costimulatory molecules and MHC class II by DCs, increased serum levels of the inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and RANTES, and increased cognate CD4 T cell responses in young and aged mice. We show that, in vitro, preactivation of DCs by TLR ligands makes them more efficient APCs for aged naive CD4 T cells. After T-DC interaction, there are enhanced production of inflammatory cytokines, particularly IL-6, and greater expansion of the aged T cells, resulting from increased proliferation and greater effector survival with increased levels of Bcl-2. TLR preactivation of both bone marrow-derived and ex vivo DCs improved responses. IL-6 produced by the activated DCs during cognate T cell interaction was necessary for enhanced aged CD4 T cell expansion and survival. These studies suggest that some age-associated immune defects may be overcome by targeted activation of APCs by TLR ligands.  相似文献   

IL-10 is an important immunoregulatory cytokine that plays a central role in maintaining a balance between protective immunity against infection and limiting proinflammatory responses to self or cross-reactive Ags. We examined the full effects of IL-10 deficiency on the establishment and quality of T cell memory using murine listeriosis as a model system. IL-10(-/-) mice had reduced bacterial loads and a shorter duration of primary infection than did wild-type mice. However, the number of Ag-specific T cells in secondary lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs was diminished in IL-10(-/-) mice, compared with wild-type mice, at the peak of the effector response. Moreover, the frequency and protective capacity of memory T cells also were reduced in IL-10(-/-) mice when assessed up to 100 days postinfection. Remarkably, this effect was more pronounced for CD8 T cells than CD4 T cells. To address whether differences in the number of bacteria and duration of primary infection could explain these findings, both strains of mice were treated with ampicillin 24 hours after primary infection. Despite there being more comparable bacterial loads during primary infection, IL-10(-/-) mice still generated fewer memory CD8 T cells and were less protected against secondary infection than were wild-type mice. Finally, the adoptive transfer of purified CD8 T cells from previously infected wild-type mice into naive recipients conferred better protection than the transfer of CD8 T cells from immune IL-10(-/-) mice. Overall, these data show that IL-10 plays an unexpected role in promoting and/or sustaining CD8 T cell memory following Listeria monocytogenes infection.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of IL-18 on the development of CD8+ effector T cells in DBA/2 anti-BDF1 whole spleen cell MLC and compared the results with those of IL-12. Addition of IL-18 to the MLC resulted in a twofold increase in CD8/CD4 ratios compared with the control cultures when cells were expanded in IL-2-containing medium following MLC. Purified CD8+ T cells recovered from the IL-18-stimulated MLC produced 20- to 30-fold more IFN-gamma after secondary stimulation with C57BL/6 spleen cells or anti-CD3 mAb, and exhibited strong allospecific CTL activity. Neither IL-18 nor IL-18-supplemented culture supernatants from DBA/2 anti-BDF1 MLC induced type I CD8+ effector T cells when purified CD8+ T cells were used as responder cells in primary MLC. Furthermore, CD4+ T cell depletion from the responder cells abrogated the IL-18-induced increase in secondary IFN-gamma production by CD8+ T cells, suggesting that IL-18-induced type I effector CD8+ T cell development was CD4+ T cell dependent. In marked contrast, adding IL-12 to primary MLC decreased CD8/CD4 ratios by 50% and suppressed secondary IFN-gamma production and CTL activity by CD8+ T cells regardless of concentration, whereas Th1 development was promoted by IL-12. Moreover, both IL-12 and IL-18 efficiently induced type I CD8+ effector T cells in C57BL/6 anti-BDF1 MLC. These findings show that IL-18 plays an important role in the generation of type I CD8+ effector T cells, and further suggest that functional maturation of CD8+ T cells is differentially regulated by IL-18 and IL-12.  相似文献   

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